Varnish has to many nuked objects - varnish

I am a bit insecure when i look at the varnish stats (varnish-3.0.7 revision f544cd8):
SMA.s0.c_req 6539970 17.36 Allocator requests
SMA.s0.c_fail 1440999 3.82 Allocator failures
SMA.s0.c_bytes 349031947792 926406.40 Bytes allocated
SMA.s0.c_freed 331852353844 880808.03 Bytes freed
SMA.s0.g_alloc 640358 . Allocations outstanding
SMA.s0.g_bytes 17179593948 . Bytes outstanding
SMA.s0.g_space 275236 . Bytes available
SMA.Transient.c_req 3114278 8.27 Allocator requests
SMA.Transient.c_fail 0 0.00 Allocator failures
SMA.Transient.c_bytes 219115114784 581578.98 Bytes allocated
SMA.Transient.c_freed 219114814592 581578.18 Bytes freed
SMA.Transient.g_alloc 108 . Allocations outstanding
SMA.Transient.g_bytes 300192 . Bytes outstanding
SMA.Transient.g_space 0 . Bytes available
Varnish is running with 16GB ram but i have lots of nuked objects.
n_lru_nuked 1428292 . N LRU nuked objects
Is there something wrong with the memory settings?

Your SMA.s0.g_space value is 275236, which is less than a megabyte. Your SMA.s0.g_bytes takes up nearly 16GB. This matches the amount of memory you mentioned.
The MAIN.n_object counter will give you an indication of the number of objects in the cache.
The question you should ask yourself is: are all these objects supposed to be in the cache? If that is the case, you should consider upgrading your sever and allocate more memory to Varnish.
If that's not the case, have a look at MAIN.n_expired to see how many objects have already expired and maybe lower the TTLs of your objects.
You can also monitor backend requests and check the size of the response that is about to get stored in the cache. Run the following command to do this:
varnishlog -g request -b -i berequrl -i Length -q "TTL[10] eq 'cacheable'"
You can also check the size of cached responses being served, this can also give you a clear indication:
varnishlog -g request -c -i requrl -I RespHeader:Content-Length -q "VCL_call eq 'HIT'"
Based on all that information you know how many objects are in the cache, and what the object sizes are that are being cached and served. You'll also have the URLs of the requests for these objects.
That will allow you to decide to either upgrade the memory on your Varnish server or lower the TTL of certain objects.


unreasonable netperf benchmark results

I used netperf benchmark with the next commands:
server side:
netserver -4 -v -d -N -p
client side:
netperf -H -p -l 60 -T 1,1 -t TCP_RR
And I received the results:
MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0 : cpu bind
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec
16384 131072 1 1 60.00 9147.83
16384 131072
But when I changed the client to single CPU (same machine) by adding "maxcpus=1 nr_cpus=1" to kernel command line.
And I ran the next command:
netperf -H -p -l 60 -t TCP_RR
I received the next results:
MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0 : cpu bind
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec
16384 131072 1 1 60.00 10183.33
16384 131072
Q: I don't understand how the performance has been improved when I decreased the CPUs number from 64 to 1 CPU?
Some technique information: I used Standard_L64s_v3 instance type of Azure; OS: sles:15:sp2
• The ‘netperf’ utility command executed by you on the client side is as follows and is the same after changing the number of CPUs on the client side but you can see an improvement in performance after decreasing the number of vCPUs on the client VM: -
netperf -H -p -l 60 -I 1,1 -t TCP_RR
The above command implies that you want to test the network connectivity performance between the host ‘Server’ and ‘Client’ for TCP Request/Response and get the results in a default directory path where pipes will be created for a period of 60 seconds.
• The CPU utilization measurement mechanism uses ‘proc/stat’ on Linux OS to record the time spent for such command executions. The code for this mechanism can be found in ‘src/netcpu_procstat.c’. Thus, you can check the configuration file accordingly.
Also, the CPU utilization mechanism in a virtual guest environment, i.e., a virtual machine may not reflect the actual utilization as in a bare metal environment because much of the networking processing happens outside the context of the virtual machine. Thus, as per the below documentation link by Hewlett-Packard: -
If one is looking to measure the added overhead of a virtualization mechanism, rather than rely on CPU utilization, one can rely instead on netperf _RR tests - path-lengths and overheads can be a significant fraction of the latency, so increases in overhead should appear as decreases in transaction rate. Whatever you do, DO NOT rely on the throughput of a _STREAM test. Achieving link-rate can be done via a multitude of options that mask overhead rather than eliminate it.
As a result, I would suggest you rely on other monitoring tools available in Azure, i.e., Azure Monitor, Application insights, etc.
Looking more closely at your netperf command line:
netperf -H -p -l 60 -T 1,1 -t TCP_RR
The -H option expects to take a hostname as an argument. And the -p option expects to take a port number as an argument. As written the "-p" will be interpreted as a hostname. And when I tried it at least will fail. I assume you've omitted some of the command line?
The -T option will bind where netperf and netserver will run (in this case on vCPU 1 on the netperf side and vCPU 1 on the netserver side) but it will not necessarily control where at least some of the network stack processing will take place. So, in your 64-vCPU setup, the interrupts for the networking traffic and perhaps the stack will run on a different vCPU. In your 1-vCPU setup, everything will be on the one vCPU. It is quite conceivable you are seeing the effects of cache-to-cache transfers in the 64-vCPU case leading to lower transaction/s rates.
Going to multi-processor will increase aggregate performance, but it will not necessarily increase single thread/stream performance. And single thread/stream performance can indeed degrade.

How is memory used value derived in

I was configuring icinga2 to get memory used information from one linux client using script at . Any idea how the memory used is derived in this script ?
Here is free command output
# free
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 500016 59160 89564 3036 351292 408972
Swap: 1048572 4092 1044480
where as the performance data shown in icinga dashboard is
Label Value Max Warning Critical
ram_used 137,700.00 500,016.00 470,015.00 490,016.00
swap_used 4,092.00 1,048,572.00 524,286.00 838,858.00
Looking through the source code, it mentions ram_used for example in this line:
$n_output .= " | ram_used=" . ($$resultat{$nets_ram_total}-$$resultat{$nets_ram_free}-$$resultat{$nets_ram_cache}).";";
This strongly suggests that ram_used is calculated as the difference of the total RAM and the free RAM and the RAM used for cache. These values are retrieved via the following SNMP ids:
my $nets_ram_free = ""; # Real memory free
my $nets_ram_total = ""; # Real memory total
my $nets_ram_cache = ""; # Real memory cached
I don't know how they correlate to the output of free. The difference in free memory reported by free and to Icinga is 48136, so maybe you can find that number somewhere.

How to determine Redis memory leak?

Our redis servers are, since yesterday, gradually (200MB/hour) using more memory, while the amount of keys (330K) and their data (132MB redis-rdb-tools) stay about the same.
Output of redis-cli info shows 6.89G used memory?!
The problem started when we updated our (.net) client code from BookSleeve to ServiceStack v3.9.71 to prepare for an upgrade to Redis 2.8. But a lot of other stuff was updated to And our session state store (also redis, but with harbour client) does not show the same symptoms.
Where is all that Redis memory going? How can I troubleshoot it's usage?
Edit: I just restarted this instance and memory returned to 350M and is now climbing again. The top 10 largest objects are still the same size, ranging from 100K to 25M for nr 1. The amount of keys has dropped to 270K (330K earlier).
Here are some sources of "hidden" memory consumption in Redis:
Marc already mentioned the buffers maintained by the master to feed the slave. If a slave is lagging behind its master (because it runs on a slower box for instance), then some memory will be consumed on the master.
when long running commands are detected, Redis logs them in the SLOWLOG area, which takes some memory. You may want to use the SLOWLOG LEN command to check the number of records you have here.
communication buffers can also take memory. As far as I remember, with old versions of Redis (and 2.4 is quite old - you should really upgrade), it was unbounded, meaning that if you transfer a big object at a point, the communication buffer associated to this client connection will grow and never shrink. If there are many clients dealing occasionally with large objects, it could be a possible explanation. If you use commands retrieving very large data from Redis (in one shot), it can be an explanation as well. For instance, a simple KEYS * command applied on a Redis server storing millions of keys will consume a significant amount of memory.
You mentioned that you have objects as big as 25 MB. You have 404 client connections, if each of them needs to access such objects at a point in time, it will consume 10 GB of memory.

zero read requests but high average IO queue size

I have a 4GB file that are just rows of sorted key,value pairs that I have "primed" into memory (I have 32GB of memory) by
cat file_name > /dev/null
Then from a program I access the rows by the key. When I spawn 1000 threads to simultaneously read from the file and monitor the IO using iostat -xkd I see 0 r/s(read requests) but 45 avgqu-sz (average queue size). The 0 r/s makes sense to me since the pages from the file are most likely in the page cache due to the command above. Are the IO requests still queued even if the pages are in the page cache? If only the actual disk reads are queued, how do I explain this phenomenon?

What are the units of UDP buffers, and where are docs for sysctl params?

I'm running x86_64 RedHat 5.3 (kernel 2.6.18) and looking specifically at net.core.rmem_max from sysctl -a in the context of trying to set UDP buffers. The receiver application misses packets sometimes, but I think the buffer is already plenty large, depending upon what it means:
What are the units of this setting -- bits, bytes, packets, or pages? If bits or bytes, is it from the datagram/ payload (such as 100 bytes) or the network MTU size (~1500 bytes)? If pages, what's the page size in bytes?
And is this the max per system, per physical device (NIC), per virtual device (VLAN), per process, per thread, per socket/ per multicast group?
For example, suppose my data is 100 bytes per message, and each network packet holds 2 messages, and I want to be able to buffer 50,000 messages per socket, and I open 3 sockets per thread on each of 4 threads. How big should net.core.rmem_max be? Likewise, when I set socket options inside the application, are the units payload bytes, so 5000000 on each socket in this case?
Finally, in general how would I find details of the units for the parameters I see via sysctl -a? I have similar units and per X questions about other parameters such as net.core.netdev_max_backlog and net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships.
Thank you.
You'd look at these docs. That said, many of these parameters really are quite poorly documented, so do expect do do som googling to dig out the gory details from blogs and mailinglists.
rmem_max is the per socket maximum buffer, in bytes. Digging around, this appears to be the memory where whole packets are received, so the size have to include the sizes of whatever/ip/udp headers as well - though this area is quite fuzzy to me.
Keep in mind though, UDP is unreliable. There's a lot of sources for loss, not the least inbetween switches and routers - these have buffers as well.
It is fully documented in the socket(7) man page (it is in bytes).
Moreover, the limit may be set on a per-socket basis with SO_RCVBUF (as documented in the same page).
Read the socket(7), ip(7) and udp(7) man pages for information on how these things actually work. The sysctls are documented there.
