is there a way I could have a function in haskell to unwrap two monads and maybe produce the third one? like >>= for binary functions? - haskell

So essentially as far as i understand, using
mb_l :: Maybe L
l2mb_c :: L -> Maybe C
thing = mb_l >>= l2mb_c
in Haskell is equivalent to using
fn thing(mb_l: Option<l>, l2mb_c: fn(_: l) -> Option<c>) -> Option<c> {
in rust.
But in rust I also can do something like
fn thing2(mb_a: Option<a>, mb_b: Option<b>, ab2mb_c: fn(_: a, _: b) -> Option<c>)
-> Option<c> {
ab2mb_c(mb_a?, mb_b?)
Is there a way I could do this in Haskell?

If you have
mb_a :: Maybe A
mb_b :: Maybe B
ab2mb_c :: A -> B -> Maybe C
you can combine them as
thing = do
a <- mb_a
b <- mb_b
ab2mb_c a b
or, using the applicative style
thing = join $ ab2mb_c <$> mb_a <*> mb_b


How to pattern match on Constructors in Haskell?

I have a state machine where states are implemented using a sum type. Posting a simplified version here:
data State =
A { value :: Int }
| B { value :: Int }
| C { other :: String }
most of my functions are monadic consuming States and doing some actions based on the type. Something like (this code doesn't compile):
f :: State -> m ()
f st= case st of
s#(A | B) -> withValueAction (value s)
C -> return ()
I know that I could unroll constructors like:
f :: State -> m ()
f st= case st of
A v -> withValueAction v
B v -> withValueAction v
C _ -> return ()
But that's a lot of boilerplate and brittle to changes. If I change the parameters to the constructor I need to rewrite all case .. of in my codebase.
So how would you pattern match on a subset of constructors and access a shared element?
One way to implement this idiomatically is to use a slightly different value function:
value :: State -> Maybe Int
value (A v) = Just v
value (B v) = Just v
value _ = Nothing
Then you can write your case using a pattern guard like this:
f st | Just v <- value st -> withValueAction v
f C{} = return ()
f _ = error "This should never happen"
Or you can simplify this a bit further using view patterns and even more with pattern synonyms:
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, PatternSynonyms #-}
pattern V :: Int -> State
pattern V x <- (value -> Just v)
{-# COMPLETE V, C #-}
f (V x) = withValueAction x
f C{} = return ()
#Noughtmare's answer demonstrates how you can use view patterns to get the right "pattern matching syntax". To auto-generate the value function that selects a shared field from several constructors, you can use lens, though this kind of requires buying into the whole Lens ecosystem. After:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.TH
data State =
A { _value :: Int }
| B { _value :: Int }
| C { _other :: String }
makeLenses ''State
you will have a traversal value that can be used to access the partially shared field:
f :: (Monad m) => State -> m ()
f st = case st ^? value of
Just v -> withValueAction v
Nothing -> return ()
This is the solution I've picked at the end. My two main requirements were:
"Or" pattern matching over constructors
Selection of a subset of fields shared by the pattern match
As reported by #Noughtmare 1 is not possible at the moment
Since for my problem the source of variability comes mostly from parameters in the constructors and not from the number of states, the solution I picked was to enable NamedFieldPuns extension, so the solution is something like:
f :: State -> m ()
f st= case st of
A {value} -> withValueAction value
B {value} -> withValueAction value
C {} -> return ()
It has some boilerplate enumerating constructors but at least it has none at the constructor parameters. I'll have a look at the view patterns maybe they are useful when the source of variability comes from the number of constructors and not the arguments.

Proper way of applying two (or many) option values to a function in F#

Recently I discovered a style of programming which is very useful (and pretty) in functional world called Railway oriented programming.
For example when want to create a pipeline of functions that produce option type, and we want to return None if any of them fails we can do something like this:
someOptionValue // : 'a option
>>= func1 // func1: 'a -> 'b option
>>= func2 // func2: 'b -> 'c option
and so on...
where (>>=) : 'a option -> (a' -> 'b option) -> 'b option operator applies a value to the left hands side if it's Some value or None otherwise.
But, here is my problem, what if we have a function that "takes" two (or many) option types, let say funcAB : 'a -> 'b -> 'c option, valA : 'a option and valB : 'b option and we still want to create this pipeline or use some nice operator (not create a new one specifically for this, but use some standard approach, in particular I don't want to use match ... with to "unpack" option values)
Currently I have something like this:
>>= (funcAB >> Some)
>>= (fun ctr -> valB >>= ctr)
But is doesn't seem 'correct' (or fun is the better word ;] ), and it doesn't scale well if a function takes more parameters or we want to create a longer pipeline. Is there a better way to do this?
I've used F# syntax but I think this question can be applied to any functional programming language, like OCaml and Haskell.
EDIT (Solution):
Thanks to the chi's answer I've created following code F# which is much more idiomatic then what I previously had:
funcAB <!> valA <*> valB |> Option.flatten
And it looks well if we have more values: funcAB <!> valA <*> valB <*> valC <*> ....
I've used operators defined in YoLo.
In Haskell, we can use Applicative syntax for that:
valA :: f a
valB :: f b
funAB :: a -> b -> f c
join $ funAB <$> valA <*> valB :: f c
provided f is a monad (like Maybe, Haskell's option).
It should be adaptable to F# as well, I guess, as long as you define your operators
(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
join :: f (f a) -> f a
The above trick is a poor man's version of Idris !-notation (bang notation).
Another common option is using do
do a <- valA
b <- valB
funAB a b
but this is comparable with using >>=, indeed:
valA >>= \a ->
valB >>= \b ->
funAB a b
is not much more complex.
One option is to use computation expressions. For option there is no standard one but you can easily create your own:
type OptionBuilder() =
member this.Bind (x, f) = Option.bind f x
member this.Return x = Some x
let optional = OptionBuilder()
let a, b = Some(42), Some(7)
let f x y = x + y
let res = optional {
let! x = a
let! y = b
return f x y
which closely resembles Haskells do notation.
For more advanced features, have a look at F#+ which also has a generic applicative functor operator <*>.

data type with a default field and that needs a function that works with it

Say, I have a data type
data FooBar a = Foo String Char [a]
| Bar String Int [a]
I need to create values of this type and give empty list as the second field:
Foo "hello" 'a' []
Bar "world" 1 []
1) I do this everywhere in my code and I think it would be nice if I could omit the empty list part somehow and have the empty list assigned implicitly. Is this possible? Something similar to default function arguments in other languages.
2) Because of this [] "default" value, I often need to have a partial constructor application that results in a function that takes the first two values:
mkFoo x y = Foo x y []
mkBar x y = Bar x y []
Is there a "better" (more idiomatic, etc) way to do it? to avoid defining new functions?
3) I need a way to add things to the list:
add (Foo u v xs) x = Foo u v (x:xs)
add (Bar u v xs) x = Bar u v (x:xs)
Is this how it is done idiomatically? Just a general purpose function?
As you see I am a beginner, so maybe these questions make little sense. Hope not.
I'll address your questions one by one.
Default arguments do not exist in Haskell. They are simply not worth the added complexity and loss of compositionally. Being a functional language, you do a lot more function manipulation in Haskell, so funkiness like default arguments would be tough to handle.
One thing I didn't realize when I started Haskell is that data constructors are functions just like everything else. In your example,
Foo :: String -> Char -> [a] -> FooBar a
Thus you can write functions for filling in various arguments of other functions, and then those functions will work with Foo or Bar or whatever.
fill1 :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
fill1 a f = f a
--Note that fill1 = flip ($)
fill2 :: b -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> c)
--Equivalently, fill2 :: b -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> c
fill2 b f = \a -> f a b
fill3 :: c -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a -> b -> d)
fill3 c f = \a b -> f a b c
fill3Empty :: (a -> b -> [c] -> d) -> (a -> b -> d)
fill3Empty f = fill3 [] f
--Now, we can write
> fill3Empty Foo x y
Foo x y []
The lens package provides elegant solutions to questions like this. However, you can tell at a glance that this package is enormously complicated. Here is the net result of how you would call the lens package:
_list :: Lens (FooBar a) (FooBar b) [a] [b]
_list = lens getter setter
where getter (Foo _ _ as) = as
getter (Bar _ _ as) = as
setter (Foo s c _) bs = Foo s c bs
setter (Bar s i _) bs = Bar s i bs
Now we can do
> over _list (3:) (Foo "ab" 'c' [2,1])
Foo "ab" 'c' [3,2,1]
Some explanation: the lens function produces a Lens type when given a getter and a setter for some type. Lens s t a b is a type that says "s holds an a and t holds a b. Thus, if you give me a function a -> b, I can give you a function s -> t". That is exactly what over does: you provide it a lens and a function (in our case, (3:) was a function that adds 3 to the front of a List) and it applies the function "where the lens indicates". This is very similar to a functor, however, we have significantly more freedom (in this example, the functor instance would be obligated to change every element of the lists, not operate on the lists themselves).
Note that our new _list lens is very generic: it works equally well over Foo and Bar and the lens package provides many functions other than over for doing magical things.
The idiomatic thing is to take those parameters of a function or constructor that you commonly want to partially apply, and move them toward the beginning:
data FooBar a = Foo [a] String Char
| Bar [a] String Int
foo :: String -> Char -> FooBar a
foo = Foo []
bar :: String -> Int -> FooBar a
bar = Bar []
Similarly, reordering the parameters to add lets you partially apply add to get functions of type FooBar a -> FooBar a, which can be easily composed:
add :: a -> FooBar a -> FooBar a
add x (Foo xs u v) = Foo (x:xs) u v
add123 :: FooBar Int -> FooBar Int
add123 = add 1 . add 2 . add 3
add123 (foo "bar" 42) == Foo [1, 2, 3] "bar" 42
(2) and (3) are perfectly normal and idiomatic ways of doing such things. About (2) in particular, one expression you will occasionally hear is "smart constructor". That just means a function like your mkFoo/mkBar that produces a FooBar a (or a Maybe (FooBar a) etc.) with some extra logic to ensure only reasonable values can be constructed.
Here are some additional tricks that might (or might not!) make sense, depending on what you are trying to do with FooBar.
If you use Foo values and Barvalues in similar ways most of the time (i.e. the difference between having the Char field and the Int one is a minor detail), it makes sense to factor out the similarities and use a single constructor:
data FooBar a = FooBar String FooBarTag [a]
data FooBarTag = Foo Char | Bar Int
Beyond avoiding case analysis when you don't care about the FooBarTag, that allows you to safely use record syntax (records and types with multiple constructors do not mix well).
data FooBar a = FooBar
{ fooBarName :: String
, fooBarTag :: FooBarTag
, fooBarList :: [a]
Records allow you to use the fields without having to pattern match the whole thing.
If there are sensible defaults for all fields in a FooBar, you can go one step beyond mkFoo-like constructors and define a default value.
defaultFooBar :: FooBar a
defaultFooBar = FooBar
{ fooBarName = ""
, fooBarTag = Bar 0
, fooBarList = []
You don't need records to use a default, but they allow overriding default fields conveniently.
myFooBar = defaultFooBar
{ fooBarTag = Foo 'x'
If you ever get tired of typing long names for the defaults over and over, consider the data-default package:
instance Default (FooBar a) where
def = defaultFooBar
myFooBar = def { fooBarTag = Foo 'x' }
Do note that a significant number of people do not like the Default class, and not without reason. Still, for types which are very specific to your application (e.g. configuration settings) Default is perfectly fine IMO.
Finally, updating record fields can be messy. If you end up annoyed by that, you will find lens very useful. Note that it is a big library, and it might be a little overwhelming to a beginner, so take a deep breath beforehand. Here is a small sample:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- At the top of the file. Needed for makeLenses.
import Control.Lens
-- Note the underscores.
-- If you are going to use lenses, it is sensible not to export the field names.
data FooBar a = FooBar
{ _fooBarName :: String
, _fooBarTag :: FooBarTag
, _fooBarList :: [a]
makeLenses ''FooBar -- Defines lenses for the fields automatically.
defaultFooBar :: FooBar a
defaultFooBar = FooBar
{ _fooBarName = ""
, _fooBarTag = Bar 0
, _fooBarList = []
-- Using a lens (fooBarTag) to set a field without record syntax.
-- Note the lack of underscores in the name of the lens.
myFooBar = set fooBarTag (Foo 'x') defaultFooBar
-- Using a lens to access a field.
myTag = view fooBarTag myFooBar -- Results in Foo 'x'
-- Using a lens (fooBarList) to modify a field.
add :: a -> FooBar a -> FooBar a
add x fb = over fooBarList (x :) fb
-- set, view and over have operator equivalents, (.~). (^.) and (%~) respectively.
-- Note that (^.) is flipped with respect to view.
Here is a gentle introduction to lens which focuses on aspects I have not demonstrated here, specially in how nicely lenses can be composed.

Haskell - Make a function with one case difference from an other function

I have a question about on how to change only one case of this structure:
type Foo a = String -> a
--Let's define a function.
foo :: Foo Int
foo "a" = 5
foo "b" = 6
foo "c" = 7
foo x = 0
Now suppose I want to create another function that gives me another function
but only changed in one case, this is what I did.
changeFoo :: Foo a -> String -> a -> Foo a
changeFoo = \foo -> \str -> \x -> (\str -> \x)
I'm new at programming Haskell and this doesn't seem to change only one case of the function. If someone can tell me what to do I'll be grateful.
Thanks in advance.
You need to check if the strings are equal or not. Something like
changeFoo :: (String -> Int) -> String -> Int -> String -> Int
changeFoo f s1 a s2
| s1 == s2 = a
| otherwise = f s2
I think changeFoo can be given a more general type though:
changeFoo :: Eq a => (a -> b) -> a -> b -> a -> b
Another way to write it even more generically is with the maybe type:
changeFoo :: (a -> b) -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> b
But that will clearly require a different implementation.
This solution is a bit overkill and only worth it if you already use the lens library in your project, but module Control.Lens.Prism offers a way to define "setters" for functions that override the behaviour of the functions for particular input values.
Suppose that we want we override the behaviour for "c" in your case. We begin by defining a Prism for "c" using only:
only "c"
-- This Prism compares for exact equality with a given value.
Then we build the "Setter for functions" using outside:
outside $ only "c"
The whole new definition:
foo' :: Foo Int
foo' = set (outside $ only "c") (\_ -> 77) foo
Testing it:
foo' "c"
>>> 77

How do I extract information from inner parameters in Haskell?

In most of programming languages that support mutable variables, one can easily implement something like this Java example:
interface Accepter<T> {
void accept(T t);
<T> T getFromDoubleAccepter(Accepter<Accepter<T>> acc){
final List<T> l = new ArrayList<T>();
acc.accept(new Accepter<T>(){
public void accept(T t) {
return l.get(0); //Not being called? Exception!
Just for those do not understand Java, the above code receives something can can be provided a function that takes one parameter, and it supposed to grape this parameter as the final result.
This is not like callCC: there is no control flow alternation. Only the inner function's parameter is concerned.
I think the equivalent type signature in Haskell should be
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (forall b. (a -> b) -> b) -> a
So, if someone can gives you a function (a -> b) -> b for a type of your choice, he MUST already have an a in hand. So your job is to give them a "callback", and than keep whatever they sends you in mind, once they returned to you, return that value to your caller.
But I have no idea how to implement this. There are several possible solutions I can think of. Although I don't know how each of them would work, I can rate and order them by prospected difficulties:
Cont or ContT monad. This I consider to be easiest.
RWS monad or similar.
Any other monads. Pure monads like Maybe I consider harder.
Use only standard pure functional features like lazy evaluation, pattern-matching, the fixed point contaminator, etc. This I consider the hardest (or even impossible).
I would like to see answers using any of the above techniques (and prefer harder ways).
Note: There should not be any modification of the type signature, and the solution should do the same thing that the Java code does.
Once I seen somebody commented out getFromDoubleAccepter f = f id I realize that I have made something wrong. Basically I use forall just to make the game easier but it looks like this twist makes it too easy. Actually, the above type signature forces the caller to pass back whatever we gave them, so if we choose a as b then that implementation gives the same expected result, but it is just... not expected.
Actually what came up to my mind is a type signature like:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
And this time it is harder.
Another comment writer asks for reasoning. Let's look at a similar function
getFunctionFromAccepter :: (((a -> b) -> b) -> b) -> a -> b
This one have an naive solution:
getFunctionFromAccepter f = \a -> f $ \x -> x a
But in the following test code it fails on the third:
exeMain = do
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> f (\x -> 10)) "Example 1" -- 10
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> 20) "Example 2" -- 20
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> 10 + f (\x -> 30)) "Example 3" --40, should be 30
In the failing case, we pass a function that returns 30, and we expect to get that function back. However the final result is in turn 40, so it fails. Are there any way to implement doing Just that thing I wanted?
If this can be done in Haskell there are a lot of interesting sequences. For example, tuples (or other "algebraic" types) can be defined as functions as well, since we can say something like type (a,b) = (a->b->())->() and implement fst and snd in term of this. And this, is the way I used in a couple of other languages that do not have native "tuple" support but features "closure".
The type of accept is void accept(T) so the equivalent Haskell type is t -> IO () (since every function in Java is essentially IO). Thus getFromDoubleAccepted can be directly translated as
import Data.IORef
type Accepter t = t -> IO ()
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter (Accepter a) -> IO a
getFromDoubleAccepter acc = do
l <- newIORef $ error "Not called"
acc $ writeIORef l
readIORef l
If you want an idiomatic, non-IO solution in Haskell, you need to be more specific about what your actual end goal is besides trying to imitate some Java-pattern.
EDIT: regarding the update
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
I'm sorry, but this signature is in no way equal to the Java version. What you are saying is that for any a, given a function that takes a function that takes an a but doesn't return anything or do any kind of side effects, you want to somehow conjure up a value of type a. The only implementation that satisfies the given signature is essentially:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
getFromDoubleAccepter f = getFromDoubleAccepter f
First, I'll transliterate as much as I can. I'm going to lift these computations to a monad because accept returns void (read () in Haskell-land), which is useless unless there is some effect.
type Accepter m t = t -> m ()
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (MonadSomething m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t) -> m t
getFromDoubleAccepter acc = do
l <- {- new mutable list -}
acc $ \t -> add l t
return (head l)
Of course, we can't make a mutable list like that, so we'll have to use some intuitive sparks here. When an action just adds an element to some accumulator, I think of the Writer monad. So maybe that line should be:
acc $ \t -> tell [t]
Since you are simply returning the head of the list at the end, which doesn't have any effects, I think the signature should become:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter M (Accepter M t) -> t
where M is an appropriate monad. It needs to be able to write [t]s, so that gives us:
type M t = Writer [t]
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter (M t) (Accepter (M t) t) -> t
And now the type of this function informs us how to write the rest of it:
getFromDoubleAccepter acc =
head . execWriter . acc $ \t -> tell [t]
We can check that it does something...
ghci> getFromDoubleAccepter $ \acc -> acc 42
So that seems right, I guess. I'm still a bit unclear on what this code is supposed to mean.
The explicit M t in the type signature is a bit aesthetically bothersome to me. If I knew what problem I was solving I would look at that carefully. If you mean that the argument can be a sequence of commands, but otherwise has no computational features available, then you could specialize the type signature to:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t)) -> t
which still works with our example. Of course, this is all a bit silly. Consider
forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t))
= forall m. (Monad m) => (t -> m ()) -> m ()
The only thing a function with this type can do is call its argument with various ts in order and then return (). The information in such a function is completely characterized[1] by those ts, so we could just as easily have used
getFromDoubleAccepter :: [t] -> t
getFromDoubleAccepter = head
[1] As long as I'm going on about nothing, I might as well say that that is not quite accurate in the face of infinity. The computation
crazy :: Integer -> Accepter m (Accepter m Integer)
crazy n acc = crazy (n+1) >> acc n
can be used to form the infinite sequence
... >> acc 3 >> acc 2 >> acc 1 >> acc 0
which has no first element. If we tried to interpret this as a list, we would get an infinite loop when trying to find the first element. However this computation has more information than an infinite loop -- if instead of a list, we used the Last monoid to interpret it, we would be able to extract 0 off the end. So really
forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t)
is isomorphic to something slightly more general than a list; specifically a free monoid.
Thanks to the above answers, I finally concluded that in Haskell we can do some different things than other languages.
Actually, the motivation of this post is to translate the famous "single axiom classical logic reduction system". I have implemented this in some other languages. It should be no problem to implement the
Axiom: (a|(b|c)) | ((d|(d|d)) | ((e|b) | ((a|e) | (a|e))))
However, since the reduction rule looks like
Rule: a|(b|c), a |-- c
It is necessary to extract the inner parameter as the final result. In other languages, this is done by using side-effects like mutable slots. However, in Haskell we do not have mutable slots and involving IO will be ugly so I keep looking for solutions.
In the first glance (as show in my question), the getFromDoubleAccepter f = f id seems nonsense, but I realise that it actually work in this case! For example:
rule :: (forall r.a -> (b -> c -> r) -> r) -> a -> c
rule abc a = abc a $ flip const
The trick is still the same: since the existential qualification hides r from the caller, and it is up to the callee to pick up a type for it, we can specify c to be r, so we simply apply the given function to get the result. On the other hand, the given function has to use our input to produce the final answer, so it effectively limiting the implementation to what we exactally want!
Putting them together, let's see what we can do with it:
newtype I r a b = I { runI :: a -> b -> r }
rule :: (forall r. I r a (I r b c)) -> a -> c
rule (I abc) a = abc a (I (\b c -> c))
axiom :: I r0 (I r1 a (I r2 b c))
(I r0 (I r3 d (I r3 d d))
(I r4 (I r2 e b) (I r4 (I r1 a e) (I r1 a e))))
axiom = let
a1 (I eb) e = I $ \b c -> eb e b
a2 = I $ \d (I dd) -> dd d d
a3 (I abc) eb = I $ \a e -> abc a (a1 eb e)
a4 abc = I $ \eb aeae -> runI a2 (a3 abc eb) aeae
in I $ \abc (I dddebaeae) -> dddebaeae a2 (a4 abc)
Here I use a naming convention to trace the type signatures: a variable name is combinded by the "effective" type varialbes (means it is not result type - all r* type variable).
I wouldn't repeat the prove represented in the sited essay, but I want to show something. In the above definition of axiom we use some let bindings variables to construct the result. Not surprisingly, those variables themselves can be extracted by using rule and axiom. let's see how:
--Equal to a4
t4 :: I r0 a (I r1 b c) -> I r2 (I r1 d b) (I r2 (I r0 a d) (I r0 a d))
t4 abc = rule axiom abc
--Equal to a3
t3 :: I r0 a (I r1 b c) -> I r1 d b -> I r0 a d
t3 abc eb = rule (t4 abc) eb
--Equal to a2
t2 :: I r a (I r a a)
t2 = rule (t3 axiom (t3 (t4 axiom) axiom)) axiom
--Equal to a1
t1 :: I r a b -> a -> I r b c
t1 ab a = rule (t3 t2 (t3 (t3 t2 t2) ab)) a
One thing left to be proved is that we can use t1 to t4 only to prove all tautologies. I feel it is the case but have not yet proved it.
Compare to other languages, the Haskell salutation seems more effective and expressive.
