R1CS system- selection of field - finite-field

HEy fellow mathematicians, I am trying to build a constraint system for ZK SNARK but my answers are lying outside the disered field can you guide me which points should I keep in mind before selecting a field


Generic Inquiry as Primary List/Entry Point

As I build custom entry screens for our business requirements, an objective is to utilize generic inquiries as the entry point for a consistent user experience with the rest of the system. I have 3 user entry screens, each of which is on the Site Map in the same place. Two of the GI's allow me to select the Site Map node for these user screens and assign the Entry Point to display the GI instead of the user entry screen. One does not. All of them appear to have very similar DAC structure as well as Graph structure including naming the primary graph in the DAC.
What causes the site map node to be available (or not) for assignment of the GI as an entry point. (For instance, is there an orphaned record I might seek out in SQL from deleting a previous attempt?)
I am on Acumatica ERP 2018R1 (Build 18.113.0018).
There were a couple of issues that prevented the Generic Inquiry from allowing it to be set as an Entry Point. If you have this same issue, review the related DAC's carefully for errors that may not be compile time issues. Also, double check all of the definition tabs in the generic inquiry for fields that you renamed or dropped but failed to adjust in the GI. In my case, the last issue resolved that allowed the GI to be turned into an entry screen was a poorly defined parameter.
To troubleshoot, try making the GI very simple. If you cannot reach the screen to select as the entry point and the GI is very basic, odds are that you have a problem somewhere in the DAC. In some of the DAC's for screens that I could not setup as an entry point, I had reference to a setup DAC that was not using Currrent when it should. This small error in the DAC was the problem on 2 of my 3 screens.
In my case, the primary view name in the graph was not 100% the same as the datamember on the screen. One was camelcase and the other pascal case. Make sure the view name on both the screen and the graph is exactly the same.

In Blue prism button is not able to click while executing mode

Hi I am new to blue prism
My question is:
I have button in my application after recording if i try to highlight it is working fine but while executing it is not able to click the button and i am not getting any error.
If you provide a screenshot of the attribute list in your application modeler, it might be easier to provide an accurate answer. However, for now, I can give you some pointers:
For most applications the following can be unticked:
any elements with a blank value
all 'Parent' attributes unless
required to make the element a unique match
the 'Visible' and 'Enabled' attributes usually have no impact if left ticked or unticked, so can often be unticked
With any attributes which may not be persistent and could be prone to changing — i.e. element count, application’s URL, etc.—, it is recommended to untick them or, if required in your process, use the wildcard match type to dynamically build the corresponding values which will allow easy identification.
To speed up finding the elements, it is recommended that the Match Index attribute be used when possible. This works by stopping Blue Prism from trawling through the application model for duplicate elements once one matching element is found.
It is also recommended to add a wait stage at the start of each action. This will handle system latency and provide a correct path for your process:
The above are some pointers that I have consolidated for your ease. However, all the help you need can be found on the Blue Prism portal itself : Blue Prism Documentation
Hope this helps.. Good luck!

is it possible to use smart image in multi-composite field?

I tried using smart image in multi composite field. In that the images are getting persisted, the remaining fields in the multi composite fields are not getting persisted. when i edited the dialog for the first time the values are getting stored on the node. when i edit the dialog next time it is showing me empty fields for the fields other than smart image.
This won't work. SmartImage and SmartFile have some restrictions to them. And there are two different versions: SmartImage and SmartFile vs. Html5SmartImage and Html5SmartFile. Depending on your actual Version of CQ it is even only possible to have the smartimage as a separate tab without any other fields. On top of that the behaviour for the different browser and versions together with the configuration of your SmartImage have different outcomes in JCR. This is even true for AEM 5.6.1 and the Html5 versions of the the xtype.
I can't post the full solution (as the code is not mine) but give some pointers how you could achieve your requirement:
Write your own Widget that replaces the multifield xtype. The author called it genericmultifield and what it does is to open an additional configurable dialog for each item. In this dialog you have the full controll again. It stores each item as a separate node below your resource from where you open your main dialog.
Though you need good ExtJs knowledge to achieve this and considering AEM 6, with a complete new Touch UI I am not sure if it is wise to do so. I didn't have time to check out AEM6, but maybe they already have something like this in their new UI.

Add a field to a query where the data comes from a subform

I need to filter a a table with parameters that are calculated on a non related table, but to do this in Access web I need to add the [Project_Id] to the task list.
To clarify further, the user answers some questions regarding the details of a project, which in turn will calculate in the background a group of parameters that are needed to sort a task list.
The problem is the task list is generic and not related to a project so before I can use the project related filter parameters I need to assign a project id to the task list or there is no relationship and no way of knowing what project parameters to use.
I tried to do this with a query but being a Web database I am unable to select the data from the form control.
Hopefully someone can help me find a solution, because I have exhausted Google and my own knowledge on the subject. One last thing I am unable to use code thanks to security issues.
In case anyone is interested I found away to assign the project id to the task list using data macros.
The data macro is assigned to a table that is related to the project and when updated edits the tasks list to add the current project id for each record in the table.
I still have some issues to work around, but in general it does what I need.

Controlling an NSArrayController and Core data relations

I am new to stackoverflow because I almost never ask questions in forums as there are plenty of questions out there already answered. However my head is about to explode from trying to figure out how to do this app.
First I do this using XCode 4.5.2 for OSX 10.8 deployment of a personal (that is for my use only) double entry accounting software.
Each accounting entry consists of a header of various text fields such as the entry date, a serial number, etc. which I created an Entity called "Entry". Also each such entry has multiple lines such as the various accounts related to that entry, amounts, etc. called an Entity "EntryLine" linked in the model nice and easy.
The thing is that I intended to use text field for the basic header info and below it a linked Table View for each of the line. Being an accounting software there are several checks (validations) that I need to make and I need full control of what is going on. Already tried binding two array controllers, one for each entity and linking the two and saving them to the sqlite file but to no avail!
Now I have an app with just the header up and running by manually getting and setting the info in the top text fields as I please and saving them to the file. But I have no idea how to do the part with the Entry Lines in the Table view. Can I do that manually too or is it better to do bindings through an array controller?
Also tried already with array controller but I get "Table View Cell" when I add a new line in the table. Any ideas on that?
In the Table View there is also an "Account Name" part that is NOT part of the EntryLine entity but my intention is to obtain this information from another entity called "Account" that stores the Account Number and Account Name. On input of the account number that is, the app would skip the name field and move to particulars for input but also bring up the name of the account already inputted. Is this even possible?
Sorry for being a bit vague in my questions but I come from routine program oriented languages and not object oriented one, though I have some Java experience. Any help would be appreciated. No screenshot sorry as I am not yet allowed:(
