Getting Storage Account Properties using Storage Services REST API - azure

Is there a way to get properties of a storage account, specifically the kind of account - GPv1, GPv2 or blob storage, through an API in Storage Services?
I came across but if possible, I would like to re-use the SharedKey authentication I use for the Blob Service APIs.
In this page, I found this:
"All access to storage services takes place through the storage account. The storage account is the highest level of the namespace for accessing each of the fundamental services. It is also the basis for authentication.+
The REST APIs for storage services expose the storage account as a resource."
How would I get properties of that resource? I played around with setting the restype to storage account, similar to "container" and "table", but could not access it.

When it comes to managing storage accounts, there are two REST APIs:
Storage Service REST API: This API is used to manage the data in the storage accounts. This makes use of account name and access key (also known as storage account key). You can find more details about this API here:
Storage Resource Provider (SRP) REST API: This API is used to manage storage accounts. You can use this API to create, update, delete storage accounts, regenerate account keys and get information about the storage account themselves. This makes use of Azure AD for authentication and authorization. You can find more details about this API here:
Now coming to your question, you can't really use Storage Service REST API to find information about the type of storage account. You would need to use Storage Resource Provider API to find this information. In particular you will be consuming Get Properties SRP API to find this information.


Azure Face API - How to see stored face images/templates?

I am consuming the Azure Face API (Detection and Find Similars), but I do not see any documentation that explains how to access the stored data in the Azure's platform (in the UI of the Azure's website).
According to this, only facial templates are stored. But, how can I see them? Are these resources accessible for devs? Any other data stored?
By default, we can access the data with blob storage as the default storage in azure portal. By default, blob storage cannot be accessed in the public manner. It will be private, and we need to have it accessed publicly. Using the shared access signature (SAS) we can provide secured access to the resources in storage account.
Use the below procedure to get the SAS token and access them in API calls.

Authenticating with azure storage account without using primary or secondary keys

Per my understanding, there are two types of SAS tokens when it comes to Azure Storage Account.
Account-level SAS tokens
Blob container/Queue level SAS token
I observed that if we do not choose to use the primary/secondary keys to authenticate with the storage account and use the account level SAS tokens as an authentication mechanism then I can not create the Blob container level SAS tokens using Stored Access Signature. Why is that? Is there a way to make it work? I do not want to provide access to my service to the account level keys and want to create SAS tokens to implement the RBAC at the runtime, is there any way for same?
I observed that if we do not choose to use the primary/secondary keys
to authenticate with the storage account and use the account level SAS
tokens as an authentication mechanism then I can not create the Blob
container level SAS tokens using Stored Access Signature. Why is that?
This is by design. A container level SAS only lets you work at the container level where you can perform operations on the blobs inside that container. Creation of a blob container is an account level activity and thus you would need to use an Account SAS. At this time, Account SAS do not have a concept of Shared Access Policy.
I do not want to provide access to my service to the account level
keys and want to create SAS tokens to implement the RBAC at the
runtime, is there any way for same?
Yes, there is. Azure Blob Storage support Azure AD based authentication/authorization and has support for Role-based Access Control (RBAC) available in Azure Subscription. You can assign granular RBAC roles to your users in Azure AD and they will be able to perform only the operations allowed by their roles. You can read more about it here:
You can find more details about various authorization options available in Azure Storage here:

Difference between Azure Resources API and Storage API

I am trying to access logs in Azure blob storage. Here I saw I can use both Resources API and Storage Services API to access them.
Can somebody please explain the advantages and disadvantages of using one over another.
That APIs have different purpose:
Azure Storage Resource Provider REST API we should use for managing storage like a resource. You can see all your resources in this link: Azure resources
Azure storage Service REST API we use for managing like a service. If you take a look that have a different method to manage.
Also, you can give to user different roles for user. And you have a to control who can do and what.

Give Access to storage account in azure

I am new to azure and trying to learn azure storage. Suppose I have created a storage acoount and stored few documents, and want everyone to access mt document. If I give my URL, everyone can access it but I want few users to access my storage account and can also upload documents they want.
Please refer me how to achive this and if possible please refer and link which will be usefull for me.
Thanks in Advance.
There are a couple of ways you can do this:
Generate and distribute SAS tokens with read/write privileges. This will give a Url which expires at a given point in time. You can do all this through the portal, through code, or by using context menus within Azure Storage Explorer. Here is a sample of how to do it with code.
You can also assign the AAD users to a role which has permission to manipulate resources in the storage account. Here is a list of current roles so you can select the proper one based on your use case. There are preview roles which don't appear to be working.
EDIT: MS just announced the preview of AAD support down to the scope of a container or queue. This is likely the granularity you were looking for.
EDIT 2 : Full RBAC support for storage is now available
You can generate SAS token
This way you can grant access to others without sharing the account keys.
You can create SAS token on specific Service( Blob, Queue, File ) or an Account SAS which allows you to grant permission to multiple services within storage account.( Queue and Table for eg. )
SAS tokens give you granular control over types of access including:
The interval over which the SAS is valid, including the start time and the expiry time.
The permissions granted by the SAS. For example, a SAS for a blob might grant read and write permissions to that blob, but not delete permissions.
An optional IP address or range of IP addresses from which Azure Storage will accept the SAS. For example, you might specify a range of IP addresses belonging to your organization.
The protocol over which Azure Storage will accept the SAS. You can use this optional parameter to restrict access to clients using HTTPS.
Azure Storage offers these options for authorizing access to secure resources:
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integration (Preview) for blobs and queues. The Azure AD provides role-based access control (RBAC) for fine-grained control over a client's access to resources in a storage account. For more information, see
Authenticating requests to Azure Storage using Azure Active Directory (Preview).
Shared Key authorization for blobs, files, queues, and tables. A client using Shared Key passes a header with every request that is signed using the storage account access key. For more information, see
Authorize with Shared Key.
Shared access signatures for blobs, files, queues, and tables. Shared access signatures (SAS) provide limited delegated access to resources in a storage account. Adding constraints on the time interval for which the signature is valid or on permissions it grants provides flexibility in managing access. For more information, see
Using shared access signatures (SAS).
Anonymous public read access for containers and blobs. Authorization is not required. For more information, see
Manage anonymous read access to containers and blobs.
By default, all resources in Azure Storage are secured and are available only to the account owner. Although you can use any of the authorization strategies outlined above to grant clients access to resources in your storage account, Microsoft recommends using Azure AD when possible for maximum security and ease of use.

Location of the Blob Store using SAS

I am looking for a REST API using which my application can determine the location of the Blob Storage account. The application has an access to a specific blob using the Shared Access Signature.
If you just have a blob's SAS URL, then you will not be able to find the location of the storage account.
In order to get the location of a storage account, you would need to use is Storage Resource Provider API especially Storage Accounts - Get Properties operation there. When you perform this operation, the location of the storage account is available in primaryLocation attribute in response. In order to perform this operation, you would need access to underlying Azure Subscription.
Using Storage REST API it is not possible to find this information currently. This API enables you to manage the data in a storage account.
