Azure Face API - How to see stored face images/templates? - azure

I am consuming the Azure Face API (Detection and Find Similars), but I do not see any documentation that explains how to access the stored data in the Azure's platform (in the UI of the Azure's website).
According to this, only facial templates are stored. But, how can I see them? Are these resources accessible for devs? Any other data stored?

By default, we can access the data with blob storage as the default storage in azure portal. By default, blob storage cannot be accessed in the public manner. It will be private, and we need to have it accessed publicly. Using the shared access signature (SAS) we can provide secured access to the resources in storage account.
Use the below procedure to get the SAS token and access them in API calls.


Getting Storage Account Properties using Storage Services REST API

Is there a way to get properties of a storage account, specifically the kind of account - GPv1, GPv2 or blob storage, through an API in Storage Services?
I came across but if possible, I would like to re-use the SharedKey authentication I use for the Blob Service APIs.
In this page, I found this:
"All access to storage services takes place through the storage account. The storage account is the highest level of the namespace for accessing each of the fundamental services. It is also the basis for authentication.+
The REST APIs for storage services expose the storage account as a resource."
How would I get properties of that resource? I played around with setting the restype to storage account, similar to "container" and "table", but could not access it.
When it comes to managing storage accounts, there are two REST APIs:
Storage Service REST API: This API is used to manage the data in the storage accounts. This makes use of account name and access key (also known as storage account key). You can find more details about this API here:
Storage Resource Provider (SRP) REST API: This API is used to manage storage accounts. You can use this API to create, update, delete storage accounts, regenerate account keys and get information about the storage account themselves. This makes use of Azure AD for authentication and authorization. You can find more details about this API here:
Now coming to your question, you can't really use Storage Service REST API to find information about the type of storage account. You would need to use Storage Resource Provider API to find this information. In particular you will be consuming Get Properties SRP API to find this information.

Uploading and accessing images with Azure

I want to upload some static images that I will later access via some mobile apps. I have an Azure Account that I rarely use so I thought that was the best place and therefore I uploaded them to a "File Share" within Azure Storage.
I naievely thought I could them just access those files via a simple web request url
All this gets me is a BadRequest error. I realize that I could create a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for every file but that seems total overkill.
Is there a better Azure feature to use? I do not want to have to use the Azure APIs to get at these files
Adding a few more points to #CtrlDot's excellent answer.
I completely agree that you should use Blob Storage for storing static content.
On the container permissions, I would actually recommend setting the permission (ACL) to Blob so that user can only view the blob they have the URL for and not enumerate all blobs in a container (setting container ACL to Container will enable the users to list blobs in a container which may not be a desired behaviour for you).
Other than these, there are two distinct advantage of using Blob Storage:
Custom domain: You can map blob storage to a custom domain (e.g. static and use that to serve the content instead of using Azure Blob Storage standard endpoint (your
CDN: You can also CDN enable your blob storage endpoint. The content will then be replicated across many CDN nodes spread throughout the globe and will be served from a node near to your user thus improving the user experience.
I think the service you should be looking to use is blob storage, not file storage. File storage, as per the documentation, is meant more for SMB shares.
When you setup Azure blob storage, you have a couple of different options. If there is nothing sensitive/secure about these static images, you could consider making a public container and simply accessing the files like that.
If you require authentication, then you need to either use azure storage access keys, or azure storage access tokens. Of the two, the storage access tokens are by far the most secure.
You wouldn't need to create a SAS token for each file, rather, grant it read permission to the container. Once again, you will have to tailor this to the security/sensitivity needs of your application.

Rich ACLs with Azure Storage - delegating to AD?

How do I build a rich storage ACL policy system with Azure storage?
I want to have a blob container that has the following users:
public - read-only against some set of blobs
Uploader - read-write against some subset of blob names, these keys are shared out to semi-trusted build machines
shared admin - full capabilities against this blob subset
Ideally these users are accounts driven through Azure AD, so I can use the full directory service power with them... :)
My understanding of shared access keys is that they are (1) time-limited and (2) have to be created with hand-tooled code. My desire is that I can do something similar to AWS IAM policies on S3... :-)
Thing like AWS IAM Policies for S3 does not exist for Azure Blob Storage today. Azure recently started a Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and is available for Azure Storage but it is limited to performing management activities only like creating storage accounts etc. It is yet not available for perform data management activities like uploading blobs etc.
You may want to look at Azure Rights Management Service (Azure RMS) and see if it is a right solution for your needs. If you search for Azure RMS Blob you will find one of the search results link to a PDF file which talks about securing blob storage with this service (the link directly downloads the PDF file and hence I could not include it here).
If you're looking for a 3rd party service to do this, do take a look at the "Team Edition" of Cloud Portam (a service I am building currently). We recently released the Team Edition. In short, Cloud Portam is a browser-based Azure Explorer and it supports managing Azure Storage, Search Service and DocumentDB accounts. The Team Edition makes use of your Azure AD for user authentication and you can grant permissions (None, Read-Only, Read-Write and Read-Write-Delete) on the Azure resources you manage through this application.
While Gaurav is correct in that Azure Storage does not have AD integration today, I wanted to point out a couple of things about shared access signatures from your post:
My understanding of shared access keys is that they are (1) time-limited and (2) have to be created with hand-tooled code
1) A sas token/uri does not need to have an expiry date on it (it's an optional field), so in that sense they are not time-limited and need not be regenerated unless you change the shared key with which you generated the token
2) You can use PS cmdlets to do this for e.g.: Some storage explorers also support creation of sas tokens/uris statically without you having to write code for it.

File managment on Azure blob storage

Is there a service or a(n open-source) library that could help in programmatically manage files stored on Azure blob storage. By manage I mean search with security trimming, authorizing download, document-versioning.
I've looked online but most of the solutions are more of end-user solutions. Should I build my own layer to talk to blob storage or there's a way that can take a part of this burden off my shoulders?
A solution that could work with both cloud (blob) and on-premise storage would be great!
I am not aware of any such library. That being said the storage platform does include the underlying capabilities upon which you could implement these features. For example, for authorizing access to objects you could issue SAS tokens to authorized users. For document versioning you can create snapshots on objects etc.

Different methods of accessing Azure storage

Is there any other method for accessing Azure storage other than using key and account name?
Not that I'm aware of - and I haven't heard of any plans to change this anytime soon either.
You have to provide your key and account name when using the APIs. You can access your publicly accessible BLOBs from Blob Storage without providing any info though.
