show tooltip on custom marker for high stock Chart - text

The chart i am trying to create as shown below
the working fiddle is as shown below
on hover in the custom icon i am getting date by default is there a way to add custom text other than date in the tooltip
please point to a sample on the same

You can achieve that by using series.tooltip.pointFormatter.
Example code:
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '',
pointFormatter: function() {
return "Custom flag: " + this.title
API Reference:


AmChart export change font color on export

i have i problem and tried different solutions, but no success.
I have an amChartXY chart, which has white labels and legend text is white, but when i want to build custom pdf report, i cannot convert those white text into black.
First i have a function which exports chart to base64 string, and i want there to convert the text color to black, but it won't work.
Here is a code snippet of a menu item, that converts to SVG that is saved to global array object.
menu: [
class: "",
label: "Save to draft",
click: function() {
var overrideObject = {
backgroundColor : "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
color : "#000",
legend : {
color : "#000"
var chartObject = this;
chartObject.capture(overrideObject, function () {
chartObject.toJPG({}, function (base64) {
// charts is global array
name: customName,
chart: base64
Here the overrideObject is changing the backgroundColor attribute with white ( before is was transparent ) but it's not changing font color. Also i have tried different attributes to add, but nothing seems to work.
Is this possible at capture time ?
Here are some images preview of what i want to accomplish :
AmChart for export isn't that well documented, so any feedback would be welcome
The overrideObject you're passing only accepts the same parameters listed in the list of export settings. If you need to change the appearance of specific elements on the chart, you need to use the reviver callback mentioned in the annotation settings section to selectively apply your modifications. For example, here's how to target the value axis labels:
"export": {
"enabled": true,
"reviver": function(nodeObj) {
if (nodeObj.className === 'amcharts-axis-label' && nodeObj.svg.parentNode.classList.contains('amcharts-value-axis')) {
nodeObj.fill = 'rgba(255,0,0,1)';
// ...
Note that you need to use SVG attributes to change the appearance, so you'll have to set the fill to change the color of the text element.
Codepen demo

Adding a colorbutton in tinymce dialog with api 4.x doesn't work

I'm trying to add a colorbutton in a TinyMCE dialog box to replace my old color selector which was initially created with a select input.
See : ColorButton : API 4.X
This class creates a color button control. This is a split button in which the main button has a visual representation of the currently selected color. When clicked the caret button displays a color picker, allowing the user to select a new color.
I can add and see the new colorbutton in the dialog box but it doesn't show the colorpicker when clicked.
Here is my code: {
title: 'Choose color',
body: [
type: 'listbox',
name: 'bg-color',
label: 'Color (select)',
'values': [
{text: 'White', value: '#FFF'},
{text: 'Black', value: '#000'},
{text: 'Silver', value: 'silver'},
type: 'ColorButton',
name: 'bg-color2',
label: 'Color (colorpicker)',
onsubmit: function(e) {
// Do something here
And you will find a tinymce fiddle here to illustrate this issue:
Since my debugger doesn't show any JS error, is there something wrong in this code or is there another way to add a colorpicker in a dialogbox?
#MavBzh I think you've a wrong perception on how the color button works. The ColorButton UI is only help with rendering a button which not much difference with PanelButton UI. you can see this example in this fiddle I use textcolor plugin example.
So, in order to use color button you're required to specify the Panel to hold the color picker.
type: 'colorbutton',
name: 'color',
text: 'Color',
selectcmd: 'ForeColor',
panel: {
role: 'application',
ariaRemember: true,
html: renderColorPicker,
onclick: onPanelClick
onclick: onButtonClick
then later set onclick callback action and render the color picker HTML output yourself, the renderColorPicker function is used as the panel content, then assigned onPanelClick callback to put the color to the text placeholder in the ColorButton.
PS: in the fiddle I used v4.0.21

jQVMap - Tooltips show hide option

I have a JQVMap that is showing Tooltips on each region, but in my map there are some region where i don't want to show tooltips - Please help. Thanks in advance
It`s described in jqvmap documentation:
Consider that fact that you can use standard features of jQuery events
like event.preventDefault() or returning false from the callback to
prevent default behavior of JQVMap (showing label or changing country
color on hover). In the following example, when user moves mouse
cursor over Canada label won't be shown and color of country won't be
changed. At the same label for Russia will have custom text.
onLabelShow: function(event, label, code)
if (code == 'ca')
else if (code == 'ru')
label.text('Bears, vodka, balalaika');
onRegionOver: function(event, code)
if (code == 'ca')

jqGrid - Change filter/search pop up form - to be flat on page - not a dialog

I am using jqgrid.
I really need help with this, and have no clue how to do it, but i am sure its possible... can any one give me even a partial answer? were to start from?
I now have a requirement saying that for searching and filtering the grid I dont want the regular model form pop op thing opening, instead the filter should be open when entering the page but not as a pop up form , but should be on the top of the page but still have all the functions to it.
Needs to look like this:
And again having the select tag filled with the correct information (like they do in the popup form) and when clicking on "Save" it should send the request to the server, like regular.
Is this possible?
The only thing i basically need is to have the filter with out the dialog part of it.
The solution of the problem for the old searching dialog you can find here. I modified the demo to the current implementation of the searching dialog in the jqGrid.
You can see the results on the demo:
The corresponding code is below:
var $grid = $('#list');
// create the grid
// jqGrid opetions
// set searching deafauls
$.extend($, {multipleSearch: true, multipleGroup: true, overlay: 0});
// during creating nevigator bar (optional) one don't need include searching button
$grid.jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {add: false, edit: false, del: false, search: false});
// create the searching dialog
var gridSelector = $.jgrid.jqID($grid[0].id), // 'list'
$searchDialog = $("#searchmodfbox_" + gridSelector),
$gbox = $("#gbox_" + gridSelector);
// hide 'close' button of the searchring dialog
// place the searching dialog above the grid
$searchDialog.css({position: "relative", zIndex: "auto", float: "left"})
Here's the way I implemented it, using Oleg's excellent help.
I wanted my users to be able to immediately type in a search criteria (in this case, a user's name) and for the jqGrid to show the results. No messing around with the popup Search dialog.
Here's my end result:
To do this, I needed this HTML:
Employee name:
<input type="text" name="employeeName" id="employeeName" style="width:250px" />
<!-- This will be my jqGrid control and pager -->
<table id="tblEmployees"></table>
<div id="pager"></div>
and this JavaScript:
$("#employeeName").on('change keyup paste', function () {
function SearchByEmployeeName()
// Fetch the text from our <input> control
var searchString = $("#employeeName").val();
// Prepare to pass a new search filter to our jqGrid
var f = { groupOp: "AND", rules: [] };
// Remember to change the following line to reflect the jqGrid column you want to search for your string in
// In this example, I'm searching through the UserName column.
f.rules.push({ field: "UserName", op: "cn", data: searchString });
var grid = $('#tblEmployees');
grid[0] = f.rules.length > 0;
$.extend(grid[0].p.postData, { filters: JSON.stringify(f) });
grid.trigger("reloadGrid", [{ page: 1 }]);
Again, my thanks to Oleg for showing how to use these search filters.
It really makes jqGrid much more user-friendly.

Hiding Title Attribute On Mouse Over

I had tried looking up on here many different answers to this question and tried using their solutions, but it didn't seem to work, such as this solution:
Is it possible to hide href title?
My question is how am I able to hide the title attribute tooltip when the user mouses over the picture? I tried using the <span title=" ">text</span> but it only caused the title tooltip to show the space or the span's title attribute.
Here is my website.
I figured out the answer to my question. Thank you Gert G for getting me started! =]
What I did in order to hide the title attribute, was first to put everything into a loop because otherwise, it will take the first link's title and apply it to the picture clicked on:
$("a[rel='portfolio']").each(function(e) {
Then, I declared a variable that contains the title to whatever elements you want them applied to:
var title = $(this).attr("title");
Once I declared the variable, I then created a function that hides the title when it's moused over, then adds the title back on when I mouseout on it (for the purpose of having my lightbox, ColorBox).
function() {
function() {
$(this).attr('title', title);
In order for the title to be viewed when click on, you have to add another function:
function() {
$(this).attr('title', title);
Putting it all together, it looks like this:
$("a[rel='portfolio']").each(function(e) {
var title = $(this).attr('title');
function() {
function() {
$(this).attr('title', title);
function() {
$(this).attr('title', title);
I hope this helps everyone else looking for a similar or this exact solution!
You can check out the changes here.
Thanks Abriel for the solution, I have converted it to YUI 3 and below is the code in case anyone needed it
YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
Y.all("a[rel='portfolio']").each(function(node) {
var title = node.get('title');
node.on('mouseover', function(ev) {'title','text'));'mouseout', function(e) {'title', title);
node.on('click', function(ev) {'title', title);
I was looking for a jquery solution but I am using a javascript solution that works fine for me. I needed the "title" attribute to pass descriptive information about a product / image and within that descriptive information there was basic html tags that were needed. And so whenever someone passed the mouse over the image this mixed code and description will popup. This was less than desirable so I am using the following code so that the "title" information is hidden during mouseover but the title information is still available onclick.
Add this in your link code! Hope this helps someone:
onclick=\"javascript: this.title='description and or html goes here' ;\"
onMouseOver=\"javascript: this.title='' ;
Its works like this:
1:Create your own attribute and call it from lightbox
click me
2:Rename the title attribute in jquery file to:
I used it for my tooltip, but it should work even without it.
I nested my link and putted title inside it. Than into nested image I´ve wrote title=" " (with that space).
<a href="" class="tooltip" id="facebook" title="Sing up to my Newsletter"
<img title=" " src="../img/email.png" alt="email icon" width="32">
Than, when I hover on my email icon, no title is shown.
