How to use Settings QML Type in PyQt6 - pyqt

I am currently self- learning because I am attracted to QtQuick.
When I follow the below guide, I faced an issue.
I installed PyQt6 using pip.
$ pip install pyqt6
And, I imported Settings in the QML file.
import Qt.labs.settings
This is the error message I got.
module "Qt.labs.settings" is not installed
How can I resolve this issue?


No module named 'cv2' - tried to solve with existing answers

So basically I am using PyCharm with Anaconda env Python 3.6. I tried reinstalling everything, folder with my projects env contains the whole package for opencv, in Anaconda Navigator also and PyCharm recognises cv2 when I import (code) yet when i start my it says that there is no cv2 module.
Anyone any ideas why the error occurs?
I suppose the first thing you should check is if your conda environment is configured to your project when you're using PyCharm. Have a look at this:,-In%20the%20Settings&text=Select%20Preferences.,dialog%20box%2C%20select%20Conda%20Environment.

Error when run exe "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'babel.numbers" [duplicate]

I'm trying to install python application on Windows with pyinstaller where I'm using tkcalendar. Application is working but the tkcalendar.Calendar isn't.
When I'm running application without installation everything works but if I do this, Calendar widget does not appear.
I think that pyinstaller sees this module but he has problems with modules that tkcalendar is using.
I tried to run pyinstaller with --path=/.../python/Lib/site-packages but this didnt worked. Also copying module files to application directory didn't help.
The issue does not come from tkcalendar but from the fact that PyInstaller does not detect second level imports. A way to solve this issue is explained in tkcalendar's documentation in the HowTos section:
When bundling an application with PyInstaller, there is an
issue with the
detection of the babel dependency of tkcalendar. This can be fixed by
using the --hidden-import option:
$ pyinstaller --hidden-import babel.numbers
or by editing the .spec file:
Add following code to your python script, while bundling with pyinstaller
import babel.numbers
If anyone found the same problem.
In tkcalendar 1.5.0 there is problem with import in
Locate the tkcalendar folder (probably /.../python/Lib/site-packages/tkcalendar) and under add an additional import for the missing module:
import calendar
from babel.dates import format_date, parse_date, get_day_names, get_month_names
from babel.numbers import * # Additional Import```

Why am I getting ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dpkt'?

When I run
import dpkt
It gives
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dpkt'
But I already installed dpkt.
install dpkt cmd
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
I am using window10, python3.
I had the same issue today. I found out that when I installing the dpkt module, it was getting installed onto an environment different than the one I was using in pyCharm.
I found the answer to this post very helpful to explain my issue:
I fixed my issue by using the terminal inside pyCharm to install dpkt, then it worked.
I also found a suggestion to use all packages installed in conda inside pyCharm:

Need help to install curses for python 3.x with pycharm

Im trying to install curses for windows python 3.x with pycharm. i installed windows curses via pip. but if i import it, theres just message saying no module found.
In terminal/cmd
python -m pip install windows-curses
Requirement already satisfied
then if i type...
import curses
i get a blank screen
but importing in python console or as script is not possible. no module found.
Any advises to globaly use import and not just in terminal/cmd.
Open Pycharm>Settings>Project Interpreter. Click on the plus icon at the top right.In search type curses or any library which you want to install. Don't forget to check the 'Install to user's site package directory' box.

PyCharm 2017.1, No module named 'kivy'

I could use (troubleshooting)help with getting Kivy imported in PyCharm. I am using:
Anaconda with Python 3 on 64-bit Windows 10 Pro
PyCharm 2017.1
Packages: NumPy, SciPy, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, Scrapy, Pattern, NetworkX, NLTK, scikit-learn, Selenium
I have installed Kivy following the instructions at
As evident from the screen shot, no errors occurred.
Still, when I run "import kivy" from PyCharm I get "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivy'".
I ran through the installation with someone on the #kivy channel and was assured that kivy is successfully installed.
When I pass import kivy; print(kivy.file) to the interpreter (opened from the CMD command line), I get returned among others:
Someone on #kivy suggested I check where PyCharm looks for kivy. How do I figure that out?
I'd appreciate any suggestions to identify the problem / resolve my issue.
Indeed, the installation of Kivy went fine. The problem turned out to be that I had to select the correct (updated) interpreter in the PyCharm settings.
