Running PIXI.js from a CDN - pixi.js

i'm trying to run the latest PIXI.js release inside Codepen. Wether is use the GUI or add a script tag to the head. When I setup a new PIXI application with:
const app = new PIXI.Appliction({})
I get an error
PIXI is not defined.
Any ideas plese.

I was using the wrong CDN pakcage. If you are adding a script tag to the head of your HTML document, you need to use the browser package
<script src="" integrity="sha512-MLJM72M8frjnFXEvWn3NaVkrSxlDnbRK/Iwyr7loPca+13SdS9B5sNLHoIkDxfPOndP8WReNdwGLxisYUapc7A==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
otherwise, import directly from your script file eg index.js using the mjs link
import * as PIXI from ''


Nuxt dynamic image - Require is not defined

In the Nuxt documentation they gave the code example below for dynamic image loading.
<img :src="require(`~/assets/img/${image}.jpg`)" />
However, when I use it I get the following error in the browser console "Require is not defined"
Answering my question as it took me a whole day of searching...
Apparently 'require()' works for Webpack only and doesn't work with Vite.
And as Nuxt3 comes by default with Vite it wasn't working with me.
So to there are 2 options for fixing this issue:
Change from Vite to Webpack.
Use the code below instead of what's described in the Nuxt documentation to import dynamic images.
// in HTML
<img :src="getImageUrl()"/>
// in script
function getImageUrl(name) {
return new URL(`./dir/${name}.png`, import.meta.url).href
Useful sources:

Sails.js: can't find variable require (react-bootstrap-datetimepicker)

I'm using Sails js and I want to use a nodejs module.
I also use React js.
I want to use react-bootstrap-datetimepicker in my javascript script.
I installed my module with npm install react-bootstrap-datetimepicker
I tried in config/boostrap.js to add this line var DateTimeField = require('react-bootstrap-datetimepicker');, but DateTimeField isn't recognised in my js script.
Uncaught ReferenceError: DateTimeField is not defined
I also tried to add this line directly in my script, but I have this error:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: require
And also this one in my script: import DateTimeField from "react-bootstrap-datetimepicker";
I have all these errors in the navigator console.
I understand what you said, thank you for your answer.
BUT, for example with react-bootstrap, I can use:
var Input = ReactBootstrap.Input;
var ButtonInput = ReactBootstrap.ButtonInput;
There is exactly the same architecture with react-bootstrap-datetimepicker, so I maybe I can do the same?
var DateTimePicker = ... . DateTimePicker
I tried to include like you said, but it doesn't recognise DateTimePicker.
Here is the doc:
Installation :
npm install react-bootstrap-datetimepicker
var DateTimeField = require('react-bootstrap-datetimepicker');
render: function() {
return <DateTimeField />;
See (examples/) for more details.
And in examples/, the line is:
import DateTimeField from "react-bootstrap-datetimepicker";
Ok, first you have to understand the division of server side and client side javascript, even thought you are using the same language, and you can share libraries, bare in mind, that for client side js you need to supply the user browser with the libraries and scripts it needs, so those have to be in the html you serve the user. When you require any module in sails bootstrap or similar, you are loading the script into the server memory, not serving it to the users browser, that means you can use in the server code, but not in client code.
For you use case, you have to download the library code, and put it in your assets/js folder and if you have the script tags in the layout, sails will automatically inject it there for you, but if not or you are using other template engine like jade, just manually add it.
<script src="<react-version>/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="<react-version>/react-dom.min.js"></script>
<script src="<version>/react-bootstrap.min.js">
<script src='/js/react-bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js'></script>
// The other js files that depend on datetimepicker go here
Now just to be clear, require is a node.js function, node.js is not the same as javascript, its a piece of software with its own functions, thats why you are getting an error related to it when trying to use it in the browser, there is no require method there, so you can't use it, at least not directly. You can use browserify to sort of emulate the node workflow, where you have a node_modules folder and use require on those, browserify will bundle (search for the modules and merge them) and give you a javascript file that you can then link in your html code. That is more setup work, and unless you really need it, because you have a lot of files, i think is not worth the effort.. lets say for just one file using require.
So i think you were misguided by that github repo, because it says npm-install. Just ignore it (unless you use browsefify like i said) and download the link i gave you above ( the .min.js).
So to sumarize, you issue have nothing to do with sails, just link the library in the html you provide to the user, like any other client side script.

How do I load CSS & JS into Sails.js layout based on the route?

I have a Sails.js 0.11.0 application with a master layout.ejs file. Right now, I am using the standard asset pipeline and loading all my CSS & JS by dropping them in the assets/styles and assets/js folders.
The issue with this approach is that the application loads ALL the CSS & JS files relevant to the site regardless of whether the page that is being rendered needs it or not. I would like to be able to load specific CSS & JS files based on the page while leaving the common stuff to still get loaded through the asset pipeline. How do I go about doing that? I couldn't find any documentation to get this done.
In production, everything should be getting minified so you won't be getting the multiple server hits that you are probably experiencing. Thus pull one style sheet and one js file.
If you really wanted to make this work though you could disable using the layout and include in each view the actual files you want to include, but you lose a few things with this approach.
-If you run through the Sails.js pipeline the files won't be auto added or removed when you add them to the js folder
-Minification will break your application so you would need to manually setup your own build process to properly handle or disable minification.
Hope this helps.
Create a local folder assets/js/local to store any scripts that you might want to load separate to the pipeline.
Then in your tasks/pipeline.js file add the '!js/local/*.js' line to ignore any script files in the local folder.
var jsFilesToInject = [
// Load before everything else
// Dependencies like jQuery, or Angular are brought in here
// All of the rest of your client-side js files
// will be injected here in no particular order.
//Ignore local injected scripts
In your views/layout.ejs template add a block under the SCRIPTS block...
<script src="/js/dependencies/"></script>
<script src="/js/dependencies/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/dependencies/popper.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/dependencies/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/scripts.js"></script>
<%- blocks.localScripts %>
In your page view template call your file/s...
<% block('localScripts', '<script src="/js/local/myLocalScript.js"></script>') %>
<div class="container">...</div>

nwjs reactjs, confused about my context. Document is undefined

In my nwjs application i am using React to build my UI. Currently, React is being loaded via a <script> tag in the main file, index.html. index.html has another <script> tag which loads main.js containing code which defines and renders my React components as well as requiring (require()) a few Node modules such as "fs" and "McFly".
This all seems to be working, however when i try using another node module (react-inlinesvg) i get an error, "document is undefined".
Having looked online for help, i have come to the conclusion that React now believes that it is being run on the server? Which is odd, as before i started using the react-inlinesvg module it was happily rendering components using React.render (clientside rendering).
If you need any more context or information then please ask.
It could be that you are rendering on the server side, or also that you are rendering both sides. In the second case you could simple nest the line that is causing you error with:
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
the line causing the error
If the error disappears, it means that you are on the server side also!
I hope this helps...
Basically if you code is universal (or isomorphic, if you want...) with this check you can execute the code only on client side, you want to do this to use a particular style-sheet for example:
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
Naturally if you want to do stuff server-side you can check
if (!process.env.BROWSER) {
if any one face this he can solve it in 2 ways:
Solution 1: if you are using nw.js 15 or above try to enable mix context mode:
in your package.json add this flag:
"chromium-args": "--mixed-context"
Solution 2: expose document to the global object using this hack:
global.document = window.document;

Why can't I require files which are available due to app.use?

If a directory has been made available to a node application in the server.js file which sits in the main directory using:
app.use("/scripts",express.static(__dirname + "/scripts"));
and I attempt to use require from a file inside of that directory (/scripts/custom.js) using:
var Testing123 = require('../app/models/article');
Is there a reason this is not possible? and is there a solution to that problem?
Edit: In one of my views (views/tree.ejs) I use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/custom.js"></script>
to access my Custom script which sits inside my scripts folder which is made available using express.static, Custom uses a web scraper to scrape articles and present them in circles (in the form of an image, title and link) on views/tree.ejs, I now want custom.js to save each article it creates to a mongodb database but to do so, it needs access to things like my Article Schema hence the problem above.
You cannot because Node.js scripts and browser scripts do not run in the same context. Your app.use call just exposes a /scripts route that serves assets statically on your HTTP Server.
Your scripts/custom.js script seems to be a browser-side script (Because you load it with a script tag inside an ejs view) but you want to use require inside it and this will not work as this is a Node.js function.
Have a look at LearnYouNode which is an excellent Node beginner tutorial so that you will understand how modules work in Node and know a bit more about the separation between server-side and client-side JS.
