Is there a way to split strings inside a list? - python-3.x

I am trying to split strings inside a list but I could not find any solution on the internet. This is a sample, but it should help you guys understand my problem.
for i in array:
My desired output should look like this:
output: ['a','b',';','c','d',')','void','plasma']

One approach uses re.findall on each starting list term along with a list comprehension to flatten the resulting 2D list:
inp = ['a', 'b;', 'c', 'd)', 'void', 'plasma']
output = [j for sub in [re.findall(r'\w+|\W+', x) for x in inp] for j in sub]
print(output) # ['a', 'b', ';', 'c', 'd', ')', 'void', 'plasma']


Remove redundant sublists within list in python

Hello everyone I have a list of lists values such as :
and I would like to keep within that list, only the lists where I have the highest amount of values.
For instance in sublist1 : ['A','B'] A and B are also present in the sublist2 ['A','B','C'], so I remove the sublist1.
The same for sublist4.
the sublist6 is also removed because J and M were present in a the longer sublist5.
at the end I should get:
other exemple =
expected output :
Does someone have an idea ?
def remove_subsets(lists):
outlists = lists[:]
for s1 in lists:
for s2 in lists:
if set(s1).issubset(set(s2)) and (s1 is not s2):
return outlists
This should result in [['A', 'B', 'C'], ['D', 'E'], ['I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M']]

Duplicating one element. of a list

I'm trying to duplicate just one element of a list.
So let's say I just want to duplicate the letter 'a'.
It would look like this:
Try to use insert:
1 : index where you want to insert the element
You can use list.index() to find out where the element is located and then list.insert() to insert it.
For example:
def duplicate_element(lst, elem):
lst.insert(lst.index(elem), elem)
duplicate_element(lst, 'a')
['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

Retrieving repeated items in a list comprehension

Given a sorted list, I would like to retrieve the first repeated item in the list using list comprehension.
So I ran the line below:
list=['1', '2', '3', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c']
print(k for k in list if k==k+1)
I expected the output "a". But instead I got:
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x0021AB30>
I'm pretty new at this, would someone be willing to clarify why this doesn't work?
You seem to confuse the notion of list element and index.
For example the generator expression iterating over all items of list xs equal to its predecessor would look like this:
g = (xs[k] for k in range(1, len(xs)) if xs[k] == xs[k - 1])
Since you are interested only in first such item, you could write
next(xs[k] for k in range(1, len(xs)) if xs[k] == xs[k - 1])
however you'll get an exception if there is in fact no such items.
As a general advice, prefer simple readable functions over clever long one-liners,
especially when you are new to language. Your task could be accomplished as follows:
def first_duplicate(xs):
for k in range(1, len(xs)):
if xs[k] == xs[k - 1]:
return xs[k]
chars = ['1', '2', '3', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c']
print(first_duplicate(chars)) # 'a'
P.S. Beware using list as your variable name -- you're shadowing built-in type
If you want just the first repeated item in the list you can use the next function with a generator expression that iterates through the list zipped with itself but with an offset of 1 to compare adjacent items:
next(a for a, b in zip(lst, lst[1:]) if a == b)
so that given lst = ['1', '2', '3', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c'], the above returns: 'a'.

Convert a string within a list to an element in the list in python

I am using python data to create a ReportLab report. I have a list that looks like this:
mylist = [['a b c d e f'],['g h i j k l']]
and want to convert it to look like this:
mylist2 = [[a,b,c,d,e],[g,h,i,j,k,l]]
the first list gives me a "List out of index" error when building the report.
the second list works in ReportLab, but columns and formatting in this list aren't what I want.
What is the best method to convert mylist 1 to mylist2 in python?
string to list can be done using split() method.
try mylist[1][0].split() and mylist[0][0].split()
Borrowing idea from Jibin Mathews, I tried the following
new_list = [mylist[0][0].split(), mylist[1][0].split()]
and it prints
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l']]
I saw 'f' is missing in your final list. Is that the mistake?
mylist = [['a b c d e f'],['g h i j k l']]
import re
space_re = re.compile(r'\s+')
output = []
for l in mylist:
element = l[0]
le = re.split(space_re, element)
This not best answer but it will work fine.!

convert a list of lists to a list of string

I have a list of lists like this
list1 = [['I am a student'], ['I come from China'], ['I study computer science']]
len(list1) = 3
Now I would like to convert it into a list of string like this
list2 = ['I', 'am', 'a', 'student','I', 'come', 'from', 'China', 'I','study','computer','science']
len(list2) = 12
I am aware that I could conversion in this way
new_list = [','.join(x) for x in list1]
But it returns
len(new_list) = 3
I also tried this
new_list = [''.join(x for x in list1)]
but it gives the following error
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, list found
How can I extract each word in the sublist of list1 and convert it into a list of string? I'm using python 3 in windows 7.
Following your edit, I think the most transparent approach is now the one that was adopted by another answer (an answer which has since been deleted, I think). I've added some whitespace to make it easier to understand what's going on:
list1 = [['I am a student'], ['I come from China'], ['I study computer science']]
list2 = [
for sublist in list1
for sentence in sublist
for word in sentence.split()
['I', 'am', 'a', 'student', 'I', 'come', 'from', 'China', 'I', 'study', 'computer', 'science']
Given a list of lists where each sublist contain strings this could be solved using jez's strategy like:
list2 = ' '.join([' '.join(strings) for strings in list1]).split()
Where the list comprehension transforms list1 to a list of strings:
>>> [' '.join(strings) for strings in list1]
['I am a student', 'I come from China', 'I study computer science']
The join will then create a string from the strings and split will create a list split on spaces.
If the sublists only contain single strings, you could simplify the list comprehension:
list2 = ' '.join([l[0] for l in list1]).split()
