WatchOS 9 CallKit + VoIP - voip

I saw that on last WWDC Apple announced launch of CallKit on WatchOS.
After that part of CallKit framework becomes available for WatchOS 9+ but there is no any specific documentation or examples for making CallKit works on WatchOS.
My question is: is it possible to recieve VoIP pushes and accept VoIP calls on watch as for now?

yes it is; one such app that already does this is Wristcam (they make apps and also hardware, but you don't need their hardware to use their free calling app)
all of this is possible without a phone at all: the phone could be left at home or powered off entirely. your watch will ring or vibrate from a Wristcam call
it's even possible to do one-way video call (with two-way live audio) between your friend's iphone and your apple watch


How to make a call through Bluetooth on an another phone?

I have a cheap smartphone that can make calls, I also have an iPhone 12 which cannot make calls because it takes a hefty fee to make a phone support sim card where i live.
Can I make calls through iPhone 12 by connecting it to the cheap smartphone via Bluetooth?
the same way one can make calls through their smart watch.

VoIP service to make a bridge between Android phone and Ubuntu server

I want to write an application which will be a bridge between VoIP app and phone line.
- I am writing in Skype to user XXX "call to ******"
- User XXX call me back and by phone modem calling to ******
- So I can speak throw my VoIP and phone modem for free (except internet and phone fees)
I thought to use something like this.
The better description is here in Calling section.
But it is outdated and my server part is on Ubuntu
Could you please advice VoIP (e.g. Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, etc) which I can use for such purpose? It would be great to have a client on Android Phone and server on Ubuntu.
Thank a lot,
If I have well understood, the use case is:
A wants to call B through an application running in a mobile device
B has a phone land or mobile line, but not a VoIP one to receive the call.
Bridge between internet and phone lines is to be done at home (A's home) without specific subscription costs, that is to say, without the services of a VoIP provider (I should like here to suggest rethinking the use of a well stablished solution as costs to call phone lines from IP can be really cheap).
Well, there is a lot of solutions for this scenario. I am going to speak about one of them that I consider interesting because it opens the way to a lot of additional communication services.
First, the softphone. To make and receive calls, A will need an application in his or her device. Consider a softphone as Zoiper or Jitsi Meet.
Then, the gateway between VoIp and phone lines. Asterisk can do the work as a SIP server. It is a lightweight linux software with a lot of features. It can switch VoIP lines with land phone lines via FXS - FXO cards (if the phone lines are analogue ones), ISDN cards, VoIP interfaces, bluetooth using mobile devices, etc.
Last, but not least, the connection. Ok, you do not want to expose your gateway to the dangers of all those wicked people of internet, eager to stole your phone line minutes. Connection between mobile and server could be done using a VPN (e.g. OpenVPN), or through a web app (SIP on top of WebRTC).
Once you have the asterisk working at home, you could use it as an answering machine sending email messages with the received audio, as (if your local regulations allow it) a recorder, as an IVR or as a part of a security system, calling sequencially phone numbers in case of emergency.

iOS BLE - How to keep app active in the background?

I am trying to find a clever way to keep a BLE app active in the background on iOS 6, without breaking any of Apple's rules. I plan to use the phone as a peripheral device and another BLE circuit as the central. My app will automatically be opened when a user arrives to a building using geofencing. After that the iPhone will connect to the first BLE central device it sees (the device will be in its white list). The user will then be able to move throughout the building switching to different BLE "nodes".
My question is: What do I need to do in the background when a user is stationary at their desk so that the app does not get suspended due to memory resources?
My idea is based on this solution for a separate problem: There could potentially (not regularly) be 10-50 users in an area with only a few BLE "nodes" and I read at that I could setup a dynamic connection system, basically rotating connections through all the users.
My idea is to setup a similar dynamic system where the central device (not the iPhone) disconnects the device on regular intervals (30-40 minutes) and then the iPhone will reconnect.
Is this something that some feasible? Is this against the iOS development guidelines? I was unable to find anything explicit about this. I have also asked on the iOS developer forum, but unfortunately it is not as popular as this site.
Thanks in advance!
Xcode -> Project target -> Capabilities -> Enable background mode
Check Uses Bluetooth LE Accessories
Also enable the following key in .plist file
Required background modes
App communicates using CoreBluetooth

Midlet wake up from bluetooth connection

I'm trying to register a midlet for push registration, in order to wake up from a bluetooth connection.
The requested behavior is that the application will wake up when a car's kit (hands free) will be in the range of the device.
Is it possible at all?
If yes, how should it be done?
Thanks in advance,
I can confirm that it is possible to wakeup a MIDlet in Nokia Devices trough a registered service in the push-registry.
The registration can be defined in the JAD (static registration) or dynamically in the code.
Nokia phones S60 3ed and up and S40 3ed should support this functionality, on other phones (sony,samsung,motorola etc..) I didn't find this feature working.
Google this JAD attribute: MIDlet-Push-1
Good luck!
I don't think it's possible to start up a midlet when it comes into range of a device, even with Bluetooth push registry compatibility (were you to find a handset supporting it).
Your best bet might be to have a midlet running in the background, constantly checking which devices are in the vicinity. When it discovers your hands-free kit, you could bring it to the foreground (if the handset supports it; this is usually achieved by Display.setCurrent(null) for background, and Display.setCurrent(<Displayable instance>) for foreground).
JSR 82 provides the functionality you need.
Beware though, this constant Bluetooth polling will drain the device's battery!
This is advanced stuff. Nice.
While this can be available on mobile phones according to the JSR-118 and JSR-82 specifications, I suspect not many handset manufacturers have actually implemented it.
Symbian provided a TCK-compliant reference implementation for Java BlueTooth Push to its licensees but testing it is a nightmare and I don't know whether either Nokia, Motorola or Sony-Ericsson actually included the functionality in a phone.
My best guess of Symbian phones to try this on: Nokia N95, Sony-Ericsson P990 or W960, Motorola Z8. I would also advise trying on as recent a Bluetooth-enabled non Symbian Sony-Ericsson phone as you can find.
If you find a handset specification that actually says it supports J2ME BT Push, you then need to check whether that is supposed to work using RFComm, L2CAP or both. I don't know what your car kit uses.
As far as writing Java code to use Bt push, you can start by reading the example code in the 2 JSRs and the J2ME SDK from Sun Ltd.

Auto Detect Windows Mobile Device programmatically

I am writing a windows application (written entirely in C++) which reads files from a storage card on a mobile phone running Windows Mobile. The tough part is, I don't know how to make my application detect the event that a user has connected the mobile phone to the USB of laptop. I did some reading on MSDN and have written a small code using RegisterDeviceNotification, which detects whenever a USB disk is attached/removed from the laptop. However, I am unable to tweak this to make it work for phone type devices. Please help me out through any links/tutroials which explains this(preferrably C++, as I don't know .NET or C#).
According to this article you can use RegisterDeviceNotification to get notifications when activesync detects a device has been plugged/unplugged. (See option 3 at the end of the article)
It may just be a matter of setting up the correct notification filter.
Windows Mobile devices use RNDIS, a network interface protocol behind the scenes. Hence, the RegisterDeviceNotification method still works, but you're looking for a DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE, not DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME. (i.e. dbch_devicetype==DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE)
You can use RAPI or RAPI2 to detect when a Windows Mobile device connects to a PC via Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Center. RAPI can also be used to read the files on the storage card and much more.
RAPI is simpler to program because it is a C based API. RAPI2 has more functionality than RAPI, but is an object oriented COM API. If your needs are simple and you only care about one device/connection at a time then RAPI is good enough. There are two RAPI functions used to detect connections: CeRapiInit (blocking), and CeRapiInitEx (signals an event upon connection).
