While implementing the Algolia search, facets are not filtering the search results - search

I am implementing Algolia search on my Drupal-9 website and using the following contributed modules:
Search API Algolia
After configuring the modules, the content/data indexing is working fine and is reflecting on Algolia server.
For search page, I am using Drupal views of type Index Algolia index and search is working fine using the Full text search filter.
After configuring the Facets, the block is displaying the Content Type facet and showing the total count as well like
page (12)
blog (9)
Upon clicking these facets, the search results are not filtered.
I have configured the Type Facet and its display on Algolia server.
On Algolia server the facets and search is working fine and as expected but Facets not working on my Drupal site.
I am not using any specific value in Filter key while configuring facet source configuration


Drupal Search API Query

How to customize search api query?
I have already added index from backend also added server.
By following this link but didn't get any solution.

Packagist api -> search by (a OR b)

I read the packagist api docs.
You can search by tags:
GET https://packagist.org/search.json?tags=[tag]
And I found that you can search by multiple tags:
Which will list packages that contains both symfony and json tags.
But how can I list packages that contains symfony or json tags ?
Packagist docs says that it uses solr
The search index uses Solr 3.6, so you will have to install that on
your server. If you are running it on a non-standard host or port, you
will have to adjust the configuration. See the NelmioSolariumBundle
for more details.
But I can't find how to use solr queries in the api tags filter.
Edit: tags filter won't do the work - code

Google Image Search API, does anyone have an example that works?

Trying to find out how to do Google image searches via an API / REST call. Apparently the image search API is deprecated and directs us to the Custom Search API.
But my first experiments with the Custom Search API, return results from my own website !!&*%%%$##!, which is not helpful in the slightest.
I need image results from Google images. Anyone have an example query that works?
You will basically want to generate a URL like this. Note the search type parameter at the end.
https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=YOUR API KEY&cx=YOUR CUSTOM SEARCH ENGINE IDENTIFIER&q=your query&searchType=image
You can read more here https://developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/using_rest
edit: changed searchType to lowercase based on comment below

Drupal - What is Server and index in Search Api Drupal

I spent 2 days studying "Seach Api Module" in Drupal
Somebody can explain for me , What is Purpose of "Server"
and "Index" in "Search APi Module",
Why we need to Create "Server" and "Index", and We Can I find them, Does
"Index" create a xml file like Solr Server
Thanks in advance!
The Server is what's doing the searching and where the content defined by the index is being held. An example would be Database Search or Search API Solr.
The Index defines what fields are going to be indexed, as well as other settings pertaining to your search such as facets. It is tied to a type of content, like node, taxonomy terms, or users.
If you have Search API installed, you can find the settings at example.com/admin/config/search/search_api. There you can add your Server and define your Index.

Enabling search for my site that uses rss

my site is here
The main flash app uses rss (or xml) to display data. I'm wondering how I can add search functionality to it. One idea is to create multiple custom rss for each filter and search query, but I thought that it would be a nightmare to add more data later on. So I'm wondering if there's another way to do it?
RSS feed is located here My site is hosted at edicy.com and I can't install any other server side extensions other than use XHTML, XML, HTML and Javascript.
Index your data using a search engine like solr or sphinx then have your flash app talk to the server to post a query to it and retrieve the results in XML
