Change layout of student registration in tutor lms - layout

I am using tutor LMS plug-in.
The form of student registration appears 1 field only per row and the label of the field found at the top of each field so, I need to scroll down to complete the form and click submit
I need to display 2 fields per row and prevent label to appear to be able to complete form without scroll down


Odoo: Change One2many "add new line" behaviour

I have made a custom model and for a user to make an order they have to 1) click on add new line, 2) either select one of the products from the list or 3) click on search more, and search for the desired product.
As shown above these are a lot of steps given they can be adding more than 50 items during 1 order
I want to change the behavior of the hyperlink "add new line" of a one2many field, to directly open the full view of the products (as if a user clicked search more) then return the result back to the one2many field.

Some phrases and products for empty text search

As a part of empty search in Hybris,we are required to display some phrases and products even when customer does not search anything.
How to go about this scenario?Will we have to make changes in the individual controller methods?
You can return a searchEmpty CMS page whenever searchPageData doesn't contain the data.
Now you can design the searchEmpty CMS page as you want.
Like the page contains phrases and product components to display phrase and products which can be changed/configured though WCMS.
As you mentioned in your comment, you want to show static text and products in autosuggestions when the user clicks search box.
Approach 1.
You can render static text and your selected product data in the hidden container with all pages. Now on search-box click event show that data as autosuggestion dropdown.
Approach 2.
On the search-box click event make ajax call(custom mapping) to get the static data content(JSP).

Powerapps: button selection on a previous screen prefill a field in a form

I am attempting to build an app with Microsoft powerapps that will be writing/reading data to/from an excel sheet.
I have created a form in powerapps from a table in the excel sheet. I am curious to know if anyone knows how to fill the data in a field based on a button selection on a previous screen.
As an example let's say the following fields are in the form; Location, Action, Item, Username.
This is what I am imaging and would like to do;
I would like the first two fields to be filled by selecting buttons on a previous screens instead of a drop down menu in the edit form view. the last two field can be filled by inputting text on a thirds screen.
The flow:
Screen1; presents two 4 locations in the form of buttons*doesn't necessarily have to be a button but function like one.
4 locations: NY, LA, AZ, LN
when users selects "NY" button, "NY" is filled/stored in to the "location" field in the form and the screen navigates to the next page where the user will select the actions.
Screen2; presents two 2 actions in the form of button.
2 Actions: remove, add
when users selects "remove" button, "remove" is filled/stored in to the "action" field in the form and the screen navigates to the next page where the user will fill the other two fields in a text field.
Screen3; has two text fields where user can fill in the rest of the information for item and user name. Location and Action should be prefilled at this point. When the user submits the form all data is submitted and a row is created in the excel table with all the information captured.
any information how to make a button selection on a previous screen prefill a field in a form that would be awesome! thank you for reading.
It sounds like you want to use a collection. A collection can be used similar to a global variable and will allow us to access data on a different screen than the one we set it on.
Some useful information can be found here:
Based off of your flow, let's assume that the screens are named as follows:
Screen1 will be "SpecifyLocation"
Screen2 will be "SpecifyAction"
Screen3 will be "FinalizeInput"
The names are arbitrary, but I think they'll make the following example easier to follow.
On the screen "SpecifyLocation", we're going to create four buttons. They will all be identical, except for the name of the location they reference. For instance, the button referencing "NY" would be as follows:
Text = "New York"
OnSelect = ClearCollect( LocationMetadata, "NY" ); Navigate(SpecifyAction,ScreenTransition.Cover)
Please note that the OnSelect value is two different functions separated by a semicolon. The first function, ClearCollect(), clears all information in a collection and then writes a new entry. In this case, we have a collection named LocationMetadata into which we are writing the value "NY". The second function, Navigate(), changes which screen we are looking at.
On the screen "SpecifyAction", we're going to create two buttons. They will be similar, except for the action they refer to. For instance, the button referencing "Add" would be as follows:
Text = "Add"
OnSelect = ClearCollect( ActionMetadata, "Add" ); Navigate(FinalizeInput,ScreenTransition.Cover)
As was the case before, we've created a button that calls two functions when clicked. They are the same two functions as last time; however, we've changed LocationMetadata to ActionMetadata in our ClearCollect() call, since we want to store a different piece of information. We've also changed our Navigate() call to move us over to the "FinalizeInput" screen.
I'm not entirely sure how you've got your final screen laid out, but in any case, you'll want to access the data we stored in collections previously. This can be done with the function First(), which returns the first element of a collection.
To access our selected location, you can use: First(LocationMetadata).Value
To access our selected action, you can use: First(ActionMetadata).Value
You should be able to supplement whatever extra data is collected from your user on this final screen with the collections we set up.

Using orchard how to display content itmes & send email to user

Using Orchard 1.6 i've setup 3 content parts, each viewable from 3 separate forms, which will automatically navigate from 1,2,3 as the user fills them out (by selecting the booking option on the main menu):
1) Records Name & phone number as input fields
2) Records equipment user has selected to rent (from drop down and input fields)
3) Confirmation which should display what the user has entered on the first 2
So far im on part (3) so I want to display what the user has chosen for the first 2 forms (I know they are stored as content items) but how can i get both of them to display on the confirmation page.
Also when the 'Submit' button is clicked on the confirmation page i would like to send an email to the owner. How can I do this?
Thank you
Use the rules module (workflow in 1.7+) to send an email when the content item is created.
To display the data you could create a simple little module that displays the latest two items created by the current user. Or something. I've never really used Orchard Forms so I'm not sure if it has better ways of accessing content you have created with it.

Display the responses to the current form inside an embedded view

I am trying to create a new Lotus Notes Database (classic, not using XPages) using the Domino designer which will be used to manage customers and orders.
As orders belong to customers, I implemented orders as responses to customers (this seems to be the only way to create a hierarchy).
Now, the form representing the customer should contain a view displaying all the orders which belong to the customer.
However, I don't know how to implement this view:
First, every embedded view based on a formula (I tried SELECT (Form = "Order")) creates an error message: "Unable to launch at this time".
Second, I have absolutely no idea how to restrict the result to responses to the current Form (in my case: Showing only the orders belonging to the current customer and not all orders in the database).
To embed the view in the 'customer form', open that form, place the cursor on the place you want the embedded view, and from the menu select: Create -> Embedded Element -> View...
Select the view you want to embed, and click 'Ok'.
Now, to show only orders for current customer, you will see in the Objects tree list 'Embedded View' with 2 option, select the second 'Show single category'. There you can specify with formula only the current customer. For example, to show entries only for the current logged user I would put:
#Name([CN]; #UserName)
Hopefully, this info will help solve the problem.
