How to remove JupyterLab interface in cells? - jupyter-lab

Whenever I try to open my .ipynb file, the loading is delayed for a few seconds.
I thought it was happened because of loading interfaces, like these buttons in each cell. (These buttons appear right top side when a specific cell is clicked.)
I don't know how to remove this interface.
I tried to modify Advanced Settings Editor in Settings tab.


Glade GtkFileChooserDialog is selecting both folders and files

I'm using Glade and GTK3 to build my Python 3 UI, and am using a GtkFileChooserDialog to select a file. But this dialog, even though my Action is set to Open, is allowing me to select folders as well. If I double-click on a folder, it opens it and allows me to search further for my file. But if I have a folder selected and type Enter or click the OK button, it returns that folder name. I want it to ONLY be able to return a file with a particular extension.
I see other posts where they have a hard time allowing selection of either a file or a folder, and most solutions talk about adding another button. But here I'm getting that behavior but don't want it.
Before I transferred my program over to a Glade interface I got the desired behavior. So is there some setting in Glade that I need to tweak to NOT return folders from my chooser? I can't seem to find it.

Preference - How to prevent duplicate tabs from being opened?

I like to work in multiple columns when working on a project.
I will often switch back and forth between the columns and open other files using cmd+p.
If one column has the file open already then it will just refocus on that tab (good!). However, if I am in a column where the file isn't opened, instead of switching focus to that column, it will open a new tab and clutter my workspace(bad!).
Is there a setting I can change so I can achieve the desired behavior I described above? Chrome has an extension that can do this
There's a plugin for Sublime text 3 for this as well, it's called Open in relevant window and it works just like you just described.
Installation is simple and just like any other ST3 plugin, through package control.
Hope this helps!

Sublime Text 3: do not close tabs automatically

I am navigating the code of a big JavaScript library using Sublime Text 3. So I need to open a lot of tabs and switch between them to capture the code co-reference. However, Sublime closes 'unused' tabs automatically for me.
How to disable it? I googled but cannot find a solution. I find a shortcut ctrl+shift+t to restore the most recent closed file, but that is not enough. I need to disable the automatic closing, and that would be better if someone shows me the short key to "display and select a file from all open files". Thanks.
When you single-click on a file in the sidebar, Sublime displays it in a "temp" view that is overwritten the next time you single-click on a file. To open a file in a "permanent" tab that stays open even when other files are opened, you simply need to double-click on the file in the sidebar.
A more direct solution that I find mildly preferable, at least until I can retrain myself to double-click when I want a tab to stay open:
In the Settings, set preview_on_click to false.
This is not quite what I want since it all it does is disable the behavior to open a preview tab on single click -- thereby forcing the user to always double click. But perhaps by working this way for a week or so I will be able to retrain my ingrained assumptions and can go back to the default behavior.
Double click that file on left sidebar you do not want to close automatically.

Any way to remove X button from chrome tabs?

Is there any way to modify chrome tabs to remove the button that closes the tab?
I've read through chrome develope tab. but I don't see any mention of the close button.
Not possible at the moment without forking the whole chromium project. See bug report #50913 (Status: WontFix).
Possible workarounds:
If you right click on a tab you can Pin Tab. This will remove the close button but you can still close it with ctrl+w. Unfortunately, this will also remove the window title.
The close button is removed if the width of the tab gets very small.
Have a look at the same question on SuperUser: How to disable the close (X) button on Google Chrome tabs?.
Maybe you like to look at the source code of Chromium and fix this? I think you have to start here:
Edit: The fix below only worked between Chrome version 69 and 71.
It IS possible now for inactive tabs!
I have had lots of problems while trying to switch tab while having 10-15 of them opened, accidentally closing some important tab with lots of text typed which isn't recovered by Ctrl+Shift+T
Here how to do that:
1) Open the Google Chrome browser and type the following text into the address bar:
This will open the flags page directly with the relevant setting.
2) Set the option named Close buttons on inactive tabs. Set it to Disabled using the drop down list next to the flag's name.
3) Restart Google Chrome by closing it manually or you can also use the Relaunch button which will appear at the very bottom of the page.
4) The close buttons will disappear from inactive tabs.
That's it!
Source -
There are now Chromium-based alternative browsers which offer this - I really like Vivaldi, where not showing the X button is just one of many customization options. Also, because it is Chromium based you can install and use any Chrome extensions. It is perfect if you have many tabs open and need more of the power-user type options.

Notepad++ tab color

Is there a way to change the color of a tab (in the tab bar) according to the path of the file?
I tried with the PythonScript plugin, but couldn't find a method to change the color of a tab.
I need this because I edit scripts from two environments at the same time, from a LIVE environment, and from a development environment, and I need to be extra careful when editing a LIVE file.
I was looking for a programmatic way to change the color of the tabs, and reviewed the online documentation of Notepad++ but did not find anything about it. So, instead, I propose the following method for your case, it could be helpful to always know which of your files are from the development environment and which from the live environment:
Open a blank instance of Notepad++:
Now start a macro recording: Press Start Recording button on Notepad++ toolbar:
Open a new document
Now you'll have two open blank tabs.
Right click newly open tab and click in option Move to other view from contextual menu
You'll have a window splitted vertically and your two tabs will be displayed next to each other. You'll use these two tabs as separated "containers" for your files
Press Stop Recording button:
Save your just recorded macro:
assign a keyboard shortcut:
Now you can run that recorded macro (from Macro menu, or invoking keyboard shortcut you assigned), every time you want to work on your two environments.
(Optional) Right click vertical separator between "containers" and click Rotate to right
Now your "containers" will be split horizontally and will be displayed one above the other. Personally, I'd recommend you this layout.
Click on the tab at first "container" and from there, open all your "dev" environment files; and analogously open all your "live" environment files from second "container". Note that currently selected container has a more intensely coloured active tab.
If you notice that your working space is small, drag the separator to increase your current "container" size, but I recommend you not to take it completely towards the end, because it will make difficult to differentiate which of the two "containers" you are working on.
Note: If you, mistakenly opened a file of an environment from the wrong "container" you'll always be able to fix that by dragging the tab and dropping it to the other "container":
So you'll always keep control of what files must be on each container.
That's it. I hope this info will be helpful for you.
About changing the color of the tab (not folder specific).
Notepad++ has a file called stylers.xml, located in the roaming folder or in the program folder. It also depends in the installation & windows version. If it does not exists then it is self generated.
At the very end of the file, it says
<WidgetStyle name="Inactive tabs" styleID="0" fgColor="xxxxx" bgColor="xxxxxx" />
And here it is possible to change the color of the inactive tab.
However, it does not work, it is a bug that has been "fixed" countless of times in the past. To the date, the current version 6.2.3 UNICODE, changing the values does nothing.
So far, editing the stylers.xml:
6.2.3 = does nothing
design guideline, gray + gray = not good.
6.2.0 = does nothing
6.1.8 = works.
Nice contrast
6.1 = works.
5.9.8 = works.
5.7 = edit works.
ps: sadly,it is not possible to change the fonts of the tabs.
Wanted to add this as a comment, the button's not there.
You can solve your actual problem by using multiple instances of notepad++, refer this. You can save different sessions and optionally use the "Open File In Solution (OFIS)" plug-in.
I've if you've picked a different Style like 'Black Board', then you will have to change these setting in it's .XML in '/themes', and these setting are found at the bottom of the file.
