Short description info - point

How we add short description in the form of bullet points below the product title.
like this photo bullet points are below the title

Simply add an unordered list to the product record, in the product description textarea.
<li>List Item 1</li>
<li>List Item 2</li>
<li>List Item 3</li>
If you're using default Cornerstone (6.6.1 at the time of this comment), you will need to:
Set theme_settings.show_product_details_tabs to false.
Move {{> components/products/description}} into the correct spot in templates/components/products/product-view.html.


Scraping data when a parent tag has a child for some element only

I am trying to scrape data from an e-commerce site for a certain product. On the result page, there are 50 products listed. Some products have original prices under them while some have discounted prices with original prices striked-out. The HTML code for that is
for non-discounted products
<div class="class-1">
Rs. 7999
For discounted product
<div class="class-1">
<span class="class-2">
Rs. 11621
<span class="class-3">
Rs. 15495
<span class="class-4">
(25% OFF)
What the result should be?
I want a code that could scroll through the list of products and extract data from Div[class='class-1]/span tag for the non-discounted product and where there is a child span[class='class-2'] present, it should extract data from only that tag and not from the Span[Class-3] tag.
Please help!!
If I understand you clearly, first you need to get a list of products with:
products = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class="class-1"]')
Now, you can iterate thru the list of products and grab the prices as following
prices = []
for product in products:
discount_price = product.find_elements_by_xpath('.//span[#class="class-2"]')
Per each product I'm checking existence of //span[#class="class-2"] child element as you defined.
In case there is such an element, product.find_elements_by_xpath('.//span[#class="class-2"]') will return non-empty list of web elements. Not empty list is Boolean True in Python so if will go.
Otherwise the list is empty and else will go.

How would I use the Emmet trim filter |t (pipe t) to remove list markers?

I have the following list;
* unordered item 1
* unordered item 2
* unordered item 3
How would I use wrap with abbreviation (ctrl+shift+G) or (ctrl+shift+A) and remove the
* unordered and be left with just the item and number. I am using Sublime Text 3 on Linux
and I select the text above then ctrl+shift+G Then I want to create an unordered list nav bar.
So in the wrap with abbreviation window I type nav>ul.nav>li.nav-items$*>a|t and the result of
this is;
<ul class="nav">
<li class="nav-item1">unordered item 1</li>
<li class="nav-item2">unordered item 2</li>
<li class="nav-item3">unordered item 3</li>
I removed the * but not the unordered. I know the |t is the Emmet trim filter. Is there a
way to pass this filter a number value to tell it how many items or words to trim?
What I want to be left with after applying |t (the trim filter) is;
<ul class="nav">
<li class="nav-item1">item 1</li>
<li class="nav-item2">item 2</li>
<li class="nav-item3">item 3</li>
Emmet removes only well-known list markers like numbers or bullets. It’s much better and easier to remove something else using native editor features like column selection

Trying to use PugJS to iterate both href attribute and link text

I'm having a hard time taking my json object and using the name and values to make a link. I've tried separate arrays as well, but I've decided it'd be easier if I set the object as {title:url} and when I use this code:
each url, title in news
li= title
li= url
it returns my titles and urls like so
These are the arguments against net neutrality — and why they’re
https : //techcrunch .
The bizarre naming trends that modern startups follow
https: //techcrunch .
Salesforce marches steadily toward $10B run rate goal
https :// techcrunch .
Uber threatened to fire engineer at center of Waymo trade secret
https :
but when I try to make links with this code
each url, title in news
a(href= url) title
I get this:
the links work, but it won't iterate the title...
any tips with this issue?
I decided to switch to an array and it seems like you need a = after (href= link) like this:
each articles in news
a(href = articles.url)= articles.title
li= articles.description
The issue is actually that there must be an equal sign (you were right about that) but there can be no space between the assignee (left side) and that equal sign. For example, this works:
each url, title in {'/a': 'Title A', '/b': 'Title B'}
a(href=url)= title
... and will render:
<a href='/a'>Title A</a>
<a href='/b'>Title B</a>
If you omit the equals sign or leave a space like this:
each url, title in {'/a': 'Title A', '/b': 'Title B'}
a(href=url) = title
... you'll get:
<a href='/a'>title</a>
<a href='/b'>title</a>

Expression Engine, filter relationship's entry by category id

I have the channel Market and Family. Both have the same expressionengine's category group.
I want to print out all the entries of the channel Market with the category XY, and for each market I want to print ONLY the first family entry of category XY related to it.
In my solution, seems that the category parameter inside the relationship field "market-families" doesn't work. here is the code:
{exp:channel:entries channel="Market" category="{segment_2_category_id}" orderby="title" sort="asc"}
{if "{url_title}" == "{segment_3}"}
<li class="active">
{market-families orderby="title" sort="asc" category="{segment_2_category_id}" limit="1"}
{segment_2_category_id} -> plugin to get the category id from a segment.
market-families -> Multiple relationship field inside channel Market
Thank you for any help :)
Have you tried manually entering the category id in the parameter instead of using the plugin just to verify that it's not the plugin?
I couldn't find any specific reference to the relationship field being able to use the category parameter in ExpressionEngine's documentation:

how can I select with multiple css selector with YUI3

<li class="selected cell">test</li>
<li class="cell">test2</li>
How can I select only the .selected .cell element?'.selected, .cell') <= This selects boths li elements. and I just want to select the first element.
Is there something like?'.cell').one('.selected') ???
Notice the lack of space between them.
