Using 'help' for Linux commands on Git for Windows BASH - linux

I installed Git for Windows. The available help in the BASH terminal gives me help only for Git commands.
$ help
$ man and
$ info
Entering $ help gets me a long list of things, but none of the underlying Linux commands. Here's the entire 'L' section from $ help:
let arg [arg ...]
local [option] name[=value] ...
logout [n]
I'm sure I can look up an online reference of linux commands and keep that open while using BASH. But it would be awfully handy if I could I could type $ man ls and actually get something useful instead of
bash: man: command not found
Anyone know if there's a simple way to sort of add that in to the Git for Windows application? Or if there's another tool that's as easy to use on Windows that has the feature built in? I'm not very tech savvy, but I'm very, very slowly warming up.


shell cmd transfair windows cmd

I have a regexp using grep which I use to get the latest directory matching it.
Any chance I get a equivalent command as the one below to work on a windows machine?
ls | grep -E "20[0-9]{2}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-9]{0,5}" | tail -1
I would appreciate any help.
Installing cygwin will give you a nearly linux like shell environment. When you set the cygwin bin into your windows PATH you can even build the pipe like that in a CMD. I can't say anything about the unix like stuff that newer windowses are supposed to bring along though.

Can I run a Linux shell script in Windows?

I created Shell Script on Linux and it runs fine.
Now I want to run the same script on Windows using gitbash. (Only filepath changed for windows)
I am confused:
do I need to write a new shell script again according to Windows syntax shell script?
can a Linux syntax shell script run on Windows without changes?
According TO differences-between-windows-batch-and-linux-bash-shell-script-syntax
Of course you can. There is a tool called cygwin that allows you to do so.
Note that you have to check what the paths are. If so, go to the path you are willing to work on and do pwd. This way, you will get the Windows\kind\of\path.
I use it all the time and it works pretty fine.
You can use Git Bash
It depends on how advanced the scripts are, but simple scripts can be executed in Git Bash. contains:
echo Hello World!
Execute script:
Hello World!
Git Bash vs Cygwin
To answer your question:
#fedorqui in my learning 'cygwin' And 'gitbash' do same stuff for
Git Bash
Git Bash is lightweight and only aims to handle:
version control
a shell that runs commands
Read more:
a large collection of GNU and Open Source tools which provide
functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows.
a DLL (cygwin1.dll) which provides substantial POSIX API
Read more:

How do I run an interpreter with command history support?

I know there is a way to run an interactive console with command history support (even though the program does not inherently support it). However, I don't remember the command. Can anyone help me?
Try ledit.
$ ledit mycommand
Install the package rlwrap and run it like
$ rlwrap foo
to get command line history for the command foo.

Finding if 'which' command is available on a System through BASH

While writing BASH scripts, I generally use the which command of a Linux machine (where Linux Machine refers to Desktop based Linux OS like Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE) for finding path or availability of other binaries. I understand that which can search for binaries (commands) which are present in the PATH variable set.
Now, I am unable to understand how to proceed in case the which command itself is not present on that machine.
My intention is to create a shell script (BASH) which can be run on a machine and in case the environment is not adequate (like some command being used in script is missing), it should be able to exit gracefully.
Does any one has any suggestions in this regard. I understand there can be ways like using locate or find etc - but again, what if even they are not available. Another option which I already know is that I look for existence of a which binary on standard path like /usr/bin/ or /bin/ or /usr/local/bin/. Is there any other possibility as well?
Thanks in advance.
type which
type is a bash built-in command, so it's always available in bash. See man bash for details on it.
Note, that this will also recognize aliases:
$ alias la='ls -l -a'
$ type la
la is aliased to 'ls -l -a'
(More of a comment because Boldewyn answered perfectly, but it is another take on the question that may be of interest to some.)
If you are worried that someone may have messed with your bash installation and somehow removed which, then I suppose in theory, when you actually invoked the command you would get an exit code of 127.
$ sdgsdg
-bash: sdgsdg: command not found
$ echo $?
Exit codes in bash:
Of course, if someone removed which, then I wouldn't trust the exit codes, either.

bash script to show compatible commands based on "Windows-speak"

Problem: Customer X is a Windows user who wants to be able to trigger pre-packaged bash commands by using mnemonic keywords or "tag hints" when she is logged in to her RedHat box via shell.
Example: Customer X logs into host using ssh and wants to do some routine file operations. She wants to be able to type
copy file
and get back a listing of pre-fab fill-in-the-blank bash commands to choose from
cp <#source#> <#dest#> ### simple copy
cp -R <#startdir#> <#destdir#> ### recursive copy
she then wants to be able to select one of these items, fill in the blank(s) and just hit enter to run the command.
Customer X is willing to specify ahead of time what commands she is likely to want to use (in windows-speak) and then hire the developer to translate those into bash commands, and then put them together in a script that allows her to talk windows-speak to bash and get back the list of commands.
NOTE: Customer X doesn't like apropos because it assumes familiarity with terms used in bash, as opposed to windows-speak. For example:
apropos shortcut
doesn't give her anything about creating symlinks (even though that is exactly what she wants) because she doesn't know what windows shortcuts are called in linux. Obviously, windows concepts don't carry over 100% so she will have to learn eventually, but she's a busy person and is asking for this as a way to "ease" her into linux understanding.
Question: What is the best way to get started on something like this? Is there a perl, python, ruby script out there that does something like this already? Is there something in bash that can simulate this kind of feature request?
What you probably want is to override bash's command-not-found handler. Here's the section in /etc/bash.bashrc in a standard Ubuntu install that installs the handler:
# if the command-not-found package is installed, use it
if [ -x /usr/lib/command-not-found ]; then
function command_not_found_handle {
# check because c-n-f could've been removed in the meantime
if [ -x /usr/lib/command-not-found ]; then
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/command-not-found -- $1
return $?
return 127
In effect, if a command is not found, a user specified program is executed with that command as a parameter. In the case of Ubuntu, it's a Python program that checks to see if the command the user typed is a valid application that can be installed, and if it is, informs the user that he/she can install it.
What you probably want to do is compare it to you hashref of commands and usage strings and display the appropriate one if there's a match.
