Compare 2 dxp in Spotfire - spotfire

I'm working on Spotfire and we have big problems going from val environments to prod environments. We'd like to have a way to compare DXP files to be sure of what modifications will be brought to production.
I tried to open the files but I couldn't get results as they are not in any text-like format.
Any recommendation on how to go forwards ?


SharePoint 2007/2010 issues copying lists with hidden files using MetaVis

I'm working on migrating SharePoint lists (using MetaVis Migrator) and running into issues with files that seem to end in .000 files extension. Near as I can tell this was sometimes a temp file in SharePoint. (I'm not an SP expert)
Anyway, these files seem to be preventing me from migrating/copying lists using MetaVis. Anyone know if you can get rid of these or where they live?
These extensions look more like items than documents. Try to copy them using item level copy that will let you to select content type in the destination list. You can contact so someone will guide you through the process.
Good luck with you migration,

export tortoise hg version control data to excel to visualize development process

I am working on a game development project with Unity3D using TortoiseHg to track our files. We are nearing the end of development and we would like to prepare a deliverable that displays our development data in a nice info-graphic, like this image below
I am aware of how to create the charts, I am just having trouble understanding how to export the data in an easy to read format from TortoiseHg. I would like to export all this data if possible:
If someone could assist me in educating me on a method of exporting the above data into a spreadsheet I would appreciate it.
Well, in any case you have to use CLI version on Mercurial (hg in command prompt, with always exist behind the scene of TortoiseHG)
If you see at log pane, you have to use hg log and include in output all needed for you data and format it in way, usable for importing into spreadsheet (CSV isn't bad choice)
In order to write full log command, you have to know, which details about commit you have to have in data-file as result (forhet about format, think about content)
AFAICS from graph, for each commit you have to know
Month of commit
Day of month
Time (local or GMT?)
Is it the full list of requirements?

Visual Studio Team Services: How to migrate from Agile to Scrum process template

I'm using Visual Studio Team Services (previously Team Foundation Service, not Team Foundation Server) and I need to migrate a team project process template from Agile to Scrum.
Doe anyone know how to do it?
There are a couple of different ways to go about this, depending on what you want at the end. Most importantly, there is no way to change the process template from one to the other inside a Team Project, so you'll have to create a new Team Project with the Scrum Template to migrate to.
If you want history & attachments:
Then you need to use the TFS Integration Platform. You'll create a xml mapping to flow the work items and source code from one project to the other. There are quite a few issues with going this direction including, history is compressed, the tool is notoriously finicky, shared steps (and other things) don't migrate and more. This is definitely not the recommended option, but sometimes you don't have a choice. Here's where to get the tool:
If don't need history, or can keep the other Team Project around: For this method, moving the code is easy (it's even easier if you've got a Git project, and you'll get history. Use the git-tf functionality to move your source to Git). Just check out from one repository, switch your workspace mapping and check in to the new repository.
To move your work items, use work item queries and export them to Excel. Then copy/paste into a second Excel spreadsheet and upload them to the new Project. This is by far the easiest method. Here's a detailed explanation:
1) From Agile template project: for each work item type that you want to move, create a work item query to pull all the ones you want and export them all to Excel (for example a query to pull all requirements and another for tasks)
2) From the Scrum template project: create a work item query for each work item type that you want to import and export it to Excel. It's going to be blank, but you're going to use this Excel spreadsheet to upload in a minute.
3) Copy/past from one Excel spreadsheet to the other, being careful to NOT copy column headers. A neat trick is to copy the History column from the old project into the Comments field in the new project.
4) Publish the results. Viola, you're migrated.

customizing SSRS 2008 R2 Maps

I want to show sales on my country map via SSRS R2.
I downloaded *.shp files and it works fine.
now I want to split a city to 2 cities, and show its data, but I don't know how to do it.
I tried to split it via Autocad , and then convert it to shape but it removed my cities name !!!
how can I customize my map easier?
I am not really sure if what you want is to preprocess the .shp (shape) files or do the processing in SQL server.
If you want to do preprocessing (manually) I suggest you use something like QGIS, which is free and open source. Otherwise maybe you need to clarify your process in the question.

How to make SubSonic 3.0 generate .cs files for each class/table instead instead of single ActiveRecord.cs

I have been using SubSonic 2 on several projects before but with the new SubSonic 3 I have implemented in 2 projects. However, my question has always been is if I can change the the output T4 template to generate a class file for each table instead of single ActiveRecord.cs file. I want to use it in a very large project and I can see where is not practical to have 80+ tables in a single file. I prefer to have separate class files.
Would I need to change SubSonic.Core?
If its not possible, please let me know.
Why does it matter how many files there are if the code is entirely generated? What practical difference is there?
You can change the templates to output multiple files. No changes would be required to the SubSonic dll, just the T4 Templates.
However, I fail to see how it is worth even just the time to post the question here, much less the time required to actually make those changes.
There is a way to do this, if you rewrite the T4s to follow this example. However, I think there is an issue that may arise when you drop a table, the previously created .cs file for that table will not be removed. I think you would have to further edit the T4 to start by deleting all its previously generated files.
