How can get the training data as text (or list of texts) from PyTorch Dataset(<>) Object ? Or more specifically from torchtext squad 1 or 2 the Q&a version
I keep getting error like torchdata not defined even thought I installed and imported it thanks in advance!
!pip install torchtext
!pip install torchdata
Import torchdata
Import torchtext
Tried to follow this line of code from this link to create a sentence segmenter. Encountered the following error:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'seg'.
Spacy already installed. Didn't find any information about which module should be used for this 'seg'. Anyone could help? thanks.
from seg.newline.segmenter import NewLineSegmenter
import spacy
nlseg = NewLineSegmenter()
nlp = spacy.load('en')
nlp.add_pipe(nlseg.set_sent_starts, name='sentence_segmenter', before='parser')
doc = nlp(my_doc_text)
Sentence Segmenter is a third-party module that is different from your spaCy installation. You need to install it separately:
pip install spacyss
You can find more information in the project's Github page.
Try to install the module using pip or pip3: pip3 install segmentation
I am trying to use the package ktrain's text function
However, when I try to use it I get the error that
TransformerSummarizer() requires PyTorch to be installed.
I installed PyTorch using different variations of conda and pip, as well as the command given on the pytorch website. After it installs and I try to use it I get:
from ktrain import text
import torch
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration
ts = text.TransformerSummarizer()
ImportError: cannot import name 'BartForConditionalGeneration' from 'transformers' (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\transformers\
Any suggestions of how to fix this? Thank you!
I'm trying to work through a tutorial on CycleGANs using the Colab platform but I'm struggling to find a way through the 'simple' part of just importing libraries.
I'm just trying to import the following:
from fastai.conv_learner import *
from fastai.dataset import *
from cgan.options.train_options import *
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from cgan.options.train_options import TrainOptions
from import CreateDataLoader
from cgan.models.models import create_model
from cgan.util.visualizer import Visualizer
from google_images_download import google_images_download
I'm currently stuck with an error on the first line:
----> 7 class IntermediateLayerGetter(nn.ModuleDict):
8 """
9 Module wrapper that returns intermediate layers from a model
AttributeError: module 'torch.nn' has no attribute 'ModuleDict'
The code can be found online:
Did you check this issue it sorts partially the problem.
Afterthat I received and this error (Detected that PyTorch and torchvision were compiled with different CUDA versions. PyTorch has CUDA Version=9.0 and torchvision has CUDA Version=10.0. Please reinstall the torchvision that matches your PyTorch install.) and solve it with
pip install torch==1.0.1 -f
I hope it helps :)
When i try to import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex, it's giving me the following error:
>> from gensim.models import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
ImportError: cannot import name 'WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
The same issue occurs for SparseTermSimilarityMatrix function:
>> from gensim.similarities import SparseTermSimilarityMatrix
ImportError: cannot import name 'SparseTermSimilarityMatrix
Note: I have installed and imported gensim, gensim.models and gensim.similarities. But still it's giving me the ImportError while importing the above mentioned functions.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong, please?
Fix is change "models" to "similarities"
from gensim.similarities import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
it works in gensim 4.0.1
Try to check the version of gensim that you are using. Usually, the older versions of gensim cause this issue.
from gensim.models import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
if the gensim version is 3.6.x or older update it to 3.7.x or latest version by running the below command. Once you update gensim version should get rid of this issue.
pip install --upgrade gensim
I'm relatively new to python, so please excuse my ignorance on what could be a very easy fix. I am running python 3.6 through the Rodeo IDE, and it has been great, as it is similar to R-Studio (which I am very familiar with). As an aspiring data scientist, I am trying to learn how to fit regression and time series models to data, and all of the tutorials that I have found all say that I need various packages, all of which should be included in the Anaconda library. After downloading and re-downloading Python, Rodeo, and Anaconda, and trying various online fixes, I have been unable to successfully load the scikit-learn and the statsmodels modules.
#here is everything I have tried.
#using pip
! pip install 'statsmodels'
! pip install 'scikit-learn'
! pip install 'sklearn'
I don't get any errors here, and to be honest I'm kind of confused as to what this actually does, but I have seen many people online always suggest that this is a big problem when trying to import modules.
#using import
import sklearn
import statsmodels
from sklearn import datasets
import statsmodels.api as sm
all of the above give me the same error:
import statsmodels.api as sm
ImportError: No module named 'statsmodels'
ImportError: Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-184-6030a6549dc0 in module()
----> 1 import statsmodels.api as sm
ImportError: No module named 'statsmodels'
I have tried to set my working directory to the Anaconda 3 file that has all of the packages and rerunning the above code with no success.
I'm thinking that the most likely problem has to do with my inexperience, and it is probably a simple fix. Is it possible that the IDE is bad or anaconda just doesn't like me?
So keeping all of the above in mind, the question is, how can I import these modules successfully so that I can access their functionality?
Option 1:
After installing packages with pip, try closing and reopening your IDE/Jupyter Notebook and try again.
This is a known bug that Jake VanderPlas outlined here
Option 2:
Don't put quotations around your pip messages.
!pip install -U statsmodels
!pip install scikit-learn
Option 3:
Also are you using Anaconda? If you are, you should already have scikit-learn. If you are trying inside Rodeo, I think you need to set your path inside Rodeo. Open Rodeo and set the Python Path to your fresh anaconda. See here