How to run a Swift scratch file in AppCode? - jetbrains-ide

I'm trying to run a Swift scratch file in AppCode, and I don't understand how to do that. There's no green play button anywhere:
In IntelliJ, for example, when I create a Scala scratch file, there's a play button:


MGCB Content Builder Won't Launch Properly

I'm trying to use the Monogame Content Builder in Linux with VS Code. I installed this extension in order to easily run the Content.mgcb file, but when I right click the file, the option to run it doesn't appear. Alternatively, when I run dotnet mgcb-editor in the terminal, this window shows up, but there's no option to import a file or do anything! This is what it looks like:
What am I doing wrong? Why won't the extension work, and why won't the the editor open properly? I'm pretty sure the editor should look like this (this image is from a tutorial).
The Linux GTK version displays differently than the windows version.
Use the New button(Leftmost on Bar) or Open button to specify the .mgcb file in the project folder.
Once a file is open, the Bar adds buttons on the left for Build, Rebuild and Clean and Save on the right.
Right-Click the Content node under project to Add existing or add new or build.

How do I make the 'run' button in GNOME builder run a command?

I like GNOME builder for being GTK and having some level of code completion, but I want to use the IDE features more. That being said, I work on some JavaScript projects, so using the run button would be of great use. I know that GNOME builder relies on Meson, and I can't figure out how to set the 'run' function (?) as a command in Meson.

How to run java file in Sublime text?

I like sublime text editor but the problem is whenever i want to execute the program i have to do it in terminal. Is there anyway to solve this issue?
You can also execute java program from sublime text editor.
Follow following steps:
After saving as .java file click on Tools header
Click Build System and select javaC.
Now you are ready you can build program with Ctrl+B shortcut or go to Tools and press Build.
Once compilation has succeed you can run program by pressing java under Build System of Tools.
visit following link for more details.

Run code on file open in Sublime Text

I'd like to run some code in Sublime Text every time I open a file. Is there any way of doing this?
The background, if you want more context: I recently started using Sublime Text as my main editor, and although I love having Vim mode available through the Vintageous plug-in, I just want it to be available, not forcing its way into being turned on every time I open a file.
The author does not seem open to adding an option for being turned off by default--which is entirely okay: I'm not trying to be critical of his choices, and I'm glad he's made his code available to me--so it occurred to me that Sublime Text might offer some way of running some code every time you open a file. If so, I would simply run something that sets the mode to the normal Sublime Text mode (as opposed to Vim's "normal" mode).
You can run code in response to various events by creating a plugin and subclassing sublime_plugin.EventListener. The methods you would be most interested in are on_load() and on_new(). From there, you can either run an existing command, or you can make your own in a different class (probably subclassing sublime_plugin.TextCommand).

How to use J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line

i'm trying to create J2ME app with J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line and i'm confused on how to compile and preverify my source code.can anyone show me how to please ?
Pretty much all IDE's allow you to run and compile the code inside them, rather than having a separate pipeline to edit the text files, compile them and run them.
For example, in IDEA you have a "Run" menu that you can use to access all those functionalities.
I suggest that, especially if you are inexperienced, you switch from a "manual" process using separate tools (text editor, compiler, runner) to a more unified one, that will sort out most of the details for you letting you focus on the writing of the code / logic.
