Python comparing values from two dictionaries where keys match and one set of values is greater - python-3.x

I have the following datasets:
kpi = {
"latency": 3,
"cpu_utilisation": 0.98,
"memory_utilisation": 0.95,
"MIR": 200,
ns_metrics = {
"timestamp": "2022-10-04T15:24:10.765000",
"ns_id": "cache",
"ns_data": {
"cpu_utilisation": 0.012666666666700622,
"memory_utilisation": 8.68265852766783,
What I'm looking for is an elegant way to compare the cpu_utilisation and memory_utilisation values from each dictionary and if the two utilisation figures from ns_metrics is greater than kpi, for now, print a message as to which utilisation value was greater,i.e. was it either cpu or memory or both. Naturally, I can do something simple like this:
if ns_metrics["ns_data"]["cpu_utilisation"] > kpi["cpu_utilisation"]:
print("true: over cpu threshold")
if ns_metrics["ns_data"]["memory_utilisation"] > kpi["memory_utilisation"]:
print("true: over memory threshold")
But this seems a bit longer winded to have many if conditions, and I was hoping there is a more elegant way of doing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

maybe you can use a loop to do this:
check_list = ["cpu_utilisation", "memory_utilisation"]
for i in check_list:
if ns_metrics["ns_data"][i] > kpi[i]:
print("true: over {} threshold".format(i.split('_')[0]))
if the key is different,you can use a mapping dict to do it,like this:
check_mapping = {"cpu_utilisation": "cpu_utilisation_1"}
for kpi_key, ns_key in check_mapping.items():


How to check for identical strings in nested dictionaries

Let me explain, I'm working in a bank and I'm trying to make a short python script that calculates the percentage of different shareholders.
In my example EnterpriseA is owned by different Shareholders directly and indirectly I stored it as it follows :
EnterpriseA = {'Shareholder0': {'Shareholder1': 25, 'Shareholder2': 31, 'Shareholder3': 17, 'Shareholder4': 27},
'Shareholder3': {'Shareholder1': 34, 'Shareholder4': 66}}
I want to calculate how much each shareholders have of EntrepriseA, but I can't figure how to check if a shareholder appears multiple times in all my dictionaries.
What I'm thinking is checking if Shareholder1 appears multiple times if so calculate how many percentage he owns of EnterpriseA like this :
percentage = EnterpriseA['Shareholder0']['Shareholder1'] + (EnterpriseA['Shareholder0']['Shareholder3']*EnterperiseA['Shareholder3']['Shareholder1']/100)
I've made a quick drawing for better understanding
If the maximum depth is only ever singly nested then you can just write a little helper function.
From what you've explained, 'Shareholder0' is basically a list of direct enterprise shares.
I've modified the helper function and included a constant reflecting that.
ENTERPRISE_SHARES = 'Shareholder0'
EnterpriseA = {
'Shareholder0': {
'Shareholder1': 25,
'Shareholder2': 31,
'Shareholder3': 17,
'Shareholder4': 27
'Shareholder3': {
'Shareholder1': 34,
'Shareholder4': 66
def calc_percent(enterprise, name):
parent_percents = enterprise[ENTERPRISE_SHARES]
total_percent = parent_percents.get(name, 0)
for shareholder, shares in enterprise.items():
if shareholder != ENTERPRISE_SHARES and shareholder != name:
total_percent += parent_percents[shareholder] / 100 * shares.get(name, 0)
return total_percent
print(calc_percent(EnterpriseA, 'Shareholder1'))
print(calc_percent(EnterpriseA, 'Shareholder2'))
print(calc_percent(EnterpriseA, 'Shareholder4'))

Eliminate one list according to another list in Python

I have two dimensional list like that
x_irp_group = [['x1_1_4', 'x1_2_4', 'x1_3_4', 'x1_4_4', 'x1_5_4', 'x1_6_4', 'x1_7_4', 'x1_8_4', 'x1_9_4', 'x1_10_4', 'x1_1_5', 'x1_2_5', 'x1_3_5', 'x1_4_5', 'x1_5_5', 'x1_6_5', 'x1_7_5', 'x1_8_5', 'x1_9_5', 'x1_10_5', 'x1_1_6', 'x1_2_6', 'x1_3_6', 'x1_4_6', 'x1_5_6', 'x1_6_6', 'x1_7_6', 'x1_8_6', 'x1_9_6', 'x1_10_6', 'x1_1_7', 'x1_2_7', 'x1_3_7', 'x1_4_7', 'x1_5_7', 'x1_6_7', 'x1_7_7', 'x1_8_7', 'x1_9_7', 'x1_10_7', 'x1_1_8', 'x1_2_8', 'x1_3_8', 'x1_4_8', 'x1_5_8', 'x1_6_8', 'x1_7_8', 'x1_8_8', 'x1_9_8', 'x1_10_8'], ['x1_1_8', 'x1_2_8', 'x1_3_8', 'x1_4_8', 'x1_5_8', 'x1_6_8', 'x1_7_8', 'x1_8_8', 'x1_9_8', 'x1_10_8', 'x1_1_9', 'x1_2_9', 'x1_3_9', 'x1_4_9', 'x1_5_9', 'x1_6_9', 'x1_7_9', 'x1_8_9', 'x1_9_9', 'x1_10_9', 'x1_1_10', 'x1_2_10', 'x1_3_10', 'x1_4_10', 'x1_5_10', 'x1_6_10', 'x1_7_10', 'x1_8_10', 'x1_9_10', 'x1_10_10', 'x1_1_11', 'x1_2_11', 'x1_3_11', 'x1_4_11', 'x1_5_11', 'x1_6_11', 'x1_7_11', 'x1_8_11', 'x1_9_11', 'x1_10_11', 'x1_1_12', 'x1_2_12', 'x1_3_12', 'x1_4_12', 'x1_5_12', 'x1_6_12', 'x1_7_12', 'x1_8_12', 'x1_9_12', 'x1_10_12']]
I wanna eliminate this two dimensional list if the elements in another one dimensional list like that
x_irp_eliminated_list = ['x1_1_4', 'x1_1_8', 'x1_1_12', 'x1_1_16', 'x1_1_19', 'x1_1_22', 'x1_1_26', 'x1_1_30', 'x1_1_34', 'x1_1_37', 'x1_1_43', 'x1_1_49', 'x1_1_55', 'x1_1_61', 'x1_1_68', 'x1_1_75', 'x1_1_81', 'x1_1_87', 'x1_1_92', 'x1_1_96', 'x1_1_101', 'x1_1_107', 'x1_1_112', 'x1_1_116', 'x1_1_121', 'x1_1_126', 'x1_1_131', 'x1_1_134', 'x1_1_137', 'x1_1_141', 'x1_1_145', 'x1_1_149', 'x1_1_152', 'x1_1_155', 'x1_1_160', 'x1_1_164', 'x1_1_169', 'x1_1_173', 'x1_1_181', 'x1_1_189', 'x1_1_197', 'x1_1_205', 'x1_2_8', 'x1_2_10', 'x1_2_13', 'x1_2_17', 'x1_2_21', 'x1_2_25', 'x1_2_28', 'x1_2_30', 'x1_2_34', 'x1_2_40', 'x1_2_45', 'x1_2_51', 'x1_2_58', 'x1_2_66', 'x1_2_71', 'x1_2_77', 'x1_2_82', 'x1_2_86', 'x1_2_91', 'x1_2_97', 'x1_2_102', 'x1_2_106', 'x1_2_111', 'x1_2_117', 'x1_2_122', 'x1_2_125', 'x1_2_129', 'x1_2_132', 'x1_2_135', 'x1_2_139', 'x1_2_143', 'x1_2_147', 'x1_2_151', 'x1_2_154', 'x1_2_157', 'x1_2_161', 'x1_2_166', 'x1_2_172', 'x1_2_177', 'x1_2_181', 'x1_2_189', 'x1_2_197', 'x1_2_205', 'x1_2_214', 'x1_3_1', 'x1_3_4', 'x1_3_8', 'x1_3_11', 'x1_3_15', 'x1_3_18', 'x1_3_22', 'x1_3_25', 'x1_3_28', 'x1_3_32', 'x1_3_35', 'x1_3_39', 'x1_3_42', 'x1_3_46', 'x1_3_49', 'x1_3_52', 'x1_3_56', 'x1_3_59', 'x1_3_63', 'x1_3_66', 'x1_3_70', 'x1_3_73', 'x1_3_77', 'x1_3_81', 'x1_3_85', 'x1_3_88', 'x1_3_91', 'x1_3_94', 'x1_3_97', 'x1_3_101', 'x1_3_105', 'x1_3_109', 'x1_3_112', 'x1_3_115', 'x1_3_118', 'x1_3_122', 'x1_3_126', 'x1_3_130', 'x1_3_134', 'x1_3_137', 'x1_3_140', 'x1_3_143', 'x1_3_147', 'x1_3_151', 'x1_3_156', 'x1_3_159', 'x1_3_163']
I write a code like that but it did not work well.
x_final = [i for i, j in zip(x_irp_group, x_irp_eliminated_list) if i == j]
I shorten the lists. Normally their sizes are much bigger than that
the list comprehension you have isn't working because you are zipping the elements together, which isn't what the operation represents (they are not parallel arrays) what you want is something along the lines of:
x_final = [i for i in x_irp_group[0] if (i not in x_irp_eliminated_list)]
Note that for a 2d list you may need to nest this like:
# writing normal loops you'd write:
# for row in x_irp_group:
# for i in row:
# if (...):
# so I typically try to indent the loops similarly since nested array comprehension
# gets complicated, honestly I'd likely prefer using generator functions for this anyway
x_final = [[i for i in row
if (i not in x_irp_eliminated_list)
]for row in x_irp_group
although know that i not in x_irp_eliminated_list will be very slow for a list, changing it to a set would improve performance:
x_irp_eliminated_set = set(x_irp_eliminated_list)
x_final = [i for i in x_irp_group[0] if (i not in x_irp_eliminated_set)]
Or if the lists are trivially sorted, then you could convert them both to sets, do a subtraction then sort it again:
x_final = [ sorted(set(x_irp_group[0]) - set(x_irp_eliminated_list)) ]
although if you have super giant lists this would probably be less desirable.
x_irp_eliminated_list_set = set(x_irp_eliminated_list)
x_last = [i for row in x_irp_group
for i in row
if (i in x_irp_eliminated_list_set)]
I used this for faster operation. Set approach made it faster. Thanks for that information. I learn one new thing. But it creates one dimensional list. I would like to create two dimensional list like original x_irp_group

Write Past Value in data.txt

I want to write some list in data.txt.
The output from program is:
('(a1, b1)', '(a2, b2)', '(a3, b3)')
('(a4, b4)', '(a5, b5)', '(a6, b6)')
With this lines of code to write in data.txt;
data = {}
data['shapes'] = []
'name': str(,
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
I need output in my data.txt with json format like this:
{"shapes": [{"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a1, b1)", "(a2, b2)", "(a3, b3)"]}, {"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a4, b4)", "(a5, b5)", "(a6, b6)"]}]}
But this is what I get:
{"shapes": [{"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a4, b4)", "(a5, b5)", "(a6, b6)"]}]}
So, how can I write the past value of triangle that have vertices (a1, b1)...(a3, b3)?
This part of your code should be executed only once:
data = {}
data['shapes'] = []
The following part of your code you should execute repeatedly
'name': str(,
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
probably in a loop similar to this one
for triangle in triangles:
'name': str(,
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
It seems like you're overwriting the variable referencing the first triangle object with the next triangle object before appending the first triangle object's information to data['shapes'].
That block of code where you append to your data['shapes'] should be executed twice, once for each triangle object.

Multi-Threading and Parallel Processing in Matlab

I'm coding a project in Matlab, however I want the great efficiency and speed of my execution, for that sake, I want to use parallel processing threads in Matlab as I have multiple objects working or changing their states in a for loop. Is Multi-Threading is appropriate for this purpose? If so, where can I take start or can create a simple thread?
My Code:
% P=501x3 array
for i=1:length(P)
% I used position for example's sake, meaning object changing its state
% Mulitple objects changing their state on each iteration, after some calculation/formulation.
What I need is the basic structure of Multi-Threads according to my scenario if Threading is appropriate in my case. More suggestions for Parallel-Execution or fast processing are welcomed.
Edit1: Parray:
P =
-21.8318 19.2251 -16.0000
-21.7386 19.1620 -15.9640
-21.6455 19.0988 -15.9279
-21.5527 19.0357 -15.8918
-21.4600 18.9727 -15.8556
-21.3675 18.9096 -15.8194
-21.2752 18.8466 -15.7831
-21.1831 18.7836 -15.7468
-21.0911 18.7206 -15.7105
-20.9993 18.6577 -15.6741
-20.9078 18.5947 -15.6377
-20.8163 18.5318 -15.6012
-20.7251 18.4689 -15.5647
-20.6340 18.4061 -15.5281
-20.5432 18.3432 -15.4915
-20.4524 18.2804 -15.4548
-20.3619 18.2176 -15.4181
-20.2715 18.1548 -15.3814
-20.1813 18.0921 -15.3446
-20.0913 18.0293 -15.3078
-20.0015 17.9666 -15.2709
-19.9118 17.9039 -15.2340
-19.8223 17.8412 -15.1970
-19.7329 17.7786 -15.1601
-19.6438 17.7160 -15.1230
-19.5547 17.6534 -15.0860
-19.4659 17.5908 -15.0489
-19.3772 17.5282 -15.0117
-19.2887 17.4656 -14.9745
-19.2004 17.4031 -14.9373
-19.1122 17.3406 -14.9001
-19.0241 17.2781 -14.8628
-18.9363 17.2156 -14.8254
-18.8486 17.1532 -14.7881
-18.7610 17.0907 -14.7507
-18.6736 17.0283 -14.7132
-18.5864 16.9659 -14.6758
-18.4994 16.9035 -14.6383
-18.4124 16.8412 -14.6007
-18.3257 16.7788 -14.5632
-18.2391 16.7165 -14.5255
-18.1526 16.6542 -14.4879
-18.0663 16.5919 -14.4502
-17.9802 16.5296 -14.4125
-17.8942 16.4673 -14.3748
-17.8084 16.4051 -14.3370
-17.7227 16.3429 -14.2992
-17.6372 16.2807 -14.2614
-17.5518 16.2185 -14.2235
-17.4665 16.1563 -14.1856
-17.3815 16.0941 -14.1477
-17.2965 16.0320 -14.1097
-17.2117 15.9698 -14.0718
-17.1271 15.9077 -14.0338
-17.0426 15.8456 -13.9957
-16.9582 15.7835 -13.9576
-16.8740 15.7214 -13.9196
-16.7899 15.6594 -13.8814
-16.7060 15.5973 -13.8433
-16.6222 15.5353 -13.8051
-16.5385 15.4733 -13.7669
-16.4550 15.4113 -13.7287
-16.3716 15.3493 -13.6904
-16.2884 15.2873 -13.6521
-16.2053 15.2253 -13.6138
-16.1223 15.1634 -13.5755
-16.0395 15.1014 -13.5372
-15.9568 15.0395 -13.4988
-15.8742 14.9776 -13.4604
-15.7918 14.9157 -13.4220
-15.7095 14.8538 -13.3835
-15.6273 14.7919 -13.3451
-15.5453 14.7301 -13.3066
-15.4634 14.6682 -13.2681
-15.3816 14.6063 -13.2295
-15.2999 14.5445 -13.1910
-15.2184 14.4827 -13.1524
-15.1370 14.4209 -13.1138
-15.0557 14.3591 -13.0752
-14.9746 14.2973 -13.0366
-14.8936 14.2355 -12.9979
-14.8127 14.1737 -12.9593
-14.7319 14.1120 -12.9206
-14.6513 14.0502 -12.8819
-14.5707 13.9885 -12.8432
-14.4903 13.9267 -12.8044
-14.4100 13.8650 -12.7657
-14.3299 13.8033 -12.7269
-14.2498 13.7416 -12.6881
-14.1699 13.6799 -12.6493
-14.0901 13.6182 -12.6105
-14.0104 13.5565 -12.5717
-13.9308 13.4948 -12.5328
-13.8513 13.4332 -12.4940
-13.7720 13.3715 -12.4551
-13.6927 13.3099 -12.4162
-13.6136 13.2482 -12.3773
-13.5346 13.1866 -12.3384
-13.4556 13.1250 -12.2995
-13.3768 13.0633 -12.2605
-13.2982 13.0017 -12.2216
-13.2196 12.9401 -12.1826
-13.1411 12.8785 -12.1437
-13.0627 12.8169 -12.1047
-12.9845 12.7553 -12.0657
-12.9063 12.6937 -12.0267
-12.8283 12.6321 -11.9877
-12.7503 12.5706 -11.9487
-12.6725 12.5090 -11.9097
-12.5947 12.4474 -11.8706
-12.5171 12.3859 -11.8316
-12.4395 12.3243 -11.7925
-12.3621 12.2628 -11.7535
-12.2848 12.2012 -11.7144
-12.2075 12.1397 -11.6754
-12.1304 12.0781 -11.6363
-12.0533 12.0166 -11.5972
-11.9764 11.9550 -11.5581
-11.8995 11.8935 -11.5190
-11.8228 11.8320 -11.4799
-11.7461 11.7705 -11.4408
-11.6695 11.7089 -11.4017
-11.5930 11.6474 -11.3626
-11.5166 11.5859 -11.3235
-11.4403 11.5244 -11.2844
-11.3641 11.4629 -11.2453
-11.2880 11.4014 -11.2062
-11.2120 11.3398 -11.1671
-11.1360 11.2783 -11.1280
-11.0602 11.2168 -11.0889
-10.9844 11.1553 -11.0497
-10.9087 11.0938 -11.0106
-10.8331 11.0323 -10.9715
-10.7576 10.9708 -10.9324
-10.6821 10.9093 -10.8933
-10.6068 10.8478 -10.8542
-10.5315 10.7863 -10.8150
-10.4563 10.7248 -10.7759
-10.3812 10.6633 -10.7368
-10.3062 10.6018 -10.6977
-10.2312 10.5403 -10.6586
-10.1564 10.4788 -10.6195
-10.0816 10.4173 -10.5804
-10.0068 10.3557 -10.5414
-9.9322 10.2942 -10.5023
-9.8576 10.2327 -10.4632
-9.7831 10.1712 -10.4241
-9.7087 10.1097 -10.3851
-9.6343 10.0482 -10.3460
-9.5600 9.9866 -10.3069
-9.4858 9.9251 -10.2679
-9.4117 9.8636 -10.2289
-9.3376 9.8021 -10.1898
-9.2636 9.7405 -10.1508
-9.1897 9.6790 -10.1118
-9.1158 9.6174 -10.0728
-9.0420 9.5559 -10.0338
-8.9683 9.4944 -9.9948
-8.8946 9.4328 -9.9558
-8.8210 9.3712 -9.9169
-8.7474 9.3097 -9.8779
-8.6739 9.2481 -9.8390
-8.6005 9.1865 -9.8000
-8.5272 9.1250 -9.7611
-8.4539 9.0634 -9.7222
-8.3806 9.0018 -9.6833
-8.3074 8.9402 -9.6444
-8.2343 8.8786 -9.6056
-8.1612 8.8170 -9.5667
-8.0882 8.7554 -9.5279
-8.0152 8.6938 -9.4890
-7.9423 8.6322 -9.4502
-7.8695 8.5705 -9.4114
-7.7967 8.5089 -9.3727
-7.7239 8.4473 -9.3339
-7.6513 8.3856 -9.2951
-7.5786 8.3240 -9.2564
-7.5060 8.2623 -9.2177
-7.4335 8.2006 -9.1790
-7.3610 8.1389 -9.1403
-7.2885 8.0772 -9.1017
-7.2161 8.0155 -9.0630
-7.1438 7.9538 -9.0244
-7.0715 7.8921 -8.9858
-6.9992 7.8304 -8.9472
-6.9270 7.7687 -8.9086
-6.8548 7.7069 -8.8701
-6.7827 7.6452 -8.8316
-6.7106 7.5834 -8.7931
-6.6385 7.5217 -8.7546
-6.5665 7.4599 -8.7161
-6.4945 7.3981 -8.6777
-6.4226 7.3363 -8.6393
-6.3507 7.2745 -8.6009
-6.2788 7.2127 -8.5625
-6.2070 7.1508 -8.5242
-6.1352 7.0890 -8.4858
-6.0635 7.0271 -8.4475
-5.9917 6.9653 -8.4093
-5.9200 6.9034 -8.3710
-5.8484 6.8415 -8.3328
-5.7768 6.7796 -8.2946
-5.7052 6.7177 -8.2564
-5.6336 6.6558 -8.2183
-5.5621 6.5938 -8.1802
-5.4906 6.5319 -8.1421
-5.4191 6.4699 -8.1040
-5.3476 6.4079 -8.0660
-5.2762 6.3459 -8.0280
-5.2048 6.2839 -7.9900
-5.1334 6.2219 -7.9521
-5.0621 6.1599 -7.9142
-4.9908 6.0978 -7.8763
-4.9194 6.0358 -7.8384
-4.8482 5.9737 -7.8006
-4.7769 5.9116 -7.7628
-4.7057 5.8495 -7.7250
-4.6344 5.7874 -7.6873
-4.5632 5.7253 -7.6496
-4.4920 5.6631 -7.6119
-4.4209 5.6010 -7.5743
-4.3497 5.5388 -7.5367
-4.2786 5.4766 -7.4992
-4.2074 5.4144 -7.4616
-4.1363 5.3522 -7.4241
-4.0652 5.2899 -7.3867
-3.9941 5.2277 -7.3492
-3.9231 5.1654 -7.3118
-3.8520 5.1031 -7.2745
-3.7809 5.0408 -7.2372
-3.7099 4.9785 -7.1999
-3.6389 4.9161 -7.1626
-3.5678 4.8538 -7.1254
-3.4968 4.7914 -7.0883
-3.4258 4.7290 -7.0511
-3.3548 4.6666 -7.0140
-3.2838 4.6041 -6.9770
-3.2128 4.5417 -6.9400
-3.1418 4.4792 -6.9030
-3.0708 4.4167 -6.8661
-2.9998 4.3542 -6.8292
-2.9288 4.2917 -6.7923
-2.8578 4.2291 -6.7555
-2.7868 4.1666 -6.7187
-2.7158 4.1040 -6.6820
-2.6448 4.0414 -6.6453
-2.5738 3.9788 -6.6087
-2.5028 3.9161 -6.5720
-2.4318 3.8534 -6.5355
-2.3608 3.7908 -6.4990
-2.2897 3.7280 -6.4625
-2.2187 3.6653 -6.4261
-2.1477 3.6026 -6.3897
-2.0766 3.5398 -6.3534
-2.0056 3.4770 -6.3171
-1.9345 3.4142 -6.2808
-1.8634 3.3513 -6.2446
-1.7924 3.2885 -6.2085
-1.7213 3.2256 -6.1724
-1.6501 3.1627 -6.1363
-1.5790 3.0998 -6.1003
-1.5079 3.0368 -6.0643
-1.4367 2.9739 -6.0284
-1.3656 2.9109 -5.9925
-1.2944 2.8478 -5.9567
-1.2232 2.7848 -5.9210
-1.1519 2.7217 -5.8852
-1.0807 2.6586 -5.8496
-1.0094 2.5955 -5.8140
-0.9381 2.5324 -5.7784
-0.8668 2.4692 -5.7429
-0.7955 2.4060 -5.7074
-0.7242 2.3428 -5.6720
-0.6528 2.2796 -5.6366
-0.5814 2.2163 -5.6013
-0.5100 2.1530 -5.5661
-0.4385 2.0897 -5.5309
-0.3670 2.0264 -5.4957
-0.2955 1.9630 -5.4607
-0.2240 1.8996 -5.4256
-0.1524 1.8362 -5.3906
-0.0808 1.7727 -5.3557
-0.0092 1.7093 -5.3209
0.0625 1.6458 -5.2860
0.1341 1.5822 -5.2513
0.2059 1.5187 -5.2166
0.2776 1.4551 -5.1819
0.3494 1.3915 -5.1474
0.4212 1.3279 -5.1128
0.4931 1.2642 -5.0784
0.5650 1.2005 -5.0440
0.6369 1.1368 -5.0096
0.7089 1.0730 -4.9753
0.7809 1.0092 -4.9411
0.8530 0.9454 -4.9069
0.9251 0.8816 -4.8728
0.9972 0.8177 -4.8388
1.0694 0.7538 -4.8048
1.1416 0.6899 -4.7709
1.2139 0.6260 -4.7370
1.2862 0.5620 -4.7032
1.3585 0.4980 -4.6695
1.4309 0.4339 -4.6358
1.5034 0.3698 -4.6022
1.5759 0.3057 -4.5686
1.6484 0.2416 -4.5352
1.7210 0.1774 -4.5017
1.7936 0.1132 -4.4684
1.8663 0.0490 -4.4351
1.9391 -0.0153 -4.4019
2.0119 -0.0796 -4.3687
2.0847 -0.1439 -4.3356
2.1576 -0.2083 -4.3026
2.2306 -0.2726 -4.2697
2.3036 -0.3371 -4.2368
2.3767 -0.4015 -4.2040
2.4498 -0.4660 -4.1712
2.5230 -0.5305 -4.1385
2.5962 -0.5951 -4.1059
2.6695 -0.6597 -4.0734
2.7429 -0.7243 -4.0409
2.8163 -0.7890 -4.0085
2.8898 -0.8537 -3.9762
2.9634 -0.9184 -3.9439
3.0370 -0.9831 -3.9117
3.1106 -1.0479 -3.8796
3.1844 -1.1128 -3.8476
3.2582 -1.1776 -3.8156
3.3320 -1.2425 -3.7837
3.4060 -1.3075 -3.7519
3.4800 -1.3724 -3.7201
3.5541 -1.4374 -3.6884
3.6282 -1.5025 -3.6568
3.7024 -1.5675 -3.6253
3.7767 -1.6327 -3.5939
3.8510 -1.6978 -3.5625
3.9255 -1.7630 -3.5312
4.0000 -1.8282 -3.4999
4.0745 -1.8935 -3.4688
4.1492 -1.9588 -3.4377
4.2239 -2.0241 -3.4067
4.2987 -2.0895 -3.3758
4.3736 -2.1549 -3.3450
4.4485 -2.2203 -3.3142
4.5236 -2.2858 -3.2835
4.5987 -2.3513 -3.2529
4.6739 -2.4169 -3.2224
4.7491 -2.4825 -3.1920
4.8245 -2.5481 -3.1616
4.8999 -2.6138 -3.1313
4.9755 -2.6795 -3.1011
5.0511 -2.7453 -3.0710
5.1267 -2.8111 -3.0409
5.2025 -2.8769 -3.0110
5.2784 -2.9428 -2.9811
5.3543 -3.0087 -2.9513
5.4303 -3.0747 -2.9216
5.5065 -3.1407 -2.8920
5.5827 -3.2067 -2.8624
5.6590 -3.2728 -2.8330
5.7354 -3.3389 -2.8036
5.8118 -3.4051 -2.7743
5.8884 -3.4713 -2.7451
5.9651 -3.5375 -2.7160
6.0418 -3.6038 -2.6870
6.1187 -3.6701 -2.6580
6.1957 -3.7365 -2.6292
6.2727 -3.8029 -2.6004
6.3498 -3.8693 -2.5717
6.4271 -3.9358 -2.5431
6.5044 -4.0024 -2.5146
6.5819 -4.0690 -2.4862
6.6594 -4.1356 -2.4579
6.7370 -4.2023 -2.4296
6.8148 -4.2690 -2.4015
6.8926 -4.3357 -2.3734
6.9706 -4.4025 -2.3455
7.0486 -4.4694 -2.3176
7.1268 -4.5362 -2.2898
7.2050 -4.6032 -2.2621
7.2834 -4.6702 -2.2345
7.3619 -4.7372 -2.2070
7.4405 -4.8042 -2.1796
7.5191 -4.8713 -2.1523
7.5979 -4.9385 -2.1250
7.6769 -5.0057 -2.0979
7.7559 -5.0730 -2.0709
7.8350 -5.1402 -2.0439
7.9142 -5.2076 -2.0171
7.9936 -5.2750 -1.9903
8.0731 -5.3424 -1.9637
8.1526 -5.4099 -1.9371
8.2323 -5.4774 -1.9106
8.3122 -5.5450 -1.8842
8.3921 -5.6126 -1.8580
8.4721 -5.6803 -1.8318
8.5523 -5.7480 -1.8057
8.6326 -5.8157 -1.7797
8.7130 -5.8835 -1.7539
8.7935 -5.9514 -1.7281
8.8742 -6.0193 -1.7024
8.9549 -6.0873 -1.6768
9.0358 -6.1553 -1.6513
9.1169 -6.2233 -1.6260
9.1980 -6.2914 -1.6007
9.2793 -6.3596 -1.5755
9.3607 -6.4278 -1.5504
9.4422 -6.4960 -1.5254
9.5238 -6.5643 -1.5006
9.6056 -6.6327 -1.4758
9.6875 -6.7011 -1.4511
9.7695 -6.7695 -1.4266
9.8517 -6.8380 -1.4021
9.9340 -6.9066 -1.3778
10.0164 -6.9752 -1.3535
10.0990 -7.0438 -1.3294
10.1817 -7.1125 -1.3053
10.2645 -7.1813 -1.2814
10.3475 -7.2501 -1.2576
10.4306 -7.3189 -1.2338
10.5138 -7.3878 -1.2102
10.5972 -7.4568 -1.1867
10.6807 -7.5258 -1.1633
10.7644 -7.5949 -1.1400
10.8482 -7.6640 -1.1168
10.9321 -7.7332 -1.0938
11.0162 -7.8024 -1.0708
11.1004 -7.8717 -1.0479
11.1848 -7.9410 -1.0252
11.2693 -8.0104 -1.0026
11.3539 -8.0798 -0.9800
11.4387 -8.1493 -0.9576
11.5237 -8.2188 -0.9353
11.6087 -8.2884 -0.9131
11.6940 -8.3581 -0.8910
11.7794 -8.4278 -0.8691
11.8649 -8.4976 -0.8472
11.9506 -8.5674 -0.8255
12.0364 -8.6373 -0.8038
12.1224 -8.7072 -0.7823
12.2085 -8.7772 -0.7609
12.2948 -8.8472 -0.7396
12.3813 -8.9173 -0.7185
12.4679 -8.9875 -0.6974
12.5546 -9.0577 -0.6765
12.6415 -9.1279 -0.6557
12.7286 -9.1983 -0.6350
12.8158 -9.2686 -0.6144
12.9032 -9.3391 -0.5939
12.9907 -9.4096 -0.5735
13.0784 -9.4801 -0.5533
13.1663 -9.5507 -0.5332
13.2543 -9.6214 -0.5132
13.3425 -9.6921 -0.4933
13.4309 -9.7629 -0.4735
13.5194 -9.8337 -0.4539
13.6080 -9.9046 -0.4344
13.6969 -9.9756 -0.4150
13.7859 -10.0466 -0.3957
13.8751 -10.1177 -0.3765
13.9644 -10.1888 -0.3575
14.0539 -10.2600 -0.3386
14.1436 -10.3313 -0.3198
14.2334 -10.4026 -0.3011
14.3235 -10.4740 -0.2826
14.4137 -10.5454 -0.2641
14.5040 -10.6169 -0.2458
14.5946 -10.6884 -0.2277
14.6853 -10.7600 -0.2096
14.7761 -10.8317 -0.1917
14.8672 -10.9035 -0.1739
14.9584 -10.9753 -0.1562
15.0499 -11.0471 -0.1387
15.1414 -11.1190 -0.1213
15.2332 -11.1910 -0.1040
15.3252 -11.2631 -0.0868
15.4173 -11.3352 -0.0697
15.5096 -11.4073 -0.0528
15.6021 -11.4796 -0.0360
15.6948 -11.5519 -0.0194
15.7876 -11.6242 -0.0029
15.8806 -11.6966 0.0135
15.9739 -11.7691 0.0298
16.0673 -11.8417 0.0459
16.1609 -11.9143 0.0619
16.2547 -11.9869 0.0778
16.3486 -12.0597 0.0936
16.4428 -12.1325 0.1092
16.5371 -12.2053 0.1247
16.6317 -12.2783 0.1400
16.7264 -12.3513 0.1552
16.8213 -12.4243 0.1703
16.9164 -12.4974 0.1853
17.0117 -12.5706 0.2001
17.1072 -12.6439 0.2148
17.2029 -12.7172 0.2293
17.2988 -12.7906 0.2437
17.3949 -12.8640 0.2580
17.4911 -12.9376 0.2721
17.5876 -13.0111 0.2861
17.6843 -13.0848 0.3000
I think parfor might be what you're looking for. It requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) to use. It works like this:
parfor i = 1:length(P)
Object1.position = P(i,:);
Also, I would recommend using indexed structure fields, as I've done in the example below, as it increases the flexibility of any code that you write. Let me know if this doesn't work for you, and we'll try something else. I know another technique, but it's much messier. Good luck!
parfor i = 1:length(P)
Object(i).position = P(i,:);
Edit: Ok, this may not work because parfor is pretty particular. But it the general concept should apply to the problem you're trying to solve. I can't be more specific without knowing more about your specific problem. The key point is, inside a parfor, you must iterate something (Object, below) by the parfors iterator (i, below) and assign that thing a value. I'm not sure if you can use a for-loop inside a parfor, so the first example below may break. The point is, this is how you do parallel processing in MATLAB. Try this:
parfor i = 1:4
Object(i).position = P(i,:);
Edit 2:
parfor i = length(P)
Object1 = struct();
Object1.position = P(i, :);
Edit 3: Ok, one last thing. You can't use "sliced" structs (structs with fields) as input or output from a parfor so you have to do this:
parfor i = 1:length(P)
positionArray1(i) = P(i, :);
Object1 = struct('position', positionArray1);

CouchDB historical view snapshots

I have a database with documents that are roughly of the form:
{"created_at": some_datetime, "deleted_at": another_datetime, "foo": "bar"}
It is trivial to get a count of non-deleted documents in the DB, assuming that we don't need to handle "deleted_at" in the future. It's also trivial to create a view that reduces to something like the following (using UTC):
{"key": ["created", 2012, 7, 30], "value": 39},
{"key": ["deleted", 2012, 7, 31], "value": 12}
{"key": ["created", 2012, 8, 2], "value": 6}
...which means that 39 documents were marked as created on 2012-07-30, 12 were marked as deleted on 2012-07-31, and so on. What I want is an efficient mechanism for getting the snapshot of how many documents "existed" on 2012-08-01 (0+39-12 == 27). Ideally, I'd like to be able to query a view or a DB (e.g. something that's been precomputed and saved to disk) with the date as the key or index, and get the count as the value or document. e.g.:
{"key": [2012, 7, 30], "value": 39},
{"key": [2012, 7, 31], "value": 27},
{"key": [2012, 8, 1], "value": 27},
{"key": [2012, 8, 2], "value": 33}
This can be computed easily enough by iterating through all of the rows in the view, keeping a running counter and summing up each day as I go, but that approach slows down as the data set grows larger, unless I'm smart about caching or storing the results. Is there a smarter way to tackle this?
Just for the sake of comparison (I'm hoping someone has a better solution), here's (more or less) how I'm currently solving it (in untested ruby pseudocode):
require 'date'
def date_snapshots(rows)
current_date = nil
current_count = 0
rows.inject({}) {|hash, reduced_row|
type, *ymd = reduced_row["key"]
this_date =*ymd)
if current_date
# deal with the days where nothing changed
(current_date.succ ... this_date).each do |date|
key = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
hash[key] = current_count
# update the counter and deal with the current day
current_date = this_date
current_count += reduced_row["value"] if type == "created_at"
current_count -= reduced_row["value"] if type == "deleted_at"
key = current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
hash[key] = current_count
Which can then be used like so:
rows = couch_server.db(foo).design(bar).view(baz).reduce.group_level(3).rows
Obvious small improvement would be to add a caching layer, although it isn't quite as trivial to make that caching layer play nicely incremental updates (e.g. the changes feed).
I found an approach that seems much better than my original one, assuming that you only care about a single date:
def size_at(
ymd = [date.year, date.month,]
added = view.reduce.
endkey( ["created_at", *ymd, {}]).rows.first || {}
deleted = view.reduce.
endkey( ["deleted_at", *ymd, {}]).rows.first || {}
added.fetch("value", 0) - deleted.fetch("value", 0)
Basically, let CouchDB do the reduction for you. I didn't originally realize that you could mix and match reduce with startkey/endkey.
Unfortunately, this approach requires two hits to the DB (although those could be parallelized or pipelined). And it doesn't work as well when you want to get a lot of these sizes at once (e.g. view the whole history, rather than just look at one date).
