I'm trying make a transformer classification model by PyTorch and the input is torch.FloatTensor(float data). But, I'm getting hard time with dealing embedding layer since the data is float tensor, it's hard to choose vocal size. Moreover, even I use embedding layer by passing the input as long type, during training CUDA error: device-side assert triggered occurs which seems to be from out of range of the input. Is there any way to build transformer classifier that can get float data as input?
I'm not sure that the problem is the tensor type, you can try some simple code like:
import torch
from torch.nn import Transformer
model = Transformer().cuda()
src = torch.rand((10, 32, 512)).float().cuda()
tgt = torch.rand((20, 32, 512)).float().cuda()
print(model(src, tgt).shape)
and see that the output is correct as: torch.Size([20, 32, 512]). Please check out:
Inconsistency between the number of labels/classes and the number of output units
The input of the loss function may be incorrect.
Apologies in advance.
I am attempting to recreate this CNN (from the Keras Code Examples), with another dataset.
The dataset I am using is one for retinal scans, and classifies images on a scale from 0-4. So, it's a multi-label image classification.
The Keras example used is binary classification (cats v dogs), though I would have hoped it wouldn't make much difference (maybe this is a big assumption on my part).
I skipped the 'image augmentation' part of the walkthrough. So, I have not created the
data_augmentation = keras.Sequential(
part. So, instead of:
def make_model(input_shape, num_classes):
inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape)
# Image augmentation block
x = data_augmentation(inputs)
# Entry block
x = layers.Rescaling(1.0 / 255)(x)
at the beginning of the model, I have:
def make_model(input_shape, num_classes):
inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape)
# Image augmentation block
x = keras.Sequential(inputs)
# Entry block
x = layers.Rescaling(1.0 / 255)(x)
However I keep getting different errors no matter how much I try to change things around, such as "TypeError: Keras symbolic inputs/outputs do not implement __len__.", or "ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "rescaling_3" (type Rescaling).".
What am I missing here?
I have two sequential models that both do a pretty good job of classifying audio. One uses mfccs and the other wave forms. I am now trying to combine them into a third functional API model using one of the later Dense layers from each of the mfcc and wave form models. The example about how to get the intermediate layers in the Keras FAQ is not working for me (https://keras.io/getting-started/faq/#how-can-i-obtain-the-output-of-an-intermediate-layer).
Here is my code:
mfcc_model = load_model(S01_model_local_loc)
waveform_model = load_model(T01_model_local_loc)
mfcc_input = Input(shape=(79,30,1))
mfcc_model_as_layer = Model(inputs=mfcc_model.input,
outputs=mfcc_model.get_layer(name = 'dense_9').output)
waveform_input = Input(shape=(40000,1))
waveform_model_as_layer = Model(inputs=waveform_model.input,
outputs=waveform_model.get_layer(name = 'dense_2').output)
concatenated_1024 = concatenate([mfcc_model_as_layer, waveform_model_as_layer])
model_pred = layers.Dense(2, activation='sigmoid')(concatenated_1024)
uber_model = Model(inputs=[mfcc_input,waveform_input], outputs=model_pred)
This throws the error:
AttributeError: Layer sequential_5 has multiple inbound nodes, hence the notion of "layer input" is ill-defined. Use get_input_at(node_index) instead.
Changing the inputs to the first two Model statements to inputs=mfcc_model.get_input_at(1) and inputs=waveform_model.get_input_at(1) solves that error message, but I then get this error message:
ValueError: Graph disconnected: cannot obtain value for tensor Tensor("dropout_21_input:0", shape=(?, 79, 30, 1), dtype=float32) at layer "dropout_21_input". The following previous layers were accessed without issue: []
If I remove the .get_layer statements and just take the final output of the model the graph connects nicely.
What do I need to do to just get the output of the Dense layers that I want?
Update: I found a really hacky way of getting what I want. I pop'ed off the layers of the mfcc and wave form models until the output layers were what I wanted. Then the code below seems to work. I'd love to know the right way to do this!
mfcc_input = Input(shape=(79,30,1))
waveform_input = Input(shape=(40000,1))
mfcc_model_as_layer = mfcc_model(mfcc_input)
waveform_model_as_layer = waveform_model(waveform_input)
concatenated_1024 = concatenate([mfcc_model_as_layer, waveform_model_as_layer])
model_pred = layers.Dense(2, activation='sigmoid')(concatenated_1024)
test_model = Model(inputs=[mfcc_input,waveform_input], outputs=model_pred)
I learn collaborative filtering from this bolg, Deep Learning With Keras: Recommender Systems.
The tutorial is good, and the code working well. Here is my code.
There is one thing confuse me, the author said,
The user/movie fields are currently non-sequential integers representing some unique ID for that entity. We need them to be sequential starting at zero to use for modeling (you'll see why later).
user_enc = LabelEncoder()
ratings['user'] = user_enc.fit_transform(ratings['userId'].values)
n_users = ratings['user'].nunique()
But he didn't seem to metion the reason, I don't why need to do that.Can some one explain for me?
Embeddings are assumed to be sequential.
The first input of Embedding is the input dimension.
So, if the input exceeds the input dimension the value is ignored.
Embedding assumes that max value in the input is input dimension -1 (it starts from 0).
As an example, the following code will generate embeddings only for input [4,3] and will skip the input [7, 8] since input dimension is 5.
I think it is more clear to explain it with tensorflow;
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Embedding
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(5, 1, input_length=2))
input_array = np.array([[4,3], [7,8]])
model.compile('rmsprop', 'mse')
output_array = model.predict(input_array)
You can increase the input dimension to 9 and then you will get embeddings for both inputs.
You could increase the input dimension to max number + 1 in the original data set, but this is not efficient.
It is actually similar to one-hot encoding where sequential data saves great amount of memory.
I would like to know if Keras can be used as an interface to TensoFlow for only doing computation on my GPU.
I tested TF directly on my GPU. But for ML purposes, I started using Keras, including the backend. I would find it 'comfortable' to do all my stuff in Keras instead of Using two tools.
This is also a matter of curiosity.
I found some examples like this one:
However this example does not actually do the calculation.
It also does not get input data.
I duplicate the snippet here:
from keras import backend as K
a = K.ones((3,4))
b = K.ones((4,5))
c = K.dot(a, b)
I would simply like to know if I can get the result numbers from this snippet above, and how?
Keras doesn't have an eager mode like Tensorflow, and it depends on models or functions with "placeholders" to receive and output data.
So, it's a little more complicated than Tensorflow to do basic calculations like this.
So, the most user friendly solution would be creating a dummy model with one Lambda layer. (And be careful with the first dimension that Keras will insist to understand as a batch dimension and require that input and output have the same batch size)
def your_function_here(inputs):
#if you have more than one tensor for the inputs, it's a list:
input1, input2, input3 = inputs
#if you don't have a batch, you should probably have a first dimension = 1 and get
input1 = input1[0]
#do your calculations here
#if you used the batch_size=1 workaround as above, add this dimension again:
output = K.expand_dims(output,0)
return output
Create your model:
inputs = Input(input_shape)
#maybe inputs2 ....
outputs = Lambda(your_function_here)(list_of_inputs)
#maybe outputs2
model = Model(inputs, outputs)
And use it to predict the result:
I am new to Keras and I created my own tf_idf sentence embeddings with shape (no_sentences, embedding_dim). I am trying to add this matrix as input to an LSTM layer. My network looks something like this:
q1_tfidf = Input(name='q1_tfidf', shape=(max_sent, 300))
q2_tfidf = Input(name='q2_tfidf', shape=(max_sent, 300))
q1_tfidf = LSTM(100)(q1_tfidf)
q2_tfidf = LSTM(100)(q2_tfidf)
distance2 = Lambda(preprocessing.exponent_neg_manhattan_distance, output_shape=preprocessing.get_shape)(
[q1_tfidf, q2_tfidf])
I'm struggling with how the matrix should be shaped. I am getting this error:
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected q1_tfidf to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (384348, 300)
I already checked this post: Sentence Embedding Keras but still can't figure it out. It seems like I'm missing something obvious.
Any idea how to do this?
Ok as far as I understood, you want to predict the difference between two sentences.
What about reusing the LSTM layer (the language model should be the same) and just learn a single sentence embedding and use it twice:
q1_tfidf = Input(name='q1_tfidf', shape=(max_sent, 300))
q2_tfidf = Input(name='q2_tfidf', shape=(max_sent, 300))
lstm = LSTM(100)
lstm_out_q1= lstm (q1_tfidf)
lstm_out_q2= lstm (q2_tfidf)
predict = concatenate([lstm_out_q1, lstm_out_q2])
model = Model(inputs=[q1_tfidf ,q1_tfidf ], outputs=predict)
predict = concatenate([q1_tfidf , q2_tfidf])
You could also introduce your custom distance in an additional lambda layer, but therefore you need to use a different reshaping in concatenation.