Rate limit a pubsub queue worker - node.js

There is a scenario where a google pubsub worker will call a 3rd party API. This 3rd party API has limit of 500 requests per minute.
How can we handle this scenario.
Rate limit the google pub-sub worker.(If its possible how we can achieve it?)
Any other way available to check the limit before making the call to 3rd party API?
Please share if there is another option. Thanks

Cloud task is the tool designed for that. Instead of publishing your messages in a PubSub topic, create a task in a Cloud Task queue with the target URL.
On the task queue configuration, define the rate limit and, out of the box, your feature is done.

The simplest solution should be using the api-gateway, configure push notifications from the subscription to your limited api-gateway: https://cloud.google.com/api-gateway/docs/quotas-overview
When you reach the threshold, the messages will fail and get back to the queue. Be sure to configure several monitoring alerts to your pubsub unack message count and a DeadLetterQueue to avoid losing information.
Another solution might be a custom implementation in AppEngine, pulling messages with one instance of your subscriber App and keeping in memory the number of requests per date, not very resilient though. For a more resilient option consider using redis memorystore to keep the requests rate distributed between several instances, then you can use something like Cloud Functions.


Azure Durable Functions as Message Queue

I have a serverless function that receives orders, about ~30 per day. This function is depending on a third-party API to perform some additional lookups and checks. However, this external endpoint isn't 100% reliable and I need to be able to store order requests if the other API isn't available for a couple of hours (or more..).
My initial thought was to split the function into two, the first part would receive orders, do some initial checks such as validating the order, then post the request into a message queue or pub/sub system. On the other side, there's a consumer that reads orders and tries to perform the API requests, if the API isn't available the orders get posted back into the queue.
However, someone suggested to me to simply use an Azure Durable Function for the requests, and store the current backlog in the function state, using the Aggregator Pattern (especially since the API will be working find 99.99..% of the time). This would make the architecture a lot simpler.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using one over the other, am I missing any important considerations?
I would appreciate any insight or other suggestions you have. Let me know if additional information is needed.
You could solve this problem with Durable Task Framework or Azure Storage or Service Bus Queues, but at your transaction volume, I think that's overcomplicating the solution.
If you're dealing with ~30 orders per day, consider one of the simpler solutions:
Use Polly, a well-supported resilience and fault-tolerance framework.
Write request information to your database. Have an Azure Function Timer Trigger read occasionally and finish processing orders that aren't marked as complete.
Durable Task Framework is great when you get into serious volume. But there's a non-trivial learning curve for the framework.

Throttling requests to third-party APIs when using cloud functions

We're running our Node backend on Firebase Functions, and have to frequently hit a third-party API (HubSpot), which is rate-limited to 100 requests / 10 seconds.
We're making these requests to HubSpot from our cloud functions, and often find ourselves exceeding HubSpot's rate-limit during campaigns or other website usage spikes. Also, since they are all write requests to update data on HubSpot, these requests cannot be made out of order.
Is there a way to throttle our requests to HubSpot, so as to not exceed their rate limit? Open to suggestions that may not necessarily involve cloud functions, although that would be preferred.
Note: When I say "throttle", I mean that all requests to HubSpot need to go through. I'm trying to achieve something similar to what Lodash's throttle method does, if that makes sense.
What we usually do in this case is store the data into a database, and then pass it over to HubSpot in a tempered way (e.g. without exceeding their rate limit) using a cron that runs every minute. For every data item that we pass to HubSpot successfully, we mark it as "success" in the database.
Cloud Functions can not be rate limited. It will always attempt to service requests and events as fast as they arrive. But you can use Cloud Tasks to create an task queue to spread out the load of some work over time using a configured rate limit. A task queue can target another HTTP function. This effectively makes your processing asynchronous, but is really the only mechanism that Google Cloud gives you to smooth out load.

Architecture issue - Azure servicebus and message order guarantee

Ok so i'm relatively new to the servicebus. Working on a project where we use Azure servicebus for queueing messages. Our architecture roughly looks like the following:
So the idea is that in our SourceSystem all kinds of stuff happens, which leads to messages being put on the servicebustopics. Now our responsibility is syncing these events to the external client so they are aware of what we are doing.
Now the issue is that currently we dont use servicebus sessions so message order isnt guaranteed. Also consider the following scenario:
OrderUpdate 1
OrderUpdate 2
What happens now is if the externalclients API is down for say OrderUpdate 1 and OrderUpdate 2, we could potentially send the messages in order: OrderCreated, OrderClosed, OrderUpdate 1, OrderUpdate 2.
Currently we just retry a message a few times and then it moves into the deadletter queue for manual reprocessing.
What steps should we take to better guarantee message order? I feel like in the scope of an order, message order needs to be guaranteed.
Should we force the sourcesystem to put all messages for a order in a servicebus session? But how can we handle this with multiple topics? And what do we do if message 1 from a session ends up in the deadletter?
There are a lot of considerations here, should we use a single topic so its easier to manage the sessions? But this opens up other problems with different message structures being in a single topic?
Id love to hear your opinions on this
Have a look at Durable Functions in Azure. You can use the 'Async Http API' or one of the other patterns to achieve the orchestration you need to do.
NServicebus' Sagas might also be a good option, here is an article that does a very good comparison between NServicebus and Durable Functions.
If the external client has to receive all those events and order matters, sending those messages to multiple topics where a topic is per message type will make your mission extremely hard to accomplish. For ordered messaging first you need to use a single entity (queue or topic) with Sessions enabled. That way you can guarantee ordered message processing. In case you have multiple external clients, you'd need to have a session-enabled entity (topic) per external client.
Another option is to implement a pattern known as Process Manager. The process manager would be responsible to make the decisions about the incoming messages and conclude when the work for a given order is completed or not.
There are also libraries (MassTransit, NServiceBus, etc) that can help you. NServiceBus implements Process Manager via a feature called Saga (tutorial) and MassTransit has it as well (documentation).

Backoff Strategy after hitting rate limits

When you hit the rate limits on getstream, the APIs start responding with errors.
What is the recommended approach as a backoff strategy to handle those failures and start recovery after that. I thought about logging them all and send all of them again after a minute or hour.
But what if user created a post (failed to be created on getstream, waiting for a backoff) and meanwhile user deletes it. The backoff script will send the post to getstream even if user deleted it.
What is recommended by getstream or anyone handled the situation like that?
As you point out, API rate-limit errors are typically handled with (exponential) backoff solutions.
This often involves additional application logic (flow control and queues) and special purpose data services / storage (message queues, async workers etc). This can add quite some complexity to an application.
When it comes to the Stream service, being rate-limited is usually an indication of either a flaw/deficiency in the implementation (much like a performance bug) or that the application has reached a scale that is beyond that the current plan is intended to support.
It'd be wise to contact Stream support directly about this.

NodeJS with Redis message queue - How to set multiple consumers (threads)

I have a nodejs project that is exposing a simple rest api for an external web application. This webhook must cope with a large number of requests per second as well as return 200 OK very quickly to the caller. In order for that to happen I investigate a redis simple queue to be enqueued with each request's to be handled asynchronously later on (via a consumer thread).
The redis simple queue seems like an easy way to achieve this task (https://github.com/smrchy/rsmq)
1) Is rsmq.receiveMessage() { ....... } a blocking method? if this handler is slow - will it impact my server's performance?
2) If the answer to question 1 is true - Is it recommended to extract the consumption of the messages to an external micro service? (a dedicated consumer)? what are the best practices to create multi threaded consumers on such environment?
You can use pubsub feature provided by redis https://redis.io/topics/pubsub
You can publish to various channels without any knowledge of subscribers . Subscribers can subscribe to the channels they wish.
1) No, it won't block the event loop, however you will only start processing a second message once you call the "next" method, i.e., you will process one message at a time. To overcome this, you can start multiple workers in parallel. Take a look here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45984677/7201847
2) That's an architectural decision that depends on the load you have to support and the hardware capacity you have. I would recommend at least two Node.js processes, one for adding the messages to the queue and another one to actually processing them, with the option to start additional worker processes if needed, depending on the results of your performance tests.
