Navigate to Sharepoint Site and Export Data - excel

I know a little about Excel VBA but this is a little over my head (may not even be possible).
Is there a way to write code to;
Navigate to a sharepoint web addresss
In the 'Library' menu at the top it is selected
'Export Data' is clicked
Basically mimicking how an actual person would interact to achieve this?
I've looked everywhere but can't find anything which is making me think it is not possible, but have seen things 'not thought possible' achieved through this site so thought I'd give it a shot.
Can anyone help me with this please?

If you want a macro in Excel that works with a webpage like a person would, you can use IE automation. There you can tell IE to go to a specified URL, press explicit buttons, enter some text, wait for the page to load, etc. You'll find plenty guides for "excel vba ie automation".


Excel VBA to Edit an Open Internet Explorer Page

I would like to control an IE page through VBA (type stuff, click buttons, etc). I am able to control a page that I create, but I don't want to be forced to create a new IE instance every time I run this. How can I control a page that is already open?
Please note that while I have a lot of programming experience in VBA for Excel, I'm not a programmer and this new world of web-based programming is making my brain hurt, so please treat me like I'm dumb.

Designer HELP Release 9.0.1FP10 SHF315

This very annoying and I can't figure how to change it. When in Designer And I click on Help >> Help Contents from drop down menu it displays it differently than what I have been used to seeing and is very hard to navigate through. Is there a way to change the behavior? I recently got new Hard drive with Windows 10 opperating system
This is what I am used to seeing and is very navigable:
IBM Support was able to reproduce this and is looking into the issue. I did find a work around.
Open Help Contents from the drop down Help menu.
Right Click on the window and select properties.
Highlight and copy the Address (URL) line
Open a browser (not IE) and paste it in the Address line and go to the page.
It should then present it in a usable form. If not, then click on the first content and that should do the trick.
A problem report has been created with IBM or HCL or whatever they are called now: SPR # ZNDNBA7TEV: Domino Designer Help Contents Display Issue

Sign in to a 3rd party excel add-in from vba

I have a 3rd party ribbon (SNL Financial) add-in installed in Excel (2010 version) and I would like to have some vba code to automatically "sign-in" to the 3rd party ribbon. I've tried simply "recording" a macro that clicks on the ribbon and then clicks on the "sign-in" button, but no code shows up in the VBA macro recorder. Any ideas?
There is no universal "sign on macro" or method to login to all Excel Add-ins. Your best bet is to leverage something the developer has already built. Assuming you've already searched the web unsuccessfully, you can search your VBA Objects Browser which would be the most likely place to find any VBA options that a developer will allow you to use.
To do this, from the VBA editor screen click:
Tools / Reference. Make sure whatever add-in you have is checked in this list. It might not be the exact name so you may need to do some research to find it. Click okay to return to the VBA editor.
Click on VIEW / Object Browser. Hopefully you will see in the drop down menu that starts with <ALL LIBRARIES> the name of your add-in.
In the object browser, with you add-in selected, you should have access to view all API/MACRO tools the add-in has already built. Some of them may be intended for your use, and some may not. You might get lucky and find one you can leverage or take the code and research more on google for a solution.
Bottomline, there is no direct answer to your problem, but the above instructions would be the best place to start looking for your custom solution. Good luck.
Extra Bonus just for your particular SNL issue
For technical support contact SNL Support, visit this page:

Excel 2007-VBA, Right Click Buttons

I am having a strange Excel 2007 issue, and I am not quite sure how to explain this. So bear with me please....
I have created a few right click buttons to call various backend VBA functions that I have written. They were working fine earlier today, and now for some reason, a button is appearing that is not from the code in my worksheet. When you click it, it is attempting to open another worksheet and execute code from it. The two files are not in the same directory nor are they named anything similar. I deleted the file that the button is trying to execute from and now it just simply gives me an error 400.
So, I couldn’t figure that out, and have since deleted every single scrap of code in the backend of this file, and the button still appears. Any ideas what could be causing this? It seems like maybe its mixing files up or saving a copy somewhere in a temp directory and trying to access that instead of the actual code that is written in the VBA. Is there a cache I need to clear out or something?
I know I didn’t exactly do a great job describing this, so I will be more than happy to provide any and all other details that you may need. Just let me know what is going on.
EDIT #1 -- New Information ==
I can even open a new, completely blank excel file and the right click button is still there.
EDIT #2 -- Tried Diagnostics ==
I just tried running the Excel diagnostics and it found no problems. It is strange, it is like this macro has somehow became global or stored in some type of cache or something.
I hope I'm understanding your issue correctly.
If you know what right-click (context) menus the button is appearing in you should be able to fix them with a Reset command. For example if it's appearing in the Cell context menu, you could try this in the VBE's Immediate window:
This will reset the entire menu to its default state.
Also, you might be interested in a tool I wrote, MenuRighter, that allows you to tweak your right-click menus. It also has a setting to show you the Caption and ID of any context menu.

SharePoint 2010 - My Sites, modifications to navigation ribbon at the very top

After much online research and getting close to what I am looking for by hacking it together (ie. modifying templates and other files, exactly what every expert out there appears to advise against in terms of SharePoint customization) I have decided to go ahead and post my issue here to see if anybody has ever had any experience with this.
In essence, I start off with a plain My Sites host. I would like to keep the My Profile and My Content pages, and add a bunch of new content of top on that. For us, simplicity is of utmost importance and so when I created a new Web Part Page and noticed that it added an additional ribbon under the navigation menu, I decided that it had to go. This is what it looks like out of the box:
With ribbon
Notice that at this point I have already made a few modifications, such as removing the My Site link that by default appears all the way to the left of the other options. This sadly was accomplished in a very brute-force way.
Now, here is the ribbon-free navigation bar, which is just what I want to be able to design without making system changes that I will regret in the future (and that may be easily overwritten by a CU or hotfix)
Without ribbon
So I guess I should make this clear, I don't want the navigation gone, just customized (ie. no My Site string to the left of my options, no Site Actions drop-down for read-only users) and the Browse/Page ribbon that gets added by default everytime you create a new page, well that one just needs to be gone completely, as shown in the second screenshot.
I have read all about hiding ribbons (which just hides the whole thing, including navigation), customizing ribbons (no success in accomplishing this type of basic navigation after trying them out) and simply don't know what to do anymore.
Maybe I am just taking the wrong approach by modifying something instead of just creating it from scratch, at the end of the day it is nothing but a static navigation bar common to all the pages with the special current user drop-down all the way to the right, then if a user has write permissions, she would also get the Site Actions drop-down under Home, that's it.
Hopefully an answer to this question will help others as well who are looking to simplify their SharePoint My Sites host a bit, as out of the box the number of web components that users are presented with might be just a little too overwhelming for your everyday employee, at least in the industry that we operate in.
Anyway, thank you kindly in advance, I look forward to your replies. Do let me know if there is something that is not entirely clear from my explanation :)
If you take away user's Create Personal Site permission ( in your User Profile, the "My Site" link will go away.
