Glade GtkFileChooserDialog is selecting both folders and files - python-3.x

I'm using Glade and GTK3 to build my Python 3 UI, and am using a GtkFileChooserDialog to select a file. But this dialog, even though my Action is set to Open, is allowing me to select folders as well. If I double-click on a folder, it opens it and allows me to search further for my file. But if I have a folder selected and type Enter or click the OK button, it returns that folder name. I want it to ONLY be able to return a file with a particular extension.
I see other posts where they have a hard time allowing selection of either a file or a folder, and most solutions talk about adding another button. But here I'm getting that behavior but don't want it.
Before I transferred my program over to a Glade interface I got the desired behavior. So is there some setting in Glade that I need to tweak to NOT return folders from my chooser? I can't seem to find it.


What do I do to make Sublime text stop ignoring filenames that start with a dot

I am using Sublime Text editor and I need to change the settings for Sublime 3 to open files that start with a dot like .gitignore. Please let me know where in the settings I need to make the change. I am using Windows OS fyi.
This isn't a Sublime-specific option, but an operating system one, as the OS determines what is displayed in file dialogs as well as the file system explorer. To set the option on Windows, first open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder containing the dotfile you want to view. Then, in the View tab, click the Options button on the far right, then select Change folder and search options.
You can also find Options under the File menu.
The Options window will now pop up. Select the View tab, then select the option Show hidden files, folders, and drives. Next, click on the Apply to Folders button at the top.
Similar options are also available on macOS and Linux.

Sublime or Atom- Open all files within a certain folder via sidebar

Sometimes I'm looking for a specific piece of code and I know it's in a certain folder but I forget which file I placed it in. It would be nice if I could move my cursor to the sidebar and right click on a folder to open all of the files that reside inside it. Is there a package/option for this?
You can use the goto anything feature in sublime with out needing to search folder by folder.
If the folder is with in your project you can press F12 and type the class name or search for a word that may be on the file and it will show you possible files to go to.
Hope this helps.

coded ui tests : How to set folder path needed in an explorer browser for folder?

I'm writting Coded UI tests for a desktop WPF application.
One of the inevitable steps of the scenarios is to select a folder with a windows folderbrowserdialog.
When I record this step with the automatic recorder, it appears that the engine create as many TreeItems as there are levels in the folder full path to be able to select the last TreeItem (which is the folder needed) and then click on OK button to let the application get the path of the selected folder.
I was wondering if there was an easier way or more elegant way to do this, like setting the full path in one go on any propertie of the browser window control?
When I met standard windows dialog such as 'Open File', 'Save File' etc I usualy typed full path of desired location in 'File Name' textfield and then clicked OK. Fast and simple.

old file name stuck at the top of sublimetext

Very strange issue here, it's not causing problems but is aesthetically annoying. I had the kindle plugged into my windows machine as to edit the kindle's files. One of the kindle file names is now listed after the name of the python program I'm working on in sublime text. To paint a picture, above the menu drop downs in sublime text, there is the path to the document (IE python program) I'm working on, followed by the random file from the kindle.
The kindle file is no longer on my computer and never had anything to do with sublime text. I've tried restarting the computer and reinstalling sublime text, neither worked. Any ideas what might be going on??? Thanks!
The sublime text window caption shows you the name of the currently open file, followed by the name of the current project in parentheses (if you have a project open at all), followed by the name of the program.
Based on the screenshot in your image:
You currently have the file open and it is stored in a folder on your desktop named machine learning\python programs\test\newyorktest\
The name of the Sublime project file is Casting the Circle_A Woman's Book of Ritual_B009FKTQD8_sample.sdr.sublime-project (the caption doesn't show the sublime-project part because that's redundant).
I would imagine that when you set up the project you accidentally chose that name as the name of the project file.
In order to fix your problem, select Project > Save Project As... from the menu and enter a different name for it. The location that you save the file in doesn't matter (it can be inside the folder of your project or in some other location), all that is important is that it has the extension .sublime-project.
Once you pick the new name, Sublime will immediately swap to using the new project file instead of the old one, which will keep your current set of open files, etc, and the caption will change.
You can then seek out and delete the other project file if you want.

Sublime Text: delete file in group?

I'm looking for a way to delete from the system (not just remove from the opened session) a given file, within Sublime 3 (3103).
The file in question is opened in Sublime, and shows in the sidebar in a Group.
I've installed the Sidebar Enhancements but this only adds the option, in the context menu, to delete a file that is opened within a Folder.
For files in Groups, right clicking on its name in the sidebar only shows the options: Close, Close Others, Close Others Below, New File, Open File.
Is there some way of performing this rather simple task that I might be missing?
It gives you the ability to delete files from tab right-click menus.
