T-testing using regression estimates - statistics

I am attempting to do a difference in independent means t-test. I am using international large-scale assessment data and thus need to use the pv command:
pv, pv(low_bench*) jkzone(jk_zone) jkrep(jk_rep) weight(total_student_weight ) jrr timss: reg #pv [aw=#w]
estimates store low_lang_sa06
I then repeat this for another year and save the estimate as low_lang_sa16.
I would like to know how to 1) conduct a difference in independent means test in Stata (between years) from these saved estimates or/& 2) how to use the standard error of each estimate to conduct a t test (if possible). If these questions don't make sense, I would appreciate an explanation.


Time series anomaly detection

I would like to get suggestions about a time series problem. The data is about strain gauge on the wing of flight which is measured using different sensors. Basically, we are creating the anomalies by simulating the physics model. We have a baseline which is working fine and then created some anomalies by changing some of the factors and recorded over time. Our aim is to create a model which can find out the anomaly during the live testing(it can be a crack on the wing), basically a real time anomaly detection using statistical methods or machine learning.
A few thoughts - sorted roughly from top-to-bottom based on time investiment (assuming little/no prior ML knowledge):
start simple and validate: for what you've described this could be as simple as
create a training / validation dataset using your simulator - since you can simulate, do so for significant episodes of both "standard" and extreme forces applied to the wing
choose a real time smoother: e.g., exponential averaging or moving average, determine a proper parameter for each of your input sensor signals. smooth the input signals.
determine threshold values:
- create rough but sensible lower bound threshold values "by eye"
- use simple statistics to determine a decent threshold value (e.g., using a moving fixed length window of appropriate size, and setting the threshold at a multiple of the standard deviation in that window slid across the entire signal)
in either case, testing on further simulated (and - ideally also - real data)
If an effort like this works "good enough" - stop and move on to next (facet of) problem. If not
follow the first two steps (simulate and smooth data)
take an "autoregressive" approach create training / validation input/output pairs by running a sliding window of fixed length over the input signal(s). train a simple supervised learner on thes pairs, for each input signal or all together, to produce a (set of) time series anamoly detectors trained on your simulated data. cross-validate with the validation portion of your data.
use this model (or one like it) on your validation data to test performance - and ideall collect real data (not simulated) to validate your model even further on.
If this sort of approach produces "good enough" results - stop, and move onto the next facet of the problem.
If not - examine and try any number of anomoly detection approaches coded in a variety languages listed on an aggregator like the awesome repo for time series anomaly detection

Bayesian t-test assumptions

Good afternoon,
I know that the traditional independent t-test assumes homoscedasticity (i.e., equal variances across groups) and normality of the residuals.
They are usually checked by using levene's test for homogeneity of variances, and the shapiro-wilk test and qqplots for the normality assumption.
Which statistical assumptions do I have to check with the bayesian independent t test? How may I check them in R with coda and rjags?
For whichever test you want to run, find the formula and plug in using the posterior draws of the parameters you have, such as the variance parameter and any regression coefficients that the formula requires. Iterating the formula over the posterior draws will give you a range of values for the test statistic from which you can take the mean to get an average value and the sd to get a standard deviation (uncertainty estimate).
And boom, you're done.
There might be non-parametric Bayesian t-tests. But commonly, Bayesian t-tests are parametric, and as such they assume equality of relevant population variances. If you could obtain a t-value from a t-test (just a regular t-test for your type of t-test from any software package you're comfortable with), use levene's test (do not think this in any way is a dependable test, remember it uses p-value), then you can do a Bayesian t-test. But remember the point that the Bayesian t-test, requires a conventional modeling of observations (Likelihood), and an appropriate prior for the parameter of interest.
It is highly recommended that t-tests be re-parameterized in terms of effect sizes (especially standardized mean difference effect sizes). That is, you focus on the Bayesian estimation of the effect size arising from the t-test not other parameter in the t-test. If you opt to estimate Effect Size from a t-test, then a very easy to use free, online Bayesian t-test software is THIS ONE HERE (probably one of the most user-friendly package available, note that this software uses a cauchy prior for the effect size arising from any type of t-test).
Finally, since you want to do a Bayesian t-test, I would suggest focusing your attention on picking an appropriate/defensible/meaningful prior rather then levenes' test. No test could really show that the sample data may have come from two populations (in your case) that have had equal variances or not unless data is plentiful. Note that the issue that sample data may have come from populations with equal variances itself is an inferential (Bayesian or non-Bayesian) question.

Excel - How to split data into train and test sets that are equally distributed

I've got a data set (in Excel) that I'm going to import into SAS to undertake some modelling.
I've got a method for randomly splitting my excel dataset (using the =RAND() function), but is there a way (at the splitting stage) to ensure the distribution of the samples is even (other than to keep randomly splitting and testing the distribution until it becomes acceptable)?
Otherwise, if this is best performed in SAS, what is the most efficient approach for testing the sample randomness?
The dataset contains 35 variables, with a mixture of binary, continuous and categorical variables.
In SAS, you can just use proc surveyselect to do this.
proc surveyselect data=sashelp.cars out=cars_out outall samprate=0.7;
data train test;
set cars_out;
if selected then output test;
else output train;
If there is a particular variable[s] you want to make sure the Train and Test sets are balanced on, you can use either strata or control depending on exactly what sort of thing you're talking about. control will simply make an approximate attempt to even things by the control variables (it sorts by the control variable, then pulls every 3rd or whatever, so you get a sort of approximate balance; if you have 2+ control variables it snake-sorts, Asc. then Desc. etc. inside, but that reduces randomness).
If you use strata, it guarantees you the sample rate inside the strata - so if you did:
proc sort data=sashelp.cars out=cars;
by origin;
proc surveyselect data=cars out=cars_out outall samprate=0.7;
strata origin;
(and the final splitting data step is the same) then you'd get 70% of each separate origin pulled (which would end up being 70% of the total, of course).
Which you do depends on what you care about it being balanced by. The more things you do this with, the less balanced it is with everything else, so be cautious; it may be that a simple random sample is the best, especially if you have a good enough N.
If you don't have enough N, then you can use bootstrapping techniques, meaning you take a sample WITH replacement from that 70% and take maybe 100 of those samples, each with a higher N than your original. Then you do your test or whatever on each sample selected, and the variation in those results tells you how you're doing even if your N is not enough to do it in one pass.
This answer has nothing to do with Excel, but with sampling strategy.
First we must construct a criteria that the sample's measure's are "close enough" to the complete dataset.
Say we are interested in the mean and the standard deviation and that the complete population is a set of 10,000 values in column A
we calculate the mean and standard deviation of the complete dataset.
devise a "close enough" criteria for each measure
pick, say, 500 samples
calculate the measures for the sample.
if the measures are "close enough" we are done, otherwise pick another 500.
We need to be careful that the criteria are not too tight; otherwise we may loop forever.

Integrating Power pdf to get energy pdf?

I'm trying to work out how to solve what seems like a simple problem, but I can't convince myself of the correct method.
I have time-series data that represents the pdf of a Power output (P), varying over time, also the cdf and quantile functions - f(P,t), F(P,t) and q(p,t). I need to find the pdf, cdf and quantile function for the Energy in a given time interval [t1,t2] from this data - say e(), E(), and qe().
Clearly energy is the integral of the power over [t1,t2], but how do I best calculate e, E and qe ?
My best guess is that since q(p,t) is a power, I should generate qe by integrating q over the time interval, and then calculate the other distributions from that.
Is it as simple as that, or do I need to get to grips with stochastic calculus ?
Additional details for clarification
The data we're getting is a time-series of 'black-box' forecasts for f(P), F(P),q(P) for each time t, where P is the instantaneous power and there will be around 100 forecasts for the interval I'd like to get the e(P) for. By 'Black-box' I mean that there will be a function I can call to evaluate f,F,q for P, but I don't know the underlying distribution.
The black-box functions are almost certainly interpolating output data from the model that produces the power forecasts, but we don't have access to that. I would guess that it won't be anything straightforward, since it comes from a chain of non-linear transformations. It's actually wind farm production forecasts: the wind speeds may be normally distributed, but multiple terrain and turbine transformations will change that.
Further clarification
(I've edited the original text to remove confusing variable names in the energy distribution functions.)
The forecasts will be provided as follows:
The interval [t1,t2] that we need e, E and qe for is sub-divided into 100 (say) sub-intervals k=1...100. For each k we are given a distinct f(P), call them f_k(P). We need to calculate the energy distributions for the interval from this set of f_k(P).
Thanks for the clarification. From what I can tell, you don't have enough information to solve this problem properly. Specifically, you need to have some estimate of the dependence of power from one time step to the next. The longer the time step, the less the dependence; if the steps are long enough, power might be approximately independent from one step to the next, which would be good news because that would simplify the analysis quite a bit. So, how long are the time steps? An hour? A minute? A day?
If the time steps are long enough to be independent, the distribution of energy is the distribution of 100 variables, which will be very nearly normally distributed by the central limit theorem. It's easy to work out the mean and variance of the total energy in this case.
Otherwise, the distribution will be some more complicated result. My guess is that the variance as estimated by the independent-steps approach will be too big -- the actual variance would be somewhat less, I believe.
From what you say, you don't have any information about temporal dependence. Maybe you can find or derive from some other source or sources an estimate the autocorrelation function -- I wouldn't be surprised if that question has already been studied for wind power. I also wouldn't be surprised if a general version of this problem has already been studied -- perhaps you can search for something like "distribution of a sum of autocorrelated variables." You might get some interest in that question on stats.stackexchange.com.

Obtaining the Standard Error of Weighted Data in SPSS

I'm trying to find confidence intervals for the means of various variables in a database using SPSS, and I've run into a spot of trouble.
The data is weighted, because each of the people who was surveyed represents a different portion of the overall population. For example, one young man in our sample might represent 28000 young men in the general population. The problem is that SPSS seems to think that the young man's database entries each represent 28000 measurements when they actually just represent one, and this makes SPSS think we have much more data than we actually do. As a result SPSS is giving very very low standard error estimates and very very narrow confidence intervals.
I've tried fixing this by dividing every weight value by the mean weight. This gives plausible figures and an average weight of 1, but I'm not sure the resulting numbers are actually correct.
Is my approach sound? If not, what should I try?
I've been using the Explore command to find mean and standard error (among other things), in case it matters.
You do need to scale weights to the actual sample size, but only the procedures in the Complex Samples option are designed to account for sampling weights properly. The regular weight variable in Statistics is treated as a frequency weight.
