Write Past Value in data.txt - python-3.x

I want to write some list in data.txt.
The output from program is:
('(a1, b1)', '(a2, b2)', '(a3, b3)')
('(a4, b4)', '(a5, b5)', '(a6, b6)')
With this lines of code to write in data.txt;
data = {}
data['shapes'] = []
'name': str(triangle.name),
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
I need output in my data.txt with json format like this:
{"shapes": [{"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a1, b1)", "(a2, b2)", "(a3, b3)"]}, {"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a4, b4)", "(a5, b5)", "(a6, b6)"]}]}
But this is what I get:
{"shapes": [{"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a4, b4)", "(a5, b5)", "(a6, b6)"]}]}
So, how can I write the past value of triangle that have vertices (a1, b1)...(a3, b3)?

This part of your code should be executed only once:
data = {}
data['shapes'] = []
The following part of your code you should execute repeatedly
'name': str(triangle.name),
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
probably in a loop similar to this one
for triangle in triangles:
'name': str(triangle.name),
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())

It seems like you're overwriting the variable referencing the first triangle object with the next triangle object before appending the first triangle object's information to data['shapes'].
That block of code where you append to your data['shapes'] should be executed twice, once for each triangle object.


add var with alphanumeric code in order of value

I have data from counties and for a peudonymized plot I want to add an alphanumeric code in the order of a sort variable. It is not so important what the code will look like, but I want to have a letter at the beginning so that it will not be confused with the numeric information in the chart.
In the original data, I have more than 26 observations. Therefore the code needs to have two digits.
# example data
county <- c("all", "Berkshire", "Blackpool", "Bournemouth", "Bristol",
"Cambridgeshire", "Cheshire", "Devon", "Dorset", "Essex",
"Gloucestershire", "Hampshire", "Kent", "Lincolnshire",
"Norfolk", "Oxfordshire", "Suffolk", "Wiltshire", "Worcestershire",
sort <- c(-2, 16.5, 400, 331, 375.2, 13.1, 400, 376.4,
128.3, 400, 48.6, 6.7, 113.5, 43.7, 295.9,400,
261.5, 100, 183.3, 400)
df <- data.frame(county, sort)
This is how I would like the result to look like:

Python comparing values from two dictionaries where keys match and one set of values is greater

I have the following datasets:
kpi = {
"latency": 3,
"cpu_utilisation": 0.98,
"memory_utilisation": 0.95,
"MIR": 200,
ns_metrics = {
"timestamp": "2022-10-04T15:24:10.765000",
"ns_id": "cache",
"ns_data": {
"cpu_utilisation": 0.012666666666700622,
"memory_utilisation": 8.68265852766783,
What I'm looking for is an elegant way to compare the cpu_utilisation and memory_utilisation values from each dictionary and if the two utilisation figures from ns_metrics is greater than kpi, for now, print a message as to which utilisation value was greater,i.e. was it either cpu or memory or both. Naturally, I can do something simple like this:
if ns_metrics["ns_data"]["cpu_utilisation"] > kpi["cpu_utilisation"]:
print("true: over cpu threshold")
if ns_metrics["ns_data"]["memory_utilisation"] > kpi["memory_utilisation"]:
print("true: over memory threshold")
But this seems a bit longer winded to have many if conditions, and I was hoping there is a more elegant way of doing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
maybe you can use a loop to do this:
check_list = ["cpu_utilisation", "memory_utilisation"]
for i in check_list:
if ns_metrics["ns_data"][i] > kpi[i]:
print("true: over {} threshold".format(i.split('_')[0]))
if the key is different,you can use a mapping dict to do it,like this:
check_mapping = {"cpu_utilisation": "cpu_utilisation_1"}
for kpi_key, ns_key in check_mapping.items():

Convert a list of 3D coordinates in string format to a list of floats

I have a list of 3D coordinates in the format as list_X.
list_X =' [43.807 7.064 77.155], [35.099 3.179 82.838], [53.176052 -5.4618497 83.53082 ], [39.75858 1.5679997 74.76174 ], [42.055664 2.459083 80.89183 ]'
I want to convert into floats as below
list_X =[43.807 7.064 77.155], [35.099 3.179 82.838], [53.176052 -5.4618497 83.53082 ], [39.75858 1.5679997 74.76174 ], [42.055664 2.459083 80.89183 ]
I was trying as below which doesn't work
list1=[float(x) for x in list_X]
You can clean up the string to fit in the format of a list (i.e., add surrounding square brackets ([]) to contain all of the 3D coordinates, and separate the values by commas), and then use the json.loads method.
import json
list_X ='[[43.807, 7.064, 77.155], [35.099, 3.179, 82.838], [53.176052, -5.4618497, 83.53082], [39.75858, 1.5679997, 74.76174], [42.055664, 2.459083, 80.89183]]'
# Output
[[43.807, 7.064, 77.155], [35.099, 3.179, 82.838], [53.176052, -5.4618497, 83.53082], [39.75858, 1.5679997, 74.76174], [42.055664, 2.459083, 80.89183]]

How to merge a generator with a JSON tree

I have the following python code that is to replace low-precision temperatures in a list of JSON trees, ec2_tcs['zones'] with higher precision temps from a generator, ec1_api.temperatures().
from evohomeclient import EvohomeClient as EvohomeClientVer1
ec1_api = EvohomeClientVer1(client.username, client.password)
for temp in ec1_api.temperatures(force_refresh=True):
for zone in ec2_tcs['zones']:
if str(temp['id']) == str(zone['zoneId']):
if zone['temperatureStatus']['isAvailable']:
zone['temperatureStatus']['temperature'] \
= temp['temp']
# TypeError: usually occurs in client library if problems with vendor's website
except TypeError:
"Failed to obtain higher-precision temperatures"
The JSON data looks like this (an array of JSON data, 1 per 'zone'):
'zoneId': '3432521',
'name': 'Main Room'
'temperatureStatus': {'temperature': 21.5, 'isAvailable': True},
'setpointStatus': {'targetHeatTemperature': 5.0, 'setpointMode': 'FollowSchedule'},
'activeFaults': [],
}, {
and each result from the generator like this:
{'thermostat': 'EMEA_ZONE', 'id': 3432521, 'name': 'Main Room', 'temp': 21.55, 'setpoint': 5.0}
I know Python must have a better way of doing this, but I can't seem to make it fly. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
I could 'massage' the generator, but there are good reasons why the JSON tree's schema should remain unchanged.
The primary goal is to reduce a number of nested code blocks with a very fancy one-liner!

Azure Stream Analitics list in the list

How do I take the data from the file list if json array is in the list? eg.
"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04d"}],
"dt_txt":"2014-07-23 09:00:00"}
How do I get to weather.main?
First your JSON format seem to have errors, let's fix these first:
"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04d"}],
"dt_txt":"2014-07-23 09:00:00"}
Note comma after at the end of humidity line, and closed record in the first line after Shuzenji.
Now, in the JSON example weather.main, is actually list[0].weather[0].main. Here is the way to get precisely this value
out of the JSON structure using Array and Record built-in functions:
-- input.list[0].weather[0].main
WeatherMain = GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(input.list, 0), 'weather'), 0), 'main')
FROM input
