I'm having a hard time taking my json object and using the name and values to make a link. I've tried separate arrays as well, but I've decided it'd be easier if I set the object as {title:url} and when I use this code:
each url, title in news
li= title
li= url
it returns my titles and urls like so
These are the arguments against net neutrality — and why they’re
https : //techcrunch .
The bizarre naming trends that modern startups follow
https: //techcrunch .
Salesforce marches steadily toward $10B run rate goal
https :// techcrunch .
Uber threatened to fire engineer at center of Waymo trade secret
https :
but when I try to make links with this code
each url, title in news
a(href= url) title
I get this:
the links work, but it won't iterate the title...
any tips with this issue?
I decided to switch to an array and it seems like you need a = after (href= link) like this:
each articles in news
a(href = articles.url)= articles.title
li= articles.description
The issue is actually that there must be an equal sign (you were right about that) but there can be no space between the assignee (left side) and that equal sign. For example, this works:
each url, title in {'/a': 'Title A', '/b': 'Title B'}
a(href=url)= title
... and will render:
<a href='/a'>Title A</a>
<a href='/b'>Title B</a>
If you omit the equals sign or leave a space like this:
each url, title in {'/a': 'Title A', '/b': 'Title B'}
a(href=url) = title
... you'll get:
<a href='/a'>title</a>
<a href='/b'>title</a>
How we add short description in the form of bullet points below the product title.
like this...in this photo bullet points are below the title
Simply add an unordered list to the product record, in the product description textarea.
<li>List Item 1</li>
<li>List Item 2</li>
<li>List Item 3</li>
If you're using default Cornerstone (6.6.1 at the time of this comment), you will need to:
Set theme_settings.show_product_details_tabs to false.
Move {{> components/products/description}} into the correct spot in templates/components/products/product-view.html.
Picture contains HTML code for the situation
case 1:
<a> some text: </a><strong> 'identifier:''random words' </strong>
case 2:
<a> some text: </a>
I want to scrape values for identifiers if it's present, else I want to put an empty string if there is no identifier in that particular case.
I am using scrapy or you can help me with BeautifulSoup as well and will really appreciate your help
It's a little bit unclear what do you want exactly, because your screenshot is little bit different than your example in your question. I suppose you want to search text "some text:" and then get next value inside <strong> (or empty string if there isn't any):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
txt = '''
<a> some text: </a><strong> 'identifier:''random words' </strong>
<a> some text: </a>
soup = BeautifulSoup(txt, 'html.parser')
for t in soup.find_all(lambda t: t.contents[0].strip() == 'some text:'):
identifier = t.parent.find('strong')
identifier = identifier.get_text(strip=True) if identifier else ''
print('Found:', identifier)
Found: 'identifier:''random words'
I just got into Scrapy & I’m aware this is a Noob question but How do I add an attribute to specify specific pagination link?
here is the html with the element I’m targeting.
`<div class="pagination">
<a rel="prev" href="/collections/all?page=1" class="fa fa-chevron-left prev pagination-icon"></a>
<li class="pagination-icon">
<li class="pagination-icon pagination-icon--current">
<li class="pagination-icon">
<li class="pagination-icon">
<li class="pagination-icon pagination-icon--current">
<li class="pagination-icon">
I Need to follow the link in this line
<a rel="next" href="/collections/all?page=3" class="fa fa-chevron-right next pagination-icon"></a>
Here is my scrapy code
next_page = response.css('div.pagination a::attr(href)').extract_first()
if next_page is not None:
yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse)
What’s happening is its following this link instead of the other one because it is the first one in the class “pagination”
<a rel="prev" href="/collections/all?page=1" class="fa fa-chevron-left prev pagination-icon"></a>
I can see 2 differences between the attributes of the 2 links, both in the class “pagination”
Rel attribute is different, I need the one with “next”
Class attribute is different, I need “fa fa-chevron-right next pagination-icon”
I’m pretty sure I can get the correct link by specifying one of the 2 attributes listed above in my css selector. I tried using the following CSS selectors but none worked.
div.pagination a.fa fa-chevron-right next pagination-icon a::attr(href) does not work
a.fa fa-chevron-right next pagination-icon a::attr(href) does not work
a.fa fa-chevron-right next pagination-icon::attr(href) does not work
How can I achieve my goal? Why do none of the CSS selectors I tried work?
You can't select multiple classes with a single dot. Either combine each of them with dots or go for this syntax "[class='fa fa-chevron-right next pagination-icon']". However, if any class out of them is generated dynamically then the selector will break.
Then try with this to see what happens.
response.css('div.pagination a[rel="next"]::attr(href)').extract_first()
I'm trying to create a list with hyperlinks. Each list item contains a subject and a simple description to that subject in one line. I want to include a hyperlink for the subject but not the description. What I did is as below.
a(href="#") Subject: Here is the description of the subject
The link works fine but it covers the whole line of text. How do I close the hyperlink so that it becomes something like below in HTML? Note that the ':' is not covered by the hyperlink.
<ul id='subjects'>
<li><a href='#'>Subject</a>: Here is is the description of the subject
Thank you. : )
use | to display the HTML text in Jade
a(href="#") Subject
| : Here is the description of the subject
I have this piece of code in one of my .jade files:
each item in items
li= item.name + " " + item.inStock + " <a href='/item/"+item.uniqueId+"'>buy now!</a>"
What this renders is:
Of Mice and Men 1000 <a href='/item/1'>buy now!</a>
As you can see the <a href='/item/1'>buy now!</a> is not rendered as HTML but as plain text. Is there a way to render it as HTML, so that it creates a link?
each item in items
| #{item.name} #{item.inStock}
a(href="/item/"+item.uniqueId) buy now!
try the unescaped operator:
li!= ...
it should do the trick.