Analytics with Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy? - sharedarraybuffer

I have one page on my site that uses SharedArrayBuffer, which means I need to use Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy - but this also means I can't use analytics to see if anyone actually uses that page or not.
So I wondered if there's a workaround for this?
I use Fathom Analytics for tracking, so have it analytics set to load from a sub-domain on my site.
I have set the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy to require-corp, and Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy to same-origin.
Is there a way to either iframe the analytics, or iframe the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy app and have analytics on the parent? I've tried looking this stuff up but it's very much outside my realm of expertise. Thanks for any guidance you can offer.


Set up Google Analytics to track a command line Node app

I'd like to use Google Analytics to track usage of a command line Node app. Tracking will be strictly opt-in. I'd like to track basic usage, plus which operating system and version of Node was used.
I've found the Measurement Protocol, but I'm wondering whats the best way to set up Google Analytics.
You can choose from Web or App - App seems the best fit, but then I'm sent to Firebase to set up an iOS, Android or Web app. None of these are correct. So is 'Web' the best way to track my app usage? Or is Google Analytics not the right approach?
Seems like the best approach is Google Measurement Protocol. There's a Node library for it.
Really Google Analytics is completely designed around web apps and more recently mobile apps, it has concepts like "page views" which don't make sense for CLIs, and Firebase Analytics is only for Android and iOS.
You might be able to shoehorn he CLI use case for some purposes. Alternatively, you could consider using a cloud database like Firebase real-time DB to capture your own events.
Google analytics really isnt designed for something like this. You have only two options web app where everything is page based. vs using a mobile app where everything is screen based. Home, about, help.
I have done this before with several console applications, a custom SSIS task (dll) and an arduino project. I chose mobile application mainly because i thought it was closer. I know of someone who did the same with an actions on google project.
In the end what you use will be up to you. Just consider what it is you want to track exactly and lay it out before you start.
If you choose mobile make sure you send Screen views and not page views. The Google analytics website is split you cant mix and match the hit type.
Workaround for createing moble account without firebase.
create a new web property on Google analytics type Web
create a new view under that web property type mobile.
We made Console Cat for this exact purpose! It's built from the ground up to track telemetry / analytics for CLIs including things like flags, command duration, version, etc.

How can I scrape content from a Website with AlchemyAPI?

I would like to scrape Content from a website with AlchemyAPI. I get informed about this feature on
I will implement it in the same way as in the example:"Querying Inside Tables (Selecting a Column Inside a Specific Row)".
Could somebody please help me, how to use this in Node.js and Cquery? Which parameters do I need to get specific fields like price as output?
No, it's not currently possible to do this. Since AlchemyAPI was acquired by IBM, the remaining services have been incorporated into Watson. Most of the AlchemyAPI services are now covered in the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) service: but there is no feature that allows you to scrape content from a web site per se.
The NLU service does allow you to retrieve text from a web page using the analyze endpoint:

Google Custom Site Search Not Tracking in Universal Analytics

We upgraded to Universal Analytics about a year ago and since upgrading our Site Search isn't displaying the keywords within our Analytics account, or even tracking the number of times it is used.
This is a problem as a marketer as I like to know what people are looking for so that I can provide them relevant content.
All I can find on the Google blog is this:
'At this time, Google Custom Search Engine, is not compatible with Universal Analytics.'
Has anyone got any suggestions as to how I can get this data back? Are there any other custom site searches that I could use instead? Are Google even looking at this?
Google CSE is using old _gaq calls for analytics, it can be mimicked by adding following code line at the end of universal GA snippet:
View - View settings - Site search settings is on and correctly tuned?

Integrating Eventbrite with Expression Engine

Has anyone has done Eventbrite integration with an Expression Engine site? We'd like to set up events with Eventbrite and have them handle all ticket management. But we'd like to be able to display the events within the Expression Engine site and then enable users to click on the link to be redirected to Eventbrite. I've viewed the API and it looks like we can create custom EE pages with the API.
More importantly I'd like to let users search for events from our main site.
Has anyone done this type of work and have any hints or resources?
Todd Perkins got started on a module for this some time ago, but there hasn't been any action on it since then. Could be a good starting point for you though.
Eventbrite has a great PHP-based API client library that should be able cover all of your API interaction needs.
These PHP examples might be useful as well:
Please let #EventbriteAPI know if you make any major progress on this project. I'm sure they would love to add an Expression Engine integration to their open source projects list and application showcase!

Hosting Google Apps UI in my app

I'm investigating the possibility of re-using Google Apps/Docs in a local hybrid desktop/browser application.
I've been going through the Google documentation on manipulating docs, eg. the Spreadsheet. I can't seem to find any info on actually hosting the UI. Is this possible, or does it require some form of permission from Google?
You want to basically embed an browser control in your application pointed at the URL of a Google Apps doc? You could use the Google Document List API to retrieve the documents for a user, then use the URLs of those documents in your embedded browser control.
You don't need Google's permission to do that; you're writing a browser with some extra smarts built in.
What do you mean by "hosting the UI?" These apps are HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Are you thinking about embedding them in AIR or Titanium, or in some kind of web control in another app?
i briefly looked into doing this, and figured if i really wanted to i could just load the gdocs page content dynamically, and use javascript to strip away the superflous elements like header and footer. but instead i'll probably just use an OS alternate because they have come a long way and I want rich hooks.
