Identify short signal peaks with rolling time frame in python - python-3.x

I am trying to identify all peaks from my sensor readings data. The smallest peak can be lesser than 10 amplitude and largest can be more than 400 amplitude. The rolling time window is not fixed as one peak can arrive in 6 hours vs second one in another 3 hours. I tried wavelet transform and python peak identification but that is only working for higher peaks. How do I resolve this? Here is signal image link, all peaks in Grey color I am identifying and in blue is my algorithm

Welcome to SO.
It is hard to provide you with a detailed answer without knowing your data's sampling rate and the duration of the peaks. From what I see in your example image they seem all over the place!
I don't think that wavelets will be of any use for your problem.
A recipe that I like to use to despike data is:
Smooth your input data using a median filter (a 11 points median filter generally does the trick for me): smoothed=scipy.signal.medfilt(data, window_len=11)
Compute a noise array by subtracting smoothed from data: noise=data-smoothed
Create a despiked_data array from data:
np.copyto(despiked_data, data)
Then every time the noise exceeds a user defined threshold (mythreshold), replace the corresponding value in despiked_data with nan values: despiked_data[np.abs(noise)>mythreshold]=np.nan
You may later interpolate the output despiked_data array but if your intent is simply to identify the spikes, you don't even need to run this extra step.


Calculate center frequency for a given signal in frequency domain

I have a signal (points in frequency domain (nanometers, then converted to tera hertz; along with magnitude level in mW). My signal looks like the attached pic. I would like to know a way to calculate the center frequency.
One theory suggests finding the -3dB cutoff frequencies on both ends. However, I could not find how to do that. So, please tell me how to calculate the -3dB cutoff frequencies so that I can apply te following formula- (f1+f2)/2
or suggest me a better way of finding the center frequency.
You could perform this measurement as an OBW measurement. - 3dB is when you half the total signal power by 50%. (in Watts)
The way to do it manually is to get the whole signal spectrum in an excel table, for example 1000 points, measure the total power, Ptot, and start adding the power by the lowest frequency until you reach 25% of Ptot. The frequency at that point will be Flow. Do the same, but starting from the top frequency until you reach 25% of Ptot. it will be Fhigh. The center will be (Flow + Fhigh)/2.
Sorry if it's not very clear but if you look for OBW measurements You should find better explanations on the net. Most of modern spectrum analyzers have this function built in.

How to identify shot boundary of a video using a threshold value in python opencv?

I want to implement code for shot boundary detection. The difference measure is the sum of the absolute bin-wise histogram differences. A shot boundary is
declared if the histogram difference between consecutive frames exceeds a threshold.
But i was unable to implement it.
It would be great if anyone can help me on this.
You can use cv2.calHist:
hist = cv2.calcHist([img],[0],None,[256],[0,256])
to calculate the histograms to the current and previous frames
Since the histograms are of the same size, you can take the absolute value of the difference(numpy.abs()), and then take the sum (np.sum()) to calculate the difference measure.
Caution: in practice, it takes a lot of experimenting to come up with the right bin count and the threshold for shot detection.

Reducing a FFT spectrum range

I am currently running Python's Numpy fft on 44100Hz audio samples which gives me a working frequency range of 0Hz - 22050Hz (thanks Nyquist). Once I use fft on those time domain values, I have 128 points in my fft spectrum giving me 172Hz for each frequency bin size.
I would like to tighten the frequency bin to 86Hz and still keep to only 128 fft points, instead of increasing my fft count to 256 through an adjustment on how I'm creating my samples.
The question I have is whether or not this is theoretically possible. My thought would be to run fft on any Hz values between 0Hz to 11025Hz only. I don't care about anything above that anyway. This would cut my working spectrum in half and put my frequency bins at 86Hz and while keeping to my 128 spectrum bins. Perhaps this can be accomplished via a window function in the time domain?
Currently the code I'm using to create my samples and then convert to fft is:
import numpy as np
sample_rate = 44100
chunk = 128
record_seconds = 2
stream =, channels=1,
rate=sample_rate, input=True, frames_per_buffer=6300)
sample_list = []
for i in range(0, int(sample_rate / chunk * record_seconds)):
data =
sample_list.append(np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.int16))
### then later ###:
for samp in sample_list:
samp_fft = np.fft.fft(samp) ...
I hope I worded this clearly enough. Let me know if I need to adjust my explanation or terminology.
What you are asking for is not possible. As you mentioned in a comment you require a short time window. I assume this is because you're trying to detect when a signal arrives at a certain frequency (as I've answered your earlier question on the subject) and you want the detection to be time sensitive. However, it seems your bin size is too large for your requirements.
There are only two ways to decrease the bin size. 1) Increase the length of the FFT. Unfortunately this also means that it will take longer to acquire the data. 2) lower the sample rate (either by sample rate conversion or at the hardware level) but since the samples arrive slower it will also take longer to acquire the data.
I'm going to suggest to you a 3rd option (from what I've gleaned from this and your other questions is possibly a better solution) which is: Perform the frequency detection in the time domain. What this would require is a time-domain bandpass filter followed by an RMS meter. Implementation wise this would be one or more biquad filters that you could implement in python for the filter - there are probably implementations already available. The tricky part would be designing the filter but I'd be happy to help you in chat. The RMS meter is basically taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the output samples from the filter.
Doubling the size of the FFT would be the obvious thing to do, but if there is a good reason why you can't do this then consider 2x downsampling prior to the FFT to get the effective sample rate down to 22050 Hz:
- Apply low pass filter with cut off at 11 kHz
- Discard every other sample from filtered output
- Apply FFT to down-sampled data
If you are not trying to resolve between close adjacent frequency peaks or noise, then, to half the frequency bin spacing, you can zero-pad your data to double the FFT length, without having to wait for more data. Then, if you only want the lower half of the frequency range 0..Fs/2, just throw away the middle half of the FFT result vector (which is usually far more efficient than trying to compute the lower half of the frequency range via non-FFT means).
Note that zero-padding gives the same result as high-quality interpolation (as in smoothing a plot of the original FFT result points). It does not increase peak separation resolution, but might make it easier to pick out more precise peak locations in the plot if the noise level is low enough.

Determining Note Durations based on Onset Locations

I have a question regarding how to determine the Duration of notes given their Onset Locations.
So for example, I have an array of amplitude values (containing short) and another array of the same size, that contains a 1 if a note onset is detected, and a 0 if not. So basically, the distance between each 1 will be used to determine the duration.
How can I do this? I know that I have to use the Sample Rate and other attributes of the audio data, but is there a particular formula that I can use?
Thank you!
So you are starting with a list of ONSETS, what you are really looking for is a list of OFFSETS.
There are many methods for onset detection (here is a paper on it)
many of the same methods can be applied to Offset Detection:
Since the onset is marked by an INCREASE in spectral content you can measure a decrease in Spectral content.
take a reasonable time window before and after your onset. (.25-.5s)
Chop up the window into smaller segments and take 50% overlapping Fourier transforms.
compute the difference between the fourier co-efficient between two successive windows decreases and only allow negative changes in SD.
multiple your results by -1.
pick the peaks off of the results
Voila, offsets.
(look at page 7 of the paper listed above for more detail about spectrial difference function, you can apply a modified (as above) version of it_
Well, if your samplerate in Hz is fs, then the time between two nodes is equal to
1/fs * <number of zeros between the two node-ones>
Very simple :-)

"Winamp style" spectrum analyzer

I have a program that plots the spectrum analysis (Amp/Freq) of a signal, which is preety much the DFT converted to polar. However, this is not exactly the sort of graph that, say, winamp (right at the top-left corner), or effectively any other audio software plots. I am not really sure what is this sort of graph called (if it has a distinct name at all), so I am not sure what to look for.
I am preety positive about the frequency axis being base two exponential, the amplitude axis puzzles me though.
Any pointers?
Actually an interesting question. I know what you are saying; the frequency axis is certainly logarithmic. But what about the amplitude? In response to another poster, the amplitude can't simply be in units of dB alone, because dB has no concept of zero. This introduces the idea of quantization error, SNR, and dynamic range.
Assume that the received digitized (i.e., discrete time and discrete amplitude) time-domain signal, x[n], is equal to s[n] + e[n], where s[n] is the transmitted discrete-time signal (i.e., continuous amplitude) and e[n] is the quantization error. Suppose x[n] is represented with b bits, and for simplicity, takes values in [0,1). Then the maximum peak-to-peak amplitude of e[n] is one quantization level, i.e., 2^{-b}.
The dynamic range is the defined to be, in decibels, 20 log10 (max peak-to-peak |s[n]|)/(max peak-to-peak |e[n]|) = 20 log10 1/(2^{-b}) = 20b log10 2 = 6.02b dB. For 16-bit audio, the dynamic range is 96 dB. For 8-bit audio, the dynamic range is 48 dB.
So how might Winamp plot amplitude? My guesses:
The minimum amplitude is assumed to be -6.02b dB, and the maximum amplitude is 0 dB. Visually, Winamp draws the window with these thresholds in mind.
Another nonlinear map, such as log(1+X), is used. This function is always nonnegative, and when X is large, it approximates log(X).
Any other experts out there who know? Let me know what you think. I'm interested, too, exactly how this is implemented.
To generate a power spectrum you need to do the following steps:
apply window function to time domain data (e.g. Hanning window)
compute FFT
calculate log of FFT bin magnitudes for N/2 points of FFT (typically 10 * log10(re * re + im * im))
This gives log magnitude (i.e. dB) versus linear frequency.
If you also want a log frequency scale then you will need to accumulate the magnitude from appropriate ranges of bins (and you will need a fairly large FFT to start with).
Well I'm not 100% sure what you mean but surely its just bucketing the data from an FFT?
If you want to get the data such that you have (for a 44Khz file) frequency points at 22Khz, 11Khz 5.5Khz etc then you could use a wavelet decomposition, i guess ...
This thread may help ya a bit ...
Converting an FFT to a spectogram
Same sort of information as a spectrogram I'd guess ...
What you need is power spectrum graph. You have to compute DFT of your signal's current window. Then square each value.
