I am writing a Page in DialogFlow CX Node js API. The page have a parameter that uses system entities for example #sys.any.
So publishing such information require ids of the resources from dialogFlow. I can use a custom entity Type by following the pattern: projects/<projectId>/locations/<location>/agents/<agentId>/entityType/<entityTypeId>.
But for System entity I use the pattern :
Eventually gets an ERROR:
Entity type 'projects/chatbot-dev-356403/locations/europe-west2/agents/1cd671ea-1ec6-4b3f-90fa-4c754d0f9f47/entityTypes/#sys.any' of form parameter 'Improve' does not exist in the agent.
How to call that system resource (entity) through API?
I'm trying to build flutter e-commerce application backend node.js which has PayPal integration and I'm using the V2 version since v1 is deprecated and I don't know where to insert a unique identifier like its DB id for the user when I create the order then I will identify which user pay the payment when I capture the order
I'm using the #paypal/checkout-server-SDK package to handle the backend.
sorry for my English
If you need the information to be stored as part of the PayPal order record, you can specify a custom_id when creating the order.
If you just need to keep track of the ID between creation and capture steps, there are many ways to store information temporarily in node, including in a web session, for instance using express-session. There are many tutorials.
I am trying to create a small web app using STRAPI for my API.
I have two collection types, the User and the Event. The relationship between them is one-to-many (A user has many events).
The problem is that when I am trying to send a request (I tried both postman and my frontend app) in order to CREATE a new Event, I can not find how to include the creator's ID in the data of the request.
As a result, the event is created, but it has no creator.
I want to use various fields such as customer token, customer id etc. in each session created in watson assistant v2 using nodejs.
Can I pass it directly in the createSession function or do I need to create an entitiy or intent for it to pass in Watson Assistant?
You need to pass it with the message where you want to use it. See the context parameter in that message API function. This could be the first message. The context usually stays unchanged until you overwrite the values or delete the context variable.
Let's say I have a desktop app that listens to a user, and leverages Dialogflow to determine intent.
In the app, we just call:
Let's also say the active user is "UserX" in our system, and we need to retrieve information specific to the account.
I understand that Dialogflow utilizes webhooks for fulfillment as described here:
However, I'm unclear how user information can be sent to our webhook such that we'll be able to tell that "UserX" was the one who made the call to Dialogflow.
Can anyone explain if/how communication of user information is supported in fulfillment webhooks?
It is supported by fulfillment. There are a number of ways you can do it. Assuming that the user has communicated with the agent, the agent can then store the users response i.e. lets assume the agent asked the user what their name is. Since the agent can store that info (UserX) in a parameter, that parameter can then be passed to the fulfilment. The agent can also store user responses in context parameters and they can also be passed to the fulfilment. Finally even if the user does not provide info to the agent you can also use the dialog flow API to pass data to the agent which in turn can be passed to the fulfillment.
Within my LUIS model, I have a hierarchy entity type. When I use the test console, it is recognized as Parent::Child.
However, when I make the rest call, I only receive the Parent.
I have verified that the active model is published to staging and that I am calling against the staging server.