pass options to cucumber formatter - cucumber

When running cucumber to perform the test scenario's for a project, I use the pretty formatter cucumber --format pretty.
This gives me output like
Feature: search
Background: # features/zoeken.feature:4
Given I log in as testuser # features/step_definitions/elvis_steps.rb:1
I would like the formatter to skip the mention of the sourceline. In the code of the pretty-formatter, I located the place where it is output and is says
def print_step_data(test_step, result)
base_indent = options[:expand] && in_scenario_outline ? 8 : 4
step_keyword = test_step_keyword(test_step)
indent = options[:source] ? #source_indent - step_keyword.length - test_step.text.length - base_indent : nil
print_comments(test_step.location.lines.max, base_indent)
name_to_report = format_step(step_keyword, #step_matches.fetch(test_step.to_s) {, test_step.text) }, result.to_sym, indent)
#io.puts(indent(name_to_report, base_indent))
print_multiline_argument(test_step, result, base_indent + 2) unless options[:no_multiline]
So I can get the output I want bij setting option :source to false. Which indeed works.
My question is: how can I pass this option to the formatter without changing the code of the formatter? Is there a command line trick for this, or can I specify it in my own code?
Result of adding options[:source] = false to pretty.rb:
Feature: search
Given I log in as testuser
.... which is what I want.


Codeception doesn't override parameter in Gitlab

I have this issue
*********** codeception.yml ***************
tests: tests
output: tests/_output
data: tests/_data
support: tests/_support
envs: tests/_envs
actor_suffix: Tester
#amount customer per product
amountPerProduct: 1
wishCountry: 1
wishProduct: 0
I am using the param like this:
$countryIndex = Configuration::config()['wishCountry'];
but on the console I calling the test like this:
codecept run tests/acceptance/ChangeCest.php --env chrome --xml --html -o "wishProduct:55"
I get this error:
enter image description here
QUESTION: how can I override this config in Gitlab?
Thank you
Not entirely sure if this solves your problem but for Codeception v5 (also my current local version v4.2.1) the option is exploded with : , i.e. with an appended space. I notice in your screenshot the exception does show the key/value without the space in between, but you didn't specify which version of Codeception you're using.
From Config.php:
foreach ($configOptions as $option) {
$keys = explode(': ', $option);
// ^ notice the space here
if (count($keys) < 2) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('--override should have config passed as "key: value"');
i find the answer to my problem.
I store the parameters in a new file params.yml
- params.yml
wishProduct: %WISH_PRODUCT%
so in AcceptanceTester I can read the values like this
$custom_params = Configuration::suiteSettings('acceptance', Configuration::config())['modules']['custom_params'];

How to properly invoke Python 3 script from SPSS syntax window using SCRIPT command (+ additional problems during runtime)

I would like to run two Python 3 scripts from SPSS syntax window. It is possible to perform it using BEGIN PROGRAM-END PROGRAM. block or SCRIPT command. This time I need to find a solution using second command.
Simplified code:
define export_tabs (!positional !tokens (1))
output modify
/select logs headings texts warnings pagetitles outlineheaders notes
/deleteobject delete = yes.
/CONTENTS EXPORT = visible LAYERS = printsetting MODELVIEWS = printsetting
OPERATION = createsheet
sheet = !quote(!unquote(!1))
define matrix_tab (!positional !charend('/')
/!positional !charend('/')
/!positional !charend('/')
/!positional !charend('/')
/stat = !tokens (1))
!do !i !in (!3)
/mrsets countduplicates = no
/vlabels variables = !concat(!1,_,!2,_,!i) display = label
/table !concat(!1,_,!2,_,!i)
[rowpct.responses.count !concat(!unquote(!stat),"40.0"), totals[count f40.0]]
/slabels position = column visible = no
/clabels rowlabels = opposite
/categories variables = !concat(!1,_,!2,_,!i) order = a key = value
empty = include total = yes label = "VALID COUNT" position = after
/titles title = !upcase(!4).
* Sheet 1.
output close all.
matrix_tab $Q1 / 1 / 1 2 / "QUESTION 1" / stat="pct".
script "C:\path\script".
script "C:\path\script".
export_tabs "Q1".
* Sheet 2.
output close all.
matrix_tab $Q2 / 2 / 3 4 / "QUESTION 2" / stat="pct".
script "C:\path\script".
script "C:\path\script".
export_tabs "Q2".
When I run a block for the first sheet everything works fine. However, when I run a block for the second sheet SPSS doesn't execute Python scripts and jumps straight to export_tabs macro (problems with synchronization?). I thought a problem had been possibly in a way I executed SCRIPT command. So I tried this:
script "C:\path\script" pythonversion = 3.
script "C:\path\script" pythonversion = 3.
but in effect SPSS - even though the syntax window coloured these parts of syntax - returned this error message:
>Error # 3251 in column 152. Text: pythonversion
>The SCRIPT command contains unrecognized text following the the file
>specification. The optional parameter must be a quoted string enclosed in
>Execution of this command stops.
Has anyone of you had such problem and/or have an idea why this happens?
NOTE: Both Python scripts run smoothly from the Python 3.4.3 shell installed with the version of SPSS I have, thus I don't think the core of the problem is within those codes.
This seems to be a document defect in the way this keyword was implemented. I have been able to replicate it and have logged a defect with IBM SPSS Statistics Development.
In this case, the order matters. Rather than this:
script "C:\path\script" pythonversion = 3.
Try instead:
script pythonversion = 3 "C:\path\script".

How to make the translations work with the Python 3 "format" built-in method in Odoo?

Since Python v3, format is the primary API method to make variable substitutions and value formatting. However, Odoo is still using the Python 2 approach with the %s wildcard.
message = _('Scheduled meeting with %s') %
# VS
message = 'Scheduled meeting with {}'.format( # this is not translated
I have seen some parts of the Odoo code where they have used some workaround, isolating strings.
exc = MissingError(
_("Record does not exist or has been deleted.")
+ '\n\n({} {}, {} {})'.format(_('Records:'), (self - existing).ids[:6], _('User:'), self._uid)
But, does anybody know if there is a more convenient way to use the format method and make it work with translations?
_ return a string, so you can call format on it directly.
_("{} Sequence").format(sec.code)
or like this:
_("{code} Sequence").format(code=invitee.code)
when you export the translation in PO file you should see this for the second example:
# for FR translation you should not translate the special format expression
msgid "{code} Sequence"
msgstr "{code} Séquence"
and this for the first example:
msgid "{} Sequence"
msgstr "{} Séquence"
If you don't see this then Odoo must be checking that _() must not be followed by . so you can work around this by doing this for example by surrounding the expression by parentheses :
# I think + "" is not needed
( _("{} Séquence") + "").format(sec.code)
Because In python "this {}".format("expression") is the same as this ("this {}").format("expression")

Jenkins Build Test Case pass fail count using groovy script

I want to fetch Total TestCase PASS and FAIL count for a build using groovy script. I am using Junit test results. I am using Multiconfiguration project , so is there any way to find this information on a per configuration basis?
If you use the plugin, you can access the Jenkins TestResultAction directly from the build ie.
import hudson.model.*
def build =
int total = build.getTestResultAction().getTotalCount()
int failed = build.getTestResultAction().getFailCount()
int skipped = build.getTestResultAction().getSkipCount()
// can also be accessed like build.testResultAction.failCount
manager.listener.logger.println('Total: ' + total)
manager.listener.logger.println('Failed: ' + failed)
manager.listener.logger.println('Skipped: ' + skipped)
manager.listener.logger.println('Passed: ' + (total - failed - skipped))
API for additional TestResultAction methods/properties
If you want to access a matrix build from another job, you can do something like:
def job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName('MyJobName/MyAxisName=MyAxisValue');
def build = job.getLastBuild()
For Pipeline (Workflow) Job Type, the logic is slightly different from AlexS' answer that works for most other job types:
build.getActions(hudson.tasks.junit.TestResultAction).each {action ->
Pipeline jobs don't have a getTestResultAction() method.
I use this logic to disambiguate:
if (build.respondsTo('getTestResultAction')) {
//normal logic, see answer by AlexS
} else {
// pipeline logic above
I think you might be able to do it with something like this:
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
File fXmlFile = new File("junit-tests.xml");
DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = dBuilder.parse(fXmlFile);
println("Total : " + doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("tests"))
println("Failed : " +doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("failures"))
println("Errors : " +doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("errors"))
I also harvest junit xml test results and use Groovy post-build plugin to check pass/fail/skip counts. Make sure the order of your post-build actions has harvest junit xml before the groovy post-build script.
This example script shows how to get test result, set build description with result counts and also version info from a VERSION.txt file AND how to change overall build result to UNSTABLE in case all tests were skipped.
def currentBuild = Thread.currentThread().executable
// must be run groovy post-build action AFTER harvest junit xml
testResult1 = currentBuild.testResultAction
currentBuild.setDescription(currentBuild.getDescription() + "\n pass:"+testResult1.result.passCount.toString()+", fail:"+testResult1.result.failCount.toString()+", skip:"+testResult1.result.skipCount.toString())
// if no pass, no fail all skip then set result to unstable
if (testResult1.result.passCount == 0 && testResult1.result.failCount == 0 && testResult1.result.skipCount > 0) {
currentBuild.result = hudson.model.Result.UNSTABLE
currentBuild.setDescription(currentBuild.getDescription() + "\n" + currentBuild.result.toString())
def ws =
myFile = new File(ws + "/VERSION.txt")
desc = myFile.readLines()
currentBuild.setDescription(currentBuild.getDescription() + "\n" + desc)

Groovy CliBuilder: only last LongOpt is taken in account

I'm trying to use the groovy CliBuilder to parse command line options. I'm trying to use multiple long options without a short option.
I have the following processor:
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: 'Generate.groovy [options]')
cli.with {
h longOpt: "help", "Usage information"
r longOpt: "root", args: 1, type: GString, "Root directory for code generation"
x args: 1, type: GString, "Type of processor (all, schema, beans, docs)"
_ longOpt: "dir-beans", args: 1, argName: "directory", type: GString, "Custom location for grails bean classes"
_ longOpt: "dir-orm", args: 1, argName: "directory", type: GString, "Custom location for grails domain classes"
options = cli.parse(args)
println "BEANS=${options.'dir-beans'}"
println "ORM=${options.'dir-orm'}"
if (options.h || options == null) {
According to the groovy documentation I should be able to use multiple "_" values for an option when I want it to ignore the short option name and use a long option name only. According to the groovy documentation:
Another example showing long options (partial emulation of arg
processing for 'curl' command line):
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'curl [options] <url>')
cli._(longOpt:'basic', 'Use HTTP Basic Authentication')
cli.d(longOpt:'data', args:1, argName:'data', 'HTTP POST data')
cli.G(longOpt:'get', 'Send the -d data with a HTTP GET')
cli.q('If used as the first parameter disables .curlrc')
cli._(longOpt:'url', args:1, argName:'URL', 'Set URL to work with')
Which has the following usage message:
usage: curl [options] <url>
--basic Use HTTP Basic Authentication
-d,--data <data> HTTP POST data
-G,--get Send the -d data with a HTTP GET
-q If used as the first parameter disables .curlrc
--url <URL> Set URL to work with
This example shows a common convention. When mixing short and long
names, the short names are often one
character in size. One character
options with arguments don't require a
space between the option and the
argument, e.g. -Ddebug=true. The
example also shows the use of '_' when
no short option is applicable.
Also note that '_' was used multiple times. This is supported but
if any other shortOpt or any longOpt is repeated, then the behavior is undefined.
When I use the "_" it only accepts the last one in the list (last one encountered). Am I doing something wrong or is there a way around this issue?
not sure what you mean it only accepts the last one. but this should work...
def cli = new CliBuilder().with {
x 'something', args:1
_ 'something', args:1, longOpt:'dir-beans'
_ 'something', args:1, longOpt:'dir-orm'
parse "-x param --dir-beans beans --dir-orm orm".split(' ')
assert cli.x == 'param'
assert cli.'dir-beans' == 'beans'
assert cli.'dir-orm' == 'orm'
I learned that my original code works correctly. What is not working is the function that takes all of the options built in the with enclosure and prints a detailed usage. The function call built into CliBuilder that prints the usage is:
The original code above prints the following usage line:
usage: Generate.groovy [options]
--dir-orm <directory> Custom location for grails domain classes
-h,--help Usage information
-r,--root Root directory for code generation
-x Type of processor (all, schema, beans, docs)
This usage line makes it look like I'm missing options. I made the mistake of not printing each individual item separate from this usage function call. That's what made this look like it only cared about the last _ item in the with enclosure. I added this code to prove that it was passing values:
println "BEANS=${options.'dir-beans'}"
println "ORM=${options.'dir-orm'}"
I also discovered that you must use = between a long option and it's value or it will not parse the command line options correctly (--long-option=some_value)
