How to deploy GAS web app with limited access - android-studio

I have a app builded in android studio which is a simple searchable database. I use a function doGet(in the apps script) to fetch data from a gsheet. Everything works well, but the real gsheet I need is in the local domain of my company(stored in a Shared Drive) so when I try to deploy the apps script as a web app I can't set permission to anyone(limited only to user of company). The response of the url is so a blank page.
Is there a method to get around this trouble?
Update: I also tried to add a Google sign in page when opening the app but still doesn't work


Large number of files missing in fileManager of a website deployed on Azure App Service

I am unsure if this is happening by design, or it's supposed to work this way. Through Visual studio Publish option, I published my ASP.NET Core website on Azure App Service. Now, when I access the fileManager on, I am missing majority of the files. I can only browse some log files, several zipped packages.
The website itself works fine when I am trying to access it on the link, however I am unable to browse all the files for it. I was wondering if this is an intended design, or I have done something wrong.
Kind Regards.
HTML5 component, that allows web pages to store named key value pairs locally. It just setting to store our web app.
To solve the files not able to view via kudu
Open Browser -> go to Developer tools or hit F12 -> In the console run the following cmd
window.localStorage['maxViewItems'] = 1000
Still you are facing issue please check and compare with Azure App Service Editor and Kudu files. I had checked both Kudu and App Service Editor shows the same files which contain the web app.
Refer Kudu error with maxViewItems in localstorage

Deployed REST API does not display in Azure

I'm new to Azure. I have an API that uses REST to post items to a SQL server database. My goal is to deploy it to Azure.
I have tested all day and can successfully deploy every other sort of VS project; Razor based, Blazor based, MVC based. I know they are all basically interchangable but I created unique ones anyway and they all successfully publish to Azure.
The moment I include any REST functionality both VS and Azure say the deployment was successful, there are no errors, but if you click on the link to the site, there is nothing there. No error either. I can't seem to ping the site either. I feel like I'm probably missing something obvious but I can't seem to see it.
It is not a problem that "if you click on the link to the site, there is nothing there."
There is nothing to show because you don't write a index.html web page in the root directory of your project.
Access your api:
You could access your api through your website like this: https://{yourwebname}{yourapi}

Azure, App service, the site show the message "This web app has been successfully created" after deployment although localy the site appears

I'm using VS 2013 and SDK 2.2 to deploy to App Services, the site opens in it's address and show the message "This web app has been successfully created".
Like when there is no code in the cloud app. although I can enter the App Service Editor, and see the code is there.
Localy I run the site and it show the Home/index page, but not in the cloud.
It was fine before, until I remove the web project and created another one with the same name instead.
Hope all this clause help to solve..
Since I try to redeploy, the SDK assumed some files are already exists and did not reload them.
They were probably corrupted.
The solution was to delete the complete deplyment, the wwroot directory and redeploy.

Server error in '/' Application Visual Studio 2015 community

Need your help on this.I'm a newbie to the C# visual studio domain.
I was going over the tutorial on Microsoft site to create App and deploy on Azure. Here is the link below:
After completing every single step .I have this annoying error message that keeps popping up whenever I try to access/ login-in - by using the google account or using the default user name and password on the site. Screenshot here
I've gone line by line checking my steps and codes ;my azure server, app and database is running perfectly. Google API and app is running - no errors.
On my local machine it is works fine. But, when I publish the code to Azure - the home page comes up and I can navigate to the login page but - I just can't login-in using the google AuthOut nor the default login page using the default credentials on line.
For the life of me - can't understand why its not working. Need help people.
The error means that your site is trying to talk to your database (SQL Server) but it can't connect to it. You probably don't have a SQL server database setup.
Look at step 11 in the instructions:
11.Select Create new server, enter a server name, user name, and password.
I'm guessing that you didn't create the database when you were creating your web app.

Azure - customErrors="off" in web.config is not displaying detailed errors in Azure app (cloud service)

I have an app deployed to Azure and it uses ADFS (Active Directory Federated Services) for authentication.
When the user tries to navigate to the app on Azure, it redirects the user to the ADFS authentication page. User enters their credentials and clicks OK, and ADFS redirects the user to the landing page of my app.
Everything is working fine up to this point. I'm getting a generic server error on the app once the user hits the landing page. PROBLEM: I need to see the detailed errors. I try setting <customErrors="off" />, repackage my app and redeploy, but that doesn't give me detailed errors:
Here's what I've tried: I've tried packaging my app in Debug mode (after Release mode didn't work), I've edited both web.config's (in the root of the solution, as well as in the Views folder, just to cover all bases). Nothing worked.
What am I doing wrong?
A couple of things to try:
Are you SURE the customerErrors attribute is set correctly? The
Identity and Access tooling in Visual Studio seems to like to reset
that back to "Off" (every time you update via the tool).
Are you able to connect to the role instance via Remote Desktop? If
so, you could inspect the web.config settings for the site?
Browsing to the site from the server might also provide a more
friendly error message.
When you RDP into the cloud service, you can look at the Event
Viewer to see the detailed error messages.
I fixed this error by ftp'ing into my azure website and deleting the wwwroot folder and then publishing my website via visual studio.
