Delete an entire region below specific Cell that contains a specific text - excel

I want VBA to Find a cell with text that contains "USD Receipts:" and then delete the entire row and the current region under this cell till it finds a blank row
I tried to apply the below Macro, but it deletes all rows below that cell not just the region under this cell.
Dim LR As Long, Found As Range
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set Found = Columns("A").Find(what:="USD RECEIPTS:", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not Found Is Nothing Then Rows(Found.Row & ":" & LR).Delete
End Sub

You want to use xldown here since you want to stop at the first blank not the last blank and base the row number not on the total count of rows but on where you found your value.
Dim LR As Long, Found As Range
Set Found = Columns("A").Find(what:="USD RECEIPTS:", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not Found Is Nothing Then
LR = Range("A" & found.row).End(xldown).Row
Rows(Found.Row & ":" & LR).Delete
end if
End Sub


Formula in first blank and filled down to end of data

I have the below code where in all other columns there is many populated rows, what I need this formula to do in column F is to find the first blank, then place the formula in it and fill it down to the last row.
What is currently happening is I have the range as F26 as this is usually first blank but this could change and I want the code to identify this and also have the formula dynamically know what row it is on, so for example if one month the first blank was in cell F30 the range would find it and the formula would start as E30*G30.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Private Sub calc()
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim rng As Range
lastrow = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Indiv").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = Range("F26:F" & lastrow)
rng.Formula = "=Round((E26*G26),2)"
End Sub
You need to find the first free row in column F and then bulid your formula with this row:
Option Explicit
Private Sub calc()
Dim ws As Worksheet ' define worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Indiv")
Dim LastRowA As Long ' find last used row in column A
LastRowA = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim FirstFreeRowF As Long ' find first free row in column F (if first 2 rows have data)
FirstFreeRowF = ws.Cells(1, "F").End(xlDown).Row + 1
' fix issue if first or second row is empty
If FirstFreeRowF = ws.Rows.Count + 1 Then
If ws.Cells(1, "F").Value = vbNullString Then
FirstFreeRowF = 1
ElseIf ws.Cells(2, "F").Value = vbNullString Then
FirstFreeRowF = 2
End If
End If
' define range to add formula
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = ws.Range("F" & FirstFreeRowF, "F" & LastRowA)
' add formula
Rng.Formula = "=Round((E" & FirstFreeRowF & "*G" & FirstFreeRowF & "),2)"
End Sub
So this will consider F5 the first free row and fill in the formula in the selected range as seen below:
I think you should find the last used row in column F, so that you could know the next row is blank
lastrowF=sheets(sheetname).range("F" & rows.count).end(xlup).row
So the next row would be like
range("F" & lastrowF+1).formula="Round((E" & lastrowF+1 & "*G" & lastrowF+1 & ",2)"

How can I turn a Range ("A1:A11") into (A"1: until empty cell")

I have tried to just set the range to ("A:A") but that makes the table too large and my computer freezes up, I have also tried to input a line like Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1) but that is not recognized by VBA.
Any help would be appreciated!
You need to first define your last row by referencing the last cell in the column then use .End(xlUp).row to find the last row number. You can then use that row number to build cell references, or even save the range as a range variable like I did:
Sub Last_Row_Example()
Dim LastRow As Long 'Last Row as a long integer
Dim RG As Range 'A range we can reference again and again very easily
'Consider renaming it to something more descriptive.
'for your particular situation
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' Here we store the "LastRow" Number
Set RG = Range("A1:A" & LastRow) ' Here we build a range using the LastRow variable.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, RG, , xlYes).Name = _
Range("Table3[[#All],[Ticker Name]]").Select
Selection.ConvertToLinkedDataType ServiceID:=268435456, LanguageCulture:= _
End Sub

Sorting rows in a range with specific background colour in Excel using vba

I'm trying to sort a range of rows in an Excel sheet which all start with a specific green background colour in the first column, but my vba code does not do it at all and I can't see why. The objective is as an example to get from this:
to this:
Private Sub Sort_Click()
Dim StartRow, EndRow, i As Integer
Dim row As Range, cell As Range
'Discover the data starting and end rows
i = 1
StartRow = 1
EndRow = 1
'Check the first cell of each row for the start of background colour
For Each row In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows
Set cell = Cells(row.row, 1)
If i < 3 Then
If Hex(cell.Interior.Color) = "47AD70" And i = 1 Then
StartRow = row.row
i = 2
ElseIf Hex(cell.Interior.Color) <> "47AD70" And i = 2 Then
EndRow = row.row - 1
i = 3
End If
End If
Next row
'Sort the range
Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & "A" & EndRow).Sort Key1:=Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & "A" & EndRow), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
End Sub
The code should check the first cell of each row in Column "A" until it reaches the first green backgroend colour where it assigns that row number to the variable StartRow. The loop continues until it no longer detects the green background colour in the first cell. It then assigns that row number - 1 to the variable EndRow. At the end, it sorts the green range numerically using StartRow and EndRow as the range.
Possibly, The Range statement part is not working correctly. I wonder if someone could help with a resolution or a better code all together. The images demonstrate the rows in the green range sorted manually. Thanks in advance
You need to use last parameter of Find method SearchFormat. Set it to whatever format you need:
Sub FGG()
Dim rng As Range, rngStart As Range, rngEnd As Range
'// Clear previous format, if any
'// Set search format
Application.FindFormat.Interior.Color = Hex("47AD70")
'// Find first cell with format
Set rngStart = Range("A:A").Find(What:="*", SearchFormat:=True)
'// Find last cell with format by using xlPrevious
Set rngEnd = Range("A:A").Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchFormat:=True)
'// Define final range
Set rng = Range(rngStart, rngEnd)
'// Sort range and say that that the range has no header
rng.Sort Key1:=rng(1), Header:=xlNo
End Sub
Well, I may have been a bit silly on this issue here, however after some more reading it turned out that to sort complete rows rather than column A only, all I simply had to do was to actually specify whole rows rather than a single column, in the sorting part of the code!
And that is dpne by replacing the line:
Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & "A" & EndRow).Sort Key1:=Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & "A" & EndRow), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & "D" & EndRow).Sort Key1:=Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & "A" & EndRow), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
All that's happened above is that the "A" in the range section has changed to "D" to cover all used columns for sorting the rows.

Excel VBA is Finding Every Other Cell not Every Cell From Method

Excel VBA is finding every other cell using a method to check for Empty Cells. On the next time running the same macro, it then finds the cell that it skipped over on the last run while again skipping the next instance of an empty cell. If I cycle through the macro a few times, eventually every row without data is getting deleted, as per the purpose of the macro. The rows do shift upward upon deletion of the row one at a time, I will try a Union and delete the Range as stated by #BigBen
When a cell that is empty is found, it checks columns A, B, and D to see if formula is applied, and if a formula exists in that row, the entire row gets deleted.
Dim cel, dataCells As Range
Dim rngBlank, dc As Range
Dim lastRow, cForm, c, blnkRange As String
Dim cycleTimes As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set dataCells = Range("F2:W2").Cells 'This is header of the table of data
cycleTimes = dataCells.Count 'Number of times to cycle through macro
For Count = 1 To cycleTimes 'I don't want to cycle through macro
lastRow = Range("N" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'To find end of column
For Each dc In dataCells
c = Split(Cells(1, dc.Column).Address, "$")(1) 'Column Letter
blnkRange = c & "3:" & c & lastRow 'Range to look over for empty cells
Set rngBlank = Range(blnkRange).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Cells
For Each cel In rngBlank '**Skipping Every other Row**
If Not TypeName(cel) = "Empty" Then
cForm = "A" & cel.Row & ",B" & cel.Row & ",D" & cel.Row 'Formula check
If Range(cForm).HasFormula Then
End If
End If
I was able to use Intersect to find the rows that matched the criteria I was searching for and delete the EntireRow even though the Selection was in separate Rows.
Set dataCells = Range("F2:W2").Cells
lastRow = Range("N" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'To find last row to generate range to look through
For Each dc In dataCells 'Have to perform delete row for every column
c = Split(Cells(1, dc.Column).Address, "$")(1)
blnkRange = c & "3:" & c & lastRow
Set rngBlank = Range(blnkRange).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow
strFormula = "A2:A" & lastRow & ",B2:B" & lastRow & ",C2:C" & lastRow
Set rngFormula = Range(strFormula).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
Intersect(rngFormula, rngBlank).EntireRow.Delete (xlShiftUp) '**THIS helped in deleting Rows**

Copy column data consisting of blank cells

I am into a situation where I need to copy a range from a excel sheet and paste it to another. I have done the following coding which is going well...
Dim mpn As String
mpn = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Input the MPN column name:")
mpn1 = mpn
mpn2 = mpn1 & ":" & mpn
Set currentSheet = wbSource.Worksheets(1)
lastRow1 = currentSheet.Range(mpn1).End(xlDown).Row
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("F2:F" & lastRow1) = currentSheet.Range(mpn2 & lastRow1).Value
This coding goes perfectly well untill there is any blank cell in the column. Can anyone please help me on this particular situation.
Like I mentioned in the comments above, instead of prompting for the column name, use .Find to locate the column name. What if user types Blah Blah in the input box?
Also as mentioned in comments use xlUp rather than xlDown to find the last row to counter for blank cells and other issues you may face. See this
Is this what you are trying? (Untested)
I have commented the code so you should not having a problem understanding it. But if you do then simply post back :)
Sub Sample()
Dim mpnCol As Long
Dim ColName As String, strSearch As String
Dim aCell As Range
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wbInput As Worksheet, currentSheet As Worksheet
'~~> Change this to the Mpn Header
strSearch = "MPN"
'~~> This you have declared in your code
'~~> Change as applicable
Set wbSource = "Someworkbook"
Set currentSheet = wbSource.Worksheets(1)
Set wbInput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
With currentSheet
'~~> Search for the mpn header in row 1. Change as applicable
Set aCell = .Rows(1).Find(What:=strSearch, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
'~~> Column Number
mpnCol = aCell.Column
'~~> Converting column number to column name
ColName = Split(.Cells(, mpnCol).Address, "$")(1)
'~~> Getting last row
lRow = .Range(ColName & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'~~> Checking for excel versions. Comment this if the copying
'~~> will always happen in xl2007+ versions
If lRow > 65536 Then
MsgBox "Are you trying to copy from xl2007 to xl2003?. The number of rows exceed the row limit"
Exit Sub
End If
wbInput.Range("F2:F" & lRow).Value = .Range(ColName & "2:" & ColName & lRow).Value
MsgBox strSearch & " header not found"
End If
End With
End Sub
To copy an entire column, reference your range with the .Columns() function.
You could use something like:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Columns("F") =
Another alternative would be to use the .Copy sub and specify a Destination for the copy:
Application.CutCopyMode = false
This answer assumes both workbooks are saved with the same version of Excel. If one workbook is pre-2007, and one is 2007+, then the max number of rows allowed in a sheet will be different.
In that case, copying the entire column is not an option - check out Siddarth's answer for a longer solution to that extra complication. He checks for different number of rows to prevent the error.
