Keeping distinct status in an array using trip lifecycle - node.js

I want to create a status timeline. Similar to what we have with Uber or Lyft and I have my model schema to update so that I can keep track.
New request, Driver accepts, arrives, starts trip and ends trip.
I am keeping track of all these by updating the database and putting the time of update.
The problem I have now is it is possible to enter same entry eg
arrive pickup twice with different timestamp.
I do not want this to happen.
Once you arrive pickup, you cannot arrive pickup again, the most you can do should be able to return to the previous stage new request.
Here is my Schema
const StatusDataSchema = new Schema({
status: {
type: SchemaTypes.String,
enum: [
unique: true,
default: 'new'
message: {
type: SchemaTypes.String,
default: 'You created a new request'
createdAt: {
type: SchemaTypes.String,
required: false,
updatedAt: {
type: SchemaTypes.Date,
required: false,
default: null
toJSON: {
virtuals: true,
versionKey: false,
transform: function (_, ret, __) {
const { _id, __v, } = ret;
return rest;
const DeliverySchema = SchemaFactory({
pickup: { type: PickupSchema, required: true },
dropoff: { type: DestinationSchema, required: true },
status: {
type: SchemaTypes.String,
enum: [
unique: true,
default: 'new'
statusData: [StatusDataSchema],
Then I create like this
public async createReq(user: string, body: TripDTO) {
if (user !==
throw new ActionNotAllowedError(
'You cannot create a trip on the behalf of another user'
const data = await this.create({
return data;
and I update like this
public async updateReq(id: string, body: StatusDeliveryDTO) {
var message = '';
var cancelReason = null;
var rejectReason = null;
var name = '';
if (body.driver == null) {
// do something
name = 'System';
} else {
name = body.driver.firstName;
if (body.status == 'assigned') {
message = `${name} has been assigned to you`;
} else if (body.status == 'new') {
message = 'You created a new request';
} else if (body.status == 'toPickup') {
message = `${name} is heading to your pickup location`;
} else if (body.status == 'arrived') {
message = `${name} has arrived your pickup`;
} else if (body.status == 'pickup') {
message = `${name} has picked`;
} else if (body.status == 'start') {
message = `${name} started`;
} else if (body.status == 'arrived') {
message = `${name} has arrived`;
} else if (body.status == 'completed') {
message = `${name} has completed`;
} else if (body.status == 'rejected') {
message = `${name} has rejected your request`;
rejectReason = body.reason;
} else if (body.status == 'cancelled') {
message = `${name} has canceled your request`;
cancelReason = body.reason;
} else {
message = body.status;
const data = await this.updateWithOperators(id, {
$push: {
statusData: {
status: body.status,
message: message,
cancelReason: cancelReason,
rejectReason: rejectReason,
await NotificationService.dispatchTimeline(, message);
return data;
The create function uses mongoose model.create while update uses model.findOneAndUpdate
How can I avoid the duplicate and keep a streamlined timeline.
Further code can be provided on request.


Mongoose / Node : How to add an object to an array?

I have a problem when I try to update an array with Mongoose/Node.
I want to add my new price for example, req.body value is : { price: 12 } or req.body is : { description: 'my description' } but when I do this the total array is replace by just my new object ! :/
Here is my model:
const restaurantSchema = mongoose.Schema({
userId: { type: Object, required: true },
name: { type: String },
menus: [{
name: { type: String },
price: { type: String },
description: { type: String },
And my node Js code :
const menuUpdate = req.body;
const menuId = req.params.menuId;
const userId = userIdFromToken(req);
const filter = {
userId: userId,
"menus._id": menuId
const update = { $set: { "menus.$": menuUpdate } };
const options = {
upsert: true,
new: true
Restaurant.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options).then(() => {
return res.status(204).json({ message: "Menus updated " });
Thanks for your help,
I change my code with the help of #aks, like this...
const menuUpdate = req.body;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(menuUpdate)) {
this.menuKey = `${key}`;
this.menuValue = `${value}`;
if (this.menuKey === 'name') {
this.update = { $set: { "menus.$.name": this.menuValue } };
if (this.menuKey === 'price') {
this.update = { $set: { "menus.$.price": this.menuValue } };
if (this.menuKey === 'description') {
this.update = { $set: { "menus.$.description": this.menuValue } };
const menuId = req.params.menuId;
const userId = userIdFromToken(req);
const filter = {
userId: userId,
'menus._id': menuId,
const options = {
upsert: true,
new: true
.then ( () => {
return res.status(204).json({ message: 'Menus updated ' });
Is there a way to simplify that without if ?
Your Node code
menus: [{
name: "toto",
price: 25,
description: "custom sweet",
Now You have to update only the price from 25 to 45 for that you have to send the whole array.
So you have to simple set the array with this value
And if you go to other approach
then on req.body add one more parameter i.e menuIndex: 2
And on you update request make the condition if menuIndex is 2 then update specific column
const menuUpdate = req.body;
const menuId = req.params.menuId;
const userId = userIdFromToken(req);
const filter = {
userId: userId,
"menus._id": menuId
let update = {};
if (req.body.menuIndex === 1) {
update = { $set: { "menus.$.name": req,body.val} };
if (req.body.menuIndex === 2) {
update = { $set: { "menus.$.price": req,body.val
} };
if (req.body.menuIndex === 3) {
update = { $set: { "menus.$.description": req,body.val} };
const options = {
upsert: true,
new: true
Restaurant.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options).then(() => {
return res.status(204).json({ message: "Menus updated " });

How I can solve $near query in mongoddb adbpter query building issue?

I'm trying to create a nearby searching platform with keystone.js
But the nearby queries not working with the keystone js.
How I can run mongoose $nearSphere query or aggregation queries in the keystone?
Hereby added my best try and errors.
path: './.env'
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/keystone');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/app-graphql');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/app-admin-ui');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/auth-password');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');
const initialiseData = require('./initial-data');
const {
} = require('./schema');
const PROJECT_NAME = 'rentospot';
const keystone = new Keystone({
appVersion: {
version: '1.0.0',
addVersionToHttpHeaders: false,
access: false,
cookie: {
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', // Default to true in production
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // 30 days
sameSite: false,
cookieSecret: process.env.COOKIE_SECRET,
adapter: new MongooseAdapter({
mongoUri: 'mongodb+srv://*******:******'
onConnect: process.env.CREATE_TABLES !== 'true' && initialiseData,
const postList = keystone.createList('Post', Post);
keystone.createList('Category', Category);
keystone.createList('SubCategory', SubCategory);
keystone.createList('Comment', Comment);
keystone.createList('User', User);
keystone.createList('ForgottenPasswordToken', ForgottenPasswordToken);
const authStrategy = keystone.createAuthStrategy({
type: PasswordAuthStrategy,
list: 'User',
const extendSchema = {
queries: [{
schema: 'nearBy: [Post]',
resolver: async(_) => {
try {
const {
} = postList;
const result = await adapter.find({
// "feature": true,
"venue.location": {
"$nearSphere": {
"$geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [12, 75],
"$minDistance": 0,
"$maxDistance": 500,
return result;
} catch (e) {
console.log("errrrrrrrrrrrrrror: ", e)
return null
}, ]
module.exports = {
apps: [new GraphQLApp(),
new AdminUIApp({
enableDefaultRoute: true,
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid');
const { sendEmail } = require('./emails');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/fields');
const { S3Adapter } = require('#keystonejs/file-adapters');
const { AuthedRelationship } = require('#keystonejs/fields-authed-relationship');
const { formatISO } = require('date-fns');
const { Wysiwyg } = require('#keystonejs/fields-wysiwyg-tinymce');
const LocationGoogle = require('./LocationGoogle');
const fileAdapter = new S3Adapter({
bucket: process.env.BUCKET_NAME,
folder: process.env.S3_PATH,
publicUrl: ({ filename }) =>
// `https://${process.env.CF_DISTRIBUTION_ID}${process.env.S3_PATH}/${filename}`,
s3Options: {
// Optional paramaters to be supplied directly to AWS.S3 constructor
apiVersion: '2006-03-01',
accessKeyId: process.env.API_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: process.env.SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
region: process.env.REGION
uploadParams: ({ id }) => ({
Metadata: {
keystone_id: `${id}`,
// Access control functions
const userIsAdmin = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => Boolean(user && user.isAdmin);
const userOwnsItem = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => {
if (!user) {
return false;
return { id: };
const userIsCurrentAuth = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => Boolean(user); // item will be undefined for anonymous user
const userIsAdminOrOwner = auth => {
const isAdmin = access.userIsAdmin(auth);
const isOwner = access.userOwnsItem(auth);
return isAdmin ? isAdmin : isOwner;
const access = { userIsAdmin, userIsCurrentAuth, userOwnsItem, userIsAdminOrOwner };
// Read: public / Write: admin
create: access.userIsCurrentAuth,
read: true,
update: access.userIsAdminOrOwner,
delete: access.userIsAdmin,
exports.User = {
access: {
update: access.userIsCurrentAuth,
delete: access.userIsAdmin,
fields: {
name: { type: Text },
dob: {
type: CalendarDay,
format: 'do MMMM yyyy',
dateFrom: '1901-01-01',
dateTo: formatISO(new Date(), { representation: 'date' }),
phone: {
type: Text,
isUnique: true,
access: { read: access.userIsCurrentAuth },
// hooks: {
// validateInput:
// }
email: { type: Text, isUnique: true, access: { read: access.userIsCurrentAuth } },
password: { type: Password, isRequired: true },
isAdmin: { type: Checkbox, access: { update: access.userIsAdmin } },
twitterHandle: { type: Text },
image: { type: File, adapter: fileAdapter },
hooks: {
afterChange: async ({ updatedItem, existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && updatedItem.password !== existingItem.password) {
const url = process.env.SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:3000';
const props = {
signinUrl: `${url}/signin`,
const options = {
subject: 'Your password has been updated',
to: updatedItem,
from: process.env.MAILGUN_FROM,
domain: process.env.MAILGUN_DOMAIN,
apiKey: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY,
await sendEmail('password-updated.jsx', props, options);
// exports.Organiser = {
// fields: {
// user: { type: Relationship, ref: 'User' },
// order: { type: Integer },
// role: { type: Text },
// },
// };
// TODO: We can't access the existing item at the list update level yet,
// read access needs to check if event is "active" or if the user is admin
// read: ({ existingItem, authentication }) => access.userIsAdmin({ authentication }) || !!(existingItem && existingItem.status === 'active'),
exports.Post = {
fields: {
title: { type: Text },
slug: { type: Slug, from: 'title' },
author: {
type: AuthedRelationship,
ref: 'User',
isRequired: true,
access: {
read: userIsCurrentAuth,
update: userIsAdmin,
status: {
type: Select,
defaultValue: 'published',
options: [
{ label: 'Draft', value: 'draft' },
{ label: 'Published', value: 'published' },
feature: { type: Checkbox, access: { update: access.userIsAdmin } },
assured: { type: Checkbox, access: { update: access.userIsAdmin } },
posted: { type: DateTime, format: 'dd/MM/yyyy' },
categories: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'Category',
many: false,
subCategories: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'SubCategory',
many: true,
description: { type: Wysiwyg },
venue: {
type: LocationGoogle,
googleMapsKey: process.env.GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY,
// hooks: {
// resolveInput: async ({ originalInput }) => {
// try {
// const placeId = originalInput.venue;
// if (typeof placeId === 'undefined') {
// // Nothing was passed in, so we can bail early.
// return undefined;
// }
// const r = await fetch(
// `${placeId}&key=${process.env.GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY}`
// )
// const response = await r.json()
// if (response.results && response.results[0]) {
// const { place_id, formatted_address } = response.results[0];
// const { lat, lng } = response.results[0].geometry.location;
// return {
// googlePlaceID: place_id,
// formattedAddress: formatted_address,
// lat,
// lng,
// loc: {
// type: "Point",
// coordinates: [lng, lat]
// }
// };
// }
// return null;
// }
// catch (e) {
// console.log("error:", e)
// }
// },
// validateInput: async (x) => {
// console.log("---------------------------------item 2-------------------------------------- : ",x);
// },
// beforeChange: async (x) => {
// console.log("========", x)
// },
// afterChange: async (x) => {
// console.log("++++", x)
// }
// },
locationAddress: { type: Text },
locationDescription: { type: Text },
createdby: {
type: AuthedRelationship,
ref: 'User',
isRequired: true,
access: {
read: userIsCurrentAuth,
update: userIsAdmin,
image: {
type: File,
adapter: fileAdapter,
hooks: {
beforeChange: async ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && existingItem.image) {
await fileAdapter.delete(existingItem.image);
hooks: {
afterDelete: ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem.image) {
adminConfig: {
defaultPageSize: 20,
defaultColumns: 'title, status',
defaultSort: 'title',
labelResolver: item => item.title,
exports.Category = {
// access: userIsAdmin,
fields: {
name: { type: Text },
slug: { type: Slug, from: 'name' },
image: {
type: File,
adapter: fileAdapter,
hooks: {
beforeChange: async ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && existingItem.image) {
await fileAdapter.delete(existingItem.image);
exports.SubCategory = {
// access: userIsAdmin,
fields: {
name: { type: Text },
slug: { type: Slug, from: 'name' },
categories: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'Category',
many: false,
image: {
type: File,
adapter: fileAdapter,
hooks: {
beforeChange: async ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && existingItem.image) {
await fileAdapter.delete(existingItem.image);
exports.Comment = {
access: {
create: userIsCurrentAuth,
update: userIsAdminOrOwner,
fields: {
body: { type: Text, isMultiline: true },
originalPost: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'Post',
author: {
type: AuthedRelationship,
ref: 'User',
isRequired: true,
access: {
create: userIsAdmin,
update: userIsAdmin,
posted: { type: CalendarDay },
labelResolver: item => item.body,
// exports.Talk = {
// fields: {
// name: { type: Text },
// event: { type: Relationship, ref: 'Event.talks' },
// speakers: { type: Relationship, ref: 'User.talks', many: true },
// isLightningTalk: { type: Checkbox },
// description: { type: Wysiwyg },
// },
// };
// exports.Rsvp = {
// access: {
// create: true,
// read: true,
// update: ({ authentication: { item } }) => {
// if (!item) {
// return false;
// }
// return { user: { id: } };
// },
// delete: access.userIsAdmin,
// },
// fields: {
// event: { type: Relationship, ref: 'Event' },
// user: { type: Relationship, ref: 'User' },
// status: { type: Select, options: 'yes, no' },
// },
// hooks: {
// validateInput: async ({ context, resolvedData, existingItem }) => {
// const { status } = resolvedData;
// const { event: eventId } = existingItem ? existingItem : resolvedData;
// if (status === 'no') {
// return;
// }
// const { data } = await context.executeGraphQL({
// query: `query {
// event: Event(where: { id: "${eventId}" }) {
// id
// startTime
// maxRsvps
// isRsvpAvailable
// }
// allRsvps(where: { event: { id: "${eventId}" }}) {
// id
// }
// }`,
// });
// const { event, allRsvps } = data;
// if (
// !event ||
// !event.isRsvpAvailable ||
// !event.startTime ||
// new Date() > new Date(event.startTime) ||
// allRsvps.length >= event.maxRsvps
// ) {
// throw 'Error rsvping to event';
// }
// },
// },
// };
// exports.Sponsor = {
// fields: {
// name: { type: Text },
// website: { type: Text },
// logo: { type: CloudinaryImage, adapter: cloudinaryAdapter },
// },
// };
exports.ForgottenPasswordToken = {
access: {
create: true,
read: true,
update: access.userIsAdmin,
delete: access.userIsAdmin,
fields: {
user: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'User',
access: {
read: access.userIsAdmin,
token: {
type: Text,
isRequired: true,
isUnique: true,
access: {
read: access.userIsAdmin,
requestedAt: { type: DateTime, isRequired: true },
accessedAt: { type: DateTime },
expiresAt: { type: DateTime, isRequired: true },
hooks: {
afterChange: async ({ context, updatedItem, existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem) return null;
const now = new Date().toISOString();
const { errors, data } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
query GetUserAndToken($user: ID!, $now: DateTime!) {
User( where: { id: $user }) {
allForgottenPasswordTokens( where: { user: { id: $user }, expiresAt_gte: $now }) {
variables: { user: updatedItem.user.toString(), now },
if (errors) {
console.error(errors, `Unable to construct password updated email.`);
const { allForgottenPasswordTokens, User } = data;
const forgotPasswordKey = allForgottenPasswordTokens[0].token;
const url = process.env.SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:3000';
const props = {
forgotPasswordUrl: `${url}/change-password?key=${forgotPasswordKey}`,
const options = {
subject: 'Request for password reset',
from: process.env.MAILGUN_FROM,
domain: process.env.MAILGUN_DOMAIN,
apiKey: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY,
await sendEmail('forgot-password.jsx', props, options);
exports.customSchema = {
mutations: [
schema: 'startPasswordRecovery(email: String!): ForgottenPasswordToken',
resolver: async (obj, { email }, context) => {
const token = uuid();
const tokenExpiration =
parseInt(process.env.RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_EXPIRY) || 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const now =;
const requestedAt = new Date(now).toISOString();
const expiresAt = new Date(now + tokenExpiration).toISOString();
const { errors: userErrors, data: userData } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
query findUserByEmail($email: String!) {
allUsers(where: { email: $email }) {
variables: { email: email },
if (userErrors || !userData.allUsers || !userData.allUsers.length) {
`Unable to find user when trying to create forgotten password token.`
const userId = userData.allUsers[0].id;
const result = {
const { errors } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
mutation createForgottenPasswordToken(
$userId: ID!,
$token: String,
$requestedAt: DateTime,
$expiresAt: DateTime,
) {
createForgottenPasswordToken(data: {
user: { connect: { id: $userId }},
token: $token,
requestedAt: $requestedAt,
expiresAt: $expiresAt,
}) {
user {
variables: result,
if (errors) {
console.error(errors, `Unable to create forgotten password token.`);
return true;
schema: 'changePasswordWithToken(token: String!, password: String!): User',
resolver: async (obj, { token, password }, context) => {
const now =;
const { errors, data } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
query findUserFromToken($token: String!, $now: DateTime!) {
passwordTokens: allForgottenPasswordTokens(where: { token: $token, expiresAt_gte: $now }) {
user {
variables: { token, now },
if (errors || !data.passwordTokens || !data.passwordTokens.length) {
console.error(errors, `Unable to find token`);
throw errors.message;
const user = data.passwordTokens[0];
const tokenId = data.passwordTokens[0].id;
const { errors: passwordError } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `mutation UpdateUserPassword($user: ID!, $password: String!) {
updateUser(id: $user, data: { password: $password }) {
variables: { user, password },
if (passwordError) {
console.error(passwordError, `Unable to change password`);
throw passwordError.message;
await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `mutation DeletePasswordToken($tokenId: ID!) {
deleteForgottenPasswordToken(id: $tokenId) {
variables: { tokenId },
return true;
LocationGoogle is a directory of the files exactly #keystonejs/fields-location-google and small changes in its Implementation.js
const { Implementation } = require('#keystonejs/fields');
const { MongooseFieldAdapter } = require('#keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
// Disabling the getter of mongoose >= 5.1.0
class LocationGoogleImplementation extends Implementation {
constructor(_, { googleMapsKey }) {
this.graphQLOutputType = 'LocationGoogle';
if (!googleMapsKey) {
throw new Error(
'You must provide a `googleMapsKey` to LocationGoogle Field. To generate a Google Maps API please visit:'
this._googleMapsKey = googleMapsKey;
get _supportsUnique() {
return false;
extendAdminMeta(meta) {
return {
googleMapsKey: this._googleMapsKey,
gqlOutputFields() {
return [`${this.path}: ${this.graphQLOutputType}`];
gqlQueryInputFields() {
return [...this.equalityInputFields('String'), ...this.inInputFields('String')];
getGqlAuxTypes() {
return [
type Location{
coordinates: [Float]
type ${this.graphQLOutputType} {
location: Location
googlePlaceID: String
formattedAddress: String
lat: Float
lng: Float
// Called on `User.avatar` for example
gqlOutputFieldResolvers() {
return {
[this.path]: item => {
const itemValues = item[this.path];
if (!itemValues) {
return null;
return itemValues;
async resolveInput({ resolvedData }) {
const placeId = resolvedData[this.path];
// NOTE: The following two conditions could easily be combined into a
// single `if (!inputId) return inputId`, but that would lose the nuance of
// returning `undefined` vs `null`.
// Premature Optimisers; be ware!
if (typeof placeId === 'undefined') {
// Nothing was passed in, so we can bail early.
return undefined;
if (placeId === null) {
// `null` was specifically set, and we should set the field value to null
// To do that we... return `null`
return null;
const response = await fetch(
).then(r => r.json());
if (response.results && response.results[0]) {
const { place_id, formatted_address } = response.results[0];
const { lat, lng } = response.results[0].geometry.location;
return {
location: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [lng, lat]
googlePlaceID: place_id,
formattedAddress: formatted_address,
lat: lat,
lng: lng,
return null;
gqlUpdateInputFields() {
return [`${this.path}: String`];
gqlCreateInputFields() {
return [`${this.path}: String`];
getBackingTypes() {
const type = `null | {
location: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [lng, lat]
googlePlaceID: string;
formattedAddress: string;
lat: number;
lng: number;
return { [this.path]: { optional: true, type } };
const CommonLocationInterface = superclass =>
class extends superclass {
getQueryConditions(dbPath) {
return {
class MongoLocationGoogleInterface extends CommonLocationInterface(MongooseFieldAdapter) {
addToMongooseSchema(schema) {
const schemaOptions = {
type: {
location: {
type: { type: String, default: "Point" },
coordinates: [Number]
googlePlaceID: String,
formattedAddress: String,
lat: Number,
lng: Number,
[this.path]: this.mergeSchemaOptions(schemaOptions, this.config)
module.exports = {
"name": "#keystonejs/example-projects-blank",
"description": "A blank KeystoneJS starter project.",
"private": true,
"version": "5.0.15",
"author": "The KeystoneJS Development Team",
"repository": "",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.0.0"
"scripts": {
"dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development ENABLE_DEV_FEATURES=false DISABLE_LOGGING=false nodemon --exec keystone dev --harmony",
"build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production ENABLE_DEV_FEATURES=false keystone build",
"start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production keystone start",
"create-tables": "cross-env keystone create-tables"
"dependencies": {
"#arch-ui/layout": "^0.2.14",
"#arch-ui/typography": "^0.0.18",
"#keystonejs/adapter-mongoose": "^10.1.2",
"#keystonejs/app-admin-ui": "^7.3.13",
"#keystonejs/app-graphql": "^6.2.1",
"#keystonejs/auth-password": "^6.0.0",
"#keystonejs/email": "^5.2.0",
"#keystonejs/fields-authed-relationship": "^1.0.16",
"#keystonejs/fields-location-google": "^3.2.1",
"#keystonejs/fields-wysiwyg-tinymce": "^5.3.15",
"#keystonejs/file-adapters": "^7.0.8",
"#keystonejs/keystone": "^18.1.0",
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
"date-fns": "^2.16.1",
"dotenv": "^8.2.0",
"google-maps-react": "^2.0.6",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
"react": "^16.14.0",
"react-dom": "^16.14.0",
"uuid": "^8.3.2"
"devDependencies": {
"nodemon": "^2.0.7"
The Error screenshot attached bellow

Mongoose async requests managment

I'm actually trying to convert mongodb references into those references' documents value (info.value) using mongoose in javascript.
Tried that by using map, for/forEach, and nothing did the job since mongoose requests are async.
Not really used to this kind of code, I feel a bit lost after all those things I tried.
Maybe someone would like to give me a hint about this by taking a look at the code below.
Just for information, no need to worry about loading templates, connecting to mongo, ... since everything else is working just fine.
That's the closest I got to the expected result, but still, it throws me errors when I try to "console.log(cond[c]);/console.log(info);" (cond[c] and info are null and undefined)
Well this function also needs to be prepared to be recursive since I plan to put sub-blocks in the "content" property of the bloc objects.
Thanks a lot for your time guys.
// Input condition
"H1Vf3KTef || false"
// Expected result
"1 || false"
// Buggy Function
var execIfBlock = function recursExec (query, callback) {
IfBlockModel.findOne(query, function(err, ifBlock) {
if (!err) {
var cond = ifBlock.condition.split(" ");
//console.log('Block : ' + ifBlock);
//console.log('Condition : ' + cond);
var calls = new Array();
for (var c = 0, len = cond.length; c < len; c++) {
if (shortId.isValid(cond[c])) {
calls.push(function() {
InfoModel.findOne({ _id: cond[c] }, function(err, info) {
cond[c] = info.value;
async.parallel(calls, function(err, result) {
// Do some job using the final expected result : "1 || false"
// Info template
"_id": "H1Vf3KTef",
"value": "1"
// Bloc template
"_id": "rkRBtLTef",
"content": [],
"condition": "H1Vf3KTef || false"
// Info schema
var InfoSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: String, unique: true, required: true, default: shortId.generate },
value: { type: String, default: "0" }
// Bloc schema
var IfBlockSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: String, unique: true, required: true, default: shortId.generate },
condition: { type: String, required: true, default: true },
content: [{ type: String, required: true, default: '', ref: 'block' }]
Use promises and break your code in small functions :
var execIfBlock = function recursExec(query, callback) {
IfBlockModel.findOne(query, function (err, ifBlock) {
if (!err) {
var cond = ifBlock.condition.split(" ");
.then(values => {
console.log(values) // [values1, values ,...]
function updateMultipeInfo(cond){
return Promise.all(
function updateInfo(id){
if (shortId.isValid(id)) {
return InfoModel
.findOne({ _id: id })
.then(info => info.value);
} else {
return Promise.reject("invalid id");

How to perform update in mongoose

I am trying to update my record,but its not happening in my case and i am not sure about the case where it went rong,can any one suggest me help.Thanks
My mongoose code,
exports.updatestudent = function (req, res) {
var student = new Student(req.body);
var data = {};
var id = req.params;
var params = req.body;
var item = {
'rollnumber': params.rollnumber,
'class': params.class,
Student.update({ _id: id },{ $set: item }, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
if (result) {
data = { status: 'success', error_code: 0, result: result, message: 'Article updated successfully' };
my schema,
var StudentSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
rollnumber: {
type: String
class: {
type: String
city: {
type: String
status: {
type: String
_id: {
type: Schema.ObjectId
* Hook a pre validate method to test the local password
mongoose.model('student', StudentSchema, 'student');
my result in postman,
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"result": {
"ok": 0,
"n": 0,
"nModified": 0
"message": "Article updated successfully"
I am trying to update my record,but its not happening in my case and i am not sure about the case where it went rong,can any one suggest me help.Thanks
It seems you forgot to specify the key.
var id = req.params;
var id =;
Make sure that you are getting your id in var id = req.params;
And I am sure you will not get your id like this
check your req.params; values and give your correct id in the query
var item = {};
if ( { =;
if (params.rollnumber) {
item.rollnumber = params.rollnumber
_id: id
}, {
$set: item
}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
if (result) {
data = {
status: 'success',
error_code: 0,
result: result,
message: 'Article updated successfully'

Non mapped properties - Sequelize

The supports are: React, Redux and Sequelize.
Basically I want to be able to mark an object as being dirty when the Redux store gets updated.
function updateCar(carToUpdate, car) {
switch(car[1]) {
case "models":
carToUpdate.models = car[3];
Then when someone clicks a save button, I want to only update those models that have their dirty flag set to true
var state = request.body;
state.forEach(function (car) {
if (car && car.isDirty) {
Now I have following model for the car:
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var Cars = sequelize.define('Cars',
name: DataTypes.STRING,
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
models: DataTypes.INTEGER,
//Next is NOT working, this does not make it non-mapped
isDirty: {
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
scope: false
classMethods: {
associate: function (models) {
// associations can be defined here
instanceMethods: {
setDirty: function() {
this.isDirty = true;
return Cars;
Anyone who has experience with non-mapped fields or something similar?
Found it eventually.
The model of the car should contain a VIRTUAL property:
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var Cars = sequelize.define('Cars',
name: DataTypes.STRING,
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
models: DataTypes.INTEGER,
isDirty: {
type: DataTypes.VIRTUAL
classMethods: {
associate: function (models) {
// associations can be defined here
return Cars;
Next the flag should be set when updating the values:
function updateCar(carToUpdate, car) {
switch(car[1]) {
case "models":
carToUpdate.models = car[3];
carToUpdate.isDirty = true;
Then the save method can check the isDirty flag
var state = request.body;
state.forEach(function (car) {
if (car && car.isDirty) {
console.log( +": "+ car.isDirty);
}, this);
Last but not least, we reset the isDirty flag to false so we do not update the same models over and over.
var save = function () {
var state = carStore.getState();
return $.ajax({
url: "/Cars/update",
data: JSON.stringify(state),
method: "POST",
contentType: "application/json"
}).then(function() {
type: 'resetDirty',
data: null
And the dispatch method for resetting the flag:
function updateReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'load':
case 'update':
return updateCars(action.carChanges, state);
case 'resetDirty':
return resetDirtyFlags(state);
function resetDirtyFlags(state) {
var newState = $.extend(true, [], state);
if(state) {
newState.forEach(function(car) {
car.isDirty = false;
}, this);
return newState;
return newState;
