Stripe webhook circular reference - stripe-payments

I'm subscribed to stripe webhook charge.refund.updated event. On that event, I need to attach specific metadata to stripe refund entity (accounting needs this data in stripe exports so I need it there), but this causes same charge.refund.updated event being called again, which causes circular requests.
Only solution I'm thinking of right now is to add some kind of additional ignore field to metadata and then just ignore webhook if that value is true, but I don't really like that solution because it would persist on the refund entity, and if something actually did change on refund, my handler would ignore it.
I guess the best option would be something like stripe.refunds.update(..., { ignoreWebhook: true }), but that's not an option because API doesn't support anything like that (as far as I've investigated).

It’s recommended that you need to design your webhook endpoint to treat duplicates events. Because regardless of your circular call on Charge updates, Stripe occasionally sends the same event more than once [1]. One of the solutions: is to log the event you’ve processed and then not process already-logged events.
In your case, you can add a metadata that contains a version number of the charge. Something like this:
1 - Received an event charge.refund.updated
2- Add your logic along with another version of metadata.
3- You log the charge id, version any other field you are basing your logic while adding metadata (example: status)
4- You’ll receive another event charge.refund.updated, you check if you have already treated that charge based on what you logged already (id, version, status…)
Meanwhile, if you hit the same update charge request API [3] multiple times, only one webhook event is triggered you can test it on your own.


Best way to handle one-time payments with STRIPE webhooks in nodeJS

I am using STRIPE as my payment processor, in an REACT + nodeJS app. I already have something that already works, but I would like some feedback, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
So... I have this Redirect-To-Checkout functionality thats made available by STRIPE, basically I redirect the user to this STRIPE page where all card-data (sensitive information) is processes in order for the payment to full-fill.
What I do in my nodeJS server part is the following:
Once the user acces the redirect to check-out page, I already create a PendingOrder, with the products selected by client (Here I save some information based on client/stripe payment-intent, in order to check in later steps)
Once webhook gives me the 'payment_intent.succeeded' I check for the payment-intent information to see if it exists in my PendingOrder collection, then proceed to add in to ConfirmedOrders and remove it from PendingOrders.
I have to do this whole process because Stripe no longer gives me access to some information I require when the user is checking-out his order(such as observation that the user has based on the type of service he chooses).
Are there any down-sides to this approach or is there any other way to do it?
Thanks in advance!
You’re not really far from the best practices that Stripe recommends here. The only thing that I would change is listening to checkout.session.completed instead of the payment_intent.succeeded event. As of the latest API version, a PaymentIntent is no longer created upfront so a better to way to handle order fulfillment is to either store the Checkout Session ID (e.g. cs_live_xxx) or you could add some metadata when creating the Checkout Session and use that instead to identify the order.
I have to do this whole process because Stripe no longer gives me access to some information I require when the user is checking-out his order
As for this, I’m not sure what you mean, you can always use your app with the success page customization described here alongside webhooks. I wouldn’t use that to fulfill the order though since the user might close the page before the redirection completes which means that the fulfillment wouldn’t be done in that case. As such, webhooks are essential to order fulfillment.

Stripe: Get total successfully paid invoices count

I'm using stripe for subscription. Where i need to fire an event after 3 successfully charges.
For this i am using invoice.payment_succeeded webhook.
But there is no key which specify the number of this recurring payment means whether it is first or second or nth charge. So how could i get the number of successfully payment made on a subscription.
You can call the API endpoint with the customer's ID, the status parameter set to paid and optionally, the subscription parameter and then count how many invoices were returned.
There are some other parameters, like limit, starting_after, etc. that you can send it too.
The invoice.payment_succeeded webhook sends the invoice object in the data.object field so you should be able to get the customer and subscription values from it.
I'd recommend doing the invoices call asynchronously to ensure that the webhook call doesn't time out.
FYI there is an expand to it, like with the current node api;
const ret = await stripe.invoices.list(
expand: ["total_count"],
limit: 0,
It can be called with ${url}?expand[]=total_count&limit=0 too, if you need to write it by hand.
I did not found this in the documentation, but some libs using it, and it is indeed works. (But be careful, if it is not documented it could stop working too.)
Here is the docs;
Yes, as it is stated in the answer by D Malan, you can use the endpoint.
Though there is one thing to keep in mind when retrieving data from Stripe.
You can only get 100 items per call. Therefore, if you had recurring payment that generates more than 100 invoices after some time, you wouldn't be able to get the total count in one call. I suggest storing invoices/payment intents to your database and then using your DB engine to count the results.
Keep in mind that you should listen to invoice.payment_succeeded event in order to keep your database in sync, if you store the invoice or payment intent beforehand, while its status is not paid or succeeded, respectively.

Will Square webhook subscriptions tied to merchant ID (not location ID) work reliably?

The Square documentation for updating webhook events shows this URL format: PUT /v1/{location_id}/webhooks. However, creating a webhook event listener for every merchant location could be a lot of separate API requests, and it would be far easier to use the merchant_id instead of the location_id (even though this is not documented) and make one request for each merchant.
Attempting to do this actually works - when I PUT /v1/{merchant_id}/webhooks the webhook is saved in Square and transactions for any of that merchant's locations successfully send the webhook.
My question is, since this is undocumented (although it works) is it safe to rely on this approach?
While it may work currently, since it's undocumented, the behavior may change in the future and cause unintended side-effects. I strongly encourage you to follow the current documentation for subscribing to webhooks.

How to avoid circular Updates in 2-Way-Sync / Determine that list event is caused by skill itself?

The Alexa List API FAQ says as follows:
How can a developer determine that an event has been triggered due to their skill?
Consider this scenario:
The customer creates a to-do in the app.
The skill service uses the Skill Messaging API to send a message to the skill to create a list item in Alexa.
The skill receives the Skill Messaging API message and POSTs to householdlist and list items.
In response to the POST, the skill service records the alexa_item_id locally. An ItemsCreate event also occurs as a list item was just created. Alexa triggers an event even if a list item is created by calling List API. Skill developers can use the item_id value returned by CreateListItem to uniquely identify an item.
Now my question:
Is there any more precise information / sample on that? (I am still new to node.js and alexa development)
In my current skill implementation (AWS Lambda endpoint) list elements are added via ask list API which results in return in receiving the ItemsCreated event a few seconds later in the same lambda.
Currently I cannot filter out events like that which results in en endless circular update loop. The same is true for delete events while it stops after the first try here.
How can I determine that I can skip this event?
Where/how shall I store/cache this (e.g. the item_id mentioned above) information?
How do I get to this information seconds later (while other users may have called into the lambda meanwhile)?
Both happens out of session.
Seems there is no built-in way to achieve that.
From the FAQ I conclude that I need my own persistency (e.g. dynamoDB) and store item_id / user_id there in order to check the events.
If any concerns or any easier way applicable - please let me know.
Ok You must use the Api with webhook
so, for any webhook event comes from system A , you must do a request api to the system B to get the data about this Item e.g
then you must compare the data which come by webhook and the data that return from api , if no difference then stop
else continue in effecting in the System B

Getting notification of sales/refunds done through Square POS/Connect

I would like to integrate my web application with the Square POS.
The goal would be to be notified each time a transaction (sale/refund/etc) is processed by Square for an account so that I can update inventory levels etc, ultimately so I can update inventory levels as transactions occur.
From what I can tell, it seems that the Square API's seem to be designed around my application initiating the transaction, then handing off to Square to process the payment. I simply want to be notified that a transaction has happened so that I can update inventory.
Is it possible to do this? Or is the Square API just for processing payments?
edit: After some more reading, I still haven't found a webhook to be notified, but it looks like I can ListTransactions, and RetrieveTransaction, so if I poll I should be ok.
You’re correct. Square’s API Webhooks will be what you’ll use to be notified each time a transaction is created or updated. We have a quick setup guide available in Square’s Developer Doc (
The PAYMENT_UPDATED webhook will alert you every time a payment is made, so that you can update your inventory.
