Excel VBA to Edit an Open Internet Explorer Page - excel

I would like to control an IE page through VBA (type stuff, click buttons, etc). I am able to control a page that I create, but I don't want to be forced to create a new IE instance every time I run this. How can I control a page that is already open?
Please note that while I have a lot of programming experience in VBA for Excel, I'm not a programmer and this new world of web-based programming is making my brain hurt, so please treat me like I'm dumb.


Is there a way to take control of an open Edge or Chrome browser window using Excel VBA?

I'm attempting to use VBA to transfer data from an Excel sheet to a number of input boxes on a webpage. Due to a couple of considerations specific to this site it would be much, much easier if I could simply log in to the webpage manually then use Selenium (or whatever) to take control of the browser window and execute the data entry tasks. My impression is that this was quite doable with Internet Explorer, but that's been phased out, and it looks like there's not a very robust method for doing this with Google Chrome. Is there a way to do this with Edge?
I managed to get half of the data entered using the AppActivate statement and a series of SendKeys commands - this was with Chrome - but that approach won't work for the rest of it, since AppActivate doesn't seem to really commandeer the browser window in a way that allows Selenium to click buttons etc.
Yes you can use control browser with selenium Basic. You can follow instruction on how to get it working with vba here. https://simpleexcelvba.com/google-chrome-automation-with-selenium-basic/#:~:text=Selenium%20Basic%20is%20a%20Selenium,by%20double%2Dclicking%20on%20it.

Navigate to Sharepoint Site and Export Data

I know a little about Excel VBA but this is a little over my head (may not even be possible).
Is there a way to write code to;
Navigate to a sharepoint web addresss
In the 'Library' menu at the top it is selected
'Export Data' is clicked
Basically mimicking how an actual person would interact to achieve this?
I've looked everywhere but can't find anything which is making me think it is not possible, but have seen things 'not thought possible' achieved through this site so thought I'd give it a shot.
Can anyone help me with this please?
If you want a macro in Excel that works with a webpage like a person would, you can use IE automation. There you can tell IE to go to a specified URL, press explicit buttons, enter some text, wait for the page to load, etc. You'll find plenty guides for "excel vba ie automation".

Sign in to a 3rd party excel add-in from vba

I have a 3rd party ribbon (SNL Financial) add-in installed in Excel (2010 version) and I would like to have some vba code to automatically "sign-in" to the 3rd party ribbon. I've tried simply "recording" a macro that clicks on the ribbon and then clicks on the "sign-in" button, but no code shows up in the VBA macro recorder. Any ideas?
There is no universal "sign on macro" or method to login to all Excel Add-ins. Your best bet is to leverage something the developer has already built. Assuming you've already searched the web unsuccessfully, you can search your VBA Objects Browser which would be the most likely place to find any VBA options that a developer will allow you to use.
To do this, from the VBA editor screen click:
Tools / Reference. Make sure whatever add-in you have is checked in this list. It might not be the exact name so you may need to do some research to find it. Click okay to return to the VBA editor.
Click on VIEW / Object Browser. Hopefully you will see in the drop down menu that starts with <ALL LIBRARIES> the name of your add-in.
In the object browser, with you add-in selected, you should have access to view all API/MACRO tools the add-in has already built. Some of them may be intended for your use, and some may not. You might get lucky and find one you can leverage or take the code and research more on google for a solution.
Bottomline, there is no direct answer to your problem, but the above instructions would be the best place to start looking for your custom solution. Good luck.
Extra Bonus just for your particular SNL issue
For technical support contact SNL Support, visit this page:

vb.net How to prevent modeless form from being blocked by modal tool dialog in ArcMap?

I have a vb.net project running as a toolbar extension in ArcMap. Each one of my tools opens a modal dialog using the .ShowDialog() method. My client wants to be able to open a PDF document from the tools that will serve as the help documentation tool rather than a traditional method like HTMLHelp or Windows Help Viewer.
So, I've imported the Interop.AcroPDFLib.dll and set up a form with an AxAcroPDF (veiwer) object on it. Whenever the user clicks the help button on any of the tool dialogs, the help form opens using .Show() and goes to the associated page in the document using the .setCurrentPage method. Everything works great up to this point.
However, as you can imagine, because the tool dialog is modal, it blocks the user from being able to interact with the PDF form. So, what I need is a technique to prevent this block so that the user will be able to scroll pages, click links within the PDF, etc. while the tool dialog is open. I.e., I need a solution that will mimic using the traditional HTMLHelp veiwer.
I've tried opening the PDF form in a new thread, but that causes ArcMap to crash at Application.Run(New PDFForm). Maybe this is because I have very little experience with multithreading, or maybe because ArcMap does not support multithreading. Not sure.
Anyway, any suggestions to get me started would be greatly appreaciated.

Office 2007 Ribbon Programming How-to

I'm interested on how to get the old menus back for Office 2007. I know you can buy add-ins that do this, but I'm more interested on how these are done? I want to implement this at home and just need to be pointed in the correct direction!
These programs don't actually restore the old menu system, they modify the current Ribbon and then write the code to mock the old design.
This is where you need to start in order to modify the Ribbon.
I doubt the Ribbon is going to go away, so you probably will be better off taking the time to get used to it. I have, and now I much prefer this style menu system. In fact, I have been looking at code to implement this style in applications that I build.
