VaultSharp - How to generate a secret-id? - vaultsharp

I'm currently using the latest version of VaultSharp in a project.
Can you tell me if it's possible to generate a secret-id using the library please?
Something along the lines of: vault write -force auth/apppole/role/myapp/secret-id
Thank you in advance

This capability will be available in the next Nuget publish of VaultSharp. I just added this feature last and it is checked in. It'll be available when I publish the next version in a week or so.
The feature is here:
Task<Secret<SecretIdInfo>> PullNewSecretIdAsync(string roleName,
PullSecretIdRequestOptions secretIdRequestOptions = null,
string mountPoint = AuthMethodDefaultPaths.AppRole);


How do I create an AutoCommandBufferBuilder in vulkano-rs "0.23.0"?

I am following along the examples in the vulkano-rs website and at the section where it says to create an AutoCommandBufferBuilder, it says to use AutoCommandBufferBuilder::new() to create it.
However, in the latest version of vulkano-rs - 0.23.0 - this method is missing.
If I downgrade to version 0.22.0, the method exists.
So, how do I create an AutoCommandBuffer in the latest version of vulkano-rs?
From vulkano-rs/vulkano#1527:
AutoCommandBufferBuilder::new renamed to AutoCommandBufferBuilder::primary/secondary. For primary form there is a new additional 3rd parameter. Use CommandBufferUsage::MultipleSubmit for this parameter to fulfill the same behavior you previously had with old new constructor.

WARNING: API 'variant.getMergeAssets()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getMergeAssetsProvider()'

I want to create a simple AR project, however I get this message when I try to create a .sfb file from .fbx file. This is my first time with AR, and I am not really into Android so much, so I don't really know what to do.
Just change:
string variant.mergeAssets.doLast {
variant.mergeAssetsProvider.get().doLast {
It will work.
you can move to a previous gradle version and it will get fixed.

Configuration file in Azure Functions

I need to read from a JSON configuration file in Azure Function. Is there a way to refer to the file without hard-coding any paths(assuming it's in same directory as the code).
The solution in another answer was something like:
string configuration = string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationFile) ? "" : File.ReadAllText(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") + #"\site\wwwroot\functionname\filename);
Is there a better way to get this path, or read JSON configuration in general for Azure Function?
Currently, the solution you found is the recommended approach, but with the next release, which is starting to roll out today (5/30/2017), we've introduced a feature to enhance this.
You can learn more about it here:
you're able to find out some explanations about this same topic on this another thread, here.
I hope that this information help you.

How can I add some selective features/ subfeatures to a new release build through Automation Interface

I am using Install Script in Install Shield 2013 on Windows 7, Lang Used C#.
I have a project and it has some features and sub features added to it. Now I want to build a new release using Automation Interface need to add some selective features/ subfeatures to this release so that the original features remains unaltered.
We can pass the New release name and features required in this release using Command Line.
How can I add selective features supplied as command line arguments to my release. Is there any predefined Object/function/Method for this. Please advise.
Need to achieve this in Install Script only.
We can do so by using IncludeInBuild() property of ISWiFeature. It alters the default IncludeInBuild value of a feature.
To make it temp store the current values of the features to be altered in a list , then build a new release. After making new release, once again assign the value stored in list to the altered features.

Android 3.0 and higher version issue

Thankyou for taking the time to look at my problem. I'm working on an android application and I keep getting an error in eclipse every time I use the parent="android.Theme.Holo.Light". I have my folder created using values-v11 indicating when to use the correct theme for the correct version but I just get the error:
No resource found that matches the given name 'android.Theme.Holo.Light' in my styles.xml file.
Any idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance.
Try this:
