JHipster: How turn prompt optional in my blueprint when executing the "jdl" command - jhipster

I've observed the following behavior when I generate a new application using JHipster:
When I just call jhipster, it shows a set of prompts to make my choices.
When I call jhipster jdl <myjslfile.jdl>:
2.1. If the JDL has just entities, not declaring a config application section, I've got an error: Database type is required to validate entities.
2.2. If the JDL has the minimum config application like the following, it assumes some defaults and does not show any prompt.
I'm trying to write my own blueprint and I'd like to know how could I tell to Jhipster some default values should be considered when loading a JDL.
I thought that if I just set the prompt attribute default would be the solution, but I did this and have no effect, the prompts are always shown. When there are more than one application declared in the JDL file it's worst because it's not possible to distinguish what is being answered to each application since this processes happen in parallel.
application {
config {
baseName microserviceExample,
applicationType microservice,
prodDatabaseType postgresql
entities X
entity X {
name String required minlength(3)

Personally, I don't like depending on default values that could be changed by a new major version (e.g. default for service registry will change in JHipster 8 from Eureka to Consul).
Why is this a problem to explicit these values in your JDL? For me the JDL should be self contained as much as possible.
Alternatively, you could define a .yo-rc.json file in your project directory or in its parent directory if you want to apply to several apps below.
And finally, you could open a feature request on github for the dev team to comment.


Specifying ClassDefinition in hazelcast.yaml?

Using hazelcast 5.2.1
We are moving from a java-based config in a custom application to stand-alone serve with a yaml config, since we would like to use the public docker image as a base for a hazelcast member. We excpet to just add some jar files in ${HZ_HOME}bin/user-lib and a config file in ${HZ_HOME}/hazelcast.yaml.
Our config gets picked up, and the server starts. But when the clients try to put objects, things go bad. The server logs the error:
com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializationException: Cannot write null portable without explicitly registering class definition
How can we add ClassDefinition objects to the config?
We have classes implementing VersionedPortable, and have static ClassDefinition members for them.
Until now we have just added the class definitions programmatically while configuring the member instance in our own applications, but we cannot find a hook to do this when using yaml config?

Can I omit site.pp to execute one class on all nodes

I habe puppetserver and three nodes. I created on master createuser.pp file with createuser class.
Additionally I created site.pp with following content:
node 'app01','app02,'app03'{
include createuser
Now executing from each app server: puppet agent -tv will create user. All work fine.
My question is can I do the same without defining site.pp manifest ?
I can of course add include createuser at the end of class definition in file createuser.pp
but how can i run it from all three app hosts ? Do I need to create a tag ?
Thanks for any tips.
can I do the same without defining site.pp manifest ?
In any version of Puppet still supported, you can do it without a file named site.pp, but not without a "site manifest" in a more general sense. This can be a single file of configurable name (default "site.pp"), or it can be the collective contents of all the files in a specified directory. Either way, the site manifest is the entry point for catalog building. Other manifests are consulted only as needed.
I can of course
add include createuser at the end of class definition in file
In current Puppet, top-scope code may appear only in the site manifest (though some historic versions were more lax). Your class should be in a module, not in the site manifest, and in that case no, you couldn't use an include statement in the same file with the class definition. You need a class declaration either in the site manifest or in some other class directly or indirectly declared by the site manifest.
but how can i run it from all three app hosts ? Do I
need to create a tag ?
On the agent side, tags are useful only for limiting which classes and resources are applied. Only those already in its catalog are available -- you cannot use tags from that end to apply classes or resources that wouldn't ordinarily be applied.
You ensure that the class is in the node's catalog by declaring it in the site manifest (as you are doing now) or in another class directly or indirectly declared in the site manifest.

Problem with JHipster app generation - conflict between two created app on the server port

I generated two apps using jhipster command. One for a Jhipster demo called Blog and the other one called MyFarm.
In blog, there were three entities: Blog, Entry and Tag
In MyFarm there are two entities: Farm and Product.
The first app Blog works properly. Then I stop it. I open and run the new App myFarm and it keeps trying to reach the Blog entities... that it doesn't find obviously and then I get an error.
To generate the entities I used the import of a jh file containing the following:
entity Farm {
name String required minlength(3),
details TextBlob required
entity Product {
type String required,
quality Quality required,
quantity Integer required,
date Instant required
relationship ManyToOne {
Farm {user(login)} to User,
Product{farm(name)} to Farm
paginate Product with infinite-scroll
enum Quality {
The entities have been generated properly then. But they are in red in my IDE and the App doesn't try to reachc those entities upon running.
Does somebody have a clue, please?
The port is configured in the .yo-rc.json file in each project, edit one and change value of serverPort property, then re-generate your app by executing jhipster.

Jhipster using custom entity-client sub-generator

I am trying to create a blueprint for entity-client sub-generator by following the official guide. Tried several times. But when I try to use the generated blueprint, while importing jdl, it always says
Trying to use blueprint generator-jhipster-helloworld
WARNING! No blueprint found for entity-client falling back to default generator
then it generates the entity clients in the default way.
I can see the blueprint is linked into the node-modules folder of the generated app.
If anybody has created a simple working "entity-client sub-generator" blueprint, Please share the code with me. For example, "that adds <h1>lorem ipsum<h1> on the top of component.html file for the generated client of entity (on importing a simple jdl with just one entity)" would be sufficient.
Sample JDL
entity Item{
code String required,
description String required,
quantity Integer required
Best Regards.

JHipster first application

I’m a complete JHipster beginner and I want to create my first own JHipster application, but I got a problem that I’m not able to solve.
Firstly, I generated my app with following settings:
-Monolithic application
then I chose a base name and a default Java package of my app and HTTP Session Authentication.
Later, I chose following:
-SQL, MYSQL, MYSQL, Yes, with ehcache, Gradle, CSS preprocessor : Yes, Internationalization: Yes, Testing framework: Gatling
And to that moment everything looked fine , then I wanted to create my entity as follows:
Yo jhipster:entity activitylist
and I added three fields:
-activityname (String), acitivitydate (LocalDate) and rating (Integer) and then I added relationship with entity user, type: many to one.
I used yo jhipster:entity user and I added following fields: login(String), name(String), surname(String) and added relationship one to many with field user.
However, everytime when I tried to run it with docker I got compile Java Failure and following warnings:
warning: Unmapped target property: "authorities".
UserDTO userToUserDTO(User user);
error: Unknown property "password" in return type.
User userDTOToUser(UserDTO userDTO);
I would appreciate any help.
The problem with your app is the name of your entity: user.
You need to change the name of this entity because when You name it as following You create a new Java class : User, however JHipster has its own built-in User Java class which is located in src/main/java/domain folder.
This class has its own getter, setter methods and mapper which operation is affected when your entity „user" is created.
You can notice this fact in Your warnings when compiler informs You that it encountered unknown properties in Your return type in User userDTOToUser. I would strongly recommend You changing name of the user entity and everything else should work fine.
