Compare 2 pivot tables side by side - excel

I have a pivot table gathering data from a sheet, using slicers i'm able to filter data.
What i wanted to do is get data from 2 slicers, like one slicer with March and another with June and show it side by side within the same pivot table or different, So I can compare data.
I'm using Excel, any ideas?
Let me know if there is anything else u might need to help

Before creating any slicers, copy your pivot table and place beside the original table. Then create your Slicer on Pivot 1, and repeat for Pivot 2. These will be exclusive slicers as long as you do it in this order.


How can I generate a pivot table using this data?

I have this table:
Is it possible to make a pivot table to present the information like this?:
Sure it's possible. As shown in your example, you just need to change the special character "✔️" by the number 1 using "ctrl + f". Then insert a Pivot Table with the data. And finally, create a new column named TOTAL and add the "=sum()" formula to count the items from each row. Something like that:
You are going to need to move this data from the word doc you are using into an Excel worksheet, in order to generate a pivot table.
format your data like this in Excel
To start out creating a pivot table, make sure that all rows and columns are selected and record (row) must not be obscure or elusive and must be making sense. Navigate to Insert tab, click PivotTable.
You will reach Create Pivot Table dialog box. Excel fills in data range from first to last selected columns and rows. You can also specify any external data source to be used. Finally choose worksheet to save the pivot table report.
The pivot table should appear. You can then populate this table with data fields which will pop up on the right hand side. Enable the fields you wish to compare in the pivot table report.

Make a bubble chart in excel from a pivot table

Is there a way to make a bubble chart from a pivot table in excel? When I try do this I get a message that says that bubble charts and stock charts doesnt work with pivot tables.
Do you need the pivot table to stay dynamic? And if so, will the pivot table change in size?
If the answer to either of these is no, these work-arounds should work:
option 1 - You only need the values from the pivot table
Make a copy of the pivot table, but paste only the values.
Now you can make a bubble chart.
option 2 - The pivot table values may change, but the dimension would stay the same.
make a copy of the pivot table, but put in each cell a reference to the corresponding cell (e.g. =E15 ) in the original pivot table.
Now you can make a bubble chart.
option 3 - Everything needs to stay dynamic
Use a pivot chart instead of a pivot table. see here.
Its also possible to convert your existing table into a pivot chart.
see here.
edit 2: option 3 seems not to work for bubble charts after all. I leave this option here for completeness’ sake.

Pivot Table Value Adjustments

I have a pivot table from multiple tables. When I double-click my pivot table data, it produces a copy of the row(s) that data came from. Is there a way for me to make adjustments aka change the values of cells in these rows, and have it only adjust the pivot table?
What I'm mainly looking for is an easy way of viewing the data through the pivot table, and adjusting it without it necessarily affecting the source tables. Right now when I adjust a row produced by the pivot table, none of the values in the actual pivot table get updated.
What about producing a new PivotTable from the drilldown sheet that got produced when you double-clicked the old PivotTable?
That's about as close as you're going to get, I'm afraid.
The pivot table is a visualization tool only. It summarizes that data that you input into the pivot table, and gives you a visual output.
If you want to change that visual output, you have to copy the relevant part of the pivot table to another area (different cell or sheet, doesn't matter). Then, you can edit that table.

Pivot table Filter deletes other data on sheet

I currently have a pivot table on one sheet and a list of data on another sheet. I wanted to put both next to each other so I moved the pivot table to the left of the data set without a problem. However, every time I use a filter on the pivot table, it prompts me to ask if I want to delete all the other data on that sheet. Clicking okay clears the whole sheet but clicking cancel doesn't apply the filter. Any idea how I can get around this?
The only way around this is to make sure they do not overlap at all ... because if the pivot expands / contracts it affects the sheet and thus the table. I do think a possible work around at least in my quick testing is too keep the table on another sheet, but create another pivot of that table on the same sheet. Then Simply put the columns as columns so it looks like a table.

Filter Pivot in Report Filter for a range of values

I have the following issue. I have large dataset with product codes, dates at which they are shipped and their tranport method.
I would like to create a pivot of the product code on the left and their transport method on the top. But as variable I would the pivot to only present a range of dates. These dates are presented in the form yyyyww. (example: from 201420 to 201505).
I have a column where each of the individual year and weeknumber as presented, so they could be looked up from there. This also allows it to be a variable.
How can I get this pivot to present this information between a date range?
In Excel 2010 and later you can insert a slicer for any field in the data source and click the values in the slicer that you want to include in the pivot table. Shift click to select contiguous slicer values, Ctrl-click to pick non-contiguous slicer items.
As an alternative to slicers, you can drag the desired filter columns into the filter pane.
The screenshot shows the column names in the filter pane and how the filters appear above the pivot table. It also shows slicers to the right of the pivot table. A pivot table in Excel 2010 and later can have both filters and slicers. Earlier versions can only have filters.
The following screenshot shows what happens when values have been clicked on the slicers. These selected slicer values are mirrored in the filter settings (and vice versa). So, a slicer is just a user-friendly way to select one or more filters for the pivot table.
Please note that you would normally only use one method: either slicer OR filters. Choose the one that you like most.
