How to make a call through Bluetooth on an another phone? - bluetooth

I have a cheap smartphone that can make calls, I also have an iPhone 12 which cannot make calls because it takes a hefty fee to make a phone support sim card where i live.
Can I make calls through iPhone 12 by connecting it to the cheap smartphone via Bluetooth?
the same way one can make calls through their smart watch.


WatchOS 9 CallKit + VoIP

I saw that on last WWDC Apple announced launch of CallKit on WatchOS.
After that part of CallKit framework becomes available for WatchOS 9+ but there is no any specific documentation or examples for making CallKit works on WatchOS.
My question is: is it possible to recieve VoIP pushes and accept VoIP calls on watch as for now?
yes it is; one such app that already does this is Wristcam (they make apps and also hardware, but you don't need their hardware to use their free calling app)
all of this is possible without a phone at all: the phone could be left at home or powered off entirely. your watch will ring or vibrate from a Wristcam call
it's even possible to do one-way video call (with two-way live audio) between your friend's iphone and your apple watch

Establish a connection between smartphone and PC via Bluetooth automatically

I'm trying to establish a connection between my PC running Ubuntu and my iPhone via Bluetooth automatically when it becomes available, after being manually paired beforehand. I've seen this to be possible with certain peripherals, mainly audio. For example, my phone will automatically connect to a Bluetooth speaker when it is turned on and Bluetooth is active on my phone; another example is my phone automatically connects to my car's radio system via Bluetooth when I turn the car on.
I'm not able to connect my phone to my PC without first initiating the connection from the smartphone's Bluetooth menu. I'm thinking that I could possibly write an application for the PC to attempt to connect to the device every few minutes or something, but it seems that the phone needs to be the device to initiate the connection.
The only information that I need for what I'm trying to do ultimately is that the devices can pair successfully. Essentially I'm trying to build a sort of proximity trigger between my phone and my PC without using Wi-Fi and GPS - I can't use these for some specific reasons.
Is there any way to make this happen?
Yes this should be doable as long as you use the Background Processing feature for iOS apps. In the example I'll give below, we'll have the PC be the peripheral and the phone be the central, but you can really have it working either way. You will need to do the following:-
First initial connection needs to be performed in the foreground (this is due to iOS's background limitations).
On the iOS side, you need an application that acts as a central that scans and connects to the remove device (check this example as a starting point).
Upon connection, you need to bond with the PC. Bonding is important as it will prevent you from having to do the pairing again in the future. However, pairing/bonding is managed by the iPhone's OS so you cannot write it in your application, so the workaround is to have an encrypted characteristic on the PC side that will force the iPhone to bond (this is covered later).
On the PC side, you need to have a BlueZ script that acts as a peripheral that is always advertising. You can do this using bluetoothctl (check the examples here and here).
Before you start advertising, you need to have a GATT server on the PC side (to do this, check this example).
When registering characteristics, ensure that one of them has the encrypt-read property (you can find a full list of the properties here).
Now when you attempt to read this characteristic from the iOS side, the two devices should bond (make sure that your PC is bondable which you can do this via these commands).
Once the devices are paired, your iOS app needs to be working in the background constantly scanning and attempting to connect to the same peripheral (have a look at this and this example).
You can find more useful information at the links below:-
Getting started with Bluetooth Low Energy
The Ultimate Guide to CoreBluetooth Development
How to manage Bluetooth devices on Linux using bluetoothctl

How can I make volte calls with sip softwares

I have a 4G LTE subscription in my country with a feauture to make phone calls, now with the sim the company provide us with B310-s Huwaui modem
This modem also have an FXS port, that you can plug a normal landline phone in it, and make calls using Volte
Is it possible to sniff data that it's made by the modem to make the call or another way so I can make phone calls with my computer or smartphone using a Sip software for example ? ( without having to use the landline phone or some FXO switch)
If your modem provides an IP connection to your computer then you have the right connectivity to make SIP or other VoIP calls using a client on your computer.
However, some operators may block VoIP traffic over their mobile networks as they do not want people making voice calls this way. This is possibly less common now that it was in the past, but it would be worth checking with your operator.
You may set a bridge between the PC and the dongle and once dongle sets up the call , fwd voice from it to PC and vice versa , similar to what we can do with mac OS and ios (Macbook to iphone) . But this may need you to have access to modem code to be able to modify the same

Windows Mobile 10 Bluetooth LE Connect/Disconnect without pairing

I'm developing an app on the Windows Mobile 10 preview.
I have a Bluetooth product that I need to connect to, write some values then disconnect. I currently do this just fine in Android and iOS.
It seems that Windows Mobile 10 requires the device to be paired manually by the user and then it will automatically connect to the device. I really don't want this behaviour because it's important that other devices be able to connect.
Let me give the example of a door lock using Bluetooth LE. In this case there will be many phones that need to lock/unlock the door. It makes no sense to pair the door lock to one phone because that would automatically connect to the device (and thus prevent any other phone from connecting).
What's the solution in Windows Mobile 10 for our door lock? Can we pair/unpair from code?

Wireless protocol for accelerometer data

I'm building an application where a mobile phone with an accelerometer is used to control an app on a computer in a similar way you would use a mouse. So I need to send the movement from the phone to the computer over some wireless protocol. I am thinking about using Bluetooth but I am not sure what transfer delay to expect. Another possibility is using 802.11g. What do you think? What delay could I expect given that I don’t hit the bandwidth limit?
I worked with a group at Motorola who linked up an external accelerometer pack to a mobile phone using Bluetooth. This work supported a mobile games development class at USC's GamePipe Laboratory, and the speed was sufficient to control the mobile games developed by the students. You'll need to make sure your handset's Bluetooth stack has the correct profile enabled to allow data communication.
Another advantage of Bluetooth over 802.11g is that the frequency hopping Bluetooth uses will make it less vulnerable to interference by all the other 802.11 devices in the vicinity, which sit on one frequency.
I wouldn't expect the amount of data sent by an accelerometer would give Bluetooth any problems.
