Concatenating command line arguments and flags in NPM package.json scripts - node.js

I am looking for a way to do something like this:
"scripts": {
"test": "cd ./apps/my-awesome-app && npx cypress run",
"test:watch": "npm run test && --headed",
so then at the command line, running
npm run test:watch
will result in the following commands being executed:
cd ./apps/my-awesome-app
npx cypress run --headed
However, this is not working as expected. Is there a way to achieve this without repeating the whole "test"-string?


webpack command not recognized

I have the below commands configured in npm scripts.Now, if i run the command "npm run dev" there is no response in command prompt. However, if the run the below command as "webpack -wd" in command prompt, then the command is working as expected. why, i am not able to run this command from npm scripts. I am using windows and have set the node path in environment variables as below
"scripts": {
"dev": "webpack -wd",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin;C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\npm
If you want to run webpack via the command line, you either need to install webpack-cli globally with npm i -g webpack-cli or you need to use npx like npx webpack -wd. This will run webpack the same way npm scripts do.
The problem you are trying to circumvent is that webpack by default does not build the first time in watch mode, so you either need to change a file after starting webpack or run webpack without watch.
Note: npx is part of the NPM/Node.js bundle

package.json: what is the difference between & and &&?

Title pretty much says it all, but I'd also like to know if these commands work or behave differently depending upon the OS.
"scripts": {
"build": "babel -d serverbuild ./server",
"exe": "node ./serverbuild/index.js",
"start": "npm run build && npm run exe"
"scripts": {
"build": "babel -d serverbuild ./server",
"exe": "node ./serverbuild/index.js",
"start": "npm run build & npm run exe"
Given these examples portions of a package.json, what would be the difference between npm run start?
When using &&, the first command will run, and if it does not error, the second command will run. It's like a logical AND.
Using &, however, will run a command in the background. So in your second package.json, npm run build will start running in the background and then npm run exe will run as well regardless of what happens to the first command.

How to run npm test after npm start in bash script

In my docker file, I want to run test script inside it after app is up in Docker dev version. Problem is when I created a bash script and add like that, test script is not working.
Here is my package json file:
"scripts": {
"build": "./node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel.js src --out-dir lib --copy-files lib --plugins transform-react-jsx --presets es2015",
"bundle": "./node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js lib/client.js -o public/js/bundle.js",
"start": "npm run build && npm run bundle && node lib/server.js",
"test": "mocha ./src/*.test.js"
and here is bash script file
npm start
npm run start
npm test
npm run test
Please let me know how to fix it, thanks much.
npm run build
npm run bundle
forever start ./lib/server.js
npm test
I've found solution that I need to install forever or pm2 first.

Syntax (windows and linux) for multiple commands using Node cross-env

I'm taking a look at a project that has this line in it's package.json to run Karma tests
"scripts": {
"test": "NODE_ENV=test karma start karma.conf.js",
This doesn't work in Windows when I try "npm test".
I gather this is because this is a *nix syntax. And, in fact, if I change it to
"scripts": {
"test": "set NODE_ENV=test && karma start karma.conf.js",
the tests start when I run npm test.
Looking around, the optimal solution appears to be to use the cross-env package and rewrite it like
"scripts": {
"test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test && karma start karma.conf.js",
So I get the cross-env will take care of the "set NODE_ENV" part to work on multiple OSes, but it's the "&&" part I'm questioning.
Do I leave the "&&" between the commands when using cross-env? Will that work in windows and linux?
Your cross-env example won't work, it should just be:
"scripts": {
"test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test karma start karma.conf.js",
without the &&. The command to run comes immediately after you're done setting the variables.
I found your question by searching for how to set multiple variables with cross-env and also how to run multiple scripts/commands with cross-env. So to address the "multiple commands" part of your question:
Given these 2 test scripts:
console.log('a', process.env.TEST_VAR, process.env.TEST_VAR_2);
console.log('b', process.env.TEST_VAR, process.env.TEST_VAR_2);
You'll find if you have an && in the script in your package.json the subsequent scripts don't receive the variables. For example:
"scripts": {
"check": "cross-env TEST_VAR=hello TEST_VAR_2=world node a.js && node b.js",
Running npm run check gives:
a hello world
b undefined undefined
You can solve this by having an extra script which runs the multiple commands and running that with cross-env:
"scripts": {
"check": "cross-env TEST_VAR=hello TEST_VAR_2=world npm run check-real",
"check-real": "node a.js && node b.js",
Now npm run check gives:
a hello world
b hello world

npm start to run some scripts in silent mode

I have multiple scripts in package.json, most of them call some .js e.g. "copyResources" bellow. If I will run "npm run -s copyResources" in shell, it will execute silently. So far so good. But I would like to run "npm start" which will execute copyResource silently, example bellow, but this is not working (it's not silent). :(
Later I will have more scripts in "start" and I want to run some of them silently and some of them not. Thats the case why I can't just do npm start -s ...
"scripts": {
"copyResources": "echo 'Copy resources =>' && node ./bin/copyResources.js",
"start": "npm run -s copyResources"
Thank you very much!
