How to disable scrolling in coordinator layout based on screen size? - android-collapsingtoolbarlayout

I am composing the screen with coordinarot layout and CollapsingToolbarLayout. I want it to scroll only when the container doesn't fill the view.
I want to use the scroll function only when the container doesn't fill the view. However, even when the container fills the view, it scrolls and there is a blank space at the bottom.
No matter how much I searched, I couldn't find a solution


How to animate resize/reposition of a Flutter Column when a child is added with a ScaleTransition

I'm implementing a login screen. It has a centred Column containing a TextField for entering an email address and a number of buttons for social sign-in. When a button is pressed, the Column is rebuilt with a CircularProgressIndicator (spinner) added at the bottom. I've wrapped the spinner in a custom widget that manages a ScaleTransition animation. That works OK, but the Column grows and shifts up to accommodate the final full size of the spinner immediately instead of moving smoothly with the animation.
I also wrapped the Column in an AnimatedSize widget using the same curve and duration as the ScaleTransition, but it hasn't helped. The root of the tree is a Consumer of the state that triggers the addition of the spinner so the animations should both be starting together. Maybe the the spinner needs to be permanent for this to work, but it doesn't seem desirable because its API doesn't provide a way to pause the animation. It would presumably constantly use some power to animate itself even when it isn't visible. I'm fussy about that sort of thing.
It looks like I might have to use an AnimatedList, but it doesn't seem semantically correct because the contents aren't really a list. So is there a more generic way to animate the size (and position) of parent widgets like Column and Center to track an animated size change of their children?

Flutter: Scrollable content to go underneath a blurred widget

I'm trying to build a screen where there is a fixed widget at the top of the screen and another widget which is fixed to the bottom of the screen and in between is a scrollable widget.
I want to have the content inside the scrollable widget scroll underneath the two fixed widgets (both with a transparent blur), to indicate that there is more content underneath.
Here is an image of what I am trying to do.
I am currently using a Stack for this, however I am having to manually adjust the padding in the SingleChildScrollView to offset for the top and bottom widgets, but I would like to have this be much more flexible and have the widgets be any size and not have to update the padding.
I've found other examples where the bottom widget is part of the scrollable content but that isn't quite what I am looking for.
Does anyone know of a way to do this, without having to manually provide the padding?

kentico widget config button unclickable

Is there any way to make a widget's config and move buttons be placed at the top of the widget itself.
As it is one has to hover over a widget in order to see which one of the items in the widget zone it belongs to. This is impossible though when the content of the widget is not in the same screen space (I had to zoom out in the browser in order to get the below screenshot) unless you zoom out and then zoom back in.
In this image, there are 3 seperate widgets (red, white and green respectively) in a single widget zone.
Also, when the mouse leaves the widget the widget config/move buttons are no longer visible.
One solution is to right-click on the widget and then scroll up to the config wheel but this is not something I want to tell my editors they have to do.
Has anyone else come across this problem and if so, how did they solve it?
This can happen when you have CSS conflicts. You can use Chrome Inspector, Firebug, or IE developer tool to investigate and see if anthing is 'overlapping' those buttons (often a floating div is overlapping the buttons and intercepting the 'click')
Then once you figure out a css class to make it work, just add it to your style sheet with ".EditMode " before it, this is a special class that is on the body when in page editor.
.EditMode .MyFloatingDivThatsCoveringTheWidgets {
z-index: 0;

Holding an item steady against scrolling in scroll viewer in windows store app

I want to hold a section label stable at the top of a ScrollViewer in a windows store app, while that section has not scrolled off. For example, the windows weather app does this with the section labels in the top left as you scroll to the right.
Currently the control I want to hold stable is nested inside a ScrollViewer control. I have an intermediate solution that holds it mostly steady by updating the control's render offset in response to the ViewChanged event. However, there's still some very obvious stuttering as I scroll. I've also considered "pretending" the control is in the scroll viewer, when it is actually outside of it, but this would break a lot of encapsulation.
How do I hold a section label perfectly still as the control it is logically inside of is scrolled over?
If you put the ScrollViewer and your Label into a Grid you can keep the label in the same position:

ScrollView as subview does not respect frame boundaries

I have a UIScrollView (managed by a view controller) which I am using both full screen and as a subview. The full screen version works fine - the subview does not.
The subview is positioned so that it takes up about the bottom half of the screen, with a small - 20 pixels or so - margin at the bottom.
Initially it displays in the correct position but overwrites the bottom margin - even though the scrollview's frame is set to leave the margin.
When I scroll the view up by dragging it, the whole view moves upwards and obscures the top of the window. The frame stops moving when it hits the navigation bar at the top and starts scrolling like a normal scrollview. If I scroll it enough it eventually reveals the margin at the bottom of the screen.
I am at a loss to know what to do - I've tried every spring combination I can think of. I'm now looking at subview clipping.
Images below. The first shows the scrollview on initial page load, positioned correctly aside from lower margin overwrite. The scroll view has a white background.
The second image shows it scrolled up toward the top:
The third image shows it scrolled all the way up to the top - note that the lower margin has become visible.
I'm not 100% sure on this one, but worthy the shot: my guess is you're likely not setting the Bounds property correctly on your table.
To solve this issue, the easiest way would be to set myscrollview.clipsToBounds = true.
Something is definitely wrong here. I think what happens is that you are adding the same instance of scrollview as a subview on itself. So basically what you are left with, is one instance alone. Anything you add to the "subview", is basically added on the superview, since it is the same object.
For example, this is what I think you are doing in the view controller:
private UIScrollView myScrollView;
public override void ViewDidLoad()
this.myScrollView = new UIScrollView();
this.View = this.myScrollView;
this.View.AddSubview(this.mySrcollView); // same instance
this.myScrollView.AddSubview(aUIButton); // "aUIButton" will be added in View also, since it is the same object
If this is the case, it is wrong. I suggest not changing the controller's view at all. If you want to have a controller that has a fullscreen UIScrollView, just create it and add it as a subview, making sure the AutoSizesSubviews property to true.
That's my understanding at least.
