How to specify dependencies for the entire router? - python-3.x

class User(BaseModel):
name: str
token: str
fake_db = [
User(name='foo', token='a1'),
User(name='bar', token='a2')
async def get_user_by_token(token: str = Header()):
for user in fake_db:
if user.token == token:
return user
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail='Invalid token')
#router.get(path='/test_a', summary='Test route A')
async def test_route_a(user: User = Depends(get_user_by_token)):
return {'name':}
#router.get(path='/test_b', summary='Test route B')
async def test_route_a(user: User = Depends(get_user_by_token)):
return {'name':}
I would like to avoid code duplication. Is it possible to somehow set the line user: User = Depends(get_user_by_token) for the entire router? At the same time, I need the user object to be available in each method.
It is very important that the openapi says that you need to specify a header with a token for the method.

You can use the dependencies parameter to add global dependencies when creating the router instance:
router = APIRouter(dependencies=[Depends(get_user_by_token)])
or, when adding the router to the app instance:
app.include_router(router, dependencies=[Depends(get_user_by_token)])
Please have a look at FastAPI's documentation on Dependencies for more details.
As for getting the return value of a global dependency, you can't really do that. The way around this issue is to store the returned value to request.state (as described here), which is used to store arbitrary state (see the implementation of State as well). Hence, you could have something like this:
def get_user_by_token(request: Request, token: str = Header()):
for user in fake_db:
if user.token == token:
request.state.user = user
# ...
Then, inside your endpoint, you could retrieve the user object using request.state.user, as described in this answer.


Repeated checking of ID path parameter in FastAPI

I have the following route specs:
GET /councils/{id}
PUT /councils/{id}
DELETE /councils/{id}
In all three routes, I have to check in the database whether the council with the id exists, like this:
council = crud.council.get_by_id(db=db, id=id)
if not council:
raise HTTPException(
detail='Council not found'
Which adds to a lot of boilerplate in the code. Is there any way of reducing this? I have thought of creating a dependency but then I have to write different dependency function for different models in my database. Is there any standard practice for this?
Using a dependency is the way to go - it allows you to extract the logic around "get a valid council from the URL"; you can generalize it further if you want to map /<model>/<id> to always retrieving something from a specific model; however - you might want to validate this against a set of possible values to avoid people trying to make you load random Python identifiers in your models class.
from fastapi import Path
def get_council_from_path(council_id: int = Path(...),
db: Session = Depends(get_db),
council = crud.council.get_by_id(db=db, id=id)
if not council:
raise HTTPException(
detail='Council not found'
return council
def get_council(council: Council = Depends(get_council_from_path)):
You can generalize the dependency definition to make it reusable (I don't have anything available to test this right now, but the idea should work):
def get_model_from_path(model, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
def get_model_from_id(id: int = Path(...)):
obj = model.get_by_id(db=db, id=id)
if not council:
raise HTTPException(
detail='{type(model)} not found'
return get_model_from_id
def get_council(council: Council = Depends(get_model_from_path(crud.council)):
Here is one solution that works. FastAPI supports classes as dependencies. Therefore I can have a class like this:
class DbObjIdValidator:
def __init__(self, name: str):
if name not in dir(crud):
raise ValueError('Invalid model name specified')
self.crud = getattr(crud, name)
def __call__(self, db: Session = Depends(get_db), *, id: Any):
db_obj = self.crud.get_by_id(db=db, id=id)
if not db_obj:
raise HTTPException(
detail='not found'
return db_obj
Considering crud module imports the crud classes for all the ORM models. My example is closely following the fastAPI cookiecutter project by Tiangolo, and the crud design pattern he followed.
Now in order to use it, for example in, I can do the following:
router = APIRouter(prefix='/councils')
council_id_dep = DbObjIdValidator('council') # name must be same as import name
#router.get('/{id}', response_model=schemas.CouncilDB)
def get_council_by_id(
id: UUID,
db: Session = Depends(get_db),
council: Councils = Depends(council_id_dep)
return council

how to terminate rest request gracefully

I want to terminate rest request coming to server without further processing if input params are missing.
Currently this is the implementation, which I think is not very good for verify_required_params().
I want to terminate this request without returning any value from verify_required_params() in case of missing params. else flow should continue.
Running this on flask server and open to include any new package for best/ optimized approach.
Can please someone suggest an optimize way for this?
#app.route('/is_registered', methods=['POST'])
def is_registered():
_json = request.get_json()
keys = _json.keys()
customer = Customer()
if verify_required_params(['mobile'], keys) is True:
_mobile = _json['mobile']
validated = validate_mobile(_mobile)
registered = customer.find(_mobile)
if not validated:
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_NOT_VALID')
return jsonify(response)
if not registered:
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_NOT_REGISTERED')
return jsonify(response)
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_REGISTERED')
return jsonify(response)
return verify_required_params(['mobile'], keys)
def verify_required_params(required, received):
required = set(required)
received = set(received)
missing = list(sorted(required - received))
data = {"missing_key(s)": missing}
# response = app.response_class(
# response=json.dumps(data),
# status=200,
# mimetype='application/json'
# )
if missing:
return jsonify(data)
return True
🎶 You say it works in a RESTful way, then your errors come back as 200 OK 🎶
In REST, your URL should encode all the information about your entity. In your case, you are identifying a client by their phone number, and you are getting rather than updating information about them, so your endpoint should look like GET /client/<phonenumber>/registered. That way, a request can't not provide this information without going to a different endpoint.
In short, your code will be replaced with:
#app.route('/client/<mobile>/registered', methods=['GET'])
def is_registered(mobile):
if not mobile.is_decimal():
return jsonify({'error': 'mobile is not number'}), 400 # Bad Request
customer = Customer()
registered = bool(customer.find(mobile))
# does it make sense to have a customer who is not registered yet?
# if not, use:
if not registered:
return jsonify({'error': 'client not found'}), 404 # Not Found
validated = validate_mobile(mobile)
return jsonify( {'validated': validated, 'registered': registered} )
In addition, it's better to have the validation function be a decorator. That way it gets called before the actual business logic of the function. For your example of checking whether request.get_json() contains the proper fields, this is how it would look like:
import functools
def requires_fields(fields):
required_fields = set(fields)
def wrapper(func):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
current_fields = set(request.get_json().keys())
missing_fields = required_fields
if missing_fields:
return jsonify({'error': 'missing fields', 'fields': list(missing_fields)}), 400 # Bad Request
resp = func(*args, **kwargs)
return resp
return wrapper
# usage:
#app.route('/comment', methods=['POST'])
#requires_fields(['author', 'post_id', 'body'])
def create_comment():
data = request.get_json()
id = FoobarDB.insert('comment', author=data['author'], post_id=data['post_id'], body=data['body'])
return jsonify({'new_id': id}), 201 # Created
If you must leave it the way it is now, then in order to not return data from the validation function, you must raise an HTTPException. The default function to do it is flask.abort(code).

FastAPI - can't access path parameters from middleware

My typical path is something like
I have a validation method, already written in async python, like this:
async def is_allowed(user_id: int, resource_id: int) -> bool
That returns a boolean: true if the user can access the resource, false otherwise.
I want to write a middleware that calls is_allowed extracting the variables from the path.
I fiddled around but I can't find how to get them: I was expecting to get this information from request.path_params.
A somehow more complete example (edited following #Marcelo Trylesinski answer):
import logging
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import Response
app = FastAPI()
_logger = logging.getLogger()
async def is_allowed(user_id, resource_id):
return True
async def acl(request: Request, call_next):
user_id = request.path_params.get("user_id", None)
resource_id = request.path_params.get("resource_id", None)
allowed = await is_allowed(user_id, resource_id)
if not allowed:
return Response(status_code=403)
return await call_next(request)
async def my_handler(user_id: int, resource_id: int):
return {"what": f"Doing stuff with {user_id} on {resource_id}"}
The logged values are None.
You will not be able to achieve your goal with a Middleware, because Middlewares are executed before the routing.
Therefore FastAPI/Starlette doesn't know which path it will match to and cannot populate path_params.
You will have to use a different solution, such as passing these params on a cookie, header or query arg, or using a decorator/Dependency.

How do I create a callable object to mimic an API call?

How do I create a object that I can invoke to mimic the following api call and response. I am aware of the mock library but the use case prohibits me from using it.
response = client.users.create(email='', phone=123)
outcome = response.ok
My current solution below works however I feel like there is a more pythonic and generic way to do this so I can mimic other calls without having to rewrite different inner classes
class Client:
ok = True
class users:
class create():
ok = True
def __init__(self, email, phone):
client = Client()
response = client.users.create(email='', phone=123)

How to test Pyramid security setup?

Is there a recommended way to test the security setup in a Pyramid application? More specifically I'm using routes and custom routes factories. With fine grained ACLs the security setup is splitted in different spots: the config setup, factories, permission set in the #view_config, and event explicit check of permissions inside views.
The page on unit and functionnal testing ( does not seem to indicate a way to test if user A can only see and modify data he is allowed to.
This is functional testing. Webtest can preserve session cookies so you can use it to login and visit various pages as a user.
myapp = pyramid.paster.get_app('testing.ini')
app = TestApp(myapp)
resp ='/login', params={'login': 'foo', 'password': 'seekrit'})
# this may be a redirect in which case you may want to follow it
resp = app.get('/protected/resource')
assert resp.status_code == 200
As far as testing just certain parts of your app, you can override the authentication policy with something custom (or just use a custom groupfinder).
def make_test_groupfinder(principals=None):
def _groupfinder(u, r):
return principals
return _groupfinder
You can then use this function to simulate various principals. This doesn't handle the userid though, if your app also relies on authenticated_userid(request) anywhere. For that, you'll have to replace the authentication policy with a dummy one.
class DummyAuthenticationPolicy(object):
def __init__(self, userid, extra_principals=()):
self.userid = userid
self.extra_principals = extra_principals
def authenticated_userid(self, request):
return self.userid
def effective_principals(self, request):
principals = [Everyone]
if self.userid:
principals += [Authenticated]
principals += list(self.extra_principals)
return principals
def remember(self, request, userid, **kw):
return []
def forget(self, request):
return []
I think both the question and answer might be old at this point: with current versions of Pyramid, there's a testing_securitypolicy method (docs here) that allows easy access to setting things like authenticated_userid, effective_principals, results of remember and forget, etc.
Here's an example of usage if need was to set authenticated_userid on a request.
from pyramid.testing import (setUp, tearDown, DummyRequest)
def test_some_view():
config = setUp()
config.testing_securitypolicy(userid='mock_user') # Sets authenticated_userid
dummy_request = DummyRequest()
print(dummy_request.authenticated_userid) # Prints 'mock_user'
# Now ready to test something that uses request.authenticated_userid
from import some_auth_view
result = some_auth_view(dummy_request)
expected = 'Hello mock_user!'
assert result == expected
# Finally, to avoid security changes leaking to other tests, use tearDown
tearDown() # Undo the effects of pyramid.testing.setUp()
