Trying to use a script to shutdown my Synology Linux NAS from windows Using PLINK - linux

I am trying to create a script that logs into the Synology NAS using plink and runs shutdown -h now so I can shut it down b4 my UPC loses power in the event of a power outage. I had it working before but can’t remember how, but pretty much I have it setup to login using plink and use a ssh key which works, but then when it runs the -bash sudo shutdown -h now it wants a password. I don’t want to pass a password for security reasons if possible. Any ideas on how to get this to work? I’ve tried to play with the sudoers file and tell the user to have access to nopasswd but it doesn’t work.


Dropbear - cannot SSH when user's shell is redirected

I am running Linux on an embedded system with Buildroot+Dropbear. I am using systemd for init, if that matters.
Logging in via SSH works properly for root, but not as a regular user (gives "Permission denied, please try again."). The user's shell is redirected to a custom program with this entry in /etc/passwd:
admin:x:1000:1000:Custom user:/home/admin:/opt/customCLI
Logging in as the admin user works fine when the shell is /bin/sh. /opt/customCLI is a program I wrote that accepts a minimal set of commands.
Is there a way to support SSH logins directly to a custom program?
Add your program to /etc/shells
Some login tools will reject logins to users with unknown shells. This prevents the back door of using SSH to modify files or forward ports while being locked out with /usr/sbin/nologin or /bin/false.

Keep SSH running on Windows 10 Bash

I am having a problem keeping SSH running on the Windows Subsystem for Linux. It seems that if a shell is not open and running bash, all processes in the subsystem are killed. Is there a way to stop this?
I have tried to create a service using nssm but have not be able to get it working. Now I am attempting to start a shell and then just send it to the background but I haven't quite figured out how.
You have to keep at least one bash console open in order for background tasks to keep running: As soon as you close your last open bash console, WSL tears-down all running processes.
And, yes, we're working on improving this scenario in the future ;)
Update 2018-02-06
In recent Windows 10 Insider builds, we added the ability to keep daemons and services running in the background, even if you close all your Linux consoles!
One remaining limitation with this scenario is that you do have to manually start your services (e.g. $ sudo service ssh start in Ubuntu), though we are investigating how we might be able to allow you to configure which daemons/services auto-start when you login to your machine. Updates to follow.
To maintain WSL processes, I place this file in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\wsl.vbs
set ws=wscript.createobject("") "C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe -c 'sudo /etc/rc.local'",0
In /etc/rc.local I kick off some services and finally "sleep" to keep the whole thing running:
#block on this line to keep WSL running
sleep 365d
In /etc/sudoers.d I added a 'rc-local' file to allow the above commands without a sudo password prompt:
username * = (root) NOPASSWD: /etc/rc.local
username * = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron
username * = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/sshd
This worked well on 1607 but after the update to 1704 I can no longer connect to wsl via ssh.
Once you have cron running you can use 'sudo crontab -e -u username' to define cron jobs with #reboot to launch at login.
Just read through this thread earlier today and used it to get sshd running without having a wsl console open.
I am on Windows 10 Version 1803 and using Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS in WSL.
I needed to make a few changes to get it working. Many thanks to google search and communities like this.
I modified /etc/rc.local as such:
mkdir /var/run/sshd
I needed to add the directory for sshd or I would get an error "Missing privilege separation directory /var/run/sshd
I commented out cron because I was getting similar errors and haven't had the time or need yet to fix it.
I also changed the sudoers entries a little bit in order to get them to work:
username ALL = ....
Hope this is useful to someone.
John Butler

Automate Linux server login with 2 users using terminal in Ubuntu 14.04

I need to authenticate with two users on a Linux server using the following users:
I could automate with user1 using a tool named - sshpass. Post which the terminal just looses the communication with the local machine and hence ignores the commands which comes after. My shell script is as follows:
sshpass -p my_password ssh user1#my_domain_name
spawn su
How to make the above script to automate the input of root password as well. ?
The tools like Tera_Term and MTputty works great in windows but what in Ubuntu (14.04) ?

What user will Ansible run my commands as?

My question seems simple, but it gets more complex really fast.
Basically, I got really tired of maintaining my servers manually (screams in background) and I decided it was time to find a way to make being a server admin much more liveable. That's when I found Ansible. Great huh? Sure beats making bash scripts (louder scream) for everything I wanted to automate.
What's the problem?
I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what user my Ansible playbook will run certain things as. I also need the ability to specify what user certain tasks will run as. Here are some specific use cases:
Cloning a repo as another user:
My purpose with this is it run my node.js webapp from another user, who we'll call bill (that can only use sudo to run a script that I made that starts the node server, as opposed to root or my user that can use sudo for all commands). To do this, I need the ability to have Ansible's git module clone my git repo as bill. How would I do that?
Knowing how Ansible will gain root:
As far as I understand, you can set what user Ansible will connect to the server you're maintaining by defining 'user' and the beginning of the playbook file. Here's what I don't understand: if I tell it to connect via my username, joe, and ask it to update a package via the apt module, how will it gain root? Sudo usually prompts me for my password, and I'd prefer keeping it that way (for security).
Final request
I've scoured the Ansible docs, done some (what I thought was thorough) Googling, and generally just tried to figure it out on my own, but this information continues to elude me.
I am very new to Ansible, and while it's mostly straight-forwards, I would benefit greatly if I could understand exactly how Ansible runs, on which users it runs, and how/where I can specify what user to use at different times.
Thank you tons in advance
You may find it useful to read the Hosts and Users section on Ansible's documentation site:
In summary, ansible will run all commands in a playbook as the user specified in the remote_user variable (assuming you're using ansible >= 1.4, user before that). You can specify this variable on a per-task basis as well, in case a task needs to run as a certain user.
Use sudo: true in any playbook/task to use sudo to run it. Use the sudo_user variable to specify a user to sudo to if you don't want to use root.
In practice, I've found it easiest to run my playbook as a deploy user that has sudo privileges. I set up my SSH keys so I can SSH into any host as deploy without using a password. This means that I can run my playbook without using a password and even use sudo if I need to.
I use this same user to do things like cloning git repos and starting/stopping services. If a service needs to run as a lower-privileged user, I let the init script take care of that. A quick Google search for a node.js init.d script revealed this one for CentOS:
Doing things this way helps to keep it simple, which I like.
Hope that helps.
My 2 cents:
Ansible uses your local user (eg Mike) to ssh to the remote machine. (That required Mike to be able to ssh to the machine)
From there it can change to a remote user if needed
It can also sudo if needed and if Mike is allowed. If no user is specified then root will be selected via your ~/.ansible.cfg on your local machine.
If you supply a remote_user with the sudo param then like no.3 it will not use root but that user.
You can specify different situations and different users or sudo via the playbooks.
Playbook's define which roles will be run into each machine that belongs to the inventory selected.
I suggest you read Ansible best practices for some explanation on how to setup your infrastructure.
Oh and btw since you are not referring to a specific module that ansible uses and your question is not related to python, then I don't find any use your question having the python tag.
Just a note that Ansible>=1.9 uses privilege escalation commands so you can execute tasks and create resources as that secondary user if need be:
- name: Install software
shell: "curl -s get.dangerous_software.install | sudo bash"
become_user: root
I notice current answers are a bit old and suffering from link rot.
Ansible will SSH as your current user, by default:
Ansible communicates with remote machines over the SSH protocol. By default, Ansible uses native OpenSSH and connects to remote machines using your current user name, just as SSH does.
This can be overridden using:
passing the -u parameter at the command line
setting user information in your inventory file
setting user information in your configuration file
setting environment variables
But then you must ensure a route exists to SSH as that user. An approach to maintaining user-level ownership I see more often is become (root) and then to chown -R jdoe:jdoe /the/file/path.
In my 2.12 release of ansible I found the only way I could change the user was by specifying become: yes as an option at the play level. That way I am SSHing as the unprivileged, default, user. This user must have passwordless sudo enabled on the remote and is about the safest I could make my VPS. From this I could then switch to another user, with become_user, from an arbitrary command task.
Like this:
- name: Getting Started
gather_facts: false
hosts: all
become: yes # All tasks that follow will become root.
- name: get the username running the deploy
command: echo $USER
become_user: trubuntu # From root we can switch to trubuntu.
If the user permitted SSH access to your remote is, say, victor, and not your current user, then remote_user: victor has a place at the play level, adjacent to become: yes.

Using Psexec with Windows Server 2003

I'm trying to run a psexec command to a remote Windows Server 2003 machine. I run the following command:
psexec \machinename perfmon.msc -u machineadmin -p adminpassword -i -s
The -i and -s flags will allow me to run the GUI for perfmon.msc on the remote machine's desktop interactively.
I get the following error when I try to run the above command:
Couldn't Access machinename
Access denied
I'm using psexec version 1.94 and I'm certain that the machinename, user, and password are correct. Does anyone know if there are known issues with psexec on Windows Server 2003 and whether or not there is a fix?
[This question would be better fit for, but nevertheless...]
A few suggestions:
Use two slashes before the machinename e.g. \\machinename (maybe that's what you meant the StackOverflow escaped the backslash)
*.MSC files are not usually directly executable remotely--you'll want to give the path to "c:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe" and then the parameters
All parameters for psexec should go before the remote program and its parameters.
Is there really a reason to run the process as the System account ('-s') instead of just Administrator?
All together, it should look something like this:
psexec \\machinename -i -u machineadmin -p adminpassword "c:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe" "perfmon.msc"
Are you connecting as an admin to the remote machine? The error says 'access denied'. You may not have the necessary privileges. Try connecting as an admin.
