Every time my website loads I want it to first clear the local cache. How in HTML? - cache-control

I have my two name logos coming in from the right using marquee and stopping exactly where I want (within the and ). When pressing Ctrl + F5 it works perfectly. When pressing F5 only, the images scroll off the to the left. I know Ctrl + F5 clears the local cache, and F5 does not. How can I clear the cache every time the page is loaded or reloaded? Go to https://beiswenger.com/beiswengerassociates and try it for yourself. I need to resolve what should be a simple problem quickly.
I have tried:
With no luck. I have even tried sending the page to a default asp and then back. JBeiswenger


Black Screen with cursor before log in

I have tried all the possible solutions to solve it given in the internet. But my problem does not solved.
So I want to reset my pc. If so is my pc get back to normal state. Previously I have resetted my pc for another problem. Is my resetting option works again. My friends said that reset options works only once...
Can anybody suggest me what to do??
The issue here seems to be that Windows thinks you have a new monitor that does not exist.
The most common solution that seems to have worked for many people (did not actually work for me, but worth a try): Wait long enough so the mouse cursor to appear when you move the mouse. (blank screen with a white mouse cursor) Then press the Ctrl and enter your login password. Wait until login competed then press Win+P keys, down arrow keys twice, and enter to extend display. (this spans your monitors onto one display)
The solution that worked for me was to unplug all monitors, reboot (hard reset, holding down power button), then plug in just one monitor. (may need to reboot again)
I solved the issue by pressing
Press Ctrl+alt+Esc.
Task Manager Window Appears,Then Click File
Option above,then Select Run New Task from the options that are
3.Create New Task Window appears and type "explorer" and press Ok. Screen Appears and Restart your laptop again .
You can try the following solution. It works perfectly. 1. Press Ctrl+alt+del 2. Select Task manager 3. Select File option above 4. Click Run new task 5. Type "explorer.exe" and press Enter You'll screen appears again!!

Browser does not allow page refresh after Commit

I am using JDeveloper
I am having a big problem here. I create a simple page and insert a form, a createInsert button and a commit button for example. I run this page and everything is fine. I create a new record, fill the form fields and then commit. In this moment if I press F5 to reload the page, the browser asks me for confirmation "To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier." I don't understand why it has to repeat any action, I checked for dirty transactions after the commit operation and transactions are clean. If I move from this page to another and back to first it works fine, F5 refreshes without problem.
If I have a table with multiple rows and I update first row for example, and then click the third row and then perform a refresh (Confirm on above message), the third row will obtain the obtain all the information of the first row...
Does anyone know how to deal with this problem?
Ok I found the real problem and solution to this. As I said reopening the page does not bring any problem, but only hitting F5 does. My 'submit' and 'commit' buttons had 'partialSubmit=false' which should perform a total page submit in this case. Apparently this is not "detected" by the browser when pressing F5 although submission is performed. Changing 'partialSubmit=true' to the buttons did the trick. Tung

strange issue, keyboard inputs locked by emacs?

I have a crazy problem on CentOS.
I was doing some editing in emacs when I accidentally hit some keys. Next thing I know, none of my regular keystrokes work.
I wasn't able to close emacs no matter what I tried (mouse on X doesn't work either).
I logged in from another PC and killed the emacs process.
However, this still doesn't fix the problem. Now, when I click my desktop shortcut, I can open another konsole, however, I can't type anything into that console!
When I click on the X to close it, I get this black hand, not the regular arrow.
Further, hitting enter doesn't do anything, and any keystrokes I type don't show up in the terminal.
However, if I type s, the Search heading on the terminal window drops down.
Does anybody know how to get out of this weird mode so I can use my PC again?
EDIT: More information. I think my linux is stuck in something similar to Windows ALT mode. For instance, in Windows, when you hit ALT, followed by F, the File menu will drop down. On my PC, when I hit F, the File menu immediately comes down on the active terminal. However, I cannot for the life of me get out of this mode. Been stuck for over an hour now!!
Hitting the ALT key may have solved the problem. I'm not sure if that was what ended up fixing it, but after I hit the ALT key a bunch of times, I got the VNC display to work properly again.

Difference between F5, Ctrl + F5 and click on refresh button?

I have often experienced while developing my web applications that pressing F5 or refresh doesn't produce or refresh the proper result. But when we hit Ctrl + F5 it generates the correct result. What is the basic difference between simple F5 and Ctrl + F5?
I have often also experienced that pressing simple F5 and pressing the Refresh button in the browser also generate different results.
What is the basic difference among all these requests?
CTRL+F5 Reloads the current page, ignoring cached content and generating the expected result.
I did small research regarding this topic and found different behavior for the browsers:
See my blog post "Behind refresh button" for more details.
F5 and the refresh button will look at your browser cache before asking the server for content.
Ctrl + F5 forces a load from the server.
You can set content expiration headers and/or meta tags to ensure the browser doesn't cache anything (perhaps something you can do only for the development environment).
F5 triggers a standard reload.
Ctrl + F5 triggers a forced reload. This causes the browser to re-download the page from the web server, ensuring that it always has the latest copy.
Unlike with F5, a forced reload does not display a cached copy of the page.
F5 is a standard page reload.
Ctrl + F5 refreshes the page by clearing the cached content of the page.
Having the cursor in the address field and pressing Enter will also do the same as Ctrl + F5.
F5 reloads the page from server, but it uses the browser's cache for page elements like scripts, image, CSS stylesheets, etc, etc. But Ctrl + F5, reloads the page from the server and also reloads its contents from server and doesn't use local cache at all.
So by pressing F5 on, say, the Yahoo homepage, it just reloads the main HTML frame and then loads all other elements like images from its cache. If a new element was added or changed then it gets it from the server. But Ctrl + F5 reloads everything from the server.

Refresh page in browser without resubmitting form

I'm an ASP.NET developer, and I usually find myself leaving the webpage that I'm working on open in my browser (Chrome is my browser of choice, but this question is relevant for any browser). My workflow typically goes like this: I write code, I rebuild my project in Visual Studio, and then I flip back to my browser with Alt-Tab and hit F5 to refresh the page.
This is fine and dandy if a form hasn't been submitted since the page was opened. But if I've been clicking around on ASP.NET form controls, the page has posted form data a number of times, so hitting F5 causes the browser to (sensibly) pop up a confirmation message, e.g., "Confirm Form Resubmission: The page that you're looking for used information that you entered...".
Sometimes I do want to resubmit the form, but more often than not, I just want to start over with the page (rather than resubmit form data). The way I usually get around this is to simply add some query string data to the URL so that the browser sees it as a fresh page request, e.g.:
(or vice-versa).
My question is: Is there a better way to quickly request a fresh version of a webpage (and not submit form data) in any of the major browsers? It seems like a no-brainer to me for web development, but maybe I'm missing something. What I'd love to see is something like the last item in this list:
F5: refresh page
Ctrl-F5: refresh page (and force cache refresh)
Alt-F5: request fresh copy of the page without resubmitting the form
Go to the address bar and press Enter to submit a fresh GET request. Quick keyboard shortcut is Alt+D, Enter.
Yes, just focus on address bar and press enter.
In Chrome, you can use Ctrl-L to focus on the address bar as well as the suggestions made above.
