How to dynamically update text in slate MRTK - hololens

I am very new to Unity and Hololens development.
As part of a small POC, we need to show the object's position (X, Y and Z axis) on the screen.
For example, if the user interacts with a 3D cube and moves it with a hand, the real-time position of the cube should be visible on Slate.
I tried to add slate to my Unity project but even though I tried, I could not change the text on Slate. Is Slate the correct component for this?
Is there any way this can be achieved?
Mayank Pande

A slate could be used for that, it just needs a text element added. The sample mentioned in comment prior shows a slate for an example to review (Demos-Handtracking/HandinteractionExamples).
In that sample, search for SlateUGUI. It uses same approach as you will find in other stack overflow post here too: UI creation with MRTK (Usage of Slate)


Filled area is not transparent when exporting my drawing to PDF in Revit

I am not sure if Revit is part of the Stackoverflow community but it seems that the Tag already existed so I decided to give it a try.
I have created a section of my 3D model. In order to export it as a PDF, I have created a new sheet and I have dragged a 2D of a section onto the sheet.
On top of the 2D section I needed to add some elements as filled areas with different hatches. When I check the areas on Revit, they are shown with a non transparent background (the section's lines of a 2D drawing are not visible behind), nevertheless when exporting it to a PDF the areas are transparent and I can see the section lines through them.
When checking the settings configurations for transparency filled areas the value is set to 0. Therefore, I would have expected not to have any difference between the Revit view and the PDF version (meaning non transparent background)
Am I missing something?
The StackOverflow tag is actually revit-api, standing for the Revit API, the built-in .NET programming interface. The API wraps the UI for automation purposes. Do you know how to achieve what you need manually through the end user interface? If so, that knowledge will be very helpful to determine how to achieve the same programmatically. If not, it can probably not be achieved programmatically either. The best place to raise a question to determine how to achieve the desired result manually in the user interface is the generic Revit Architecture discussion forum.

Blender : Some objects disappear when I turn to camera mode (it's not the snapping I think)

OK... here is the thing...
I am modeling a Star Wars Cruiser.. I'm doing pretty fine, but.. whenever I look through the camera, half of my ship disappears ?! Now you might think it's the clipping, but that doesn't make sense, since the clipping is set to 0,1 mtr - 10.000 mtr, which should be more than enough. Besides that, the clipping is the same for both the visible and now disappeared objects...
Does anyone have any clue ?
I also tried to change the Local view to Global view.. but no dice...
Here is a screenshot in not-camera view :
And here is one in camera view :
I'm using Blender 2.82
Please let me know if you need more info or even a link to the model...
OK, I got some help from a friend... Joshua Rooijakkers from the Netherlands...
He fixed the problem in seconds...
So ... it WAS the clipping.. the setting was just buried somewhere I didn't look...
Thanks Josh ! :-)
Objects disappear in camera view modeWhile setting up my camera with the camera lock to view option selected, I noticed that on switching on to the camera view, the object had disappeared.
I tried zooming in and out, but that did not work. I exited the camera view and then selected the object in the outliner and then tried zooming in and out and then panning down and adjusting the view in the view port. I could see that the object was now visible and that the camera was positioned below the object. That was because the camera was added wrt to the position of the cursor which was snapped to the world origin. I a sure many would have encountered such issues.
I then selected the camera to ascertain its position. Then by using the grab tool, I moved the camera along the Z axis just above the object and then switched to the camera view and selected the lock camera to
view option to adjust the camera view to the desired position.
This helped me locate my object in the camera view. Do let me know in the comments if there are other ways of dealing with this.

Fixed Position Rectangles in SSRS 2016

I have a report that is designed to give us a visual representation of available kennel space in our facility. The floorplan image is defined as the background image on a rectangle. Each of the kennel areas are contained in a rectangle on top of the rectangle with the floorplan. I'm happy to share the rdl file if there is a way to upload it to this post (it is 9,559 lines of XML so not practical to copy the code in the post).
When I started into this particular project, I searched for a way to preserve position of each of the report items and the rectangle method came back as the only way to guarantee position at the time the report is generated. I have spent a considerable amount of time making sure each rectangle is positioned precisely where it needs to be on the page. In the designer, when I preview the report, it is as perfect as I can get (note that the image shows the dog lost & found area not lining up as I haven't completed that area just yet). I'm able to zoom in and out in preview and everything stays put exactly where I expect to see it.
On Friday, I decided to publish what I had completed to the server and I'm greatly disappointed at how it looks on the server. I'm at a loss to know how to correct it and can't find anything other than using the rectangles as I have already done. Here is the output on the server:
I even tried it in Internet Explorer and Edge to make sure it wasn't an issue with Chrome. I have not tried Firefox since I don't have it loaded and don't have a need (or desire) to load it. Any ideas as to how to fix this issue are appreciated!

Why can't I size android components at will?

Okay, so I'm really trying to do a lab for a class thing and I don't get why I can't have a textbox that takes up the width of the phone and a button that takes up the width of the phone on the bottom, but I don't know why that is? Here's a picture of what I have.
I know this is a noob question but it hasn't been addressed yet on the online course I'm taking and I really need an answer because I wanted android development to be as easy as .NET on windows.
Well anyway here is one picture:
Also here is the other picture:
Notice if I try to make one element bigger, it leads to it pushing the other one out of the activity, I want to have one activity with both elements taking up the entire width of the phone.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 not Mac OS X.
Your controls are children of a LinearLayout with android:orientation="horizontal". This means that the parent ViewGroup is aligning them horizontally; you cannot get the children aligned vertically in this configuration.
If you change the attribute to android:orientation="vertical", you will achieve the result you're looking for.
I strongly suggest getting yourself familiar with the default set of layouts available in the Android SDK by reading this official guide.
Edit : Please refer to this answer for placing views at bottom of the screen.
When you use a android:orientation=horizontal orientation in the layout, the views are stacked/placed in a single row. Since both your views have their width set to fill the screen, only the first one is shown/seen.
What you want is the vertical orientation. This places the views in a single column, one below the other. The width set to fill-parent will allow you the view to occupy all available space.
Official documentation on views : Layouts : Android Dev Docs
Understanding Android Layouts : Techtopia
Android Layout Tutorials : Learn-Android

Add Lines To Google Earth Using KML

So, basically, I'm trying to figure out a way that I can draw lines (say, representing the flight path of an RC plane or something) onto Google Earth using KML. Here's the kicker though: I want to give it an initial location, and then check somewhere to see where to continue drawing the line to, draw the line, and leave it be. Once it's done, I could then move it around.
Starts at a point A in google Earth
Checks File XYZ.kml on //someserver
XYZ.kml has updated coordinates to draw to
Google Earth pulls in those coordinates and extends the line
Repeat 2->4 until complete
View completed flight path from 3rd person.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? It seems like it can change the location of a model or something in this fashion, but you would have to watch it first person. I haven't been able to figure out how to get this particular functionality to come out right.
You have a few ways of doing this, here is just 2.
Create a LineString via a networkLink and then use the Update feature to update your LineString (ie replace with new version)
Create a LineString and then use .getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt() to build upon it.
Edit: Sorry, as pointed out in comments, Option 2 is for GE Plug-in, not standalone version
See this SO question for some help on using option #1
See this SO question for more info on option #2
