What is wrong with my MathJax syntax below? - mathjax

This first (meaningless) equation renders fine (I am using this in MDWiki which encapsulates MathJax.
$$ EXP^{CN}_{i,t} = \alpha EXP^{CN}_t$$
This second (meaningless) equation fails, even though expression after \alpha follows exactly the same syntax as the expression to the left of the equal sign.
$$ EXP^{CN}_{i,t} = \alpha EXP^{CN}_{i,t}$$
I am expecting something that looks like this:


Antlr4 getParent Current Context

I have a grammer snippet like this
expr: left=expr '=' right=expr #exprassign
| atom #expratom
atom: TEXT
| ID
TEXT: '\''(.)*?'\'';
In my visitor method
How can I find getparent context which is current. Lets say my method works under left side say it fromleft other is fromright
I need to change my approaches when I learn where does it come from fromleft or fromright
Let's assume I got a code snippet.
var varcompany='C1';// Creates an variable named company initialated C1
WHERE COMPANY = varcompany; //COMPANY ='C1'
Above expr grammar is parsing for COMPANY = varcompany
this approach my parser think for COMPANY as a variable and tries to find in my map for it. Or I use atom expression other Dsl scenerios and I need its acting differently. on SQL it must return like 'C1' but other scenerios it must return C1

Statements vs Expressions in Haskell, Ocaml, Javascript

In Haskell, afaik, there are no statements, just expressions. That is, unlike in an imperative language like Javascript, you cannot simply execute code line after line, i.e.
let a = 1
let b = 2
let c = a + b
Instead, everything is an expression and nothing can simply modify state and return nothing (i.e. a statement). On top of that, everything would be wrapped in a function such that, in order to mimic such an action as above, you'd use the monadic do syntax and thereby hide the underlying nested functions.
Is this the same in OCAML/F# or can you just have imperative statements?
This is a bit of a complicated topic. Technically, in ML-style languages, everything is an expression. However, there is some syntactic sugar to make it read more like statements. For example, the sample you gave in F# would be:
let a = 1
let b = 2
let c = a + b
printfn "%d" c
However, the compiler silently turns those "statements" into the following expression for you:
let a = 1 in
let b = 2 in
let c = a + b in
printfn "%d" c
Now, the last line here is going to do IO, and unlike in Haskell, it won't change the type of the expression to IO. The type of the expression here is unit. unit is the F# way of expressing "this function doesn't really have result" in the type system. Of course, if the function doesn't have a result, in a purely functional language it would be pointless to call it. The only reason to call it would be for some side-effect, and since Haskell doesn't allow side-effects, they use the IO monad to encode the fact the function has an IO producing side-effect into the type system.
F# and other ML-based languages do allow side-effects like IO, so they have the unit type to represent functions that only do side-effects, like printing. When designing your application, you will generally want to avoid having unit-returning functions except for things like logging or printing. If you feel so inclined, you can even use F#'s moand-ish feature, Computation Expressions, to encapsulate your side-effects for you.
Not to be picky, but there's no language OCaml/F# :-)
To answer for OCaml: OCaml is not a pure functional language. It supports side effects directly through mutability, I/O, and exceptions. In many cases it treats such constructs as expressions with the value (), the single value of type unit.
Expressions of type unit can appear in a sequence separated by ;:
let s = ref 0 in
while !s < 10 do
Printf.printf "%d\n" !s; (* This has type unit *)
incr s (* This has type unit *)
done (* The while as a whole has type unit *)
More specifically, ; ignores the value of the first expression and returns the value of the second expression. The first expression should have type unit but this isn't absolutely required.
# print_endline "hello"; 44 ;;
- : int = 44
# 43 ; 44 ;;
Warning 10: this expression should have type unit.
- : int = 44
The ; operator is right associative, so you can write a ;-separated sequence of expressions without extra parentheses. It has the value of the last (rightmost) expression.
To answer the question we need to define what is an expression and what is a statement.
Distinction between expressions and statements
In layman terms, an expression is something that evaluates (reduces) to a value. It is basically something, that may occur on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. Contrary, a statement is some directive that doesn't produce directly a value.
For example, in Python, the ternary operator builds expressions, e.g.,
'odd' if x % 2 else 'even'
is an expression, so you can assign it to a variable, print, etc
While the following is a statement:
if x % 2:
It is not reduced to a value by Python, it couldn't be printed, assigned to a value, etc.
So far we were focusing more on the semantical differences between expressions and statements. But for a casual user, they are more noticeable on the syntactic level. I.e., there are places where a statement is expected and places where expressions are expected. For example, you can put a statement to the right of the assignment operator.
OCaml/Reason/Haskell/F# story
In OCaml, Reason, and F# such constructs as if, while, print etc are expressions. They all evaluate to values and can occur on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. So it looks like that there is no distinction between statements and expressions. Indeed, there are no statements in OCaml grammar at all. I believe, that F# and Reason are also not using word statement to exclude confusion. However, there are syntactic forms that are not expressions, for example:
open Core_kernel
it is not an expression, definitely, and
type students = student list
is not an expression.
So what is that? In the OCaml parlance, they are called definitions, and they are syntactic constructs that can appear in the module on the, so called, top-level. For example, in OCaml, there are value definitions, that look like this
let harry = student "Harry"
let larry = student "Larry"
let group = [harry; larry]
Every line above is a definition. And every line contains an expression on the right-hand side of the = symbol. In OCaml there is also a let expression, that has form let <v> = <exp> in <exp> that should not be confused with the top-level let definition.
Roughly the same is true for F# and Reason. It is also true for Haskell, that has a distinction between expressions and declarations. It actually should be true to probably every real-world language (i.e., excluding brainfuck and other toy languages).
So, all these languages have syntactic forms that are not expressions. They are not called statements per se, but we can treat them as statements. So there is a distinction between statements and expressions. The main difference from common imperative languages is that some well-known statements (e.g., if, while, for) are expressions in OCaml/F#/Reason/Haskell, and this is why people commonly say that there is no distinction between expressions and statements.

Coffeescript - how do I check string equality when passing string through a splat?

I'm having trouble checking whether two strings are equal when one of them was passed through a splat argument. Because coffeescript uses strict comparisons, and because it makes a copy of the arguments when they go through a splat, I can't get the strings to compare properly without resorting to backticks. Is there a better way? Here's a minimal piece of code that demonstrates the problem:
check=(arg) ->
if arg == 'foo' then "'#{arg}'=='foo'" else "'#{arg}'!='foo'"
emit=(args...) ->
The output from this will be as follows:
> coffee mincase.coffee
mu is too short gave me the key, so the revised working code looks like this (everything is the same except emit)
When you use a splat, the splat puts the splatted arguments into an array. For example:
f = (x...) -> console.log(x instanceof Array)
will give you a true in the console. The fine manual isn't so fine in this case, it doesn't exactly spell it out, it assumes that you understand how JavaScript's arguments object works and leaves out the explicit splat puts your arguments into an array part.
So you end up passing an array to check and an array compared with a string using CoffeeScript's == (or JavaScript's ===) will never be true.
If you want emit to check the first argument, then you need to say so:
emit = (args...) -> check(args[0])
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/TBndM/

Velocity: Is it possible to nest macros that use ## and $bodyContent?

I have a macro that looks essentially like this:
#macro( surround $x )
Invocation ##surround("A")bunch o' stuff#end produces "surround:A bunch o' stuff /surround:A" as
expected. Invocation ##surround("A")##surround("B")more stuff#end#end produces
surround:A surround:B more stuff /surround:B /surround:A which is exactly what I want.
But now I want to build upwards with another macro
#macro( annotated-surround $x $y )
##surround( $x )
The intended expansion of #annotated-surround( "C" "note" ) stuff #end is
surround:C annotate:note stuff /surround:C
...but this doesn't work; I get the dreaded semi-infinite expansion of the annotated-surround body
I have read the answer at Closure in Velocity template macros and still don't quite know whether what I want to do is possible.
I'm willing to do arbitrarily tricky things within the definitions of #surround and
#annotated-surround, but I don't want the users of those macros to see any complexity. The
whole idea is to simplify their lives.
As long as I have your ear: Setting macro.provide.scope.control=true is supposed to "a local namespace in macros". What does this mean? Is the provided namespace independent of the default context, but with a single such space shared among all invocations of all macros? Or is a separate context provided for each macro invocation, even recursively? It has to be the latter because of $macro.parent, right?
And yet another question. Consider the following macro:
#macro( recursive $x )
#if($x == 0)
$x before . . .
#set($xMinusOne = $x - 1)
. . . $x after
#recursive( 4 ) yields:
4 before . . .
3 before . . .
2 before . . .
1 before . . .
zero . . .
0 after . . .
0 after . . .
0 after . . .
4 after
Now I understand all those occurrences of "0": there's only one global $x, so assigning to it on
the recursive calls smashes it and it doesn't get restored. But where on earth does that final "4"
come from? For that matter, how is it that my first "surround" macro works to arbitrary depth;
how come its final $x doesn't get smashed in inner calls?
Sorry to be so prolix, but I have been unable to find clear documentation in this matter.
The problem is the combination of global variables, a name collision, and lazy rendering.
Let's walk through the rendering process for ##annotated-surround( "x" "y" )content#end:
Rendering enters the annotated-surround macro. The context map contains:
$x = String x
$y = String y
$bodyContent = Renderable content - note that the String output of this has not yet been evaluated.
Rendering of the first line enters the surround macro. This updates the context map to:
new $x = old $x = String x
$y = String y
$bodyContent = Renderable annotate:$y\n$bodyContent - note that the String output of this still has not yet been evaluated, it's still template code.
Rendering outputs the first line of surround, producing the String surround:x.
Rendering begins evaluating the second line of surround, which references $bodyContent.
Rendering the first line of $bodyContent produces the String annotate:y.
Rendering begins evaluating the second line of $bodyContent, which references $bodyContent.
Rendering the first line of $bodyContent produces the String annotate:y.
Rendering begins evaluating the second line of $bodyContent, which references $bodyContent.
The solution is to remove part of the problem's combination. Global variables and lazy rendering are fundamental parts of how Velocity works, so you can't touch those. That leaves the name collision. What you need is for each macro's $bodyContent to be referred to with a different name. This is easily achieved by assigning it to new variables with unique names in each macro before invoking any other macros, and using the new variable in any invoked macro's body, like this:
#macro( surround $x )
#macro( annotated-surround $x $y )
#set( $annotated-surround-content = $bodyContent )
##surround( $x )
Rendering of this version goes like this:
Rendering enters the annotated-surround macro. The context map contains:
$x = String x
$y = String y
$bodyContent = Renderable content - note that the String output of this has not yet been evaluated.
Rendering of the first line executes the #set directive, adding a variable to the context map: $annotated-surround-content = current $bodyContent = Renderable content.
Rendering of the second line enters the surround macro. This updates the context map to:
new $x = old $x = String x
$y = String y
$annotated-surround-content = old $bodyContent = Renderable content
$bodyContent = Renderable annotate:$y\n$annotated-surround-content
Rendering outputs the first line of surround, producing the String surround:x.
Rendering begins evaluating the second line of surround, which references $bodyContent.
Rendering the first line of $bodyContent produces the String annotate:y.
Rendering begins evaluating the second line of $bodyContent, which references $annotated-surround-content.
Rendering $annotated-surround-content produces the String content.
Rendering outputs the third line of surround, producing the String /surround:x.
The final rendered output is surround:x annotate:y content /surround:x. This approach can be generalized by applying such substitutions to all occurrences of $bodyContent that are inside the content of another macro call, each time using a variable name derived from the macro's name to ensure uniqueness. It won't work for recursive macros without something extra to distinguish each nested invocation, however.
Regarding the scope setting, all that does is add a $macro object to the context, which is unique to each macro invocation and can be used as a map. If you set $macro.myVar to something different in each of two nested macro calls, the outer macro's value for it will be unchanged when the inner one finishes. This does not help with the $bodyContent issue, however, because any reference to $macro inside a macro's $bodyContent will be resolved to the innermost macro when it's rendered.
Regarding the final 4 from #recursive( 4 ), that comes from a combination of macro arguments having local scope and being passed by name. For all but the outermost invocation of #recursive, the argument $x is a reference to the global context variable $xMinusOne - when they render the after line, the use of $x is actually resolved to looking up the current value of $xMinusOne in the global context. For the outermost invocation it is instead the constant value 4, and the arguments of the inner invocations go out of scope when they finish, so when the outermost one gets to the final line it's back to being 4.
Starting with the easiest, macro.provide.scope.control=true will definitely create a separate $macro scope object for every macro invocation. Otherwise, as you note, the $macro.parent would be nonsense. The whole point of the "scope controls" is to provide an explicit namespace for the type of VTL block in question. You can even do surround.provide.scope.control=true to automatically create a $surround scope inside of ##surround bodyContent.
On your first question, i'm a little confused as to what's happening. Both the call to ##annotate-surround and the nested call to ##surround will make $bodyContent references available. Am i right that's what happening is that the "wrong" $bodyContent is being used? The $bodyContent reference should belong to the nearest block macro call. To reference the outer macro's $bodyContent within the inner macro, you'll probably need to #set( $macro.bodyContent = $bodyContent ) and then, within the inner, use it via $macro.parent.bodyContent
As for #recursive weirdness, i don't know offhand and have to get on to other work now. It also doesn't help that i don't have Velocity checked out on my present machine, so i can't quickly try things out.

What's the name of a right shift operator between closures in groovy?

I've found a groovy code snippet similar to the next one:
def f1 = { print "Hello, ${it}" }
def f2 = { "world" }​​​​​​​​
(f2 >> f1)()
It looks like such construction works only between closures. This code also works with left shift operator ((f1 << f2)()).
I wonder how is this operator (or this technique) called?
It does closure composition.
See the rightShift and leftShift operator overloading API docs.
Overriding shift operators is a pretty common technique, like for adding items to a collection.
Here is a nice list of all operators with their names from the official documentation which displays the names of <<, >>, >>=, .., ..<, <<=, >>= and so on. Whenever I stumble upon something in Groovy I don't know the name of, this is the place to go (see also the paragraph on operator precedence on the same side).
