How to run npm test after npm start in bash script - node.js

In my docker file, I want to run test script inside it after app is up in Docker dev version. Problem is when I created a bash script and add like that, test script is not working.
Here is my package json file:
"scripts": {
"build": "./node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel.js src --out-dir lib --copy-files lib --plugins transform-react-jsx --presets es2015",
"bundle": "./node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js lib/client.js -o public/js/bundle.js",
"start": "npm run build && npm run bundle && node lib/server.js",
"test": "mocha ./src/*.test.js"
and here is bash script file
npm start
npm run start
npm test
npm run test
Please let me know how to fix it, thanks much.

npm run build
npm run bundle
forever start ./lib/server.js
npm test
I've found solution that I need to install forever or pm2 first.


Concatenating command line arguments and flags in NPM package.json scripts

I am looking for a way to do something like this:
"scripts": {
"test": "cd ./apps/my-awesome-app && npx cypress run",
"test:watch": "npm run test && --headed",
so then at the command line, running
npm run test:watch
will result in the following commands being executed:
cd ./apps/my-awesome-app
npx cypress run --headed
However, this is not working as expected. Is there a way to achieve this without repeating the whole "test"-string?

webpack command not recognized

I have the below commands configured in npm scripts.Now, if i run the command "npm run dev" there is no response in command prompt. However, if the run the below command as "webpack -wd" in command prompt, then the command is working as expected. why, i am not able to run this command from npm scripts. I am using windows and have set the node path in environment variables as below
"scripts": {
"dev": "webpack -wd",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin;C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\npm
If you want to run webpack via the command line, you either need to install webpack-cli globally with npm i -g webpack-cli or you need to use npx like npx webpack -wd. This will run webpack the same way npm scripts do.
The problem you are trying to circumvent is that webpack by default does not build the first time in watch mode, so you either need to change a file after starting webpack or run webpack without watch.
Note: npx is part of the NPM/Node.js bundle

How to run few npm scripts in one-line shell command?

I have three scripts in package.json:
Watch server TypeScript
"scripts": {
"watch-server": "tsc --watch --project ./server/tsconfig.json",
"watch-node": "nodemon --watch ./server/build/ --watch ./server/templates -e js,json,pug",
"watch-client": "webpack --config ./webpack/ --watch"
Everytime I start my computer and open VS Code I need to open three separate PowerShell terminals and type in those commands one-by-one. Is there any way to launch these three separate terminals with their own commands in one shell command? Maybe via tasks.json?
On linux or any bash terminal, you can use && to combine multiple commands, i
You can do as
npm run watch-server && npm run watch-node && npm run watch-client
A quick google search for powershell suggested using semicolon
so on powershell you can do something like below if using && does not work
npm run watch-server;npm run watch-node ; npm run watch-client
Also keep in mind, you can additionally add fourth command in your npm scripts in package.json where you can use one of these combined commands which works for you, like
start-all: npm run watch-server && npm run watch-node && npm run watch-client
and then run
npm run start-all

why package.json script works fine on local project but doesn't work on a dependency project

I have created a npm module(let call it ModuleA) and defined clean script in its package.json file like below:
"scripts": {
"test": "nyc mocha tests/ --opts mocha.opts",
"build": "babel -d dist/ src/",
"prepublish": "yarn run clean && yarn run build",
"postinstall": "yarn run clean && yarn run build",
"clean": "rimraf ./dist"
I use rimraf to remove the dist directory. This dependency is defined in devDependencies as "rimraf": "^2.6.1". It works fine on this project. But in one of my other project (let call it ModuleB) which has a dependency on this module, the yarn install doesn't work and I get below error:
$ rimraf ./dist
sh: 1: rimraf: not found
this error happens when npm/yarn is building the ModuleB. I have checked that rimraf exist in node_modules/.bin directory in ModuleB. It works fine if I install rimraf globally. I wonder how I can make the npm/yarn to use rimraf from node_modules/.bin/rimraf?
BTW, I also put the rimraf in devDependencies in ModuleB.
I tried to update the script in ModuleA to use rimraf from node_modules/.bin/rimraf as below:
"clean": "node_modules/.bin/rimraf ./dist"
it works fine on ModuleA. But I got below error when run yarn install on ModuleB:
$ node_modules/.bin/rimraf ./dist
info Visit for documentation about this command.
sh: node_modules/.bin/rimraf: No such file or directory
error Command failed with exit code 127.
See those issues: (postinstall hook doesn't appear to be run #721) (preinstall and postinstall are not run #853) (Bug: issue with postinstall scripts in git-hooks package)
Now make sure that yarn clean and npm clean works as expected.
For example this will not work if you didn't install rimraf globally:
$ rimraf ./dist
But this should work:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/rimraf ./dist
Test those commands first:
npm run clean
yarn run clean
to use the "clean": "rimraf ./dist" script defined in package.json.
Note that ./node_modules/.bin is added to your PATH when you run package.json scripts.
Try running the commands from the simple ones where you run the script directly without npm or yarn, then test with both npmand yarn, and then finally try to narrow down the problem with postinstall hooks.

gcloud deploy fails nodejs

I'm trying to deploy to google app engine. When I do so, the initial information all seems correct, the docker build is successful, but after docker it tries the following and fails:
Beginning teardown of remote build environment (this may take a few seconds).
Updating module [default].../Deleted [].
Updating module [default]...failed.
ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Timed out when starting VMs. It's possible that the application code is unhealthy. (0/2 ready, 2 still deploying).
I know that I'm running es6 code transpiled to run on node 4.1.2 which is the version I'm told I can use here - I just have to run nvm install v4.1.2 which will switch me over, so I include that in my scripts. Here are my scripts in package.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "test",
"clean": "rm -rf lib",
"watch-js": "./node_modules/.bin/babel --plugins transform-es2015-classes src --presets react -d lib",
"dev-server": "./node_modules/.bin/webpack lib/client/entry.js",
"lint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint ./src",
"server": "node lib/server/server",
"start-dev": "npm run lint && npm run build && npm run dev-server && npm run server",
"start": "nvm install v4.1.2 && node lib/server/server",
"styles": "./node_modules/.bin/lessc ./public/less/bundle.less ./public/css/bundle.css",
"build": "npm run clean && ./node_modules/.bin/babel --plugins transform-es2015-classes src --presets react -d lib && npm run styles"
and my docker file:
# Dockerfile extending the generic Node image with application files for a
# single application.
COPY . /app/
# You have to specify "--unsafe-perm" with npm install
# when running as root. Failing to do this can cause
# install to appear to succeed even if a preinstall
# script fails, and may have other adverse consequences
# as well.
# This command will also cat the npm-debug.log file after the
# build, if it exists.
RUN npm install --unsafe-perm || \
((if [ -f npm-debug.log ]; then \
cat npm-debug.log; \
fi) && false)
CMD npm start
So yeah, I've got no clue why the deployment failing. I could definitely benefit from some more thorough documentation on deploying node on GAE. It works on a test repo. Is there something else I need to be doing to run node on GAE with my babel6 transpiled code? Or should something be different in my scripts? In the Google Shell I can run locally fine once I switch to node v4.1.2
