Black Screen with cursor before log in - windows-10

I have tried all the possible solutions to solve it given in the internet. But my problem does not solved.
So I want to reset my pc. If so is my pc get back to normal state. Previously I have resetted my pc for another problem. Is my resetting option works again. My friends said that reset options works only once...
Can anybody suggest me what to do??

The issue here seems to be that Windows thinks you have a new monitor that does not exist.
The most common solution that seems to have worked for many people (did not actually work for me, but worth a try): Wait long enough so the mouse cursor to appear when you move the mouse. (blank screen with a white mouse cursor) Then press the Ctrl and enter your login password. Wait until login competed then press Win+P keys, down arrow keys twice, and enter to extend display. (this spans your monitors onto one display)
The solution that worked for me was to unplug all monitors, reboot (hard reset, holding down power button), then plug in just one monitor. (may need to reboot again)

I solved the issue by pressing
Press Ctrl+alt+Esc.
Task Manager Window Appears,Then Click File
Option above,then Select Run New Task from the options that are
3.Create New Task Window appears and type "explorer" and press Ok. Screen Appears and Restart your laptop again .

You can try the following solution. It works perfectly. 1. Press Ctrl+alt+del 2. Select Task manager 3. Select File option above 4. Click Run new task 5. Type "explorer.exe" and press Enter You'll screen appears again!!


How do I reset keyboard shortcut on mac?

I use Screenflick for screen recording. For years, the shortcut Shift+CMD+2 brings up the app w/ no issues.
It still does but now when I do it, the app comes up but my cursor becomes a cross which allows me to select a screen area to screen capture. Basically, it behaves like I had hit Shift+CMD+4.
So basically, every time I hit Shift+CMD+2 to bring up the Screenflick, after the app comes up, I have to hit the escape key to get rid of the cross that also is activated to take a screenshot.
This didn't happen before and on my other mac, it does not happen. Shift+CMD+2 only launches Screenflick and the cursor remains normal.
Where can I go to fix this? Reinstalling Screenflick didn't help.
I'm on an M1 Pro 2021.
Thanks in advance.

Can't press enter in jshell on Linux-terminal

I'm using Xubuntu. When I start jshell in the terminal, I doesn't recognize when I press the enter key. Every other key gets detected normaly. Any suggestions how to fix that?
Solution for laptop users without an number pad on their keyboard:
Plug in an extra keyboard with a number-pad.
Start jshell, try to press enter on your laptop keyboard.
If it still doesn't work: On the extra keyboard: press "Num" key with which you activate the number pad.
Now pressing enter on your laptop keyboard again.
It should work now, otherwise turn the numberpad off and on again and repeat step 4.
Don't know why it works that way, but it does.
Write the following in your terminal:
numlockx on
Now it will work. To make this permanent, let Xubuntu execute this after booting.

How to change the functionality of a button so that it can work as the backspace button

Okay, so I have a Compaq laptop [American keyboard].
It is a few days that the backspace button is broken - I mean, it is totally popped off. It ought to be replaced but it is hard to find it out.
Now, I was wondering whether or not there was a way to change the functionality of another button so that it can replace the functionality of the backspace button.
It is not the DEL button. It is the BACKSPACE button [above the Enter button].
I knew that through some binary numbers it is possible to change the functionality of a button. For example, I can change the DEL button in the Number Lock so that instead of working as DEL button or dot, it will work as backspace.
Is it possible?
Another way on Ankit's recommendation:
After installing the AutoHotkey, creating the short script and saving it with .ahk extension, just put the file in the startup folder :) click Start(or windows logo)---All Program---startup folder :) then re-start pc.
If on windows, you may use AutoHotkey, install it, create a file with .ahk extension and put following code in it.
F1::Send {BackSpace} ; Makes the 'F1' key send 'BackSpace' key.
Then run the above script on startup.
More Details for remapping here.

Dialog menu not receiving Enter key

I’m currently writing an MFC dialog app which has a menu. The menu displays correctly and the menu entries work correctly via mouse, accelerators, and hotkeys (e.g., to quit: Ctrl+Q or Alt+F,Q).
Unfortunately, the Enter key doesn’t seem to work. That is, pressing Alt+F will open the File menu and pressing ↑ will highlight the Quit entry, but pressing Enter will not select it.
I know that using menus in dialog apps can be a bit tricky, but I’ve done this successfully before. However, that was a long time ago with a customized VS wizard, so I am trying to remember how to do this from scratch. I tried checking my old code, but could not find anything in reference to VK_RETURN. (No, there’s nothing special in PreTranslateMessage.)
These two questions are related, but they want the dialog to receive the key, I need the menu to get it.
Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?

strange issue, keyboard inputs locked by emacs?

I have a crazy problem on CentOS.
I was doing some editing in emacs when I accidentally hit some keys. Next thing I know, none of my regular keystrokes work.
I wasn't able to close emacs no matter what I tried (mouse on X doesn't work either).
I logged in from another PC and killed the emacs process.
However, this still doesn't fix the problem. Now, when I click my desktop shortcut, I can open another konsole, however, I can't type anything into that console!
When I click on the X to close it, I get this black hand, not the regular arrow.
Further, hitting enter doesn't do anything, and any keystrokes I type don't show up in the terminal.
However, if I type s, the Search heading on the terminal window drops down.
Does anybody know how to get out of this weird mode so I can use my PC again?
EDIT: More information. I think my linux is stuck in something similar to Windows ALT mode. For instance, in Windows, when you hit ALT, followed by F, the File menu will drop down. On my PC, when I hit F, the File menu immediately comes down on the active terminal. However, I cannot for the life of me get out of this mode. Been stuck for over an hour now!!
Hitting the ALT key may have solved the problem. I'm not sure if that was what ended up fixing it, but after I hit the ALT key a bunch of times, I got the VNC display to work properly again.
