AfterEffects Script - Create Excel data using script - extendscript

nice to meet you!
I'm currently making an AfterEffect script that writes layer information to Excel, but no matter how much I research, I can't find a way to do it. If someone knows how to do it, can you tell me?
Actually, I'm Japanese and I don't understand English very well, so I used Google Translate to write the sentences, so I'm glad if it's conveyed well.

Layer information can be obtained from the API using the Layer object which can be accessed directly like so: app.project.item(index).layer(index) or by looping through a CompItem's layers like so:
var theComp = app.project.activeItem;
for (var i = 1; i <= theComp.numLayers; i++){
// layers in a comp are indexed from 1, rather than 0
theLayer = theComp.layer(i);
<do something with theLayer>
You can write this to a CSV XML or JSON file using the File.write() or File.writeln() methods of the File object. These can easily be imported into Excel.
Because the version of Javascript that extendscript uses dates back to 1995, it doesn't have native JSON.stringify() or XML.write() methods, so to create JSON or XML you will need Javascript implementations like this one for XML and this one for JSON. If you search for core JS polyfill for these functions there are dozens around.


How to save a formatted string?

I was wondering if its possible to save a formatted string in python in any way?
For example, could I create an arbitrary string like this:
s = f"This is my string. This is a {variable}"
and then save it in a csv or an SQL database for later use given that variable would always be set before loading?
I have already tried this with a CSV document and in MySQL without much luck so I concluded that this wasn't possible. Google hasn't given much of a result either.
My specific problem is that I have a large file containing hundreds of symptoms. Each symptom is a class and inherits a parent class which contains 7 base questions regarding the symptom. I would like to load a formatted string in the parent class for the sublass to load(as it inherits the parent class). An example would be something along these lines:
In Parent class:
self.question = f"Do you have a {self.symptom}?"
In Headache class:
self.symptom = "headache"
would be parsed to the string: "Do you have a headache?" etc.
I would really like to load the questions from a database for maintainance purposes since maintaining a large .py file with large number of classes, each with a question in a string format would end up as a total nightmare.
Edit: spelling
I have a quick idea, but I wouldn't recommend it:
Storing it into a string, to execute it:
self.generatequestion = 'question1=f"Do you have a {self.symptom}?"'
in Headache:
self.symptom = "headache"
And then

Getting the result of an excel formula in python

I need to open a .xlsx-file (without writing to it) in python, to change some fields and get the output after the formulas in some fields were calculated; I only know the input fields, the output field and the name of the sheet.
To write some code: Here is how it would look like if I would have created the library
file ="some_file.xlsx")
sheet = file[sheet_name]
for k, v in input_fields.items():
sheet[k] = v
Is there an easy way to do this? Wich library should I use to get the result of the formulas after providing new values for some fields?
Is there a better way than using something like pyoo, maybe something that doesn't require another application (a python library is clearly better) to be installed?
I'll just thank you in advance.
I now came up with a (very ugly) solution.
I am now reading the xml within the xlsx-file, and I am now using eval and some regular expressions to find out wich fields are needed; and I have defined some functions to run the calculations.
It works, but it would be great if there were a better solution.
If the resulting library is ready, and I don't forget to do this; I'll add a link to the library (that'll be hosted on Github) to this answer to my own question.

Python, bulbs, resxter . Getting bool scalar returned by gremlin script from bulbs

I am writing python scripts to extract data from multiple sources and put it in a graph in a certain structure.
I am using bulbs models for all the data. I have models for all relevant node types and relationships. My edge models have not additional properties except 'label'.
As it is in development, I run the same script multiple times. I use get_or_create to prevent duplicate nodes but edges do not have that method. I do not have the object for existing edge since it was created in a previous run of the script.
I saw several question talking about similar things with answers from espeed like this, but I could not find a satisfactory answer for my specific issue.
What would be the simplest code for this method?
Presently I am trying to do this via loading a gremlin script; as suggested by Stephen; with following function:
def is_connected(parent, child, edge_label) {
return g.v(parent).out(edge_label).retain([g.v(child)]).hasNext()
And the the following python code.
script = g.scripts.get('gremlin:is_connected')
params = dict(parent=parent_node.eid, child=menu_item_v.eid, edge_label='has_sub_menu_item')
response = g.gremlin.execute(script, params)
I can't quite figure out how to get the bool result into python. I've also tried the g.gremlin.query(script, param)
Here's one way to do it:
So, from the parent, traverse out to all children (i assume that "out" is the direction of your relationship - how you choose to implement that is specific to your domain) and determine if that child is present at any point via retain.

Copy and transform a file using Node.js

I want to copy some files using Node.js. Basically, this is quite easy, but I have two special requirements I need to fulfill:
I need to parse the file's content and replace some placeholders by actual values.
The file name may include a placeholder as well, and I need to replace this as well with an actual value.
So, while this is not a complex task basically, I guess there are various ways how you could solve this. E.g., it would be nice if I could use a template engine to do the replacements, but on the other hand then I need to have the complete file as a string. I'd prefer a stream-based approach, but then - how should I do the replacing?
You see, lots of questions, and I am not able to decide which way to go.
Any hints, ideas, best practices, ...?
Or - is there a module yet that does this task?
You can write your own solution without reading the entire file. fs.readFile() should only be used when you are 100% sure that the files are no longer than a buffer chunk (typically 8KB or 16KB).
The simplest solution is to create a readable stream, attach a data event listener and iterate the buffer reading character by character. If you have a placeholder like this: ${label}, then check if you find ${, then set a flag to true. Begin storing the label name. If you find } and flag is true then you've finished. Set flag to false and the temporal label string to "".
You don't need any template engine or extra module.
If the whole file can be safely loaded into memory (isn't crazy big), then the library fs-jetpack might be very good tool for this use case.
const jetpack = require("fs-jetpack");
const src = jetpack.cwd("path/to/source/folder");
const dst = jetpack.cwd("path/to/destination");
src.find({ matching: "*" }).forEach((path) => {
const content =;
const transformedContent = transformTheFileHoweverYouWant(content);
const transformedPath = transformThePath(path);
dst.write(transformedPath, transformedContent);
In the example code is synchronous, but you can easily make async equivalent.

Convert Plain String to JSON?

I need to convert a string to JSON (in javascript). I have a plain string with correctly formatted JSON in it, like this:
var convert = '{"name":nick,"age":19}';
I need to convert it to just the json (e.g., minus the '' quotes). I have done some testing and found this to be the reason I'm having problems. There must be a way to convert it on the fly, right?
Help very much appreciated,
You need to use a JSON library; nearly all modern browsers have a native one available to them, however, to ensure compatibility with IE7 and below you will need to pull in Douglas Crockford's JSON2 library.
Once you have a JSON library, just issue:
var result = JSON.parse('{"name":nick,"age":19}');
Crockford's json2.js will give you JSON.parse for browsers that don't already have it (modern browsers have it natively).
