Convert Days, Hours, Minutes to Seconds (Dd HH:MM:SS) in Excel - excel

How can i convert cell in excel to seconds
2d 07:51:00
Expected Output:

If one has TEXTSPLIT:
=SUM(--SUBSTITUTE(TEXTSPLIT(A1," "),"d",""))*86400
=(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1),"d","")+MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,LEN(A1)))*86400


Multiply hh:mm with number in excel

I have a total of hours in hh:mm format and I need to multiply it with hourly rate for example 22$ per hours. How can I achieve this in excel?
Expectation is since its 49:30 hours, it should perform below formula 49:50 & 22 = 1089
Convert the hh:mm format to timevalue and multiply by 24 (because 1 = 1 day), and then multiply by hourly rate: (Assume hour data in A1)

SUBSTITUTE formula to separate hours and minute by comma

I have formula to separate hours and minutes by comma.
=CEILING(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");0,1)
This works for 4 hours 40 mins and 1 hour 10 mins. However there might case like 20 mins. Then my formula is displaying 20 that is not correct and should be 0,2. Any suggestions how to fix this issue?
Note! Values like 4 hours 40 mins are in one cell, in this case in cell P96. Information comes straight from Google Maps xml.
=CEILING(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("hour";P96));SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");"0,"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";""));0,1)
Conditionally add a dummy prefix that satisfies the hours substitution.
=CEILING(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("hour"; P96)); "0 hours "; "")&P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");0,1)
Type your time in cell A1. As an example, you could type "2:30", "14:30" or "2:30 PM".
Type "=HOUR(A1)" in cell A2 to produce only the hour. As an example, extracting the hour "2:30 PM" would give you "14," because 2 PM is the fourteenth hour in the day.
Type "=MINUTE(A1)" in cell A3 to extract the minutes.
Type "=SECOND(A1)" in cell A4 to extract the seconds.

formating numbers into Time format

I want to convert numbers (that represent seconds) into HH:MM:SS format (like shown in pic..) but don't want to split them.. I want to format it using some formula or
If you just want to display the 715 seconds as hours:minutes:seconds, you will need a helper column that you use just for display.
You can create it either as in your example screenshot, or using a formula:
Note the brackets around hh. That keeps the hours from rolling over every 24 and displays total hours correctly for instances where seconds > 86,400.
There's no way I know of to have 715 displayed as the associated hours:minutes:seconds in the same cell.
You can use a formula like this to convert 715 to HH:MM:SS:
=TEXT(FLOOR((A1-FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400)/3600, 1), "00:") & text(floor((A1 - floor(A1/3600,1)*3600)/60, 1),"00:") & text(A1 - floor(A1/3600,1)*3600 - floor((A1 - floor(A1/3600,1)*3600)/60, 1)*60,"00")
Let's break it down.
Get hours
A1 is seconds
There are 86400 seconds in a day
FLOOR(A1/86400, 1) gives us the floor of days
Multiply that by 86400 will give us seconds in those days FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400
Remove those many seconds from A1 and you get seconds remaining in the fraction of the last day A1- FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400
Divide those remaining seconds with 3600 to get hours FLOOR((A1- FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400 )/3600, 1)
Use TEXT function to format it to 2 digits and a colon at the end TEXT(FLOOR((A1- FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400 )/3600, 1), "00:")
Then, find remaining minutes and format it.
Then, take remaining seconds and format it.
Alternate method
Assume that your seconds are in column A6.
In B6, we will put Whole Days =FLOOR(A6/86400, 1)
In C6, we will put remaining seconds =A6-B6*86400
In D6, we will put Whole Hours =FLOOR(C6/3600,1)
In E6, we will put remaining seconds =C6-D6*3600
In F6, we will put Whole Minutes =FLOOR(E6/60, 1)
In G6, we will put remaining seconds =E6-F6*60
In H6, we'll format Hours, Minutes and Seconds =TEXT(D6,"00:") & TEXT(F6,"00:") & TEXT(G6,"00")

Excel 2013 Date time difference

I have a column with date and time for start (IN) and end (OUT) and I want to calculate the difference in days.
Date: IN Time: IN Date: OUT Time: OUT
24/07/2018 12:15:00 26/07/2018 06:11:00
I combine them into date time IN and OUT by using:
E1=TEXT(A2,"dd/mm/yy ")&TEXT(B2,"hh:mm:ss")
F1=TEXT(C2,"dd/mm/yy ")&TEXT(D2,"hh:mm:ss")
But I am unable to find any working code for the difference in number of hours.
TEXT will convert your dates and times into text (strangely enough).
Adding the date and time will return a date/time value so you could use:
=SUM(C2:D2)-SUM(A2:B2) to return 1.74722222
(edit: if you then give the cell a custom number format of d:h:mm it will display 1:17:56 or 1 day, 17 hours, 56 minutes).
(EDIT AGAIN: Sorry, only just seen you want it in hours. Give the cell a custom number format of [hh]:mm. The square brackets tells it to count over 24 hours. This will return 41:56).
=DATEDIF(SUM(A2:B2),SUM(C2:D2),"d") to return 2.
or if you just want days from the dates you could just use
=C2-A2 to return 2.
Dates and times in Excel are just numbers - no need to complicate things by turning them to text.
= (F1 - E1) * 24
Rather easly :)

Excel time conversion from words

I was sent a spread sheet and it listed the times as "00 hours 04 minutes 44 seconds" how do i convert 00 hours 04 minutes 44 seconds into a regular time like 04:44 in excel?
Try this, assuming your data is in cell A1:
=RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("hours", A1)-2), 2)&":"&RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("minutes", A1)-2), 2)&":"&RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("seconds", A1)-2), 2)
You can see what each individual piece is doing if you split it apart at the &. For example, =RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("minutes", A1)-2), 2) returns "04". One level in from that, LEFT(A1, FIND("minutes", A1)-2) returns "00 hours 04", and you need the right two characters of that.
This should work regardless of what order the hours, minutes, and seconds are in.
The CGritton's solution shows the time as text (you can not change the format or do some calculation with it).
If all cells have the same format ## hours ## minutes ## seconds you can simplify the formula.
Assuming that you have "00 hours 04 minutes 44 seconds" in cell B4, just type, for example in cell D4:
Then you can change the format to: hh:mm:ss AM/PM or hh:mm AM/pm or hh:mm
